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Surin Beach


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Thinking this was interesting comment and observation from a Thai.

My Gf has been asking and asking to take her to Surin Beach. She was told its beautiful there and wants to go. We finally went there a few days ago. Getting off the motorbike within 2 minutes she says in thai "mai suay". Not being there myself for at least 3 years I could not agree more with her. Its become over run with commercialism, bars, restaurants, and garbage every where. The tables are gone. Basically a ****hole. Could not even walk with out someone trying to sell u something or hawking.

What happen there? The last time I was there if was a very nice place to relax and enjoy an afternoon.

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"What happen there?"

I think that is locally known as 'progress'

There are still many beaches in Thailand that are probably more what your GF had in mind. Unfortunately most (if not all) are no longer in the 'Tourist Paradise' Locations such as Phuket, Samui, Pattaya etc.

Surin beach used to be lovely as did Kamala and i dare say possibly Patong, but that would be way way before my time!!

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yes nai yang is beautiful. it's so purely thai that the sand was removed and its now piles of trash and ants.

Surin is pretty much the best out of all the large beaches near civilization in phuket.

You sure you've been to Phuket?

Surin is one of the smallest beaches on the island.

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Surin in high season has a high number of deck chairs on the beach which personally I don't like much although it would seem lots of people do.

The good thing about Surin is it has quite a good evening/night scene.

There are great sunsets in the evening, Catch beachclub has a good atmosphere if not expensive, the bar on the rocks also has a good vibe and usually busy, then StereoLab/Indo Chine and the adjoining Burger bar have a good night life and the latter shows all the sport.

For real scenic unspoilt beaches its a short hop to Layan, Banana Beach and Mai Khao where you can have km's of sand all to your self. Part of the reason I prefer living in the north...........

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Agree it is a night time club scene and has been swallowed by a couple of larger establishments. Great day beach Bang Tao , central for Laguna and north Bang Tao is still very secluded and if you ride up north a bit on the beachroad before Nai Ton beach a couple of almost empty, smaller hideaway gems that you have to park and walk down to. Just look for clusters of bikes. Take a companion and your own snacks . Nai Yang is gorgeous withthe huge pines Mai Khao north of the airport are some lux resorts amenities and then north of larger resorts is still very secluded- Do not walk alone. ( RIP Hannah Bucklund)

I lived very close to Surin beach 10 years ago and it was fabulous, now I go there in the evenings only if we wan't to flash the csah at catch.

still a pretty beach but not for the day time anymore. try Nai Yang still is a day time venue.

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yes nai yang is beautiful. it's so purely thai that the sand was removed and its now piles of trash and ants.

Someone removed the sand???? That's news to me - it was there when I last looked yesterday :)

But I agree that some of the beach is trash - the area where the locals have built a shanty town of illegal bars, massage, restaurants and guesthouses.

Luckily, that's only in one small area of Nai Yang beach. It's much more peaceful in the national park area where building is forbidden - so the number of illegal buildings is less - but still present!


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The beauty of the Northern beaches is you have the best of both worlds. If you want restaurants and beach chairs then you can have them. However if you want peace and quiet and a picnic on an empty stretch of beach you can have that as well. Everybody is catered for on every beach north of Surin.

Sometimes we take our own beach chairs and table down to the southern end of Nai Yang, you can park 10 feet away from the beach and you'll see only a small handfull of people the whole time you're there (if any). Yet at the same time you are only a 5 minute walk away from umpteen restaurants, shops and dive outfits, which despite them being illegal I think still maintain a certain charm.

A beach where you can have that contrast just 5 minutes walk away from each other has to be a winner in my book.

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Full of rabid dogs, trash, ants and flies.. just the way thais like it.

Mmmm, not sure about the rabid dogs, trash and flies but you got the ants bit right at least, some Thais do like their ants. Was with people eating stir fried ant eggs just yesterday. :bah:

Are you talking about the area that isn't on the beach at all but in the car park?

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