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Love Thailand Party Leader Chuwit: No Massage Parlor Near Schools


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Chuwit: No Massage Parlor Near Schools

The Love Thailand Party leader held a press conference against a famous massage parlor located near a school in Ratchadapisek District.

Love Thailand Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit held a press conference yesterday in front of Trium Udom Suksa Pattanakarn School on Ratchadapisek Road.

He fired at the high-ranking police officer who allowed the massage parlor Elina to reopen opposite the school, saying that it's unlawful and school children will be swayed by bad influences.

He added that he campaigned against Elina seven years ago, which led to the closure of the parlor.

After that Chuwit interviewed students about the massage parlor near their school.

In response, the Elina owner, Prasert Sukkhee, also known as Kolak, showed up and rebuked Chuwit.

Prasert said back during the days when Chuwit was the former owner of the 'Honolulu' massage parlor has asked a permission to use the temple gate as another entrance.

Prasert stated that Chuwit would like to play a high profile in the matter to increase his popularity.

In addition, Prasert demanded that if Chuwit sold all of his parlor businesses before becoming an MP, then he must prove that he paid taxes legally.

Chuwit did not strike back but left the scene immediately.

Prasert insisted that he has struggled for seven years to reopen the parlor.

He stated that his business is legal, since it is located more than 150 meters from the school as stipulated by the law.

Moreover, he said he may file a charge against Chuwit for tarnishing his reputation, after a discussion with his lawyer.


-- Tan Network 2011-12-07


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Massage tycoons fallout continues. This story seemed to amuse the Thai people who were watching it last night where I was. Although it seems Chuwit's campaigning and brash style are enjoyed, it also seems his reputation and motivations are not viewed nearly so highly

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If someone has no right to speak about massage parlors it is the hypocrite of mister Chuwit. Chuwit himself enslaved hundreds of poor rural girls into the sex trade. So before he ventilates his opinion, he should go to the bank withdraw all of his money, sell all of his property and compensate the 12, 13 , 14 15, and 16 years old who lost their virginity in his sleazy places.

Than they should lock him up for ten years and than when he has served his sentence he may speak out again.

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...the 'Honolulu' massage parlor has asked a permission to use the temple gate as another entrance.

Total disrespect for a buddhist sacrilege. Disrespect for Thai youth. Close the brothel! Punish the owner for deeply disrespecting society related values such as religion and schooling.

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...the 'Honolulu' massage parlor has asked a permission to use the temple gate as another entrance.

Total disrespect for a buddhist sacrilege. Disrespect for Thai youth. Close the brothel! Punish the owner for deeply disrespecting society related values such as religion and schooling.

Aw........let someone else do it. :whistling:

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By the way, the massage parlour in question is Alaina.... not Elina. Also, even closer too the school in question is the massage parlour called 'The Lord' which is decorated suspiciously in the Chuwit interior decorating 'style.' Although they may argue that it's only the parking lot that is close, and that the actual building is further away.


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Fantastic. The man's a god! He truly understands that this is a country built on sleaze and doesn't pretend otherwise.

Prasert said back during the days when Chuwit was the former owner of the 'Honolulu' massage parlor has asked a permission to use the temple gate as another entrance.

History is hostory. let by gone be bygone.

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...the 'Honolulu' massage parlor has asked a permission to use the temple gate as another entrance.

Total disrespect for a buddhist sacrilege. Disrespect for Thai youth. Close the brothel! Punish the owner for deeply disrespecting society related values such as religion and schooling.

Try reading the article again. The massage parlor owner Prasert was asserting that previously when the MP Chuwit owned a massage parlor he had made a request to use a temple gate as another entrance....thereby showing Chuwit as being hypocritical. And just to be accurate, a massage parlor is not a brothel....there's actual massage's that take place.....perhaps even occasionally only massages. It would be interesting to know if the massage parlor (before it had been forced to close) had been there before the school. Either way I suppose it's not a good idea to mix the two, but that's just a farang's point of view.

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He certainly has the right name for a massage parlour operator - Prasert Sukkhee :whistling:

I was wondering if anyone else could see how fitting his name was for a 'massage parlor' owner. There may be other meanings in Thai for the two words that his last name are made up with, but the meaning that I know for 'suk or sukk' is 'ripe' and often 'overly ripe'. The other part 'hee' (pronounced with the 'ee' as a long and rising tone), many farangs may know what it is if you've been around a few bar-girls, but if you don't know you can ask one. It is considered 'very nasty' and 'rude' so be WARNED. Don't ask just any lady what it is, but if she likes to talk nasty - then you can.

After you figure it all out (if you didn't know these meanings) -- you may see the 'humour' in this translation in connection to being a 'massage parlor owner'

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...the 'Honolulu' massage parlor has asked a permission to use the temple gate as another entrance.

Total disrespect for a buddhist sacrilege. Disrespect for Thai youth. Close the brothel! Punish the owner for deeply disrespecting society related values such as religion and schooling.

Who said anything about a brothel? It's a clean, safe, luxurious massage place, that's all. :whistling:

BTW, in case you haven't noticed, you aren't in Kansas anymore Dorothy. :rolleyes:

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...the 'Honolulu' massage parlor has asked a permission to use the temple gate as another entrance.

Total disrespect for a buddhist sacrilege. Disrespect for Thai youth. Close the brothel! Punish the owner for deeply disrespecting society related values such as religion and schooling.

Who said anything about a brothel? It's a clean, safe, luxurious massage place, that's all. :whistling:

BTW, in case you haven't noticed, you aren't in Kansas anymore Dorothy. :rolleyes:

Both have happy endings.

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The proof is in the pudding! All readers who have posted should go for a massage at this place, and then decide. I usually go to a place on Sukhumvit Soi 22 which is fantastic and one wears pajamas. I used to work at a school where Chuwit's daughter went, and some teachers walked to Silom for a massage during lunch. Adios.

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I used to work at a school where Chuwit's daughter went, and some teachers walked to Silom for a massage during lunch.

I think the possibly the last thing on earth I'd want to do after having my knob polished would be to walk back to school and teach kids all afternoon. :lol:

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This certainly has nothing to to do with kids welfare

Wonder if all those young kids who walk through Soi Cowboy or que up for a motorcycle taxi on the corner on their way back from school everyday are thinking I must become a bar girl when I grow up. Don't see any signs of the Love Thailand Party saying it must be closed

It's not like there's no one around at that time, plenty working girls walking around dressed for work already and nothing could be more open, but a massage palour where things are a lot less obvious becomes high profile news.

I'll vote for''' Chuwit is manipalting the media as the guy suggests

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Whats wrong with a massage parlor, I enjoy a good oil massage after a hard weeks work, if you get a skilled person its very therapeutic.

Doctors recommend massage as treatment for tired muscles and sometimes trapped nerves.

Next they will ban Doctors clinics.

I don't understand what this fuss is about, anyone like to explain to me why a massage parlor should not be in fact right next to the school, don't we want to teach good health to all the students? The masseurs could even go into the school to teach their skills to the kids, with live demonstrations with real clients, it would be very educational.

Would you not appreciate your young daughter or son coming home from school and practice their new learned skill on you?


Edited by newermonkey
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If someone has no right to speak about massage parlors it is the hypocrite of mister Chuwit. Chuwit himself enslaved hundreds of poor rural girls into the sex trade. So before he ventilates his opinion, he should go to the bank withdraw all of his money, sell all of his property and compensate the 12, 13 , 14 15, and 16 years old who lost their virginity in his sleazy places.

Than they should lock him up for ten years and than when he has served his sentence he may speak out again.

Yes, hypocrite indeed. Also ironic that he sends his own daughters to one of the strictest all-girl Christian schools in the country. I think he might be slightly overdrawn at the Karma Bank.

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