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Wife Parents Selling Her Land


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As the title suggests, my wife's parents are selling her land and taking 33% commission! I am very upset about this though the land is not mine. My wife bought it a few years ago (before I met her) for 75k and now there s a buyer for 310K. She actaully put the land in her Dad's name, the land is without chanote.

So now her parents took a 10k deposit from a prospective buyer and told us they want 100k from the 310k sale of the land! they did not even came up with a single baht to pay for the land and now they want 100k commission?! my wife is reasonably upset her parents are such but it has been a few days and she has come around to the idea of giving them the 100k. she is, but i am not.

i know 100k is a small sum to many members here but we are a young family 20+ with 2 kids so the money still mean a lot to us.

sometimes i am sick and tired of these so called "poor" family. they have land and gold to sell, so why take advantage that we are not in thailand and sell her land?! selling is fine if they are not so greedy, i was happy to give them a 20k commisson for so called brokering the sale but 100k is ....

didnt know being a land estate agent is so profitable in thailand! :blink: maybe i should be 1 too!

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Who holds Chanute? Who sold land to your wife? Does she have proof of ownership? If it is her land then she does not have to sell. But if she put it in her dads name, it is technically his land. :whistling:


Edited by jimbeam1
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Who holds Chanute? Who sold land to your wife? Does she have proof of ownership? If it is her land then she does not have to sell. But if she put it in her dads name, it is technically his land. :whistling:


Try reading the OP.

OP's wife bought some land to her father's name.

So paid by OP's wife.

And her father hold's the title.

Parents been actually nice here, willing to give 67% to the daughter who financed their investment to the land. Better rate than banks or SET offer.

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Who holds Chanute? Who sold land to your wife? Does she have proof of ownership? If it is her land then she does not have to sell. But if she put it in her dads name, it is technically his land. :whistling:


Try reading the OP.

OP's wife bought some land to her father's name.

So paid by OP's wife.

And her father hold's the title.

Parents been actually nice here, willing to give 67% to the daughter who financed their investment to the land. Better rate than banks or SET offer.

Agreed. She's nearly tripling her investment already, and the dad could have given her a lot less than 67%. Getting greedy, no?

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To all those who say they would screw their own children well.....here's the proof!

It might be a tidy profit for everyone but the truth is there for all to see. Can't even trust your own parents....very sad for the OP's partner that is.

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In my life i have never seen so selfish and egocentric parents as here in Thailand.

Children are the loveliest creatures, but something nasty happen by the age of 18.

Recall how mom, dad, and grand-mom refused to send the children to get rid of lice, and fix their aching teeth, which caused insomnia,

because it would cost 30 baht, it was better to wait until school holiday ended to get it free they reasoned.

Those 30 baht was put to better use in the daily whiskey consumption.

Edited by poanoi
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Why did his wife put the land in her fathers name?

That thought occured to me....maybe a little more to the story than the OP has been told...

Too many missing pieces. What if the father put in 75K as well? Or more? Regardless, how did he manage to sell the thing for four times what she paid for it? Sounds like the father is doing the daughter a huge favor and giving her a lot more than she deserves.

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No, that is common for children here to trust their useless parents.

I know another case where a boy went working in Saudi Arabia and sent all his salary to the parents bank account, trusting the parents would invest them for his future.

Well the mother did buy land, but the father decided the money was put to better use screwing other women,

the mother is now dead, the father spent his last dime on woman, living with one of his other shag's,

and refuse to have anything to do with his former family, including the son that paid for his shags

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Why did his wife put the land in her fathers name?

That thought occured to me....maybe a little more to the story than the OP has been told...

Too many missing pieces. What if the father put in 75K as well?

Yeah !! two side to a story for sure.

No, that is common for children here to trust their useless parents.

What you say, I haven't seen of or heard of that much but when it comes to families doing business there is a funny side.

Here's a little true story :-

What happened to us was the elder sister wanted to sell land but wanted to keep it in the family, so OK we paid the money and I have to say it was a fair price in the end and we kept an open mind about what we would do with it in the future.

The funny thing was when after some 4years when we were passing we saw the Eucalyptus trees were being cut down, my wife obviously asked the sister what she was doing, the explaination was, she had sold us the land not the tree's, what else can you do.:blink::lol: :lol: :lol::D

Edited by Kwasaki
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Take what you can , cut them lose and don't bother with them any more. Just be polite to them from now on. Its called emotional black mail. It sounds harsh, they are your parents but they obviously don't care about you or your feelings, best of luck the situation is not nice, just an eye opener for you.

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Why did his wife put the land in her fathers name?

I would guess that this land was purchased when the law imposed that no Thai woman could own land if married to a farang.

But who knows for sure?

I am always dubious about these newbie threads unless we hear from the OP again.

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Why did his wife put the land in her fathers name?

That thought occured to me....maybe a little more to the story than the OP has been told...

Perhaps she wasn't in the country at the time of purchase and thought she could trust her father :( anyway this is irrevelent to the OP.

Footnote : i wouldn't like to be the child of some of the posters on here if they think getting sticthed up by your parents is ok :(

Edited by alfieconn
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For a start my TW has owned 2 x Chanoot titled land with my surname for 10+ years.

Secondly and this just a quess, if the OPs wife bought Nor Sor 3 Gor or Nor Sor 3 land there is no Chanoot. She may have placed it into her fathers name for convienence sake as there is normally a tax on this type of land (a few baht per Rai per year) and it has to be seen to be productive (house or farming).

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Lets see the woman in question saves her own cash to buy some land. For whatever reason she registers same land in her fathers name. Land is now being sold and father (parents) demand 33%.

How typically Thai -- a society so corrupt and sick that instead of protecting their children they feel it is acceptable to sell them, prostitute them and rip them off. Wow Thai kids sure do pay a heavy price.

Me I'd take the 33% loss and sever all links with the greedy barstewards.<_<

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Why did his wife put the land in her fathers name?

I would guess that this land was purchased when the law imposed that no Thai woman could own land if married to a farang.

But who knows for sure?

I am always dubious about these newbie threads unless we hear from the OP again.

or the wife is bankrupt or has outstanding debts or court orders against her.

(or she is married to someone else)

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Lets see the woman in question saves her own cash to buy some land. For whatever reason she registers same land in her fathers name. Land is now being sold and father (parents) demand 33%.

How typically Thai -- a society so corrupt and sick that instead of protecting their children they feel it is acceptable to sell them, prostitute them and rip them off. Wow Thai kids sure do pay a heavy price.

Me I'd take the 33% loss and sever all links with the greedy barstewards.<_<

Did you ever consider why she put the land in her father's name? I think you're pretty clueless just like the rest of us, but choose to attack the father without having all the facts. Get a grip, dude.

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Lets see the woman in question saves her own cash to buy some land. For whatever reason she registers same land in her fathers name. Land is now being sold and father (parents) demand 33%.

How typically Thai -- a society so corrupt and sick that instead of protecting their children they feel it is acceptable to sell them, prostitute them and rip them off. Wow Thai kids sure do pay a heavy price.

Me I'd take the 33% loss and sever all links with the greedy barstewards.<_<

Did you ever consider why she put the land in her father's name? I think you're pretty clueless just like the rest of us, but choose to attack the father without having all the facts. Get a grip, dude.

I have no idea why se put it in her fathers name hence the use of the phrase, 'For whatever reason she registers same land in her fathers name.' Either way you look at it if it was her money, she is being ripped off.

Clueless?? You really need to stop attacking people you dont agree with. BTW I am not your 'dude'.

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When my friend's grandfather was terminally ill, he made out a will which gave his three kids equal shares of land in Phuket. After he died, my friend's uncle asked her mother if he could get someone to farm her share of the land, which he would manage as he would be living on his parcel. She agreed. This was about 15 years ago. Last year, when she needed some medical care, she wanted to see how much her land was worth, but to her surprise, her brother had somehow gotten her parcel into his name when their father died.

My friend is incensed and wants to pursue it, but her mother can't believe that her older brother had any ulterior motives and all of this must be a mistake which her brother will rectify on his own.

My friend's mother cannot read, and my friend thinks that the "lease agreement" that her mother signed so the land could be farmed was actually a document giving her brother her land.

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Hi, thanks for all the replies. It was just a rant of mine anyway. The money and land belongs to my wife so she can do anything she wants to it. However incidentally, money that is mine, she has a say to it as well...

She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesnt have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book? (I am not exactly sure of this but she was young when she bought the land, maybe that is why she let her parents safeguard but thing to note is her parents never gave a baht to finance the land) One of the reason I am not keen to sell the land is because it has been aprpeciating. 2 years ago, we got a 200k offer, last year 250k, now 310k. To add, not all the land in this moo ban is appreciating, ours is one of the vew few due to the very good proximity at the entrance of the moo ban. You know right typical moo bans go all the way in...deep inside sometimes on narrow road. This land sits almost at the mouth of the exit.

We dont exactly need money for any big item purchase so I will be keen to see how much that land can rise though it is without chanote. The land is only half rai, small but enough to build a house and good access to a main road. I have seen the land myself, was suitable for farming small crops as well but having said that, it is located in a moo ban so building a house is the obvious choice. I was told the buyer is intending to build a house as well.

The reason my wife bought the land was to build a house there. Obviously she hadn't met me at that point in time, I wouldn't want to live so close to her parents...

On why her parents want 100k for the sale of the land, well, they have their excuses (typical ones)...which i wouldn't trust but my wife will. We are in a fix as my wife has quite abit of her jewellery (Including those I gave her for marriage) in her parent's home. We havent had a chance to take time back as I havent been to her parent's home since 2008. Her mother visits us here and she goes home like twice a year too but never brings them back, says she is scared...well woman...hehe

So I will be escorting her in Songkran to bring back whatever jewellery we have. I guess we still need her parents as we need them to babysit our children while we have a short holiday so I can consider that as babysit fee. Morever my wife said they wont ask for money anymore given that this is considered a large sum to them.

We will see...but recently I just realised she lent her cousin 20k and has been on loan for almost a year as well! I nearly flipped when I found out but that is another story...

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