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Satellite Direct Seems To Have Taken Over


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Hi I am having a problem with TV at the moment.

All the sponsor adds seen to have been taken over by Satellite Direct.

Every time I try to navigate I get an annoying popup asking me to confirm I wish to leave the page as a live agent wishes to offer me a discount.

After confirming I want to leave numerous times it eventually lets me, this is happening on every TV page.

Cleared cash and cookies by still same problem?

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I don't see Satellite Direct as a Sponsor, indeed Jsat seem to be the only satellite based sponsor.

TV don't normally use those annoying pop over adverts so it may well be just you and you've picked up some adware somewhere :(

Could you post a screenshot of the offending Ad please?

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Ok so these are the screen shots.

I thought I had fixed it by doing this

Creating a new browser user profile

If your browser user profile is corrupted, you can create a new user profile to replace the broken one:

Windows instructions

  1. Exit Google Chrome completely.
  2. Go to the Start menu > Run.
  3. Enter one of the following directories in the text field, then press OK.
    • Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\
    • Windows Vista/ Windows 7: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\

Locate the folder called "Default" in the directory window that opens and rename it as "Backup default".<li>Try opening Google Chrome again. A new "Default" folder is created automatically as you start using the browser.If you wish, you can transfer information from your old user profile to your new one. However, this action is not recommended, since a part of your old profile was corrupt. With that in mind, to transfer your old bookmarks, copy the "Bookmarks.bak" file from the "Backup default" folder to your new "Default" folder. Once moved, rename the file from "Bookmarks.bak" to "Bookmarks" to complete the migration.

It seemed to have worked for a while but now they are back, also the problem is not just on TV or Chrome, same on IE and any site with google ads.


Edited by kevkev1888
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