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Buying To Subdivide And Resell

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I'm thinking about picking up 22 rai to subdivide and resell at what I think will generate fair profits.

The intial plan was to create a loan/document/mortgage, loaning my gf the money to buy.

A few others here haave done that restricting the wife/gf from selling until the loan is repaid, with interest.

Their name (husband/bf)has been added to the chanote as lein holder or whatever.

I've talked to the bank about the Foreign Exchange Transaction Form and advised the amount is now over 50k to qualify.

They also mentioned if I realized a profit, supplying the sales forms, they would include the profits on the Foreign Exchange Transaction Form

allowing the return of those funds to my home country if desired.

After the purchase, the plans are to split it up, creating new chanotes for each piece.

I'm hoping the new land doc's will follow the original, keeping me on as leinholder. Not sure about that.

Does anyone have any idea how, upon selling piece by piece, the loan release will work?

Upon final sales of the pieces, over and above the original purchase, I'm assuming some sort of tax will be due?

By whom and in what percentages?

We're going back to the land office tomorrow with a list of questions that may answer some of these questions and if the taxes are indeed going up next year as posters here have beed debaiting.

A bit complicated to me as it's a new venture here and any help would by appreciated.

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