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Letter From Swiss Guarantor For Schengen

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MIL is going to visit her family in Switzerland, but requires the letter from the Guarantor in Switzerland that needs to be sent to the local Amt in Zurich, has anyone got a copy or a link.

There was a link on the Swiss Embassy website but it leads to nothing.

If my MIL's sister has taken Swiss nationality, then I suppose the letter is then not required as she would not have to fill in questions 31 to 33 inclusive.

Or if she is my MIL is she counted as a "dependant ascendant"


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The guarantoor's letter is a free-form letter that must be signed by the guarantoor and sent to the embassy. What I did on previous occasions was saying:

I, xxx xxx, citicen of Switzerland, birthday nn.nn.yyyy, from "Heimatort" herewith guarantee

- the visitor is living in my house (or I pay for the hotel)

- I guarantee for all cost of living

- I guarantee for all medical cost that might not be covered by the required insurance

- I guarantee that no overstay and VISA violations will happen

then I add where from I know the visitor, for how long, how many times I was visitied without any violations etc.

Embassy will then decide whether to trust my letter (they can see it as an affidavit) or whether they will require the official guarantee form to be processed:

- the guarantee form will be given to the Visa applicant to send to the guarantor.

- the guarantor must fill it out, give it to the local authority (normally Einwohnerkontrolle => residency department of the city the guarantor lives in)

- the city will check the last income tax forms, whether taxes are paid, whether there are any unusual debts on the income tax filing)

- the form will be sent to the district Visa department (depending on the Kanton can be differen authorities, i.e. in Aargau it is the Migrationsamt)

- the district Visa department will send it back to the Swiss embassy with a recommendation about the Visa approval / denial

I don't know whether it is a rule, but I realized in the past that the official guarantee check had to be renewed every 3 years. Be aware that this process described above can take 4-6 weeks (normally stated on the Embassy web site), but by entering the guarantee form personally with your local Einwohnerkontrolle and few very nice telephones with the discrict migration department, I normally shortend the process to two weeks.

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Have done some more googling but also can't find the form anymore. What I found however on the homepage of the EDA is this text:

Die Verpflichtungserklärung (ehemals Garantieerklärung) ist ein offizielles Dokument, welches ausschliesslich durch die Schweizer Vertretungen nach Einreichen eines Visumantrags (sofern eine Garantie als notwendig erachtet wird) ausgehändigt wird.Somit verfügen wir über kein Muster. Eventuell kann Ihnen die zuständige Schweizer Vertretung weiterhelfen.Das Einladungsschreiben, welches auch verlangt werden kann, wird vom Gastgeber in der Schweiz verfasst und ist formlos, sollte aber Aufenthaltszweck, Dauer des Aufenthalts und Angaben dazu enthalten, wer für den Aufenthalt in der Schweiz aufkommt.

This explains why you don't find the form any more. Hope this hels you and - to the Admins - sorry for not translating this to English

Edited by Swiss1960
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Microsoft translator comes up with:-

The Declaration of commitment (formerly warranty) is an official document which is issued exclusively by the Swiss representations after submitting a visa application (unless a guarantee necessary is considered to be).Thus, we have no pattern. May be, the competent Swiss representation can help you.The letter of invitation, which may also be required, is written by the host in the Switzerland and is informal, but the purpose should, duration of stay and contain information about who comes up for the stay in the Switzerland.

The forum rules do say "English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed." but on this occasion an exception can be made.

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