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Pheu Thai MP Criticizes Yingluck Govt For Assenting To Outside Influence


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Yes, she certainly seems to be floundering. Maggie Thatcher she ain't! And THAT is what this country needs, a strong leader to clean up Thailand, rid it of corruption, change the cultural thinking from being reactive to being proactive, and really bring this country into the 21st Century.

She cannot do what Thatcher did because there is no similarity with the UK under Thatcher; she cannot destroy the heavy industry that Thailand does not have and concentrate on "service industries" which for the Baroness meant the City of London; I also doubt that as a Thai she would claim that there is no such thing as society.

Some people forget that whatever she did for the UK, Thatcher created a huge amount of damage to areas outwith her core constituencies and used the newly-profitable North Sea oil revenues to pay the unemployed

Agreed,even though you have ruined my day,by the mention of Thatcher :)

Someday I hope to see a Thread on Thatcher,there are many Myths and Lies,and the extreme damage she did to the British People, that the misguided Thatcherites need to address!

Sorry to have ruined your day by mentioning "The Blessed Margaret" as Norman St.John-Stevas called her and it is way off topic but the implication in sausageandmash's post that she rid the UK of corruption is nonsensical given the scandals over defence contracts in her administration, not to mention the role of her son as a "facilitator" for UK business in the Middle East. What does the UK sell there?

Armaments! by the alleged facilitator!

Edited by MAJIC
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There you are GK, we were starting to miss you.

Not as much as he was missing the point.


GK, always carrying water for the 'Red Shirts'

and will gladly drink their kool aid, just as the Jim Jones zombies did

Before enlightenment: Chop wood. Carry Water.

After enlightenment: Chop wood. Carry Water.

No chance of enlightenment:

Chop Redwood. Carry Heavy water.

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Yet another piece of slanted and dishonest reporting by The Nation. How on earth could such a newspaper legitimately report comments criticizing an administration in power for less than 6 months, blaming them for 40 million impoverished Thais? Hahaha....that did not happen in the last 6 months, but during all previous administrations. YL just inherited they doings. Pitiful.

No! Yet another fact emerging why this Government headed by Thaskin's sister was put together for one reason and one reason only. YL with no political wisdom or experience and no thoughts of ever being in politics was influenced by millions of dollars and her brothers bent desire to be back in power is what she willing inherited. 6 months in office and the majority of the time hell bent on fulfilling promises that would further damage Thailand and setting things in place for her brother to return. That will be her legacy in office. She is being used by a wealthy power monger namely her brother. Her only chance is to put this country on the right track is to fire her cabinet set up a new coalition and lock arms with the Dems. and together find the right solutions for Thailand's future. As long as YL does her brothers bidding Thailand will be doomed for more turmoil and no reconciliation will ever take place. She needs to be a real leader with her country's future set as a priority, and not be used for Thaskin to be able to come home and further his political ambitions and wealth.

I believe strongly in Karma but what you are suggesting is fairy dust stuff. Agree though that if there was anyway for Thailand to move forward it would be for Yingluck to try and find sufficent Pheu Thai MP's who arn't criminal convict (and now it seems 'Parkinson's disease' sufferer) Thaksin brought and paid for stoogies to coalition with the Dems and put Thaksin out of the picture once and for all. That would also have full Army support against Thaksin. But sadly the biggest problem is Yingluck is a weak Thaksin stoogie and not a strong individual thinker.

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Yes, she certainly seems to be floundering. Maggie Thatcher she ain't! And THAT is what this country needs, a strong leader to clean up Thailand, rid it of corruption, change the cultural thinking from being reactive to being proactive, and really bring this country into the 21st Century.

She cannot do what Thatcher did because there is no similarity with the UK under Thatcher; she cannot destroy the heavy industry that Thailand does not have and concentrate on "service industries" which for the Baroness meant the City of London; I also doubt that as a Thai she would claim that there is no such thing as society.

Some people forget that whatever she did for the UK, Thatcher created a huge amount of damage to areas outwith her core constituencies and used the newly-profitable North Sea oil revenues to pay the unemployed

Agreed,even though you have ruined my day,by the mention of Thatcher :)

Someday I hope to see a Thread on Thatcher,there are many Myths and Lies,and the extreme damage she did to the British People, that the misguided Thatcherites need to address!

Sorry to have ruined your day by mentioning "The Blessed Margaret" as Norman St.John-Stevas called her and it is way off topic but the implication in sausageandmash's post that she rid the UK of corruption is nonsensical given the scandals over defence contracts in her administration, not to mention the role of her son as a "facilitator" for UK business in the Middle East. What does the UK sell there?

I couldn't give two whatevers for Thatcher as I'm not a Brit and find their culture rather abhorrent. That said, who do you suppose is Thailand's "facilitator" in the Middle East and most other places?

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I couldn't give two whatevers for Thatcher as I'm not a Brit and find their culture rather abhorrent. That said, who do you suppose is Thailand's "facilitator" in the Middle East and most other places?

You find the culture abhorrent? Well, that explains why you sympathize with military coups and hold such negative sentiments against a legitimately elected government. Britain has its faults, but it is the culture of habeas corpus, political freedom and respect for doing the right thing. The UK has never towed refugees out to sea.

In respect to Thailand's "facilitator" in the middle east, there isn't anyone in particular. Thailand like the UK, will deploy a member of the Royal family when necessary. It's all about protocol. In other cases it has used its foreign minister and sometimes a military delegation. However, the fact of the matter is that Thailand does not have strong ties with most middle eastern countries. That probably has something to do with the fact that Thais are Buddhists and some countries with a strong Islamic influence are not partial to such a culture, although the Iranians and others seem to enjoy Pattaya. As well, Thailand with the exception of Israel doesn't have strong trade or labour undertakings in the region. Thailand's discreet, yet close relations with Israel doesn't endear it to some middle eastern countries.

Although some Thais work in the region, they are part of the Thai muslim minority. Yes, Mr. Thaksin was offered sanctuary/refuge in Dubai, but it is one little Gulf state and does not hold much sway over heavy hitters like Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, There is also the little unresolved matter of a jewel heist that does't endear Thailand to the Saudis.

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I couldn't give two whatevers for Thatcher as I'm not a Brit and find their culture rather abhorrent. That said, who do you suppose is Thailand's "facilitator" in the Middle East and most other places?

You find the culture abhorrent? Well, that explains why you sympathize with military coups and hold such negative sentiments against a legitimately elected government. Britain has its faults, but it is the culture of habeas corpus, political freedom and respect for doing the right thing. The UK has never towed refugees out to sea.

In respect to Thailand's "facilitator" in the middle east, there isn't anyone in particular. Thailand like the UK, will deploy a member of the Royal family when necessary. It's all about protocol. In other cases it has used its foreign minister and sometimes a military delegation. However, the fact of the matter is that Thailand does not have strong ties with most middle eastern countries. That probably has something to do with the fact that Thais are Buddhists and some countries with a strong Islamic influence are not partial to such a culture, although the Iranians and others seem to enjoy Pattaya. As well, Thailand with the exception of Israel doesn't have strong trade or labour undertakings in the region. Thailand's discreet, yet close relations with Israel doesn't endear it to some middle eastern countries.

Although some Thais work in the region, they are part of the Thai muslim minority. Yes, Mr. Thaksin was offered sanctuary/refuge in Dubai, but it is one little Gulf state and does not hold much sway over heavy hitters like Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, There is also the little unresolved matter of a jewel heist that does't endear Thailand to the Saudis.

Thanks GK, nice one and dead accurate.

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I couldn't give two whatevers for Thatcher as I'm not a Brit and find their culture rather abhorrent. That said, who do you suppose is Thailand's "facilitator" in the Middle East and most other places?

You find the culture abhorrent? Well, that explains why you sympathize with military coups and hold such negative sentiments against a legitimately elected government. Britain has its faults, but it is the culture of habeas corpus, political freedom and respect for doing the right thing. The UK has never towed refugees out to sea.

In respect to Thailand's "facilitator" in the middle east, there isn't anyone in particular. Thailand like the UK, will deploy a member of the Royal family when necessary. It's all about protocol. In other cases it has used its foreign minister and sometimes a military delegation. However, the fact of the matter is that Thailand does not have strong ties with most middle eastern countries. That probably has something to do with the fact that Thais are Buddhists and some countries with a strong Islamic influence are not partial to such a culture, although the Iranians and others seem to enjoy Pattaya. As well, Thailand with the exception of Israel doesn't have strong trade or labour undertakings in the region. Thailand's discreet, yet close relations with Israel doesn't endear it to some middle eastern countries.

Although some Thais work in the region, they are part of the Thai muslim minority. Yes, Mr. Thaksin was offered sanctuary/refuge in Dubai, but it is one little Gulf state and does not hold much sway over heavy hitters like Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, There is also the little unresolved matter of a jewel heist that does't endear Thailand to the Saudis.

Thais were kicked out of saudi, and that is a good thing, they were treated badly there and in bahrain, uae, et al, the Thais that are working there are NOT just Thai muslims, as if there are that many Thai muslims, and the 'countries with a strong Islamic influence' as you call them, love coming to Thailand and doing everything they are not allowed to do in their home islamic country, otherwise they would only travel to strict islamic countries, but you knew that already, and yes they look down on Thais and it has nothing to do with Israel, it is the same reason they look down on all non islamists, but again you knew that already. it is not surprising that you are carrying water for the islammies since you are also carrying water for the commies.

should you decide to delete this, then you should delete his for the same reason, just saying.

Edited by wxyz
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