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UK Ambassador To Thailand Asif Ahmad Replies To Your Questions


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By the Buddha what a load of moaning Brits.

The guy was just telling you how it is why should the British tax payer have to cover the cost of a tiny minority of British citizens who need to use the services of an embassy in Thailand.

As for complain about your state pension well tough !

The whole principle of the social system in Britain is that a percentage the money that is paid out will come back into the tax system to be reused again when spent on services and products brought in Britain.

When people like you make the decision to live in another country and take the pension that money is lost to Britain because we get no return tax benefit when you spend it in a foreign country.

If you decide to leave Great Britain and live in Thailand then you should hand back your passport and forfeit any and all rights to a pension and medical treatment on the NHS.

I am sure you all come running back to Britain when you want some medical issue dealt with and I am sure you are happy to deprive an old age pensioner in Britain of there winter fuel allowance as well.

If you don’t like Britain and don’t want to live here then give up your British citizenship and become a Thai national and stop moaning.

If I may point out that these moaners are also taxpayers so if they gave up their passports etc as suggested then it would also be reasonable that the British government gave them back all their contributions plus interest.

I'm assuming by your bad grammar that you are not British or just semi-illiterate, the reason most people are quitting the UK is because their tax contributions are now being handed out to single mothers who found out that by getting 'up the duff' they can jump to the top of every benefit queue, get a house etc without working a single day of their lives. On top of that every Tom, Dick and Harry comes from overseas and 'milks' the benefit and asylum systems. Louts who are untouchable by the law for being underage, burgle and assault pensioners with inpunity or get sent on taxpayer funded holidays for rehabilitation.

The people complaining here are justified because it seems the system is very unfair in the way it treats you depending where you choose to live. They also feel it unfair that Britain seems to be one the the few countries that applies rip-off charges for being overseas.

In closing I agree that a lot of the questions to the ambassador were non-starters and probably should not have been asked but it proved that a lot of people are unhappy with their treatment and probably Thaivisa should organise a petition or something.

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I am no British, and nver even been to Europe or America. From the photo, I though he is Indian. But that is just my imagination.

Anyway, I think he is vert smart in diverting a lot of answers, especially the question on costing, back to the UK govt back home. In short, he did not even to attemp answering it at all.

All the answers are so diplomatically phased. No wonder he is a diplomat.

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Why should it matter where a British ‘Old Age Pensioner’ (the former description for ‘Senior Citizen’) chooses to retire? Where is the logic in denying annual increments in the state pension if the recipient has paid his dues in N.I. contributions all his working life? To suggest it’s because he’s not helping fellow citizens because the money is being spent abroad is nonsense. What about the money being saved by the British government as a direct result of so many pensioners living abroad? No need to issue free bus passes, winter fuel allowance, carer’s allowance, doctors, hospital costs.... etc, etc, because we ain’t there to make use of it! Yet it’s deemed correct to deny us a few extra pounds over a period of time in our chosen place of retirement. Still, on the brighter side for dedicated live-at-home Brits, our absence makes more room for the influx of non-Brits gratefully accepting a sizeable slice of our – sorry, your benefit system.

Edited by Jezz
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What a waste of time that was.

I disagree: I now have the name Jeremy Browne, the Minister of State's name. It should be easy to obtain his email address so I & many thousands of ex-pats in Thailand can question him about frozen pensions. This is discriminatory and makes NO ECONOMIC sense. As the pound sterling gets progressively weaker and the Thai baht gets stronger, there will come a tipping point where thousands of geriatrics like me will be forced back to UK to sponge off the Welfare system: free transport; health care; heating allowance; sheltered housing; carers' allowance etc.etc.

Well in that case it won't be long before you return to the UK if that is going to be your sole means of income.

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IMO the whole exercise was just a complete utter total waste of time, money and effort!

What did it prove? Only that not a thing will change that benefits UK expats.

Diddly-frigging-squat all!

Correction:- he answered the same question over and over again because he really couldn't be bothered to answer the questions. Though some questions were down right stupid.

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Here's a question me and my buddies always wanted to know is apart from the British ambassador who else is British working at the British embassy? Every time me or my buddies go there, we only see Thai workers. I understand you have to employ so many Thai staff but wouldn't it be important to have British people working at the British embassy?

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Given the way he waffles around the questions and doesn't seem to be willing to do anything helpful.... You'd think he worked at the US Embassy!dry.png

I think all the people who asked the Ambassador questions were well and truly stitched up (stitched as well as his Savile Row pin stripe suit). The guy was only using the session to prove his ability to his bosses. The ony way anything is ever done is by organised protest in the form of petitions and letters to MP's. One poster said his answers were bullshit but I disagree, they were gullshit meaning they came from higher up.

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What a waste of time that was.

I disagree: I now have the name Jeremy Browne, the Minister of State's name. It should be easy to obtain his email address so I & many thousands of ex-pats in Thailand can question him about frozen pensions. This is discriminatory and makes NO ECONOMIC sense. As the pound sterling gets progressively weaker and the Thai baht gets stronger, there will come a tipping point where thousands of geriatrics like me will be forced back to UK to sponge off the Welfare system: free transport; health care; heating allowance; sheltered housing; carers' allowance etc.etc.


I have just written to Jeremy Browne:

Dear Sir,

I understand from answers given by Mr. Asif Ahmad, the UK's Ambassador to Thailand that he has raised with you, at some time, the question of frozen pensions for ex-pats in CERTAIN counties.

Could you please explain how Thailand has managed to earn this status? I would like to add some points to the debate and whilst it is tempting, in these dire financial times, to shy away from any scheme that might be about to further deplete the United Kingdom's empty coffers, it may actually make some economic sense.

This iniquitous tax on some old age pensioners is obviously discriminatory. How can the Government preach anti-racism, religious tolerance and equal rights in the work place, whilst blatantly denying the index-linking of some pensioners by making it dependent on which country they choose to live in? In some cases, the country chosen is forced on one: I retired to be close to my son who was teaching in Thailand.

Since I have lived here, I have watched the decline of sterling against the baht, going from 73 to 47. My quality of life has naturally been hit. Soon, as inflation in Thailand, begins to bite, there will come a tipping point. When this is reached, the steady trickle of ex-pats returning to the Motherland will become a torrent.

At the moment there are 51,000 ex-pats living permanently in Thailand. (This figure does not include the many others who are defrauding the Government by not revealing they live here permanently. I am an honest man but now regret my decision to come clean.) Most of these ex-pats are male with Thai wives or partners. At the moment we pay for everything ourselves including medical expenses, (I cannot afford Medical Insurance as I am nearly 70 and the cost is prohibitive.)

Soon it will become uneconomic to live here. We will be forced to return where a whole raft of benefits await us. I do not know what our entitlement is but the National Health service would come under even more pressure. I expect I would qualify for Winter Fuel Allowance; free or cheap travel; Housing benefit? Carer's allowance? I do not know the figures, but would imagine the Winter Fuel allowance alone would total more than the tiny percentage increase allowed annually as a Cost of Living Increase to an Old Age Pension?

If/when I am forced to return, naturally I would seek to bring my wife and assume there are opportunities for State Hand-Outs for her too? How many other returning ex-pats would be in the same boat?

I still pay tax in the United Kingdom!

Please look seriously at this unfair situation and seek to combat this discrimination.

Yours Sincerely,

Mike Bell

While I agree with your efforts in getting the same rights as UK residents. There is a thread with a link to a petition regarding getting the government to look at the unfairness of pension payments to ex-pat pensioners. Singularly you will not get a result collectively we might! So Find the topic and sign the petition. they only need 100,000 signatures to force the government to debate the subject. Though don't be surprised if it turns in to a masturbate, oops sorry mass debate not!

I would be interested in knowing your age! because I wonder if there will even be a pension when you retire! I still have 8 years before I can claim a pension, But now they are raising the age I wonder if it will be worth anything in what could be another 12 years for me if they raise the age to 70 as talked about by the government.

I pay my taxes, but not NI contributions. why give them more than I have to when they will give me what they want. The reality is being a pensioner in any country is no fun if all you have is a state pension. Though I would rather struggle along in Thailand than end up back in the sh*t hole they call England.

If people are so set on getting what they think is their just rights, then maybe moving back to the UK is the answer then you could get all the other benefits you wouldn't get here in Thailand.

Can't have your cake and eat it???

Edited by garrfeild
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By the Buddha what a load of moaning Brits.

The guy was just telling you how it is why should the British tax payer have to cover the cost of a tiny minority of British citizens who need to use the services of an embassy in Thailand.

As for complain about your state pension well tough !

The whole principle of the social system in Britain is that a percentage the money that is paid out will come back into the tax system to be reused again when spent on services and products brought in Britain.

When people like you make the decision to live in another country and take the pension that money is lost to Britain because we get no return tax benefit when you spend it in a foreign country.

If you decide to leave Great Britain and live in Thailand then you should hand back your passport and forfeit any and all rights to a pension and medical treatment on the NHS.

I am sure you all come running back to Britain when you want some medical issue dealt with and I am sure you are happy to deprive an old age pensioner in Britain of there winter fuel allowance as well.

If you don’t like Britain and don’t want to live here then give up your British citizenship and become a Thai national and stop moaning.

No problem, can you please tell me where I can sign up for some of that.

Please arrange for Kh Asif to have ready coin of the realm, Sovereigns or Guinea preferred, no cheques please, I would glady trade my NI contribution and tax payments plus interest to be free.

Illegal wars and immigrants, I am so grateful to be living here.

Skint from Surin, Brassic from Buriram or Poverty Striken in Pattaya may have a different outlook, personally I love the freedom this country offers.

Look forward to meeting Kh Asif, tell him no need for formalities.

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By the Buddha what a load of moaning Brits.

The guy was just telling you how it is why should the British tax payer have to cover the cost of a tiny minority of British citizens who need to use the services of an embassy in Thailand.

As for complain about your state pension well tough !

The whole principle of the social system in Britain is that a percentage the money that is paid out will come back into the tax system to be reused again when spent on services and products brought in Britain.

When people like you make the decision to live in another country and take the pension that money is lost to Britain because we get no return tax benefit when you spend it in a foreign country.

If you decide to leave Great Britain and live in Thailand then you should hand back your passport and forfeit any and all rights to a pension and medical treatment on the NHS.

I am sure you all come running back to Britain when you want some medical issue dealt with and I am sure you are happy to deprive an old age pensioner in Britain of there winter fuel allowance as well.

If you don’t like Britain and don’t want to live here then give up your British citizenship and become a Thai national and stop moaning.

If I may point out that these moaners are also taxpayers so if they gave up their passports etc as suggested then it would also be reasonable that the British government gave them back all their contributions plus interest.

I'm assuming by your bad grammar that you are not British or just semi-illiterate, the reason most people are quitting the UK is because their tax contributions are now being handed out to single mothers who found out that by getting 'up the duff' they can jump to the top of every benefit queue, get a house etc without working a single day of their lives. On top of that every Tom, Dick and Harry comes from overseas and 'milks' the benefit and asylum systems. Louts who are untouchable by the law for being underage, burgle and assault pensioners with inpunity or get sent on taxpayer funded holidays for rehabilitation.

The people complaining here are justified because it seems the system is very unfair in the way it treats you depending where you choose to live. They also feel it unfair that Britain seems to be one the the few countries that applies rip-off charges for being overseas.

In closing I agree that a lot of the questions to the ambassador were non-starters and probably should not have been asked but it proved that a lot of people are unhappy with their treatment and probably Thaivisa should organise a petition or something.

Typical reaction - wanting something for nothing.

The whole point is that your not a tax payer when your living overseas !!

The whole National Insurance system is based on the people paying now are paying for the pensioners now so anything you have paid in was paying for your parents pension.

As for people coming in form overseas at least they are paying their taxes and NI.

It is obvious your view of Britain has only be based upon what you read in the papers and so is as I would expect completely biased but hey ho I let you get back to your whoring and beer drinking as that was the reason you went to Thailand for in the first place.

I know this because I read it in the newspapers

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I asked the first question shown here under the photograph, concerning what the British government, or EU, is doing to secure a treaty similar to the US one. I can't see any reply to that. If its covered in the video interview where can I see the video? Is there a link?

The Ambassador refers a couple of times to Mr Browne's visit and meetings "with representatives / cross section of the Britsh community". And, prey tell, how were these representatives selected to ensure a good representative cross section ot the community?

I'm registered with the FCO alert site, and have been in several other countries, along with my family, as I'm sure many are. Would have been easy for them to email advice etc during the floods - but nope, nothing.

The pension policy needs changing to - well done Mike Bell for writing on this.

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Meysey - get your facts right. You don't stop paying or being liable for UK tax simply by living in another country. Many people worked hard for many years and paid tax and NI. Why should they loose the benefits because they choose to live in a particular country? If they lived in an EU country or Swizterland for instance, they would get the increases. They don't want something for nothing - just what is rightfully theirs, without discrimination.

Your astounding grasp of economics almost belies the fact that you ignore all the ones outside the UK who actually do get the increase.

You think everyone in the UK pays their taxes and NI? Ever heard the expressions "moonlighting", "tax evasion", "black economy" - let alon the massive criminal element that has settled in good old Britain - "hey, we can be criminals on state benefit!" No I didn't read this in one of Mr. Murdoch's broadsheets either.


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Typical reaction - wanting something for nothing.

The whole point is that your not a tax payer when your living overseas !!

You pay tax on any income generated in the UK that puts you over the tax relief limit no matter where you live.

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Typical reaction - wanting something for nothing.

The whole point is that your not a tax payer when your living overseas !!

The whole National Insurance system is based on the people paying now are paying for the pensioners now so anything you have paid in was paying for your parents pension.

As for people coming in form overseas at least they are paying their taxes and NI.

It is obvious your view of Britain has only be based upon what you read in the papers and so is as I would expect completely biased but hey ho I let you get back to your whoring and beer drinking as that was the reason you went to Thailand for in the first place.

I know this because I read it in the newspapers

"The whole point is that your not a tax payer when your living overseas !!"

Please provide a link to this, I would be most grateful.

"I know this because I read it in the newspapers"

Just goes to show you shouldnt believe everything you read.

"As for people coming in form overseas at least they are paying their taxes and NI'

Does that include all the freeloaders, aslyum seekers, Afghans hijacking aircraft etc etc.

the more I read the more grateful I am to be living here.

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A total waste of time. maybe there is some benefit for the ambassador if he had come to Thailand not knowing anything about expat grievances. So he has learned something but did he invite gripes or say he was going to be an ambassador on our behalf?

We know the problems and that there is nothing we can do about it. At best his excellency has passed our gripes back but for sure he isnt on our side. For example the cost of running the embassy is reflected in the services they offer; I guess a lot of people get invited to slap up dinners but they probably are on a free ride and not having to worry about the things discussed.

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By the Buddha what a load of moaning Brits.

The guy was just telling you how it is why should the British tax payer have to cover the cost of a tiny minority of British citizens who need to use the services of an embassy in Thailand.

As for complain about your state pension well tough !

The whole principle of the social system in Britain is that a percentage the money that is paid out will come back into the tax system to be reused again when spent on services and products brought in Britain.

When people like you make the decision to live in another country and take the pension that money is lost to Britain because we get no return tax benefit when you spend it in a foreign country.

If you decide to leave Great Britain and live in Thailand then you should hand back your passport and forfeit any and all rights to a pension and medical treatment on the NHS.

I am sure you all come running back to Britain when you want some medical issue dealt with and I am sure you are happy to deprive an old age pensioner in Britain of there winter fuel allowance as well.

If you don’t like Britain and don’t want to live here then give up your British citizenship and become a Thai national and stop moaning.

If I may point out that these moaners are also taxpayers so if they gave up their passports etc as suggested then it would also be reasonable that the British government gave them back all their contributions plus interest.

I'm assuming by your bad grammar that you are not British or just semi-illiterate, the reason most people are quitting the UK is because their tax contributions are now being handed out to single mothers who found out that by getting 'up the duff' they can jump to the top of every benefit queue, get a house etc without working a single day of their lives. On top of that every Tom, Dick and Harry comes from overseas and 'milks' the benefit and asylum systems. Louts who are untouchable by the law for being underage, burgle and assault pensioners with inpunity or get sent on taxpayer funded holidays for rehabilitation.

The people complaining here are justified because it seems the system is very unfair in the way it treats you depending where you choose to live. They also feel it unfair that Britain seems to be one the the few countries that applies rip-off charges for being overseas.

In closing I agree that a lot of the questions to the ambassador were non-starters and probably should not have been asked but it proved that a lot of people are unhappy with their treatment and probably Thaivisa should organise a petition or something.

Typical reaction - wanting something for nothing.

Didn't ask for anything just stated a few facts

The whole point is that your not a tax payer when your living overseas !!

Well that's news to me and the taxman

The whole National Insurance system is based on the people paying now are paying for the pensioners now so anything you have paid in was paying for your parents pension.

And the point is ????

As for people coming in form overseas at least they are paying their taxes and NI.

From their benefits i expect!!!!!!

It is obvious your view of Britain has only be based upon what you read in the papers and so is as I would expect completely biased but hey ho I let you get back to your whoring and beer drinking as that was the reason you went to Thailand for in the first place.

Didn't you??? - but it's not why I'm here now

I know this because I read it in the newspapers

This is a joke right?? you can believe the newspapers but I can't?????

I know this because I read it in the newspapers

This is a joke right?? you can believe the newspapers but I can't????? Oh boy you obviously did not see the irony of your own reasoning ha ha

As for people coming in form overseas at least they are paying their taxes and NI.

From their benefits i expect!!!!!! Exactly the typical comment from Brits abroad who have no idea of life in Britain. But yes I agree lets throw out all the people who come to Britain to work and lets start with all the Thai women who were brought here by their British boyfriends who now work in the hospitals cleaning up the shit of all the parents of all the Brits who live abroad. That was irony by the way just in you’re your beer goggles are engaged.

The whole National Insurance system is based on the people paying now are paying for the pensioners now so anything you have paid in was paying for your parents pension.

And the point is ???? You are not paying your dues now.

Your astounding grasp of economics almost belies the fact that you ignore all the ones outside the UK who actually do get the increase.

Bearboxer the point is I am not ignoring the people who live in other countries my point still stands for everyone.

If you don't like Britain then when you leave you give up all rights to British Citizenship no matter where you live outside of Britain.

Again if you hate Great Britain then don't come back and stop moaning.

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I wrote directly to the Ambassador earlier this year and received a reply from someone further down the chain. The cost of a 'Proof of Residence" letter went up to THB 2,750 some time this year, and, as pointed out by one of the respondents, it was nothing more than a form filled in by the applicant and countersigned by Embassy staff. When I requested two copies, I was told the cost would be THB 5,500....!!!!!

I asked for an explanation as to how they could justify double the cost for two letters, and they explained that the costs are calculated on the amount of work involved by Embassy staff. I must therefore conclude that they are on earnings of around 3 million baht per day!

I concluded by stating that the general impression of the services provided by the British Embassy in Thailand was that they are a disgrace and a means of extorting huge sums of money out of a captive audience. The Ambassador's explanations of these services does not change my opinion in any way.

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I wrote directly to the Ambassador earlier this year and received a reply from someone further down the chain. The cost of a 'Proof of Residence" letter went up to THB 2,750 some time this year, and, as pointed out by one of the respondents, it was nothing more than a form filled in by the applicant and countersigned by Embassy staff. When I requested two copies, I was told the cost would be THB 5,500....!!!!!

I asked for an explanation as to how they could justify double the cost for two letters, and they explained that the costs are calculated on the amount of work involved by Embassy staff. I must therefore conclude that they are on earnings of around 3 million baht per day!

I concluded by stating that the general impression of the services provided by the British Embassy in Thailand was that they are a disgrace and a means of extorting huge sums of money out of a captive audience. The Ambassador's explanations of these services does not change my opinion in any way.

2750 baht is small change for Brits.

If you want the privilage to be a Brit, this is a small price you have to pay. Stop complain.

Else you could be a Thai, and everytime you want to go to the UK, the US visa cost alone will cost you a few times that.

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51,000 poms living in Thailand ? Why did they have to come here? I thought they were happy in Spain eating soggy fish n chips in the costa del sol ? I blame cheap Middle east carriers ie Gulf air, Qatar and Kuwait airlines. I wonder how many Isan girls are living off British taxpayers money. Do Isan girls pay taxes ? LOL

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HE Quentin Quayle, Mr Ahmad's predecessor, took up the issue of up rating pensions with the UK authorities a few years ago and the reply was 'not only do the government have no intention of starting to up rate pensions in Thailand, but we would dearly like to close off the up rating deals we have made with other countries' It is possible, that the new UK government might have a different view and politely worded letter to Mr Jeremy Browne (who is Lib Dem MP for Taunton Deane and a junior FCO minister) along the lines of the gentleman earlier, can't do any harm. His government email is [email protected]. I'm going to drop him a line, If lots of us did, he might just sit up and take notice.

As to Mr Quayle v Mr Ahmad and having met both, I have to say that Mr Quayle said nothing whilst appearing to sound like he was on our side, whilst Mr. Ahmad says nothing whilst appearing to be on the governments side.

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By the Buddha what a load of moaning Brits.

The guy was just telling you how it is why should the British tax payer have to cover the cost of a tiny minority of British citizens who need to use the services of an embassy in Thailand.

As for complain about your state pension well tough !

The whole principle of the social system in Britain is that a percentage the money that is paid out will come back into the tax system to be reused again when spent on services and products brought in Britain.

When people like you make the decision to live in another country and take the pension that money is lost to Britain because we get no return tax benefit when you spend it in a foreign country.

If you decide to leave Great Britain and live in Thailand then you should hand back your passport and forfeit any and all rights to a pension and medical treatment on the NHS.

I am sure you all come running back to Britain when you want some medical issue dealt with and I am sure you are happy to deprive an old age pensioner in Britain of there winter fuel allowance as well.

If you don’t like Britain and don’t want to live here then give up your British citizenship and become a Thai national and stop moaning.

If I may point out that these moaners are also taxpayers so if they gave up their passports etc as suggested then it would also be reasonable that the British government gave them back all their contributions plus interest.

I'm assuming by your bad grammar that you are not British or just semi-illiterate, the reason most people are quitting the UK is because their tax contributions are now being handed out to single mothers who found out that by getting 'up the duff' they can jump to the top of every benefit queue, get a house etc without working a single day of their lives. On top of that every Tom, Dick and Harry comes from overseas and 'milks' the benefit and asylum systems. Louts who are untouchable by the law for being underage, burgle and assault pensioners with inpunity or get sent on taxpayer funded holidays for rehabilitation.

The people complaining here are justified because it seems the system is very unfair in the way it treats you depending where you choose to live. They also feel it unfair that Britain seems to be one the the few countries that applies rip-off charges for being overseas.

In closing I agree that a lot of the questions to the ambassador were non-starters and probably should not have been asked but it proved that a lot of people are unhappy with their treatment and probably Thaivisa should organise a petition or something.

Typical reaction - wanting something for nothing.

Didn't ask for anything just stated a few facts

The whole point is that your not a tax payer when your living overseas !!

Well that's news to me and the taxman

The whole National Insurance system is based on the people paying now are paying for the pensioners now so anything you have paid in was paying for your parents pension.

And the point is ????

As for people coming in form overseas at least they are paying their taxes and NI.

From their benefits i expect!!!!!!

It is obvious your view of Britain has only be based upon what you read in the papers and so is as I would expect completely biased but hey ho I let you get back to your whoring and beer drinking as that was the reason you went to Thailand for in the first place.

Didn't you??? - but it's not why I'm here now

I know this because I read it in the newspapers

This is a joke right?? you can believe the newspapers but I can't?????

I know this because I read it in the newspapers

This is a joke right?? you can believe the newspapers but I can't????? Oh boy you obviously did not see the irony of your own reasoning ha ha

>Not my reasoning mate I never said I read things in newspapers, in fact I spend half the year in UK >and half in Thailand so I know these things first hand.

As for people coming in form overseas at least they are paying their taxes and NI.

From their benefits i expect!!!!!! Exactly the typical comment from Brits abroad who have no idea of life in Britain. But yes I agree lets throw out all the people who come to Britain to work and lets start with all the Thai women who were brought here by their British boyfriends who now work in the hospitals cleaning up the shit of all the parents of all the Brits who live abroad. That was irony by the way just in you’re your beer goggles are engaged.

>Do you actually know what irony means or was that Big Bird's word of the day?. Who said anything about throwing out workers - only the shirkers. And where did you get the idea that Brits abroad know nothing about Britain.

The whole National Insurance system is based on the people paying now are paying for the pensioners now so anything you have paid in was paying for your parents pension.

And the point is ???? You are not paying your dues now.

>And this is based on what facts!!!!! you know nothing about me or any of the other posters so how do you know whether we are still paying tax or not - get a brain!!!!

Your astounding grasp of economics almost belies the fact that you ignore all the ones outside the UK who actually do get the increase.

Bearboxer the point is I am not ignoring the people who live in other countries my point still stands for everyone.

If you don't like Britain then when you leave you give up all rights to British Citizenship no matter where you live outside of Britain.

Again if you hate Great Britain then don't come back and stop moaning.

>It's ignorant people like you that make us want to leave, just wait until you've worked all your life and paid all your 'dues' then have some cretins telling you where you can live and what rights you have.

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I wrote directly to the Ambassador earlier this year and received a reply from someone further down the chain. The cost of a 'Proof of Residence" letter went up to THB 2,750 some time this year, and, as pointed out by one of the respondents, it was nothing more than a form filled in by the applicant and countersigned by Embassy staff. When I requested two copies, I was told the cost would be THB 5,500....!!!!!

I asked for an explanation as to how they could justify double the cost for two letters, and they explained that the costs are calculated on the amount of work involved by Embassy staff. I must therefore conclude that they are on earnings of around 3 million baht per day!

I concluded by stating that the general impression of the services provided by the British Embassy in Thailand was that they are a disgrace and a means of extorting huge sums of money out of a captive audience. The Ambassador's explanations of these services does not change my opinion in any way.

2750 baht is small change for Brits.

If you want the privilage to be a Brit, this is a small price you have to pay. Stop complain.

Else you could be a Thai, and everytime you want to go to the UK, the US visa cost alone will cost you a few times that.

2,750 Baht is nearly 60 quid - hardly small change and we are not talking about a visa, this is for a signature on a form!!!

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51,000 poms living in Thailand ? Why did they have to come here? I thought they were happy in Spain eating soggy fish n chips in the costa del sol ? I blame cheap Middle east carriers ie Gulf air, Qatar and Kuwait airlines. I wonder how many Isan girls are living off British taxpayers money. Do Isan girls pay taxes ? LOL

Thai sounding name, Australian talk - poms????

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Here is the link to the pensions petition. you have to ask your friend and family to sign it as well. My understanding is you don't have to be a ex-pat to sign. Just a UK citizen.


Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Under regulation 3 of the Social Security Benefits Up-rating Regulations British pensioners who retire to any one of over 120 countries, mainly in the Commonwealth, have their rightful state pension frozen. Meanwhile, those who retire to other countries have their pension uprated annually, just as though they never left the UK. This discriminatory policy currently impacts on the lives of over half a million British pensioners and curtails the freedom of choice of all British pensioners in retirement. We call for this Government to heed the plea of the International Consortium of British Pensioners to repeal this Regulation.


Edited by garrfeild
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51,000 poms living in Thailand ? Why did they have to come here? I thought they were happy in Spain eating soggy fish n chips in the costa del sol ? I blame cheap Middle east carriers ie Gulf air, Qatar and Kuwait airlines. I wonder how many Isan girls are living off British taxpayers money. Do Isan girls pay taxes ? LOL

Thai sounding name, Australian talk - poms????

I Feel the same way about Aussies, why did they have to come here!

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51,000 poms living in Thailand ? Why did they have to come here? I thought they were happy in Spain eating soggy fish n chips in the costa del sol ? I blame cheap Middle east carriers ie Gulf air, Qatar and Kuwait airlines. I wonder how many Isan girls are living off British taxpayers money. Do Isan girls pay taxes ? LOL

Unlike the Auusies then - bastions of high culture and wonderful representatives of their ex criminal colony country. A culinary haven for the "barbie" lovers - I assume they mean Bar-b-que rather than a small doll??

The visa laws entering the UK are extremely strict in ensuring that British citizens can fund their spouses lives before one is granted. They have no redress to public funds. Why single out Isan girls? The rules apply to all.

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