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Are You A Winner Or A Loser


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So are there any tuperware products that you can give the Food preparer that are considered 100% safe or do you avoid takeout altogether?

I'm not a fanatic about it, so I made a simple rule for myself to avoid the worst of it. There are way too many types of plastic and you can't know what type it is if it is not labeled. First, water bottles. Clear is good, milky white is bad. You can actually taste (when warm) some nasty residue from the milky white bottles, but NOT from the clear. Next, heat, when heat is applied to many things it speeds up chemical breakdown. So I avoid hot food contact with plastic, cold is fine, and all dry food, rice etc, is fine for plastic storage. Sunlight breaks down plastic as well, so don't leave your containers in the sun on a regular basis. Abrasion, I don't clean plastic storage containers with shotgun pellets, sandpaper, or steel wool, I use a soft sponge. As far as BPA free, plasticizers like adipates and phthalates bisphenol A (BPA) DEHP are just a few of the questionable chemicals known about today. Age is one more factor, old plastic can leak more chemicals. Styrofoam cups for hot coffee/tea: BAD styro is porous, many small beads stuck together= large surface area contact with hot liquid. So to make it simple, clear is good, cold is good, dark storage is good, and don't clean your plastic with a shotgun. Unless you load your own shells and load them with sponges.

How do you feel about microwave ovens?

BTW, all the milk is sold in milky white plastic containers. Give up milk?

Yes, give up milk, or the poor excuse of a liquid that is called "milk" by the corporations that push it on the unsuspecting pubic. First, the cows are fed who knows what kind of gruel and injected with whatever to boost "milk" flow. Then the "milk" is pasteurized, homogenized, de-fatted, turned to powder for long term storage and then "reconstituted" when needed. What you get in the container (doesn't matter at this point if it is stored in reshaped dog sh*t) is no longer "food". I know people that had osteoporosis and took Big Pharma drugs for it, with bad side effects, and switched to RAW milk, stopped the bad drugs, and guess what? Got better. Microwaves, nothing too much about that yet. Heard some things, but very little. For reheating and minimal usage, seems to be OK. One quote I like from some old time health guru: "If it's man-made, DON'T eat it" Jack LaLaine sp? Meaning the LESS it is processed, the better for you. :P

What a load of nonsense. I have been interested in holistic health for years and sold fresh squeezed fruit, wheat grass and vegetable juices back in the West, but pretty much any food in moderation will not hurt you and there is nothing magical about raw milk or other trendy "health" foods.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Yes, give up milk, or the poor excuse of a liquid that is called "milk" by the corporations that push it on the unsuspecting pubic. First, the cows are fed who knows what kind of gruel and injected with whatever to boost "milk" flow. Then the "milk" is pasteurized, homogenized, de-fatted, turned to powder for long term storage and then "reconstituted" when needed. What you get in the container (doesn't matter at this point if it is stored in reshaped dog sh*t) is no longer "food". I know people that had osteoporosis and took Big Pharma drugs for it, with bad side effects, and switched to RAW milk, stopped the bad drugs, and guess what? Got better. Microwaves, nothing too much about that yet. Heard some things, but very little. For reheating and minimal usage, seems to be OK. One quote I like from some old time health guru: "If it's man-made, DON'T eat it" Jack LaLaine sp? Meaning the LESS it is processed, the better for you. :P

There's something to be said for this--and the placebo effect.

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What a load of nonsense. I have been interested in holistic health for years and sold fresh squeezed fruit, wheat grass and vegetable juices back in the West, but pretty much any food in moderation will not hurt you and there is nothing magical about raw milk or other trendy "health" foods.

No, there is nothing magical about raw milk, it is just a good healthy food. But.... what the big corporations are labeling as "milk", THAT is the problem. It's not how awesome raw milk is, it's how BAD factory milk is. Not only over processed to the point where all the nutrients are dead, but over processed to the point that it is bad for you. In comparison to factory milk though, raw milk would almost seem magical. And it tastes better, or I should say, has taste where factory milk is more like water.

Some years ago I heard about some experts saying that drinking milk is bad for people. This was before I knew about raw milk. (real milk) I'm sure they were right. But, what they failed to include in their study was a sample group who only drank raw milk. They should have said: "Drinking factory milk is bad for you".

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funny how a topic on winners/losers by a materialistic OP got transformed into a debate about cancer

sometimes no matter how fit, you may be, you find that the gods above have dealt you a pair of deuces, like this fitness nut who died of a heat attack while running


You are right in your opening sentence.

BTW, what are "deuces" and is a pair of them good or bad?

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