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Gay Community Apologizes To Amy Koch For Ruining Her Marriage


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Destroying the sacred institution of marriage. Nice work if you can get it!

"On behalf of all gays and lesbians living in Minnesota, I would like to wholeheartedly apologize for our community's successful efforts to threaten your traditional marriage," reads the letter from John Medeiros. "We apologize that our selfish requests to marry those we love has cheapened and degraded traditional marriage so much that we caused you to stray from your own holy union for something more cheap and tawdry."
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Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

Yes, it's quite fitting.

Anytime a public figure makes a stand against gay equal rights on the basis of 'it's not good for the family', it's always a very satisfying comeuppance to see them completely and hypocritically screw up their own personal lives just to show what a proper moral example 'they' set (in comparison to 'us').

(I'm not nasty- if such persons hadn't made complete bigot jackasses of themselves, I would surely feel sorry for them (oh, but in that case it wouldn't be a news story- public figure open mouth, insert foot!) :P)

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Koch commits adultery and does not believe in same sex marriage. Where exactly is the link between her belief that marriage should be between opposite sexes and her adultery?

Well, uh, maybe it's because her stand against gay marriage is supposedly based on the moral/spiritual qualities linked to the institution of marriage?

Implying that she is somehow fit to judge gays and their partnerships as morally inferior?

From whence she then gets caught with her own pants down?

Should we use shorter words?

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Koch commits adultery and does not believe in same sex marriage. Where exactly is the link between her belief that marriage should be between opposite sexes and her adultery?

Well, uh, maybe it's because her stand against gay marriage is supposedly based on the moral/spiritual qualities linked to the institution of marriage?

Implying that she is somehow fit to judge gays and their partnerships as morally inferior?

From whence she then gets caught with her own pants down?

Should we use shorter words?

Ahh, now thanks to your post I understand the grounds for her objection to gay marriage. You can use short words, long words or even abbreviations if it makes you feel better. All I wanted was an answer to my question. Thank you for enlightening me on the issue.

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