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I Need Some Advice Please


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Up until now I have been using a variety of compacts to take 'snaps'. At the moment I have a Panasonic FS62 which was very inexpensive but takes quite good pictures especially using the Panasonic auto system (IA). I've decided I want to get a little more serious. I don't have loads of money and I think I would be overwhelmed by an SLR so I've done a bit of research and have bought a Panasonic FZ38 (FZ35 in the US for some reason) 'superzoom' from Ebay. It has the same IA system as my compact so I should be able to use it straight off. It also has manual controls. What I need is some sort of tutorial on photogrpahy including the relationship between stops, shutter speed and ISO speed. I'd prefer if it were free B)

Is there anywhere on the net where this kind of info is available or can anyone recommend a good book that I can read. Any help that you can give will be much appreciated!

Edited by endure
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Why should I ask the disinterested world of Google when there are so many friendly experts here?

very true,, there are some very helpful people on this site, well if no one can help you with your request,im sure some one will,(you can always try google as a last re-sort)

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There are many such tutorials on the web. I'd be surprised if there weren't thousands rehashing the same information, but in slightly different ways.

When I started Bangkok Images I started it with people like you in mind, people who wanted to learn more but were perhaps not up on the latest terminology and who wanted to keep it simple and easy to understand. The beginning tutorials cover exactly what you asked for in what I hope are easily understood short tutorials with visual examples. I'll be re-writing these early next year to include the latest information and examples so feedback is greatly appreciated. Also, there are forums where you can ask specific questions, user galleries to share your images, on-line image editors for both the rank beginner and the experienced photographer, and much more. I invite you to visit Bangkok Images and see if it's something you could learn from and enjoy using. To start, the below tutorials might be especially useful:

Understanding your Histogram

Understanding Exposure Compensation

ISO Explained

Aperture, What You Need to Know

Shutter Speed

Understanding Focal Length

Understanding Focal Distance

Depth Of Field for Composition

Depth of Field for Portraits

Playing with Depth of Field

High Dynamic Range Photography (HDR)

Working With Raw Images

Those above cover the basics, but there are thousands of articles on photography with the majority written with the beginner in mind. I hope you find some time to give it a look.

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