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Procedure For Obtaining A Thai Driving License For Motorcycle In Cm, Without An Idp


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I am planning to get a Thai driving license this week

So far, I have been driving a Yamaha Nouvo which I purchased in March.

I have a valid EU driving license from Cyprus , valid until 2049. It has photo page and it's both in English and Greek.

However, the license is only valid for cars. I have tried to obtain an IDP this summer but gave up due to the bureaucracy and the costs involved.

In another topic http://www.thaivisa....license-report/ the following documents are mentioned

For proof of residency at immigration:

-One signed copy of my passport photo page.

-One signed copy of my current visa page.

-One signed copy of my departure card and arrival stamp in my passport.

-A letter from the department of land transportation (which they just gave to me in an envelope and told me to take to immigration after I asked about it).

-A form filled out by my landlord as proof of residency.

For the license at the department of land transportation:

-One signed copy of my passport photo page.

-One signed copy of my passport visa page.

-One signed copy of my passport arrival stamp.

-One signed copy of my California driver's license, front and back.

-One signed copy of my international driving permit.

-One medical certificate.

-Returned letter from immigration and whatever amendments they made to it.

-Eye test.

-250 baht.

So, I have the following uncertainties:

1) I understand that there are 2 separate TDL for motorbike and car, requiring 2 residency certificates. Is this correct?

2) In CM, do I need the a letter from the department of land transportation in order to obtain a residency certificate? Will they ask for an IDP? If so, how to get around it?

3) Can I go to any of the Offices for Land transportation? ( I live on Thanon Thippanet, T. Haiya - close to Suan Prung gate). Which one is the most farang-friendly?

4) Can I download or find online anywhere the form required to be filled by the landlord, for the residence certificate?

5) Do I need to take a practical driving test for the car license as well as for the motorbike? Will I need my own car?

6) Is the process easier if I go with a Thai friend ,or there's no significant advantage?

Thanks for your help!

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we just got our car drivers licenses this past week, so while I can't answer the motorbike specific things, I can confirm that:

1) The residency certificate was issued by immigration, with no need for any form from land transportation. The form has a box you check that you're getting it to get a driver's license, and that seems to suffice. There was no form our landlord signed. We showed our signed lease the first time, before we had our 1 year visa, when we were buying the car. I honestly can't remember if we gave them the lease the 2nd time as well, or just showing the visa was enough the 2nd time when we needed a new certificate to go get the license.

2) At the info desk on the 2nd floor of the building where we got our licenses on Hang Dong road, the very helpful woman took our forms, and asked us if we wanted to use our IDP or our US state's driver's license. We used the State one, and she handed the IDPs back, without any real look or comment about them. She did though ask what "non-commercial" meant on our state licenses, and if it was for cars, we said yes, since it is, and that was fine - but then we were looking for a car license here, not sure what would have happened if we'd been looking for a motorbike one, and didn't have that type on our license from the US.

I have to say, other people's experiences may vary, but at least for getting a car driver's license this process was much more pleasant than doing the same in the US. Whole process start to finish took less than an hour. Everyone we spoke with was friendly, helpful, polite, and spoke excellent English. The signs all were in both English and Thai, and we were directed to the precise place to go next, and only at the step where the documents were actually cleared was there any wait, and that was pretty short.

Edited by KayCee
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I'll give this a shot. I just finished getting my residency cert and Thai motorcycle and car driver's licenses. I also just bought Nuovo, so it seems we're on the same page.smile.gif

I don't know anything about this form you have from the land transport office. I didn't need any such thing. No need to go to the transport office until you have your residency cert and other docs in hand ready to get a license (or two).

The thing missing from your list for the residency cert is a passport-sized photo. They'll take one out back of immigration for you if you need them to. They'll make copies there too. Take your passport, and not just the copies, in case they want to verify the copies. For proof of residency, I used a copy of my lease agreement. Any landlord who has much dealings with non-Thai tenants should know what you're looking for in this regard. I don't recall for sure, but I think immigration wanted two copies of my passport pages. Sorry, I'm vague on this. But like I say, you can get copies out back if they ask for them. Ask for a residency cert from the middle counter.

Next stop is a convenient hospital for a medical certificate. I went to Central Memorial and it took about 15 minutes and 200 baht. Just tell them medical cert for driver's license and they'll know. You need your passport at the hospital too.

Then it's off to the driver's license shop. Take your passport, home country driver's license, medical cert and residency cert. Head south from Airport Plaza on the Hang Dong road, go past Tesco and keep your eye open for the pedestrian overpass. The licensing office is right at the overpass, just a short ways before the Big C intersection, on the big grounds behind the white and purple fence. (But you probably already know this because I think you said you have been there.) Head to the info desk on the 1st floor at the entrance. She'll check your docs, tell you what you need to get copied and send you upstairs to the back of the 2nd floor to get the copies made. Take those to the 2nd floor info desk where they'll get your forms and copies all packaged up neatly and send you to the right sections. If you already have a valid foreign license, the only test you'll need to do is to say 'red', 'yellow' or 'green' as a guy points to colored circles, and then stomp on a brake peddle within one second of a green light turning to red (from a chair in the office, not out on the street). Then another line to pay and a final line to get your driver's license photo taken and license printed.

Sorry, I have no idea what you have to do for your motorcycle license if you're not licensed for that at home. I know it won't be a matter of the two quick indoor tests. Someone else will know about this.

When I got both licenses at once, they kept the original residency and medical certs attached to one application and used the copies for the other. I tried to talk her into using a copy of the residency cert for both and leaving the original with me, but she would have none of that - they kept it. I don't know how this is going to shake out for you given that in your case I don't think you can get both licenses at the same time. Maybe you're going to need two original residence certs? Or, possibly, if you get your car license first, then you can show them that license and use just a copy of the residency cert for the motorcycle license. I'm not sure, but it's worth a shot.

Hope this helps....

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you sit for a test if u do not have a bike license also reaction test at the same place.you may even sit thru a video to learn the road rules.a residence cert is needed along with passport copies and medical certificate any doctors surgery can give you that.your driving license is enough to get a car license,the only thing you must check out is what kind of visa you have to be in thailand.also you can get photo copies of everything you need in the same building.it is all pretty much contained in one building and can be done in 1 afternoon

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if you do not already have a valid motorcycle license from another country, you will have to take a driving test on your motorcycle too...

it is not hard...you will have to go around a short course. you need to stop at a pedestrian crosswalk, a railroad crossing and a stop sign. be sure to look both ways when stopped before starting again....then you will need to ride up on a raised concrete form about 4 inches tall and 8 inches wide for about 20 feet...

the signs for the crosswalk and railroad crossing are marked on the road so you will have to look for them....watch what the first people do and you should be good....

also, i was the only person there who had someone bring them to take the driving test...everyone else were driving a motorcycle by themselves.

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also, i was the only person there who had someone bring them to take the driving test...everyone else were driving a motorcycle by themselves.

This is why I love Thailand. biggrin.gif

By the way, regarding the residency cert. I went to register my Nuovo today and they insisted on an original residency cert, not the copy I had. But of course the driver's license people insisted on the original as well, and kept it. So, tomorrow it's back to immigration to apply and shell out for a new cert. I feel like Sam Lowry working in Information Retrieval.

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This is why I love Thailand. biggrin.gif

By the way, regarding the residency cert. I went to register my Nuovo today and they insisted on an original residency cert, not the copy I had. But of course the driver's license people insisted on the original as well, and kept it. So, tomorrow it's back to immigration to apply and shell out for a new cert. I feel like Sam Lowry working in Information Retrieval.

Usually if you show the original at the license office, then they will stamp and endorse any copies. As with everything in Thailand it depends on the official you deal with. I have been lucky enough to deal with officials who suggested this to me when registering a vehicle and applying for a Thai license (that was many years ago).

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two things

the residency cert you will need for the bike and the car permit -but one is enough and it is 500 or 600 bt .the medical test you can get a lot cheaper at smaller clinics- i think i paid 50 bt along the moat coming from cm gate before the corner with moonmuang a yellow 70's modern concrete building -go in the morning like 8 30

and it will take less than 15 min,well hopefully .

i got the other papers the day before and did it all in one day- med cert ,the video ,

tests on the computer and driving test for the bike and took home the 2 permits.

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Went to immigration today for letter of residence. Left the apartmernt about 1345 caught the red taxi to immigration. Upon arrival went directly to copy center and told the girl copies for residence letter. Wham bam thank you mam had my copies inside for form to fill out. Filled out the form, signed all of the copies of passport page, extension of stay, arrival stamp, departure card number and letter from apartment. Gave the lot to the girl at information with 2 photos, asked her how long 3 min. ok maybe. I had a seat in about 30 min. or so name was called paid the 500 baht signed the letter and was informed only good for 30days. Thank you.

Total time from start to finish about 1 hour. Here is the list of what I needed.

1 copy of pass port page

2 copy of retirement extension of stay

3 copy of arrival stamp.

4 copy of departure card number

5 letter from apartment

6 application for letter of residence


8.2 photos

Submit passport with the above have a seat and enjoy the people watching

Edited by moe666
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Thanks to everyone for the useful information shared.

I got the car license today and I am scheduled tomorrow for the motorcycle license test.

I'll share some extra (not so obvious) tips regarding the experience so far.

The letter from DLT that was mentioned in the original post (please check the link) is not needed in CM for the residency certificate.

However you do have to pay 500 baht ,unlike Bangkok ,so it's a trade-off I guess...

The medical certificate can be obtained from any roadside thai clinic, no need to go to the big hospitals where you wait in line and pay 200 baht.

It took 5 min and cost me the outstanding amount of 30 baht :)

For the residency permit, there is no application form to fill out, just submit the documents at the counter.

Edit update: I just saw the poster above mentioning that he did fill an application form(!?).

They told me that I only need to give them the documents, so maybe they filled a form for me backstage? As with many other things in Thailand, your experience may vary...

You have to come in the morning, as they start around 8.30am and by 9am they were telling other people "solly, finish today, come tomollow".

Again I see in the previous post that at 13.45 it was still available, but when I went yesterday at 13.20 they told me "no have, finish today" - so it's better to be on the safe side and come in the morning.

However, you don't need to write your name on the list or take a queue number.; just submit the documents at the info counter The queue no. is only for visa extensions, re-entry permits etc. This was not specified anywhere as far as I could see, so I could have slept a little longer if I knew :|

At the Department of Land Transportation, you can go directly to the 2nd floor. There the girl at the info counter will tell you everything else.

She was very bossy, almost military style, barking commands at me; I'm not so used to this attitude in Thailand, however she was very effective and precise.

They accepted my driving license for the car after having 3 different people look at it; for the motorbike test I am scheduled tomorrow morning, like I said.

@Zziffle, thx for the info regarding the motorbike registration, I hope I'll be luckier and won't need another residence certificate :)

I'll try to update the thread once I have the moto license.

Thx again to the people who helped!

Edited by diseq
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Went today for my car and motorbike drivers licenses. Arrived around 0800 went directly to the copy guy in the back he made copies of my passport pages requiired. I returned to info desk and the girl there sorted it all out she took my drivers licenses for car and had someone check the endorsement on the back, I have to wear glasses while driving. She returned and said copy of licenses. Went back to copy guy back and front 2 baht. Went back to info girl jumped the line and she sorted my package out and pointed at all of the places to sign and said window 28.

Submitted paper work at window 28 and he gave me a number card and said set down sir. After a bit some guy came out and made an annoucement in Thai and we all trooped to the color blind test and the stop light reaction test boyha a trip. I tried to fudge on the stop light test by using both feet but was caught out they want you to press on the accelarator and when the light turns green use the same foot for the break, O well I passed anyway.

We had a 30 min wait and then into the computer training room for a training session on the computer, it covers various Thai driving laws and rules. After this we where given a study book and told read and study for 1 hour come back at 1200. At 1200 told O sorry 1300, I went to lunch.

Back at 1300 into computer test room first in line given a card to insert into console and test began. I failed the first time mainly because of weird questions. The lady monitoring said no problem take again, I set for a bit while the group I came in with completed their test. New group comes in ok sir come here. Ok card into computer start the monitor lady came by and I had a question and she says number 2 ok.Another question came up when is it dangerous to drive 2 of the answers where when you feel the symptoms of a heart attack coming on.

or dim light. Ok both could be right but it turned out that it was the heart attack answer.

Passed test 2 out to the drivers test, easy peazy drove around the course didn't fall off the raised section. The driver instructor gave me the signed application floor 2 please.

Back to info desk she will check paper work and give you a number. Your number and desk will appear you hand in paperwork and pay 360baht for a car and a motorcycle license. Then over to photosection take another number and wait to be called. I got desk 4 it was the test monitor nice lady. She took the photo and entered info into computer in due time I recieved two new drivers licenses.

It was a long day, the car licenses alone would have been a snap but because of the need for a written test and a driving test it was a 7 hour day. Let me also say, NEVER WAS I ASKED FOR ANY TEA MONEY, the staff was very professional and the girl at the info desk was very helpful and friendly if you chatted with her.

You will need: 1 residency certificate, 2.Health certificate, 3. Copies of passport pages, front page,visa, entry stamp,4 Copy of drivers licenses from your own country if you have one. They have a copy center in back of the room. There are a few people there who speak Thai if you have any problems.

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not hard is it and it filled up your day.trying doing this in the uk

Not a problem actually I could have spent my day differently but one should a drivers licenses. No one should feel put off by the experience you will muddle your way thru it

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  • 5 months later...

Went today for my car and motorbike drivers licenses. Arrived around 0800 went directly to the copy guy in the back he made copies of my passport pages requiired. I returned to info desk and the girl there sorted it all out she took my drivers licenses for car and had someone check the endorsement on the back, I have to wear glasses while driving. She returned and said copy of licenses. Went back to copy guy back and front 2 baht. Went back to info girl jumped the line and she sorted my package out and pointed at all of the places to sign and said window 28.

Submitted paper work at window 28 and he gave me a number card and said set down sir. After a bit some guy came out and made an annoucement in Thai and we all trooped to the color blind test and the stop light reaction test boyha a trip. I tried to fudge on the stop light test by using both feet but was caught out they want you to press on the accelarator and when the light turns green use the same foot for the break, O well I passed anyway.

We had a 30 min wait and then into the computer training room for a training session on the computer, it covers various Thai driving laws and rules. After this we where given a study book and told read and study for 1 hour come back at 1200. At 1200 told O sorry 1300, I went to lunch.

Back at 1300 into computer test room first in line given a card to insert into console and test began. I failed the first time mainly because of weird questions. The lady monitoring said no problem take again, I set for a bit while the group I came in with completed their test. New group comes in ok sir come here. Ok card into computer start the monitor lady came by and I had a question and she says number 2 ok.Another question came up when is it dangerous to drive 2 of the answers where when you feel the symptoms of a heart attack coming on.

or dim light. Ok both could be right but it turned out that it was the heart attack answer.

Passed test 2 out to the drivers test, easy peazy drove around the course didn't fall off the raised section. The driver instructor gave me the signed application floor 2 please.

Back to info desk she will check paper work and give you a number. Your number and desk will appear you hand in paperwork and pay 360baht for a car and a motorcycle license. Then over to photosection take another number and wait to be called. I got desk 4 it was the test monitor nice lady. She took the photo and entered info into computer in due time I recieved two new drivers licenses.

It was a long day, the car licenses alone would have been a snap but because of the need for a written test and a driving test it was a 7 hour day. Let me also say, NEVER WAS I ASKED FOR ANY TEA MONEY, the staff was very professional and the girl at the info desk was very helpful and friendly if you chatted with her.

You will need: 1 residency certificate, 2.Health certificate, 3. Copies of passport pages, front page,visa, entry stamp,4 Copy of drivers licenses from your own country if you have one. They have a copy center in back of the room. There are a few people there who speak Thai if you have any problems.

Many thanks for the detailed description. I have a couple of questions about the residency certificate: Is Immigration the only place to get one? If I remember correctly I got something similar from the U.S. Consulate five years ago when I purchased my motorbike.

I have a one year visa that was issued in the U.S., but I have been doing border runs every 90 days instead of checking in with Immigration. Can I get a residency certificate from Immigration if they haven't seen me before and did not issue the visa in my passport?

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Went today for my car and motorbike drivers licenses. Arrived around 0800 went directly to the copy guy in the back he made copies of my passport pages requiired. I returned to info desk and the girl there sorted it all out she took my drivers licenses for car and had someone check the endorsement on the back, I have to wear glasses while driving. She returned and said copy of licenses. Went back to copy guy back and front 2 baht. Went back to info girl jumped the line and she sorted my package out and pointed at all of the places to sign and said window 28.

Submitted paper work at window 28 and he gave me a number card and said set down sir. After a bit some guy came out and made an annoucement in Thai and we all trooped to the color blind test and the stop light reaction test boyha a trip. I tried to fudge on the stop light test by using both feet but was caught out they want you to press on the accelarator and when the light turns green use the same foot for the break, O well I passed anyway.

We had a 30 min wait and then into the computer training room for a training session on the computer, it covers various Thai driving laws and rules. After this we where given a study book and told read and study for 1 hour come back at 1200. At 1200 told O sorry 1300, I went to lunch.

Back at 1300 into computer test room first in line given a card to insert into console and test began. I failed the first time mainly because of weird questions. The lady monitoring said no problem take again, I set for a bit while the group I came in with completed their test. New group comes in ok sir come here. Ok card into computer start the monitor lady came by and I had a question and she says number 2 ok.Another question came up when is it dangerous to drive 2 of the answers where when you feel the symptoms of a heart attack coming on.

or dim light. Ok both could be right but it turned out that it was the heart attack answer.

Passed test 2 out to the drivers test, easy peazy drove around the course didn't fall off the raised section. The driver instructor gave me the signed application floor 2 please.

Back to info desk she will check paper work and give you a number. Your number and desk will appear you hand in paperwork and pay 360baht for a car and a motorcycle license. Then over to photosection take another number and wait to be called. I got desk 4 it was the test monitor nice lady. She took the photo and entered info into computer in due time I recieved two new drivers licenses.

It was a long day, the car licenses alone would have been a snap but because of the need for a written test and a driving test it was a 7 hour day. Let me also say, NEVER WAS I ASKED FOR ANY TEA MONEY, the staff was very professional and the girl at the info desk was very helpful and friendly if you chatted with her.

You will need: 1 residency certificate, 2.Health certificate, 3. Copies of passport pages, front page,visa, entry stamp,4 Copy of drivers licenses from your own country if you have one. They have a copy center in back of the room. There are a few people there who speak Thai if you have any problems.

Many thanks for the detailed description. I have a couple of questions about the residency certificate: Is Immigration the only place to get one? If I remember correctly I got something similar from the U.S. Consulate five years ago when I purchased my motorbike.

I have a one year visa that was issued in the U.S., but I have been doing border runs every 90 days instead of checking in with Immigration. Can I get a residency certificate from Immigration if they haven't seen me before and did not issue the visa in my passport?

You can get a similar form to the Residency Certificate at the US Embassy but it will cost substantially more and the process is no easier or faster. I got the Residency Certificate at Immigration and had never been there before either. i also do 90 day visa runs when necessary.

I can't figure out why I should waste a day, or most of it, getting a Thai drivers license. The only advantage I see is that I'll get a discount at National Parks, the Zoo, etc. I'll never make back the cost of the license. I've never had a problem showing my driver's license issued in the US whenever I was asked for a driver's license.

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Went today for my car and motorbike drivers licenses. Arrived around 0800 went directly to the copy guy in the back he made copies of my passport pages requiired. I returned to info desk and the girl there sorted it all out she took my drivers licenses for car and had someone check the endorsement on the back, I have to wear glasses while driving. She returned and said copy of licenses. Went back to copy guy back and front 2 baht. Went back to info girl jumped the line and she sorted my package out and pointed at all of the places to sign and said window 28.

Submitted paper work at window 28 and he gave me a number card and said set down sir. After a bit some guy came out and made an annoucement in Thai and we all trooped to the color blind test and the stop light reaction test boyha a trip. I tried to fudge on the stop light test by using both feet but was caught out they want you to press on the accelarator and when the light turns green use the same foot for the break, O well I passed anyway.

We had a 30 min wait and then into the computer training room for a training session on the computer, it covers various Thai driving laws and rules. After this we where given a study book and told read and study for 1 hour come back at 1200. At 1200 told O sorry 1300, I went to lunch.

Back at 1300 into computer test room first in line given a card to insert into console and test began. I failed the first time mainly because of weird questions. The lady monitoring said no problem take again, I set for a bit while the group I came in with completed their test. New group comes in ok sir come here. Ok card into computer start the monitor lady came by and I had a question and she says number 2 ok.Another question came up when is it dangerous to drive 2 of the answers where when you feel the symptoms of a heart attack coming on.

or dim light. Ok both could be right but it turned out that it was the heart attack answer.

Passed test 2 out to the drivers test, easy peazy drove around the course didn't fall off the raised section. The driver instructor gave me the signed application floor 2 please.

Back to info desk she will check paper work and give you a number. Your number and desk will appear you hand in paperwork and pay 360baht for a car and a motorcycle license. Then over to photosection take another number and wait to be called. I got desk 4 it was the test monitor nice lady. She took the photo and entered info into computer in due time I recieved two new drivers licenses.

It was a long day, the car licenses alone would have been a snap but because of the need for a written test and a driving test it was a 7 hour day. Let me also say, NEVER WAS I ASKED FOR ANY TEA MONEY, the staff was very professional and the girl at the info desk was very helpful and friendly if you chatted with her.

You will need: 1 residency certificate, 2.Health certificate, 3. Copies of passport pages, front page,visa, entry stamp,4 Copy of drivers licenses from your own country if you have one. They have a copy center in back of the room. There are a few people there who speak Thai if you have any problems.

Many thanks for the detailed description. I have a couple of questions about the residency certificate: Is Immigration the only place to get one? If I remember correctly I got something similar from the U.S. Consulate five years ago when I purchased my motorbike.

I have a one year visa that was issued in the U.S., but I have been doing border runs every 90 days instead of checking in with Immigration. Can I get a residency certificate from Immigration if they haven't seen me before and did not issue the visa in my passport?

You can get a similar form to the Residency Certificate at the US Embassy but it will cost substantially more and the process is no easier or faster. I got the Residency Certificate at Immigration and had never been there before either. i also do 90 day visa runs when necessary.

I can't figure out why I should waste a day, or most of it, getting a Thai drivers license. The only advantage I see is that I'll get a discount at National Parks, the Zoo, etc. I'll never make back the cost of the license. I've never had a problem showing my driver's license issued in the US whenever I was asked for a driver's license.

i believe some insurance are invalid without local license. i showed my singapore license during a stop but was rejected with some reasoning. I believe driving or riding here does require a proper local license unless you are on a tourist visa

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i believe some insurance are invalid without local license. i showed my singapore license during a stop but was rejected with some reasoning. I believe driving or riding here does require a proper local license unless you are on a tourist visa

I am surprised that a Singapore license was not accepted. All ASEAN countries have an agreement that licenses from any member country is legal in all other member countries.

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Went today for my car and motorbike drivers licenses. Arrived around 0800 went directly to the copy guy in the back he made copies of my passport pages requiired. I returned to info desk and the girl there sorted it all out she took my drivers licenses for car and had someone check the endorsement on the back, I have to wear glasses while driving. She returned and said copy of licenses. Went back to copy guy back and front 2 baht. Went back to info girl jumped the line and she sorted my package out and pointed at all of the places to sign and said window 28.

Submitted paper work at window 28 and he gave me a number card and said set down sir. After a bit some guy came out and made an annoucement in Thai and we all trooped to the color blind test and the stop light reaction test boyha a trip. I tried to fudge on the stop light test by using both feet but was caught out they want you to press on the accelarator and when the light turns green use the same foot for the break, O well I passed anyway.

We had a 30 min wait and then into the computer training room for a training session on the computer, it covers various Thai driving laws and rules. After this we where given a study book and told read and study for 1 hour come back at 1200. At 1200 told O sorry 1300, I went to lunch.

Back at 1300 into computer test room first in line given a card to insert into console and test began. I failed the first time mainly because of weird questions. The lady monitoring said no problem take again, I set for a bit while the group I came in with completed their test. New group comes in ok sir come here. Ok card into computer start the monitor lady came by and I had a question and she says number 2 ok.Another question came up when is it dangerous to drive 2 of the answers where when you feel the symptoms of a heart attack coming on.

or dim light. Ok both could be right but it turned out that it was the heart attack answer.

Passed test 2 out to the drivers test, easy peazy drove around the course didn't fall off the raised section. The driver instructor gave me the signed application floor 2 please.

Back to info desk she will check paper work and give you a number. Your number and desk will appear you hand in paperwork and pay 360baht for a car and a motorcycle license. Then over to photosection take another number and wait to be called. I got desk 4 it was the test monitor nice lady. She took the photo and entered info into computer in due time I recieved two new drivers licenses.

It was a long day, the car licenses alone would have been a snap but because of the need for a written test and a driving test it was a 7 hour day. Let me also say, NEVER WAS I ASKED FOR ANY TEA MONEY, the staff was very professional and the girl at the info desk was very helpful and friendly if you chatted with her.

You will need: 1 residency certificate, 2.Health certificate, 3. Copies of passport pages, front page,visa, entry stamp,4 Copy of drivers licenses from your own country if you have one. They have a copy center in back of the room. There are a few people there who speak Thai if you have any problems.

Many thanks for the detailed description. I have a couple of questions about the residency certificate: Is Immigration the only place to get one? If I remember correctly I got something similar from the U.S. Consulate five years ago when I purchased my motorbike.

I have a one year visa that was issued in the U.S., but I have been doing border runs every 90 days instead of checking in with Immigration. Can I get a residency certificate from Immigration if they haven't seen me before and did not issue the visa in my passport?

You can get a similar form to the Residency Certificate at the US Embassy but it will cost substantially more and the process is no easier or faster. I got the Residency Certificate at Immigration and had never been there before either. i also do 90 day visa runs when necessary.

I can't figure out why I should waste a day, or most of it, getting a Thai drivers license. The only advantage I see is that I'll get a discount at National Parks, the Zoo, etc. I'll never make back the cost of the license. I've never had a problem showing my driver's license issued in the US whenever I was asked for a driver's license.

i believe some insurance are invalid without local license. i showed my singapore license during a stop but was rejected with some reasoning. I believe driving or riding here does require a proper local license unless you are on a tourist visa

That's not my experience.

I've confirmed that all of my insurance policies are valid with my US driver's license and I have not had a problem in 7 years showing my US license. I even got a Wing 41 pass with just a US license.

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I have a couple of questions about the residency certificate: Is Immigration the only place to get one? If I remember correctly I got something similar from the U.S. Consulate five years ago when I purchased my motorbike.

I have a one year visa that was issued in the U.S., but I have been doing border runs every 90 days instead of checking in with Immigration. Can I get a residency certificate from Immigration if they haven't seen me before and did not issue the visa in my passport?

You can get a similar form to the Residency Certificate at the US Embassy but it will cost substantially more and the process is no easier or faster. I got the Residency Certificate at Immigration and had never been there before either. i also do 90 day visa runs when necessary.

I can't figure out why I should waste a day, or most of it, getting a Thai drivers license. The only advantage I see is that I'll get a discount at National Parks, the Zoo, etc. I'll never make back the cost of the license. I've never had a problem showing my driver's license issued in the US whenever I was asked for a driver's license.

Thanks for the info. I'll go to the U.S. Consulate for the Residency Certificate. I don't have a high opinion of Immigration and I'm concerned about how they might react if I show them a passport with a visa they didn't issue and border run stamps instead of 90 day check-ins.

I'm primarily interested in a motorbike license since I don't have one from the U.S. or any other country. I may go ahead and get both a motorbike and drivers license while I'm there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got my 1st driver's licenses for motorcycle and car.

I arrived at 9:20AM expecting to be there until the afternoon but was able to get both licenses before 12N.

For my car driver's license, I used my USA license. Everything went like clock work. 1st at 10AM, I took the car license computer lab exam which I had to take twice. It's great that they provide the correct answers after completing the test. I will definitely have to read up on traffic rules when I decide to start using a car. At about 11:20AM, I headed off to take the motorcycle test. I don't know if anyone was actually paying attention when I took the test. Going over the narrow track, I went a bit too fast and put my foot down for a brief moment to keep on the track. The guy didn't mention anything so 15 minutes later I was back at the office to pay and get my licenses.

The folks at license office were polite, helpful and friendly. We even chatted when one of them asked what my middle initial stood for.

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Thanks for the info. I'll go to the U.S. Consulate for the Residency Certificate. I don't have a high opinion of Immigration and I'm concerned about how they might react if I show them a passport with a visa they didn't issue and border run stamps instead of 90 day check-ins.

I'm primarily interested in a motorbike license since I don't have one from the U.S. or any other country. I may go ahead and get both a motorbike and drivers license while I'm there.

I went with the US Consulate for mine....mainly because I figured it had to be easier than at Immigration

I was not disappointed 3-5 minutes tops & done. 50 bucks a pop seems stiff but it was a simple in & out.

I also made an appointment online so that may have helped. ( I think you need to do this anyway )

Up till 12 noon you can still make one for the next day....if space is available


They confirm with an email.

I already was licensed in the US for both car & motorcycles so getting the Thai equivalent was easy enough

Edited by flying
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