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Chiang Mai University Aikido Club


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I am currently residing in the upper Nakhon Phanom region and will move to Chiang Mai sometime next year. I was looking for anyone who had information about the Chiang Mai University Aikido Club. I wanted to know if they accept

absolute beginners and if they taught classes in English or Thai.

Thanks in Advance,

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It's been many years since I've been down there but since there're probably not many people who will be able to respond, I'll chip in.

As you would expect, it's mostly students wanting to give it a go, so most of the class will be absolute beginners. IIRC, when I was there, there was a western shodan who could explain things in English. But it's Aikikai, so there's not a lot of hard-core instruction - if you're a beginner, you should be right since the way they teach it seems to be "just watch everyone else and copy them" anyway :-/ (I do Yoshinkan, which is very different).

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Thanks for the fast reply and information. I now at least some insight on their training. Ive been wanting to train Aikido for quite some tie now but I never had the resources where I am now to do ANY type of

martial arts training for that matter.

Thank you for your time,

It's been many years since I've been down there but since there're probably not many people who will be able to respond, I'll chip in.

As you would expect, it's mostly students wanting to give it a go, so most of the class will be absolute beginners. IIRC, when I was there, there was a western shodan who could explain things in English. But it's Aikikai, so there's not a lot of hard-core instruction - if you're a beginner, you should be right since the way they teach it seems to be "just watch everyone else and copy them" anyway :-/ (I do Yoshinkan, which is very different).

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The main instructor at CMU Aikido speaks fluent English. He is Thai but went to school (and I think he also worked) in USA and Canada. His assistant speaks English also, well enough to explain what they are doing. Those two instructors are not always at the classes but there are some foreignors that practice with the group.

Many of the black belts can speak English. They are not always in class, however they are there often. One is a Thai Air pilot, so he must know English. I know them and I can't speak Thai at all and they manage to communicate with me.

I would be happy to give you any information I can if you give me a PM. We practice Japanese karate right next to them every Monday and Wednesday.


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wow what a happy find this thread was iv been looking on line for information about this and came up empty any one know what the classes cost i did find a kung foo teacher in chiang mai

but it was expensive looked a bit hard core as well rather than a get fit and learn something kind of thing

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wow what a happy find this thread was iv been looking on line for information about this and came up empty any one know what the classes cost i did find a kung foo teacher in chiang mai

but it was expensive looked a bit hard core as well rather than a get fit and learn something kind of thing

Since it is the CMU Aikido Club, CMU students are a bit cheaper than other people. However, non-CMU students are welcome to join the classes. When I last practiced with them, which was some years ago, it was 500 THB per month. I think they practice 3 times per week.

Incidentally, they are having their annual Friendship Meeting next week and there will be Aikidoka from Bangkok and possibly other areas attending. That will not be at CMU. You can look for the phone number and they will give you the information. There may be a poster at their normal practice area. There is also an office they use two floors above where they practice.... that may have something.

You can also look at the Thai Aikikai website to try and get contact information. http://www.thaiaikikai.com/


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wow what a happy find this thread was iv been looking on line for information about this and came up empty any one know what the classes cost i did find a kung foo teacher in chiang mai

but it was expensive looked a bit hard core as well rather than a get fit and learn something kind of thing

Just curious - what kung <deleted> teacher did you find? What style does he/she teach? Are the students mostly Thai? Foreign?

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Thank you for the information. I will PM you if I have any questions.

The main instructor at CMU Aikido speaks fluent English. He is Thai but went to school (and I think he also worked) in USA and Canada. His assistant speaks English also, well enough to explain what they are doing. Those two instructors are not always at the classes but there are some foreignors that practice with the group.

Many of the black belts can speak English. They are not always in class, however they are there often. One is a Thai Air pilot, so he must know English. I know them and I can't speak Thai at all and they manage to communicate with me.

I would be happy to give you any information I can if you give me a PM. We practice Japanese karate right next to them every Monday and Wednesday.


Edited by qazwsx38
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Thanks. I will PM you when I am in Chiang Mai. It will be probably sometime between May and July.

Thanks again for your help

No worries. You can PM me when you get in town if you need any more info. I'm shodan and trained for quite a few years in Thailand and Australia.

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Thanks for the added information. I visited their site before but it was mostly if not all in Thai. I had emailed someone who left an email on the site but yet to receive a reply. I guess I will just have to ask my wife who is a Thai teacher with a BA in Thai to read it for me.

Anyway thanks again for the information, greatly appreciated.

I just checked the Thai Aikikai web site... this is for the CMU Aikido Club : http://www.thaiaikik...g/cmu_dojo.html

The email listed there is for Dr. Sombat. He is fluent in English, a very nice person in my opinion, and extremely helpful.


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I just looked at the Aikikai site and it has all the information about the Aikido club in English. Thanks so much. The site I was talking about that was all in Thai is I guess the Aikido clubs personal site.

Thanks for the added information. I visited their site before but it was mostly if not all in Thai. I had emailed someone who left an email on the site but yet to receive a reply. I guess I will just have to ask my wife who is a Thai teacher with a BA in Thai to read it for me.

Anyway thanks again for the information, greatly appreciated.

I just checked the Thai Aikikai web site... this is for the CMU Aikido Club : http://www.thaiaikik...g/cmu_dojo.html

The email listed there is for Dr. Sombat. He is fluent in English, a very nice person in my opinion, and extremely helpful.


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Another question I sent emails to others training at the Chiang Mai University Aikido Club but yet to receive a reply is can a person who has no experience with Aikido train there? Does anyone know?

Thanks in Advance

I went to the club more than 15 years ago for a short time while visiting Chiang Mai and they were very friendly.

The training was easy going not very rough as I recall.

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Another question I sent emails to others training at the Chiang Mai University Aikido Club but yet to receive a reply is can a person who has no experience with Aikido train there? Does anyone know?

Thanks in Advance

I went to the club more than 15 years ago for a short time while visiting Chiang Mai and they were very friendly.

The training was easy going not very rough as I recall.

I believe you can. You need to contact Sensei (Dr.) Sombat. I think his phone number is on the ThaiAikikai web site. If not there send me a PM and I will get it for you. The had a begginner Westerner as a student within the last couple months I saw training with them.

The CMU Aikido club is busy this weekend with their Freindship Training. Groups from other areas come to train with them. The will not have this training at the normal training area.


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Thats probably why I got no response from anyone then. Thanks for the reply and offer for Sensei Sombats number. I'm pretty sure I saw his phone number on the Aikikai site. I emailed him earlier so I will wait for a reply from him first before calling him.

Thanks again for your help

I believe you can. You need to contact Sensei (Dr.) Sombat. I think his phone number is on the ThaiAikikai web site. If not there send me a PM and I will get it for you. The had a begginner Westerner as a student within the last couple months I saw training with them.

The CMU Aikido club is busy this weekend with their Freindship Training. Groups from other areas come to train with them. The will not have this training at the normal training area.


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Just to let you know that I got a reply from Sensei Sombat yesterday afternoon. And warmly welcomed me to train with them.

Thanks again for the information and you help

You are welcome. When you go to practice with them, stop by karate (right next to them on Mondays and Wednesdays) and say hello.


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