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How Much Is The Real You?

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I have noticed, especially having met a lot of ThaiVisa members over the years, that nobody posts in the same way as the next.

Some people post as characatures of themselves such as myself, The Dude and The Moog, whereas others seem to post a particular side of their character.

The people who seem most themselves are the ones who are the most innocuous and less prolific, as if they are protecting themselves.

Some people are awful online but very nice in real life and others are exactly as they seem.

This thread is inspired by a recent bout of Scamp bashing from these members who find it too confusing that an opinionated yet decent man who loves to get his teeth into a good conversation should find it easier to post in a highly exaggerated, cartoon characature version of himself and so find it much easier to just assume that that is what he is like and follow him around the board with a heavy stick.

Human nature fascinates me. :D

So how much of the real you (the reader/poster) do you reveal?

Do you release your wild side that may be supressed in reality?

Do you release your child side that may be supressed in reality?

Are you yourself or a particular facet of yourself or are you a charicature, or do you simply speak when spoken to and follow the flow.

Whatever you are you have a right to be how you choose to be both in real life and online and there is no right or wrong providing you live and let live in this mini cyberworld we all share which, like the real one, contains a vast myriad of different views and personalities which is what makes life so interesting.

If we were all the same there would never be any need to log on whatsoever.


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I have noticed, especially having met a lot of ThaiVisa members over the years, that nobody posts in the same way as the next.

Some people post as characatures of themselves such as myself, The Dude and The Moog, whereas others seem to post a particular side of their character.

The people who seem most themselves are the ones who are the most innocuous and less prolific, as if they are protecting themselves.

Some people are awful online but very nice in real life and others are exactly as they seem.

This thread is inspired by a recent bout of Scamp bashing from these members who find it too confusing that an opinionated yet decent man who loves to get his teeth into a good conversation should find it easier to post in a highly exaggerated, cartoon characature version of himself and so find it much easier to just assume that that is what he is like and follow him around the board with a heavy stick.

Human nature fascinates me. :D

So how much of the real you (the reader/poster) do you reveal?

Do you release your wild side that may be supressed in reality?

Do you release your child side that may be supressed in reality?

Are you yourself or a particular facet of yourself or are you a charicature, or do you simply speak when spoken to and follow the flow.

Whatever you are you have a right to be how you choose to be both in real life and online and there is no right or wrong providing you live and let live in this mini cyberworld we all share which, like the real one, contains a vast myriad of different views and personalities which is what makes life so interesting.

If we were all the same there would never be any need to log on whatsoever.


This is me. What you read is what you get. As we have met each other Scampy then you know what i'm like.


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Lots of questions -

I am relatively new to all this but hope that what i say or try to say is honest and truthful. I do not think i have to prove myself to anyone or pretend to be somebody i am not just to get attention - which could go here or in real life face to face situations.

We all have lives away from the computer screen but it is nice to read about other peoples situations, outlooks on life etc. and what i really like about it is the wonderful senses of humour that bind it all up!!

Everyone should start their day with a smile... I try to.

By the way, i'm still a bit concerned about Robin Redbreast...

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It's a lot easier to relax and wear the old t-shirt and baggy shorts of our personalities, in areas like Hong Khlaay Khriat. I read the Isaan forum quite a lot. I don't live there, never lived there, gf isn't from there... but sometimes it's a relief to listen to the nattering of people just saying what they want, without carefully checking every word they type in case someone tries to tear them apart for being off-topic.

I like being off-topic. I like reading replies that are uncliched and slightly tangential.* I like the idea that people might have to think twice, or remember who I am or what I said before, in order to understand what the he|| I'm on about.

I accept that some forums such as News Clippings and the Visa forums, are necessarily high-traffic and controversial, and I'm slowly learning to differentiate by adopting a more careful style when posting there. (Incidentally, it means that I post there less and less.) I wish that the reverse would happen, and that those impatient critics would tone down their aggression when they step into the quieter local sois of Hong Khlaay Kriat and its sub-sois of "Band name", "Baan Kayo", "I've Met This Great Woman", etc....

* That's the 2nd time in 24 hours that I've used that word to describe my posting style. Please let me know if I'm over-doing it.

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What you read out of me is actually me. Honesty is important to me, even if it means saying something that might bother someone else. I am not playing a role on here nor have I ever. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve even though it has caused me emotional pain in the past quite a few times telling people how I really felt.

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Some people post as characatures of themselves such as myself, The Dude and The Moog, whereas others seem to post a particular side of their character.

Actually I think you are pretty similar in real life as you are in your posts - self obsessed, insecure and slightly irrelevant. I still read and posts and meet you for a beer now and then though...

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Like Thaibebop just said when I post I will obviously be in different moods and as some of you would of noticed I'm not this mean ice queen all the time on the board or in my time away from ThaiVisa.

My posts are my opinions, thoughts and feelings. And in some topics I do have some fun with members.

Some members that talk to me on MSN or whom I exchange a few PM's with get to know me a little better than most but everything I post is actually me and not a fake character. I have a lot of opinions and I just tend to share them on here whilst having fun, thats it really.

Just don't be fooled by my handle.


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Yes it's definitely a mood thing for me. My dancing rose avatar is the sunny, flippant and carefree side of me. This side became lost for a long time as I was so much under pressure in a past job. I never had a chance to be me, being in a high-profile public role that mostly squashed my personality and stole my inner-child.

I only ever started posting after that job ended and it took some months in "rehab" before the real me slowly recovered and re-emerged. So basically, most of my early posts came from my rebellious inner child who was dying to run wild and free. Now, feeling "recovered", I post less and maybe a a bit more thoughtfully at times. I'm me, I'm free and I have many sides.... depending on my mood! :o

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I am very different in person than I am in a forum like this. I think that when I write, whether it's e-mail, IM, or forum I come across as abrasive, moody and touchy. However, in person I'm actually kind of quiet, shy and reserved. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's personality differs from their online persona.

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I think whatever perception of me you gathered through my posts, you would have a decent idea of who I am. I don't have a nickname as such, my name on here is my name in the 'real world' so I don't feel the need to differentiate, my posts are genuine, I guess. I don't think I'm controversial and I'm not a prolific poster, I just participate in topics which have an interest to me, or I can offer something to (limiting my chances already) :o

So, yeah, I'm pretty much the same on here as I am in reality, a boring tw@t :D

Edited by Davey
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I think the image people are likely to have of me from reading my posts, whilst still reflecting a side of my personality, is different somewhat from how they would find me in real life. This is because there is sides of me that i holdback, and other aspects that get pushed to the fore, for better or worse. The way i write is often much more considered and serious in tone, than i am certain i come across as in reality.

I always assume that most people paint a fairly incomplete portrayal of themselves online, something that appears to be backed up by the number of keyboard warriors that inhabit cyberspace. People who normally shy away from all confrontations can sometimes become very emboldened when they have thousands of miles seperating themselves from each other, and don't have to deal with the target of their criticisms/insults face to face.

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I always assume that most people paint a fairly incomplete portrayal of themselves online, something that appears to be backed up by the number of keyboard warriors that inhabit cyberspace. People who normally shy away from all confrontations can sometimes become very emboldened when they have thousands of miles seperating themselves from each other, and don't have to deal with the target of their criticisms/insults face to face.

Sadly thats true - however from the people I've met from TV, they are basically same people with exception to some of the winders and they are the direct opposite. I know personally if I call some one a <deleted> online I won't hesitate offline. Just who I am. :o

SBK - yes bit like marriage in a way. :D That being said I'm not sure why someone wants to be someone they are not in respect to a forum. (boredom I guess)

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This is me. I have posted my wedding pics on Tv. I've been to many pissups(pisshead me) Never deny that. I am what you read. If i think your a ###### then i'll tell ya face to face. But generally i get on with most people. I've met many, many people from Tv and i'm yet to meet someone i dont like. There is no one on here that i feel i need to ignore. Live life. You only get one.

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I'm the same me in real life as I am on here although I'm not as grumpy as I appear


I must admit that I have a tendency to discount the posts of those who use a persona rather than simply being themselves. My view is that if they're not willing to reveal their 'real' (for want of a better word) personality then their views and pronouncements aren't totally to be trusted. :o

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Well I think you TV people get to know me better than other people do...

if any of you have been following the baan kayo´s harem or band name or past lives...sort of thread you will find the Glauka that many people who knows me in person don´t know...

Yes I am day dreamer and that kind of personality can mainly be found by people who know me very well or people who can read what I am thinking at the moment of writting...

Normally I don´t tell people that if I ever had a past life I would have been a fisherman´s wife...or I don´t play to be Zorro´s girlfriend...or the servant on and important harem...but yes I like to play those kind of games where my imagination can be let it go...and that´s the real me...( the way I handle this threads shows a lot what kind of lady I am)

On the controversial threads is also me...I always try to post what I think...

and also is the real me when I abandon certain debate because the people have become unrespectful...I also do that "in real life"

Is also the real me when I am singing...I am always singing...

The part that you don´t get from me is my dancing part...I dance...I dance a lot...

I dance everyday ... everywhere.... Dancing is vey important for me...Any time I listen flamenco is like...well I can´t explain it I can just feel it...If any time you see me dancing you will know what I mean...(my avatar can give you a clue)

BTW I always posting this :o because this me...is like me talking so

:D = Glauka

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Also I want to add that I believe that most people are their real them...

I think if a ever meet Khall I will find a witty, happy person...or Bambina will be this hilarious lady..Ice will be this "very mature for a teeneager"nice girl...Thaibebop will be this thoughful good listener...old croc...this grrrr sort nice of man...chownah and TOM so funny...Kayo will be this sensitive and joyful sort of guy... so and so on and on and on...I think you are very nice tv members...I am learning many things and many different ways of views since i have been posting.

THANK YOU...and if you people are not the real you... who cares you are very interesting, boring, joyful,sensitive, critic, respectful, unrespectful,grumpy... in the forum that i am enjoying to write here a lot...

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Also I want to add that I believe that most people are their real them...

I think if a ever meet Khall I will find a witty, happy person...or Bambina will be this hilarious lady..Ice will be this "very mature for a teeneager"nice girl...Thaibebop will be this thoughful good listener...old croc...this grrrr sort nice of man...chownah  and TOM so funny...Kayo will be this sensitive and joyful sort of guy... so and so on and on and on...I think you are very nice tv members...I am learning many things and many different ways of views since i have been posting.

THANK YOU...and if you people are not the real you... who cares you are very interesting, boring, joyful,sensitive, critic, respectful, unrespectful,grumpy... in the forum that i am enjoying to write here a lot...

Thankyouuuuuuu :o:D

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