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Extradited For Non Payemnt Of Credit Card


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If you feel bad about this, and you've always paid your debts as you say, continue to do so. It's irresponsible, immoral, and a cop out to do otherwise. You ran up the debt, so you pay it.

+1 Only deadbeats and scum skip-out of their responsibilities.

Unfortunately, the world seems to have more than it's fair share of them.

......and who pays ?.....

Certainly not the executives in the company concerned. They will ensure that they are paid salaries beyond the dreams of most!

Mind you, they will certainly use it as an excuse to put up interest rates to everyone else... even if the company is still making good profits.

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i done all my cards in around 8 years ago for the tune of 15,000 pounds, lots of people i know have also done the credit cards in to even bigger sums and no come back, county court judgement , so what , dont worry about it, its no big deal, enjoy spending it in thailand while it lasts , my only regret is i didnt do it sooner for a larger sum.

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No big deal. I left everything behind as well(about $30K). I could care less how many times they call that (non-working)phone number. Don't live there anymore. Money found as far as I'm concerned. jerk.gif

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Posts #93 and #94 show why the world has gone to rat shit.

Absolutely no shame in stealing this money.

Please don't claim you were only defrauding a big bank - you are not, other people pay in the end through higher bank charges and interest rates.

I doubt either poster would take the same view to walking into a 7/11 and taking money out of the till. What they have done is the same act of theft.

One can see why Thai banks only issue credit cards to Farangs with cash cover.

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I am pleased that people are interested in this topic, fortunatly it is a subject I know a lot about professionally. Cant say more than that except, I used to pursue debtors for unpaid debts.

Here are some more facts. (Please follow the wording, the devil is in the detail)

1. An IVA(Individual Voluntary Arrangement), is legal document that is presented to the creditors of unsecured debt, ensuring that in return for a reduced amount of debt or extended time to pay that the debt is converted from unsecured (Meaning they cannot seize your home/car etc) to secured lending which means they can.

Ask yourself this, why else would a company deal with third party companies with commisions to pay etc etc unless they were sure of a return on their investment.

2. A CCJ will stay on your file for no more than 14 years. Sometimes the debt goes to default and then becomes a CCJ later.

3. Resident is Thailand or under no obligation to pay any debt in the UK, unless they choose too.

4. If you managed to avoid detection for 6 years all of your debts will drop off your credit file providing you did not create more debt.

5. Upon further research I found that extraditons from Thailand have only taken place under CAT A cimes such as Murder, Rape, Theft (Usually CAT B) and Financial crime in excess of 10M GBP.

6. Not paying back the loans and credit cards to the bank doesnt mean you are a criminal (at least in the UK).

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You creditors cannot take court action against you in the UK as you are not a UK resident.


Yes they can take you to court, however that court ruling cannot be enforced.

I played the credit game for years and came to resent the stranglehold the banking establishment capitalists came to have over everyone when I refused to pay a dentist bill for shoddy work and saw my score drop unfairly which affected everything else . I made a choice to walk away from it all.

It is the number 1 reason I live in T land, formerly adhered to policies on greed and unfair credit practices don't apply

I applaud anyone who makes the same choice, by all means stick it to the credit card companies and big banks - why not your US taxes bailed them out. if you have cash, it's easy , but if you still have to play the borrow game, not so easy, I guess.

Glad to be out of that rat race and now just observe cockroaches toil.

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You creditors cannot take court action against you in the UK as you are not a UK resident.


Yes they can take you to court, however that court ruling cannot be enforced.

I played the credit game for years and came to resent the stranglehold the banking establishment capitalists came to have over everyone when I refused to pay a dentist bill for shoddy work and saw my score drop unfairly which affected everything else . I made a choice to walk away from it all.

It is the number 1 reason I live in T land, formerly adhered to policies on greed and unfair credit practices don't apply

I applaud anyone who makes the same choice, by all means stick it to the credit card companies and big banks - why not your US taxes bailed them out. if you have cash, it's easy , but if you still have to play the borrow game, not so easy, I guess.

Glad to be out of that rat race and now just observe cockroaches toil.

I suppose you could explain again to Beano why its OK not to honour your credit obligations.


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Not repaying an organisation offering credit and bouncing a cheque are two different things.

The first is a risk loss accepted by the credit company, in Thailand the second is a criminal offense.

I suppose we can all draw lines that differentiate our own dishonesty from that of others.


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Posts #93 and #94 show why the world has gone to rat shit.

Absolutely no shame in stealing this money.

Please don't claim you were only defrauding a big bank - you are not, other people pay in the end through higher bank charges and interest rates.

I doubt either poster would take the same view to walking into a 7/11 and taking money out of the till. What they have done is the same act of theft.

One can see why Thai banks only issue credit cards to Farangs with cash cover.

+1 Only deadbeats and scum skip-out of their responsibilities.

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Anyone so incompetent at managing money as the OP can't possibly live in Thailand for 6 years.

Well put, Chances are he'll find he's going to have to return to the UK sooner than he hopes or wants.

You're just trying to cheer us up; thanks!


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Anyone so incompetent at managing money as the OP can't possibly live in Thailand for 6 years.

Well put, Chances are he'll find he's going to have to return to the UK sooner than he hopes or wants.

No, he's just trying to fit in with the Thais, he'll probably be here long after you've gone.

Most of the long term foreigners living here are totally broke. (I'm talking about 20+ years in Thailand)

To live happily in Thailand, one first needs to forget ones Victorian, middle class morality.

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Anyone so incompetent at managing money as the OP can't possibly live in Thailand for 6 years.

Well put, Chances are he'll find he's going to have to return to the UK sooner than he hopes or wants.

No, he's just trying to fit in with the Thais, he'll probably be here long after you've gone.

Most of the long term foreigners living here are totally broke. (I'm talking about 20+ years in Thailand)

To live happily in Thailand, one first needs to forget ones Victorian, middle class morality.

It seems a lot of farang arrive broke when they get here, as for fitting in with Thais, they don't have any problems doing that. I know of one fake diploma which has provided quite a few farang with teaching jobs. Judging by some of the posts in general on TV I would also say people seem more interested in ways around problems such as visa applications for Thai wives rather than trying to actually comply with the requirements of the application.

In short TV attracts more of a wide boy, anyway but the legal way type of person, IMO. It help if you have the intellect to work out the possibilities of ones actions, rather than coming onto Thai visa with such questions of the consequences of not paying a credit card! If the OP can't work that out, then how would he survive in Thailand?

Where the result would be far different if he gets himself in the same situation here, a disaster waiting to happen. I would go so far as to say that some think they can operate here, impervious to Thai laws, But that's another topic.

As for Victorian middle class morality, you could add colonial attitude as well! lol

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Anyone so incompetent at managing money as the OP can't possibly live in Thailand for 6 years.

Well put, Chances are he'll find he's going to have to return to the UK sooner than he hopes or wants.

No, he's just trying to fit in with the Thais, he'll probably be here long after you've gone.

Most of the long term foreigners living here are totally broke. (I'm talking about 20+ years in Thailand)

To live happily in Thailand, one first needs to forget ones Victorian, middle class morality.

It seems a lot of farang arrive broke when they get here, as for fitting in with Thais, they don't have any problems doing that. I know of one fake diploma which has provided quite a few farang with teaching jobs. Judging by some of the posts in general on TV I would also say people seem more interested in ways around problems such as visa applications for Thai wives rather than trying to actually comply with the requirements of the application.

In short TV attracts more of a wide boy, anyway but the legal way type of person, IMO. It help if you have the intellect to work out the possibilities of ones actions, rather than coming onto Thai visa with such questions of the consequences of not paying a credit card! If the OP can't work that out, then how would he survive in Thailand?

Where the result would be far different if he gets himself in the same situation here, a disaster waiting to happen. I would go so far as to say that some think they can operate here, impervious to Thai laws, But that's another topic.

As for Victorian middle class morality, you could add colonial attitude as well! lol

I agree with some of what you say but, MOST Westerners here are old and, far from turning up broke, retired here only to watch Western countries currency devalue unbelievably!

As far as I can see whilst the Westerners are sure that (for various reasons) they are 'superior', the Thais also believe they are a superior nation...

Most people believe they are superior in one way or another.

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Anyone so incompetent at managing money as the OP can't possibly live in Thailand for 6 years.

Well put, Chances are he'll find he's going to have to return to the UK sooner than he hopes or wants.

No, he's just trying to fit in with the Thais, he'll probably be here long after you've gone.

Most of the long term foreigners living here are totally broke. (I'm talking about 20+ years in Thailand)

To live happily in Thailand, one first needs to forget ones Victorian, middle class morality.

Including all of the following or do you propose just discarding the ones you don't like:-

1. Fairness

2. tolerance

3. free speech

4. honesty,

5. integrity in public life

6. kindness including to animals

7. taking turns

8. merit based rewards,

9. helping those less fortunate,

10. telling the truth

11. not being greedy

12. decency

13. hardwork

13. law-abiding

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Its because of People like you living beoned there means and running away that Us people have to pick up the Bill eventually. pay your debits,like most other people . it says a lot about your character. maybe if you get in the same position in Thailand , they will react differently.

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Its because of People like you living beoned there means and running away that Us people have to pick up the Bill eventually. pay your debits,like most other people . it says a lot about your character. maybe if you get in the same position in Thailand , they will react differently.

People like who?

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Its because of People like you living beoned there means and running away that Us people have to pick up the Bill eventually. pay your debits,like most other people . it says a lot about your character. maybe if you get in the same position in Thailand , they will react differently.

People like who?

The people who live beoned there means, as stated,
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If you can't afford to send a couple of hundred pounds back to the UK every month then I doubt you are really doing that great money wise in Thailand.

They will not chase you for the Debt, but you will have a bad credit rating when you return. Not because of an un paid debt but because they will not be able to see what you have been doing while you've been away. When they do credit checks they like to see money coming in every month and direct debits being paid off. If your away you can't do this, so it will be that that will give you a head ache when you come back.

There's two types of credit:

1) Credit card credit

2) Loan credit

You dont have to have any money coming in to obtain credit card credit. Just open a secured credit card account. 3 months later a real credit card company will contact you offering you a real credit line if you have repetitive usage such as buying petrol. Everytime you change addresses or do a credit check your score goes down. The credit card companies assume you are looking to go into debt.

Staying in Thailand for 6 months without using my US credit cards my score has increased 100 points to 734 with Experian ratings. I've only owned credit cards for 1 year my entire life, and have learned how to work the system to obtain startup capital.

My first real card was an AMEX Gold card, but its really a charge card, with an Extend pay option which is the same thing as a credit card. I was pre-approved for a Platinum card last month, neither of these cards have limits. But in reality the GC has a 7k USD limit without calling in prior, the limit was 4k six months prior.The Platinum card has around a 10k limit without a prior call in to inform them of the amount about to be spent off the bat.

Those wanke_rs at Paypal even sent me a card and increased the limit automatically after 6 months.

These are just examples of what can be achieved if you know how to work the system, and most importantly pay them back before interest kicks in.

Moral of the story is dont be a dumbass and ruin your credit for a measely amount. Change your lifestyle and pay your bills and dont borrow beyond your means, show responsibility and you will be rewarded. My goal is 20k limits on multiple cards.

Check out fatwallet dot com for guerilla tips on how to work the system.

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Best is to renegotiate a deal about paying of your debt. If you just stop paying, the costs will only run higher. In the end they will get court orders and will try to execute the court order in Thailand.

I don't believe you are correct. Do you have any examples of this happening. I know of credit card cases in the UK were Visa/Mastercard debts are sold of to collection agencies, they then try to collect. Eventually after a yea4 or so they will enter negotiation for cents in the dollar discounts to settle. They might end up collecting 25cent to a dollar, in two years time from you. This was not me and I don't know what the persons credit rating is today, but I do not expect they would try to excute a court order in Thailand. Without substantial proof of past cases I would not believe what the poster has said. I do however stand corrected if Mario2008 can give examples.

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The only worries I ever had was them getting a court order, then attaching my pension.

But apparently nobody can take from your pension, and not from any lump sums you take out, not even the CSA for child support.

As long as you don't work, the CSA are stuffed, and all other creditors.

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The only worries I ever had was them getting a court order, then attaching my pension.

But apparently nobody can take from your pension, and not from any lump sums you take out, not even the CSA for child support.

As long as you don't work, the CSA are stuffed, and all other creditors.

I think now they can attach some thing to your mortgage, if you sell they can take what you owe them ,

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The only worries I ever had was them getting a court order, then attaching my pension.

But apparently nobody can take from your pension, and not from any lump sums you take out, not even the CSA for child support.

As long as you don't work, the CSA are stuffed, and all other creditors.

I think now they can attach some thing to your mortgage, if you sell they can take what you owe them ,

They took the whole house, so no further worries there!

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Just pay your bills , no problem then , live with in your means. not on the never never , Maybe the way i was Taught when i was growing up by my Parents. now It seems parents buy things to shut Kidd's up , comfort buying , the kids do not understand , you get nothing for Free in life.

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