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My Very Rich, Well Educated Wife Refuses To Use Bottle Water


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It doesn't say where your rich wife is drinking the water. Did she get rich in Pattaya :whistling:

or Bangkok?

Bangkok water is perfectly drinkable according to world standards, google it

Perhaps it WAS where it was treated but after miles of pipes with connections to untold toilets and the like without proper backflow valves by the time it gets to me . . . ugh

Yes and anyone can turn off the main, cut into it, drop it into stagnent water or whatever. Allowing the main to contaminate. Then pick it up, put in a fitting and turn it on again. Wonderful :annoyed:


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I usually boil tap water at home and use that for drinking. I occasionally drink tap water straight from the tap, for example, if I wake up at night and can't be bothered to go down and get a bottle of water.

The problem with unboiled tap water years ago, was the piping. I live in a newer area of Bangkok, so I am less worried about the condition of the pipes or contamination.

I have had no ill effects from the water and have been drinking it for years.

Is that why you have lost all your hair and grew another testicle.:sorry: it just came out.

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Nice wind-up thread Harry. Good on yer laugh.gif

Quality indeed !

I would swap this ignorant bitch for a bargirl - all the ones I have known drink bottled water. Much safer in the long run.

You obviously have never been to Lolita's.

They don't do bottled water over there.

I have - and I am certain they swill with bottled water.

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I drink tap water in Bangkok and I'm fine. It's fine in the city. Most of you are ingesting it every day already, unless you're very parnoid and eat no street food and wash dishes and brush your teeth with only bottled water.

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My very POOR uneducated wife refuses to use bottle water she drinks tap and wants me to do the same. Her very POOR mother and father feel the same way.

Is this normal? What should I do?

Just do what I do, just drink canned beer.:burp: Sorry their bottled.


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I think i knew your wife before she was rich and well educated and if it was here in Pattaya even "before" she was a virgin :)

I do not known if you known I am gay long story.

My wife says get a Test at once wish you luck

SO does that mean your"wife" is really your husband?

PSi did a test and past with flying colours

PPS it was for the x factor ,does that count? :D

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Sure, just throw a filter on the sink or at the point where the water comes into the kitchen and go for it. Thats what we do, no problems thus far. Though during the flood we switched to bottled water because the tap water during this time had a increased chlorine taste to it.

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I would be very suspicious of anyone who was rich, or brought their parents into a domestic discussion.

If I was you, I would stop drinking water altogether. I would stick to a company you could trust, like coca-cola or boon rawd.

On the other hand, having had no pressure from my wife, and having to carry the water up from the shop otherwise, I drink tap water in Bangkok. You didn't say where you lived, I think... and you can review my posting history to assess the safety implications for yourself...


EDIT: typos corrected

Edited by StreetCowboy
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