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UPDATE 1 -- North Korean leader Kim Jong-il dies during train ride


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Ok, I have no ties to North Korea, and don't care if anyone who does reads what I have to say. Thank GOD he's dead. May his sons soon follow. There, I said it. So many times I have said, "I hope he drops dead." Yaaaay, it finally happened. I'm celebrating right now by drinking to his death. Wish wish wishing still, may his heirs to the throne soon meet Miss Fortune, or is it now Missus?

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Joke all you want, guys, but now that he is dead and his son is still young and inexperienced, there will be a lot of uncertainty on the Korean peninsula.

You can bet that both Seoul, Tokyo and Beijing are in high alert mode right now.

edit: More to the point, if some one feels frisky and decides to make a daring move, it could escalate very badly.

Could nor agree more on those points!!

Need to bring out the old clips featuring "Duck and Cover"...

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Good...pity it was later rather than sooner.

This nut case lived for far too long. Millions of his own people have died from starvation and in captivity.

The danger now is that the military, who rule and govern the country with an steel and iron fist to protect their cruel and abusiuve position, will possibly see a vacuum with his inexperienced 28 year old novice dictator heir. Not good times ahead for the penninsula with the S Koreans already on high alert.

His son was educated in a private Swiss school, speaks English and German, so lets hope to God he has some sense of the outside world...but there again are the boys with the guns right on his shoulder.

Oh...trust the Chinese to back this great late lamented leader. They are crying into their soup today with loving statements of this great man (in their eyes only). They also back the Syrians in their mass murder of their own civilians. The Chinese have always seen nothing wrong with this kind of thuggish brutal government.....remember Tibet? Remember the monks in Burma? Brutalised, courtesy of the Chinese. Now they willingly back another nut.

Long overdue for the West to stop giving China all of our manufacturing and wealth. Korea would probably have settled down long ago without the Chinese backing fly eyes.

Edited by harleyclarkey
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About time!!! Let's just hope his son is cut from different wood!!!

Apples...trees... Lets hope so though.. His father was cut from different wood too but the wood was even more rotten unfortunately <_< .

Edited by WarpSpeed
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now that's funny

Nah don't you cry little boys and girls. Big daddy dictators third son will take over now and continue to tell you how to think ,what to eat, and how to blow your nose and wipe your ass!!!!! Three cheers! the Red Menace still survives in some places .Give me a break!

Edited by timberboy
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His favorite 2 movie series (out of collection of tens of thousands) were the Rambo and Friday the 13th series. Go figure.

He could be in another dimension now, playing kick the dead chicken in a cement room with no windows, along with Pol Pot, Bukassa, Amin, Papa Doc and the others.

Here's a North Korean joke: What does Kim Jong-il gives his secret girlfriends after shagging them? Answer: A bullet in the belly.

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I'd better re-do my will....I often feel physical fatigue. Didn't know one could actually die of it.

It happened during an early morning train ride. Maybe he pulled the train? Being the great leader that would of course have been possible for him.

But his youngest son is now supposed to take over the leadership which does not look good for the country. He is not known to have the smartest brain in the nest.

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The son was educated in Switzerland, so should know how well a country can work and how happy it's people can be. He would also know how foreigners view his country and his Dad.. Hopefully he wants to change things for the better and has enough influence to drive it through.

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I'd better re-do my will....I often feel physical fatigue. Didn't know one could actually die of it.

It happened during an early morning train ride. Maybe he pulled the train? Being the great leader that would of course have been possible for him.

But his youngest son is now supposed to take over the leadership which does not look good for the country. He is not known to have the smartest brain in the nest.

Not known by whom?

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