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419 Passports The Answer To The Nigerian Visa Problem


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Given the recent reluctance by immigration to issue visas to Nigerians entering the Kingdom, they have taken to using false passports from other African nations.

After one Nigerian was detained last week by immigration police in BKK for using a false passport from another Afriacan country, his colleagues decided to cancel their applications (also using false passports) at the immigration office in Jomtien through a local agent.

The use of a fake Thai marriage certificates to get non immigrant visa beggars belief, the ingenuity is boundless, so 10 out of 10 for effort.

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I have read your two posts and its seems you have a problem with Nigerians.

Not that I am Nigerian but in their defense, they Nigerian Scammers only profit, when they meet a gullable target. I, myself was a victim of a 419 scam for £70 earlier this year. I was led to believe my details were being used by scammers and to call this number of a police station in Nigeria.

I didnt realise until I got the bill it was a Nigerian Premium Rate Number. Still you live and learn.

Dont let a few rouge elements cast a shadow over an entire nation of people.

Give the a break.

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Dont let a few rouge elements cast a shadow over an entire nation of people.

Give the a break.

I agree.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


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