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Past Lives


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indeed and I can see that you are from perth...

well the pictures of my album are from perth...I was dancing over there last winter...

The venue was a big hotel I don´t remeber the name...it was a private party...that´s the only place i visited in perth.

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indeed and I can see that you are from perth...

well the pictures of my album are from perth...I was dancing over there last winter...

The venue was a big hotel I don´t remeber the name...it was a private party...that´s the only place i visited in perth.

I dont recognise the venue from your photos. I hope you enjoyed your stay albeit a very short one. :o

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With reincarnation, I'm a little perplexed by numbers. :D

If, everyone was someone, sometime (I suddenly feel I should be posting this on guess the song thread  :D ), and in the case of TGS, four someones, how was there enough previous people for us all to have been one.

What I'm asking is:  have we had to share previous lives with others? Because of the continuous population explosion there has simply not been enough previous people for everyone to have exclusivity of someone that came before them. Unless, of course, reincarnation is a relatively new invention and only folks from a certain period onwards have benefited with a previous life. But then it would mean that they had to have time travelled to a period before reincarnation came into existance.  :D

Maybe some of you smarter people can explain it to me. Until then I'll stick to dreams as the most likely explaination.

I heard one agruement that our souls can be animals as well, so the extra people were once part of other animal popultions, perhaps also ones that have gone extinct. Interesting idea.

No one ever claims to have been an animal. They were always a famous, heroic or romantic figure. :o

Hindis believe they have been animals. Many Native American Nations believe in reincarnation and believe that people have been animals and can even become animals. I understand what you are trying to say, but I have met people you believe they were once animals. I ask myself if reincarnation did happen would I have been a animal? Since I like wolves does that mean there is a connection to them from a past life? Who knows?

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Maybe some of you smarter people can explain it to me. Until then I'll stick to dreams as the most likely explaination.

I saw a program recently about a guy who supposedly could recall events from a previous life of a soldier during the American civil war.

Under hypnosis it was found that every bit of info he could recall, was also in book that he had flicked through in a library.

He had subconciously picked up the info from the book even though the info flashed by in a nano second.

Maybe this accounts for some experiences, I dont know.

I like to think that we just go to where ever we believe we will go to. If you believe you will go to heaven, then you go to heaven. If he11, then he11 it is, etc.

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With reincarnation, I'm a little perplexed by numbers. :D

If, everyone was someone, sometime (I suddenly feel I should be posting this on guess the song thread  :o ), and in the case of TGS, four someones, how was there enough previous people for us all to have been one.

What I'm asking is:  have we had to share previous lives with others? Because of the continuous population explosion there has simply not been enough previous people for everyone to have exclusivity of someone that came before them. Unless, of course, reincarnation is a relatively new invention and only folks from a certain period onwards have benefited with a previous life. But then it would mean that they had to have time travelled to a period before reincarnation came into existance.  :D

Maybe some of you smarter people can explain it to me. Until then I'll stick to dreams as the most likely explaination.

BTW this is a nice line of though I like it...However...when I am dreaming I don´t like people coming with a fist full of reality...

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With reincarnation, I'm a little perplexed by numbers. :D

If, everyone was someone, sometime (I suddenly feel I should be posting this on guess the song thread  :o ), and in the case of TGS, four someones, how was there enough previous people for us all to have been one.

What I'm asking is:  have we had to share previous lives with others? Because of the continuous population explosion there has simply not been enough previous people for everyone to have exclusivity of someone that came before them. Unless, of course, reincarnation is a relatively new invention and only folks from a certain period onwards have benefited with a previous life. But then it would mean that they had to have time travelled to a period before reincarnation came into existance.  :D

Maybe some of you smarter people can explain it to me. Until then I'll stick to dreams as the most likely explaination.

BTW this is a nice line of though I like it...However...when I am dreaming I don´t like people coming with a fist full of reality...

Now that's good! :D

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If there is such a thing as reincarnation, and one's current incarnation depends on how one behaved in a previous life, I can only assume that I have previously been Vlad the Impaler, Adolf Hitler and Rosa Kleb.

This time I'll try to be nicer.

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If so many people believe they are reincarnated why don't they leave messages for themselves in the future.

I wonder if people who discover lost riches actually are the people who lost it?

Anyways, I myself often think I came out here to Asia for some reason. This feeling was a lot stronger in the past when I got here. I also believe that my wife is probably perfect for me even though she doesn't please me all the time/half of the time/sometimes all of the time. But we were meant for each other like two mangy dogs that stick together, fight over every meal they can scrounge, and snarl over who gets to sleep in the spot with the least fleas. Destiny feels good no matter how bad it is! This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! Whatever that means! Yippeee!

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