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Birds Nest Beverage

The Gentleman Scamp

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The swifts (not swallows) build their nests high in caves and on cliffs using, yep, their saliva. You can see (or at least you used to be able to see) these nests at Koh Phi Phi.

These days, demand outstrips supply so some unscrupulous manufacturers have found artificial substitutes for the real nests.

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Swallow's-nest - made from the saliva of swallows in their nests


Here is another one for you - silk is really insect vomit..... :D

Takes some of the glamour out of it, doesn't it.......? :D

Is a chicken's unfertilized egg actually menstrual discharge? Have a couple of them discharges fried for breakfast.

I sort of think of them as abortions.......... :D

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Bird’s nest is the best of food for nourishing your health which is trusted by the Chinese for thousands years ago. In the past it’s believed that it’s the food for children, woman and old man who fall into decline but now it’s found that its quality has a benefit for all.

Type of Bird’s Nest

1. Red bird’s nest

This is the most expensive of any type of bird’s nest. It’s believed that its color come from bird’s blood which is spitted out for make its nest but actually that red color come from the environment of island where birds make their nest.

2. White bird’s nest or Island bird’s nest

Good white bird’s nest should have a light yellow color which is called “golden silk bird’s nest”, clean and thick. This type is the most popular in Thailand.

3. Black bird’s nest

This is unpurified bird’s nest, it has bird’s hair contaminate in bird’s nest too much. Its quality and price are lower than both types above.

4. Home bird’s nest

This is bird’s nest of swallows which make their nest along the eaves of home. It has white color, small and thin. The price is cheaper than natural bird’s nest.

More information about Quality of Bird's Nest

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