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After visiting Foodland in Fun City , im of the opinion Ferangs with Trucks abusing the Tax concession should have Work Permits. They Clogged up the Car Park , whilst the Tiny One Retrieved the Bacon and Eggs, for Old Tubby. If they were not so selfish you could have parked an extra 50 Mazda 2s. Do they give away Black Socks and Chang Tea Shirts with every Truck sold..?. Im sure these Guys were Paper Shufflers in the World and are now White Van Man Clones. , seeking revenge. They aint even nice little Pick ups anymore, like the original Hi Lux ,they have evolved into a Slobby Fat Slug Look. Bit like the Drivers of them in Foodland .biggrin.gif.


So your not blessed with Changers on Alcatrazz !.. Give it time ,you will soon be annoyed you cant park your Zoom Zoom for Trucks using 1.6 spaces with one person in it... I cant wait to get an Easy Parker.biggrin.gif


So your not blessed with Changers on Alcatrazz !.. Give it time ,you will soon be annoyed you cant park your Zoom Zoom for Trucks using 1.6 spaces with one person in it... I cant wait to get an Easy Parker.biggrin.gif

zoom zoom, the part I def like the least about mazda, what a silly name

but my zoom zoom is so small it parks anywhere, and in TRUE RED everyone think its the firebrigade coming :)

same color by chrysler/dodge is called FLAME RED :D

most farang changers here ride samlors :lol: :lol:

and Alcatraz is now blessed with 3 bridges to mainland TH


Which tax concession are you referring to? Green on white plates for 2 door pickups? Or blue on white plates for minivans? Just trying to work out who your ire is aimed at.

I drive a pickup, but it has four doors, black on white plates, and there is therefore no tax concession. I don't own a chang t-shirt by the way (or singlet for that matter).

I thought Mazda 2's were hairdresser's cars - do you need a work permit to drive one of them?


Which tax concession are you referring to? Green on white plates for 2 door pickups? Or blue on white plates for minivans? Just trying to work out who your ire is aimed at.

I drive a pickup, but it has four doors, black on white plates, and there is therefore no tax concession. I don't own a chang t-shirt by the way (or singlet for that matter).

I thought Mazda 2's were hairdresser's cars - do you need a work permit to drive one of them?

4 door pickups like my trusted vigospost-81971-0-06478600-1324264714_thumb.j

are only subject to13% excicetax, 2 door pickups only 3%, while my hairdresser car, which is great fun to drive by the way, is 25% excicetax, thus one has to aknowledge pickups are tax avaiding :)


You could put a Ladder on the Top , a Siren, and become a Volunteer Fireman. Green Plates are the sign of the Pussy Whipped ferang in Essarn. That Little Critter has an idea you got a Honda Monkey Bike onboard.biggrin.gif.


You could put a Ladder on the Top , a Siren, and become a Volunteer Fireman. Green Plates are the sign of the Pussy Whipped ferang in Essarn. That Little Critter has an idea you got a Honda Monkey Bike onboard.biggrin.gif.

the little critter should know monkey bikes are bluepost-81971-0-21169200-1324282952_thumb.j

and didnt I teach you to click the photo to get full screen?

honda make great twist&go by the way :)

I did intsall the Highwaypolice stickers on the mazda2, inside the film, they are unvisible. at least none can say I am speeding unmarked B)


I thought Mazda 2's were hairdresser's cars - do you need a work permit to drive one of them?

Foreign hairdressers would surely have a Work PERM-it :)


I thought Mazda 2's were hairdresser's cars - do you need a work permit to drive one of them?

Foreign hairdressers would surely have a Work PERM-it :)

Yes indeed, they don't want to Bleach the Immigration Laws do they. biggrin.gif


I thought Mazda 2's were hairdresser's cars - do you need a work permit to drive one of them?

Foreign hairdressers would surely have a Work PERM-it :)

Now you are just spltting hairs....


"Comb " to think of it ,your Quite Right . Clever little buggers these Hairdressers. They realise you don't need a 1 Ton , 3 Litre ,4W.D. ,Turbo Charged ,170 BHP , Tractor Tyred ,Crew Cab Type , Commercial Vehicle , no matter what the colour of the plates are , to carry a Comb n Scissors........biggrin.gif.

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