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Record From Tv


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I want to try and record programmes from my cable Tv using a VCR machine, but for some reason the VCR machines on sale here in Thailand don't seem to include a channel selector / tuner which i think means i can only record the Tv programme I am watching with the TV left switched on .. does any body have an answer to this problem...?, or have I got it totally wrong . Also ive seen for sale DVD machines with a DVD-RW option , would this DVD-RW option mean I could record a programme from my cable TV, while watching another channel..? Thanks..

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Nobody seems to be answering and I don't have any answer you can use but believe my last Thai VHS (Sharp) had a built in tuner. Although never used it for recording off the air as Thai TV stations are not noted for airing programs at any set time. If you have a recorder exactly what does it record if it has no tuner? Have you been looking at playback only units by any chance? You should be able to find VHS recorders, with tuners, for your needs.

Although Cable TV (UBC) has better time control it uses an rf converter box to descramble the signal so you can only record/view one channel at a time. You would need another box to record a different channel.

DVD is digital (computer) so you would need to use computer/video card after the converter box. Don't believe it would be practical for your needs.

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I want to try and record programmes from my cable Tv using a VCR machine, but for some reason the VCR machines on sale here in Thailand don't seem to include a channel selector / tuner which i think means i can only record the Tv programme I am watching with the TV left switched on

You have the less expensive type of VCR sold in Thailand. If you had paid more, you could have bought a VCR with a tuner. But if you have UBC's DStv (uses a small satellite dish), you don't need a tuner on the VCR.

Just connect a cable from the "Video" jack on your UBC box to the "Video In" on the VCR. You would also need to connect from the audio on the UBC box to the audio on the VCR. Normally this would be two connections- one for the left audio channel and the other for the right audio channel. But some of the less expensive VCRs are mono rather than stereo. In that case, you would connect either the left or the right channel audio from the UBC box to the VCR.

With normal UBC DStv you cannot record one program and watch another no matter what kind of VCR you have.

If you have UBC CAtv (uses a cable rather than a satellite dish), I would guess that the UBC box also has a "Video" jack but I can't verify that because I have DStv.

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I would guess that the UBC box also has a "Video" jack but I can't verify that because I have DStv.
That would be wrong. UBC analog converter does not output anything but RF unless you install and 'rent' the new digital system.
i have an old video recorder (sanyo vhs) which i cannot get to tune in any tv programmes out here, are uk models different?

Yes. UK does not use the same frequency's as Thailand/Germany.

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