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Wife Parents Selling Her Land


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Who holds Chanute? Who sold land to your wife? Does she have proof of ownership? If it is her land then she does not have to sell. But if she put it in her dads name, it is technically his land. :whistling:


Try reading the OP.

OP's wife bought some land to her father's name.

So paid by OP's wife.

And her father hold's the title.

Parents been actually nice here, willing to give 67% to the daughter who financed their investment to the land. Better rate than banks or SET offer.

Agreed. She's nearly tripling her investment already, and the dad could have given her a lot less than 67%. Getting greedy, no?

"Getting greedy" ... well yes they are but if she put it in his name then they could take the lot so I'm afraid you're going to have to wear that. I wish my wife's family only cost me 100,000 to look after. You have to keep in mind that Thai parents do expect that their children will start to take care of them and repay them for the years they sacrificed raising them.

If you want your revenge and as it is a dish best served cold I suggest you wait. They'll get old and need / expect their daughter to help them out again sooner or later. When they do just tell them that they took 30% of the land and that's all they're getting.

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Lets see the woman in question saves her own cash to buy some land. For whatever reason she registers same land in her fathers name. Land is now being sold and father (parents) demand 33%.

How typically Thai -- a society so corrupt and sick that instead of protecting their children they feel it is acceptable to sell them, prostitute them and rip them off. Wow Thai kids sure do pay a heavy price.

Me I'd take the 33% loss and sever all links with the greedy barstewards.

When you make obscene and absurd comments like "How typically Thai -- a society so corrupt and sick that instead of protecting their children they feel it is acceptable to sell them, prostitute them and rip them off....," then you are going to get responses that you probably are not going to like.

That statement is not all that absurd or sick. It is quite accurate in many respects though obviously it does not apply to 100% of the population it does apply to significant numbers. Even well respected Thai journalists have written about such issues in society. Cheating, corruption, greed, impunity, and educational levels all contribute to these issues.

I had an experience with a lovely intelligent, somewhat educated Thai woman whose family proved to be awful, both to her and to themselves. Not easy to find conscienceness and morality though it does exist.

Wait a minute, "it's accurate?" Regarding the Gers dude comments, I do not know of one parent, NOT ONE, who's sold their daughter off, or prostituted them. Every Thai parent I know loves their children more than life. So what the hell is he talking about? Do you know of any Thai parent who's sold their kids off? And don't give me this "I heard" crappola. The problem with some of you guys is you have a tendency to hang out with the dregs of Thai society and assume them to be normal Thais. There's just as much "morality" in Thailand as in the west if you simply open your eyes.

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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesnt have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabien Bahn, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amphur office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabien Bahn of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.


Something definately doesn't sound right,including the Gold,failing to make an appearance?

And is it just me? or does 310,000 Baht sound too much for half a Rai of land? in the boonies.

Tend to agree ;). Think the OP is a little in the dark here. :(

Pretty clear that the OP's story doesn't add up. Hence the disappearing act...

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Unfortunately, legally there is nothing you can do. But on a family level, as daughter and parents, there should be an agreement reached. Unfortunately you don't have a say in these matters, but if you go politely about this, they may be considerate.

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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesnt have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabien Bahn, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amphur office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabien Bahn of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.


Something definately doesn't sound right,including the Gold,failing to make an appearance?

And is it just me? or does 310,000 Baht sound too much for half a Rai of land? in the boonies.

Tend to agree ;). Think the OP is a little in the dark here. :(

+1... bt310,000 does sond like a lot for 1/2 a Rai in the boonies.


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