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New Drug Believed Connected With Southern Unrest

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New drug believed connected with southern unrest

BANGKOK: -- Traffickers of a new drug, called 4X100, are believed to be connected with those responsible for unrest in Thailand's far South.

Interior Minister ACM. Kongsak Wanthana nodded his head affirmatively when asked by journalists on Friday whether the '4x100 drug dealers' might be connected with unrest in the region.

Drug dealers might join other illegal elements such as extortionists and outlawed influential persons believed to have provided financial support for insurgence in the far South.

The interior minister said the authorities are closely monitoring illegal uses of the latest drug, believed to be produced from an assortment of ingredients, including cough syrups.

A regionwide campaign will resume to keep the adolescents from drugs, ACM Kongsak said.

--TNA 2005-11-25


Right! And the next thing you know we'll be reading headlines that might read:

"E-Porn Webmasters Connected With Southern Unrest."

BANGKOK: -- Webmasters of a new porn site, called 69X69, are believed to be connected with those responsible for unrest in Thailand's far South.

Inferior Minister ATM. Pornsak Willkillya nodded his head affirmatively when asked by journalists on Friday whether the 69x69 porn webmasters might be connected with unrest in the region.

Porn site operaters might join other illegal elements such as extortionists and outlawed influential persons believed to have provided financial support for insurgence in the far South.

The inferior minister said the authorities are closely monitoring illegal sites of the porn site, believed to be produced from a major undisclosed studio, possibly near Mercury.

A regionwide campaign will resume to keep the adolescents away from sex, porn sites, and condoms since they might viewed as a green light for sex, ATM Pornsak said. Further crackdowns are greatly needed against any kind of sexual activity. We will be the sexual crackdown hub of Asia.

4X100. That's Viagra?

Latest news.

It is now agreed amongst top cabinet officials that the species known as Farng is connected to and responsible for the Southern unrest.

At the weekly cabinet meeting top ranking military personnel have confirmed this fact.

A new department will now be formed with the sole purpose of erradicating this problem, it will be known as KFO, kick farang out.

Most venerable leader has been quoted as saying, this problem will solved in

19 days.

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