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Pheu Thai MP Criticizes Yingluck Govt For Assenting To Outside Influence


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Now that the usual gang has rushed to embrace this man's statement that was somewhat twisted out of context, does this mean that they also accept the allegations in respect to Thaicom and the alleged profiteering of Messrs. Abhisit and Korn? As I recall, there was quite a stink in September 2010 when he apparently offered his views on that subject. Messrs Korn and Abhisit were not too pleased with the connotations at the time.

What do you know, I'm almost speechless, we agree:

statement that was somewhat twisted out of context :rolleyes:

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Just how you go about ensuring that the farmer, gets a better share of the money, is a problem faced in all countries, because meddling/hiking with the price of foodstuffs customers pay, is political dynamite, regardless of the colour of the Party.

You do it the same way as they did it everywhere else and the same way they've been doing it here. To wit, that the percentage of citizens deriving their incomes from agriculture has fallen in the past 30 years from near 80% to less than 50%. Hopefully this trend will continue for the betterment of all economic sectors and I see no reason why it shouldn't.

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'The Pheu Thai MP went on to say that while it is generally understood that Thailand is a free market economy, it is, in fact, an oligopoly with investors determining prices and farmers just being the suppliers of raw materials.

He added this is why more than 40 million Thais remain poor and the government's populist policies are simply weakening them further.'

This in my opinion is the main 'meat' of this report, but resolving why these 40m people are in the situation they are, I suspect is going to mean a lot of 'middle-men' between the farmer and the shops, losing out. Just how you go about ensuring that the farmer, gets a better share of the money, is a problem faced in all countries, because meddling/hiking with the price of foodstuffs customers pay, is political dynamite, regardless of the colour of the Party.

Forget whether this government will make the poor poorer or not, has anyone ever heard anyone in any position of power make such a statement before. It doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things because it won't change a thing, and it could be stated that he was pandering to an audience, but if ever there was a statement that cuts strait to one of the biggest fundamental problems in the country this is it.

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Now that the usual gang has rushed to embrace this man's statement that was somewhat twisted out of context, does this mean that they also accept the allegations in respect to Thaicom and the alleged profiteering of Messrs. Abhisit and Korn? As I recall, there was quite a stink in September 2010 when he apparently offered his views on that subject. Messrs Korn and Abhisit were not too pleased with the connotations at the time.

How was his statement twisted out of context?

As far as his allegations in respect to Thaicom ... what happened to that? No one impeached? No NACC charges?

It's a bit different having a government MP criticising the government than an opposition MP criticising them.

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Yet another piece of slanted and dishonest reporting by The Nation. How on earth could such a newspaper legitimately report comments criticizing an administration in power for less than 6 months, blaming them for 40 million impoverished Thais? Hahaha....that did not happen in the last 6 months, but during all previous administrations. YL just inherited they doings. Pitiful.

It was a member of the *government* criticising the government. And I have some good news for you comrade, this is not communist China. If you want to criticise the government you can. It even has a theoretical guarantee of free speech. Wow!

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'The Pheu Thai MP went on to say that while it is generally understood that Thailand is a free market economy, it is, in fact, an oligopoly with investors determining prices and farmers just being the suppliers of raw materials.

He added this is why more than 40 million Thais remain poor and the government's populist policies are simply weakening them further.'

This in my opinion is the main 'meat' of this report, but resolving why these 40m people are in the situation they are, I suspect is going to mean a lot of 'middle-men' between the farmer and the shops, losing out. Just how you go about ensuring that the farmer, gets a better share of the money, is a problem faced in all countries, because meddling/hiking with the price of foodstuffs customers pay, is political dynamite, regardless of the colour of the Party.

Forget whether this government will make the poor poorer or not, has anyone ever heard anyone in any position of power make such a statement before. It doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things because it won't change a thing, and it could be stated that he was pandering to an audience, but if ever there was a statement that cuts strait to one of the biggest fundamental problems in the country this is it.

Well, if nothing is said then nothing will even get the remotest possibility to change. The MP excersized freedom of speech in order to rouse a debate in Parliament. The question is, will other MP have the courage to take it on as an open discussion. Maybe he just decided to speak as a normal citizen [which he also is ,as well as a govt official]. As a citizen he has that right in a free society. There is just one more archaic law on the books that needs changing and Thailand would truely have freedom of speech. :jap:

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Pheu Thai Party list MP Prakiat Nasimma said the Yingluck Shinawatra government is totally impotent in solving political and economic problems, as well as the flood crisis even though has the power and public support.

He added that this is because the true commanding authority belongs to a person outside the Cabinet, whose main objective is focused on amending the Constitution and securing a royal pardon.


Prakiat deserves a new medal for that.

Well, if this guy wasn't toast before his remarks, he sure is now.   :lol:

Of course his remarks will be written off as being those of a disgruntled politician and, of course, not worthy of any additional consideration.

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Yet another piece of slanted and dishonest reporting by The Nation. How on earth could such a newspaper legitimately report comments criticizing an administration in power for less than 6 months, blaming them for 40 million impoverished Thais? Hahaha....that did not happen in the last 6 months, but during all previous administrations. YL just inherited they doings. Pitiful.

Did you just post on the wrong discussion board?

It is the standard post in his clipboard to be pasted when he finds a post he disagrees with.

Too bad it was from a PTP-source and:

Clarification (to whom it may concern)

OP wansn't published by THE NATION but TAN NETWORK (Thai Asean News Network) - to be seen in the footer of the OP


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'The Pheu Thai MP went on to say that while it is generally understood that Thailand is a free market economy, it is, in fact, an oligopoly with investors determining prices and farmers just being the suppliers of raw materials.

He added this is why more than 40 million Thais remain poor and the government's populist policies are simply weakening them further.'

This in my opinion is the main 'meat' of this report, but resolving why these 40m people are in the situation they are, I suspect is going to mean a lot of 'middle-men' between the farmer and the shops, losing out. Just how you go about ensuring that the farmer, gets a better share of the money, is a problem faced in all countries, because meddling/hiking with the price of foodstuffs customers pay, is political dynamite, regardless of the colour of the Party.

Forget whether this government will make the poor poorer or not, has anyone ever heard anyone in any position of power make such a statement before. It doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things because it won't change a thing, and it could be stated that he was pandering to an audience, but if ever there was a statement that cuts strait to one of the biggest fundamental problems in the country this is it.

Well, if nothing is said then nothing will even get the remotest possibility to change. The MP excersized freedom of speech in order to rouse a debate in Parliament. The question is, will other MP have the courage to take it on as an open discussion. Maybe he just decided to speak as a normal citizen [which he also is ,as well as a govt official]. As a citizen he has that right in a free society. There is just one more archaic law on the books that needs changing and Thailand would truely have freedom of speech. :jap:

This will be tomorrows fish and chips wrapper, but it shows that little by little, drip by drip things do change. However saying things and changing things are very different, and I don't see there being too much change to the agricultural business in Thailand for quite a while. The system is so engrained and just like the discussions going on about the mobile phone networks here, in certain businesses only Thai-Chinese companies are supposed to be allowed to exploit/profit from Thai people. It is just depending on which political party that company chooses to hang its hat that decides whether it has first or second pickings.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Yes, she certainly seems to be floundering. Maggie Thatcher she ain't! And THAT is what this country needs, a strong leader to clean up Thailand, rid it of corruption, change the cultural thinking from being reactive to being proactive, and really bring this country into the 21st Century.

If someone could bring this country into the 20th Century, that would be a start !

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Yet another piece of slanted and dishonest reporting by The Nation. How on earth could such a newspaper legitimately report comments criticizing an administration in power for less than 6 months, blaming them for 40 million impoverished Thais? Hahaha....that did not happen in the last 6 months, but during all previous administrations. YL just inherited they doings. Pitiful.

No! Yet another fact emerging why this Government headed by Thaskin's sister was put together for one reason and one reason only. YL with no political wisdom or experience and no thoughts of ever being in politics was influenced by millions of dollars and her brothers bent desire to be back in power is what she willing inherited. 6 months in office and the majority of the time hell bent on fulfilling promises that would further damage Thailand and setting things in place for her brother to return. That will be her legacy in office. She is being used by a wealthy power monger namely her brother. Her only chance is to put this country on the right track is to fire her cabinet set up a new coalition and lock arms with the Dems. and together find the right solutions for Thailand's future. As long as YL does her brothers bidding Thailand will be doomed for more turmoil and no reconciliation will ever take place. She needs to be a real leader with her country's future set as a priority, and not be used for Thaskin to be able to come home and further his political ambitions and wealth.

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There you are GK, we were starting to miss you.

Not as much as he was missing the point.

I believe you missed the point. TAN reports on the partial statements of the party list MP. As you may recall, he was alleged to have made similar inflamatory statements a year ago in respect to Messrs Korn and Abhisit profiteering from the Thaicom situation. The gentleman later distanced himself from those allegations when he was confronted. I anticipate that he will do the same on these comments. I also note that he claimed his comments in respect to Messrs Korn and Abhisit were taken out of context. Again, I anticipate that he will state that his comments are taken out of context.

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I believe you missed the point. TAN reports on the partial statements of the party list MP. As you may recall, he was alleged to have made similar inflamatory statements a year ago in respect to Messrs Korn and Abhisit profiteering from the Thaicom situation. The gentleman later distanced himself from those allegations when he was confronted. I anticipate that he will do the same on these comments. I also note that he claimed his comments in respect to Messrs Korn and Abhisit were taken out of context. Again, I anticipate that he will state that his comments are taken out of context.

No retractions so far.

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I believe you missed the point. TAN reports on the partial statements of the party list MP. As you may recall, he was alleged to have made similar inflamatory statements a year ago in respect to Messrs Korn and Abhisit profiteering from the Thaicom situation. The gentleman later distanced himself from those allegations when he was confronted. I anticipate that he will do the same on these comments. I also note that he claimed his comments in respect to Messrs Korn and Abhisit were taken out of context. Again, I anticipate that he will state that his comments are taken out of context.

Can you explain why you think he will distance himself from these comments? Is it because you think he has made it all up, or is it because you think he will be pressured and leant on?

Can you also explain why you think he will state his comments were taken out of context? Because you think his comments were, or because, as in the above, due to pressure?

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Pheu Thai Party list MP Prakiat Nasimma said the Yingluck Shinawatra government is totally impotent in solving political and economic problems, as well as the flood crisis even though has the power and public support.

He added that this is because the true commanding authority belongs to a person outside the Cabinet, whose main objective is focused on amending the Constitution and securing a royal pardon.


Prakiat deserves a new medal for that.

Bravo Prakiat!!!! At least there is one Pheu Thai MP honest enough to point out the failings of this government and state that their sole intention is seemingly to get "that fugitive" back to Thailand!!!

He should abandon PT and defect to the Democrats and maybe a sizeable number will go with him!!!!:jap:.

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Yet another piece of slanted and dishonest reporting by The Nation. How on earth could such a newspaper legitimately report comments criticizing an administration in power for less than 6 months, blaming them for 40 million impoverished Thais? Hahaha....that did not happen in the last 6 months, but during all previous administrations. YL just inherited they doings. Pitiful.

Yes , of course you are right, but she is certainly not making things better and from my armchair, seems to me things are getting much worse , and if not now, certainly from April next year.. Reap what you Sow...!

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There you are GK, we were starting to miss you.

Not as much as he was missing the point.

I believe you missed the point. TAN reports on the partial statements of the party list MP. As you may recall, he was alleged to have made similar inflamatory statements a year ago in respect to Messrs Korn and Abhisit profiteering from the Thaicom situation. The gentleman later distanced himself from those allegations when he was confronted. I anticipate that he will do the same on these comments. I also note that he claimed his comments in respect to Messrs Korn and Abhisit were taken out of context. Again, I anticipate that he will state that his comments are taken out of context.

Thats a lot of anticipation .......

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Someone sensed he was about to lose his portfolio.

Go out with a bang, rather than a whimper.

But it is good to see the cracks emerging in Yinglucks house.

Cracks in the facade for sure.

And yes he is not taking one for the team but slagging the couch.

Looks like he KNOWS he is toast anyway so get in a few licks.

Maybe he couldn't come up with the buy in price demanded for this version of Thaksin Proxy Cabinet 2

Slagging the couch?

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Yes, she certainly seems to be floundering. Maggie Thatcher she ain't! And THAT is what this country needs, a strong leader to clean up Thailand, rid it of corruption, change the cultural thinking from being reactive to being proactive, and really bring this country into the 21st Century.

She cannot do what Thatcher did because there is no similarity with the UK under Thatcher; she cannot destroy the heavy industry that Thailand does not have and concentrate on "service industries" which for the Baroness meant the City of London; I also doubt that as a Thai she would claim that there is no such thing as society.

Some people forget that whatever she did for the UK, Thatcher created a huge amount of damage to areas outwith her core constituencies and used the newly-profitable North Sea oil revenues to pay the unemployed

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Yes, she certainly seems to be floundering. Maggie Thatcher she ain't! And THAT is what this country needs, a strong leader to clean up Thailand, rid it of corruption, change the cultural thinking from being reactive to being proactive, and really bring this country into the 21st Century.

She cannot do what Thatcher did because there is no similarity with the UK under Thatcher; she cannot destroy the heavy industry that Thailand does not have and concentrate on "service industries" which for the Baroness meant the City of London; I also doubt that as a Thai she would claim that there is no such thing as society.

Some people forget that whatever she did for the UK, Thatcher created a huge amount of damage to areas outwith her core constituencies and used the newly-profitable North Sea oil revenues to pay the unemployed

Agreed,even though you have ruined my day,by the mention of Thatcher :)

Someday I hope to see a Thread on Thatcher,there are many Myths and Lies,and the extreme damage she did to the British People, that the misguided Thatcherites need to address!

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Yes, she certainly seems to be floundering. Maggie Thatcher she ain't! And THAT is what this country needs, a strong leader to clean up Thailand, rid it of corruption, change the cultural thinking from being reactive to being proactive, and really bring this country into the 21st Century.

She cannot do what Thatcher did because there is no similarity with the UK under Thatcher; she cannot destroy the heavy industry that Thailand does not have and concentrate on "service industries" which for the Baroness meant the City of London; I also doubt that as a Thai she would claim that there is no such thing as society.

Some people forget that whatever she did for the UK, Thatcher created a huge amount of damage to areas outwith her core constituencies and used the newly-profitable North Sea oil revenues to pay the unemployed

Agreed,even though you have ruined my day,by the mention of Thatcher :)

Someday I hope to see a Thread on Thatcher,there are many Myths and Lies,and the extreme damage she did to the British People, that the misguided Thatcherites need to address!

Sorry to have ruined your day by mentioning "The Blessed Margaret" as Norman St.John-Stevas called her and it is way off topic but the implication in sausageandmash's post that she rid the UK of corruption is nonsensical given the scandals over defence contracts in her administration, not to mention the role of her son as a "facilitator" for UK business in the Middle East. What does the UK sell there?

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Yes, she certainly seems to be floundering. Maggie Thatcher she ain't! And THAT is what this country needs, a strong leader to clean up Thailand, rid it of corruption, change the cultural thinking from being reactive to being proactive, and really bring this country into the 21st Century.

She cannot do what Thatcher did because there is no similarity with the UK under Thatcher; she cannot destroy the heavy industry that Thailand does not have and concentrate on "service industries" which for the Baroness meant the City of London; I also doubt that as a Thai she would claim that there is no such thing as society.

Some people forget that whatever she did for the UK, Thatcher created a huge amount of damage to areas outwith her core constituencies and used the newly-profitable North Sea oil revenues to pay the unemployed

Agreed,even though you have ruined my day,by the mention of Thatcher :)

Someday I hope to see a Thread on Thatcher,there are many Myths and Lies,and the extreme damage she did to the British People, that the misguided Thatcherites need to address!

Sorry to have ruined your day by mentioning "The Blessed Margaret" as Norman St.John-Stevas called her and it is way off topic but the implication in sausageandmash's post that she rid the UK of corruption is nonsensical given the scandals over defence contracts in her administration, not to mention the role of her son as a "facilitator" for UK business in the Middle East. What does the UK sell there?

Arms. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/feb/21/abu-dhabi-arms-fair-idex-2011

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Yet another piece of slanted and dishonest reporting by The Nation. How on earth could such a newspaper legitimately report comments criticizing an administration in power for less than 6 months, blaming them for 40 million impoverished Thais? Hahaha....that did not happen in the last 6 months, but during all previous administrations. YL just inherited they doings. Pitiful.

Weather you like it or not the MP said it and the Nation printed it all perfectly legal.

It is quite complicated some thing to do with freedom of press.

I take it you are a red shirt.

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Yet another piece of slanted and dishonest reporting by The Nation. How on earth could such a newspaper legitimately report comments criticizing an administration in power for less than 6 months, blaming them for 40 million impoverished Thais? Hahaha....that did not happen in the last 6 months, but during all previous administrations. YL just inherited they doings. Pitiful.

Probably one of the weakest 'defensive' arguments I have ever seen.

Are you shooting the messenger (The Nation) or are you saying that comments didn't happen or that they did happen and shouldn't be reported or a Pheu Thai MP should not have the temerity balls to criticise his leader ?

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