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Jehovah'S Witnesses In Chiang Mai


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How can you be anything at 4 years of age? That's when Santa, the Tooth Fairy and Mickey Mouse are all as real as anything else.

Teaching Buddhism is mostly about teaching morals, so hard to exclude anyone from that who's attending a school in Thailand. It's a moral frame of reference.

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The Witnesses apparently preach the coming of a "new kingdom/government" which is going to bring everlasting peace and happiness to mankind ON EARTH (not in heaven or some new solar system....let alone rebirth as a ant or elephant), as well as removing "wicked men" and corruption. That don't sound to bad does it? cool.png

The only way there'd be peace on earth is if mankind is removed from it!

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I suppose if these religious groups were selling or giving advice on something useful, it wouldn't be too bad. But I do wonder at the idiotic mormon's, thinking that they can convince me that the mythical Jesus is going to come again to the new Jerusalem located somewhere in Missouri........hey Mitt Romney's a mormon. wink.png

One 'm' too many. wink.png


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How can you be anything at 4 years of age? That's when Santa, the Tooth Fairy and Mickey Mouse are all as real as anything else.

......And they don't scare kids into believing that they are born with 'original sin' and will go to hell for eternity, if they don't worship them daily and ask forgiveness......as I recall, all three above, made kids happy, not scared.

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How can you be anything at 4 years of age? That's when Santa, the Tooth Fairy and Mickey Mouse are all as real as anything else.

......And they don't scare kids into believing that they are born with 'original sin' and will go to hell for eternity, if they don't worship them daily and ask forgiveness......as I recall, all three above, made kids happy, not scared.

In fairness, not all Christian schools are like that; I send my kids to a Christian kindergarten mostly because I really like the place and what they do, and they don't over-do it on the religion. AND they take part in Thai holidays that are mostly Buddhist inspired (or at least not Christian) such as Loy Krathong. Then not too long After Loy Krathong they happily start rehearsing for the Christmas play. ;) That seems a healthy mix that I can live with, and also seems suitable for a person of mixed heritage, to get a little of both. They're smart enough to sort it all out later themselves.

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for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant.

Huh? What are you saying? Many of them are Thais. They were here to begin with.

I would not label them "arrogant" at all .... There have been missionaries in SEA for literally 100's of years and they don't seem to be very persuasive if you look at the population. In fact, it seems that missionaries are most effective in areas with a marginalized population (hill-tribes for example) and even then they do not seem to be making any real changes in beliefs ... as animism etc are still the standard beliefs of even those that claim a conversion. Why it would bother someone that there are missionaries about simply boggles my mind.

It's door-to-door uninvited spam!

The simply solution is to answer the door naked. That usually gets rid of them quickly.

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The difference is that Buddhist's DON'T go around trying to convert people who just want to be left alone in peace in their dwelling place! for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant.

Why don't they go to Iraq or another fierce Muslim country and try the same technique? won't be many of the infidels left after a few knocking on doors/tents or whatever tongue.png

Actually there have been cases where Christian missionaries have been imprisoned in Muslim countries for proselytizing. Do you consider that to be a good thing?


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How can you be anything at 4 years of age? That's when Santa, the Tooth Fairy and Mickey Mouse are all as real as anything else.

Teaching Buddhism is mostly about teaching morals, so hard to exclude anyone from that who's attending a school in Thailand. It's a moral frame of reference.

It's a nice theory that Buddhism is mostly about teaching morals but in Thailand there are gaps between theory and practice. On the one hand, it is deeply intertwined with animism and shaman in Thailand. And on the other, Thai parents inflict more guilt on their children than even the most devote Catholics.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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How can you be anything at 4 years of age? That's when Santa, the Tooth Fairy and Mickey Mouse are all as real as anything else.

......And they don't scare kids into believing that they are born with 'original sin' and will go to hell for eternity, if they don't worship them daily and ask forgiveness......as I recall, all three above, made kids happy, not scared.

They might use different stories to scare their kids but scare thier kids they do. I'm afraid that the Utopian version of Buddhism exists no more than does the Utopian version of Marxism.

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The difference is that Buddhist's DON'T go around trying to convert people who just want to be left alone in peace in their dwelling place! for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant.

Why don't they go to Iraq or another fierce Muslim country and try the same technique? won't be many of the infidels left after a few knocking on doors/tents or whatever tongue.png

Actually there have been cases where Christian missionaries have been imprisoned in Muslim countries for proselytizing. Do you consider that to be a good thing?


Of course, anyone who expresses an annoying point of view should be imprisoned.

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In fairness, not all Christian schools are like that; I send my kids to a Christian kindergarten mostly because I really like the place and what they do, and they don't over-do it on the religion. AND they take part in Thai holidays that are mostly Buddhist inspired (or at least not Christian) such as Loy Krathong. Then not too long After Loy Krathong they happily start rehearsing for the Christmas play. wink.png That seems a healthy mix that I can live with, and also seems suitable for a person of mixed heritage, to get a little of both. They're smart enough to sort it all out later themselves.

Be careful, fairness to Christians could get you banned from TV.

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How can you be anything at 4 years of age? That's when Santa, the Tooth Fairy and Mickey Mouse are all as real as anything else.

......And they don't scare kids into believing that they are born with 'original sin' and will go to hell for eternity, if they don't worship them daily and ask forgiveness......as I recall, all three above, made kids happy, not scared.

They might use different stories to scare their kids but scare thier kids they do. I'm afraid that the Utopian version of Buddhism exists no more than does the Utopian version of Marxism.

The 'they' I was referring to was Santa, Micky and the Tooth fairy. Can't say they ever scared me.

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How can you be anything at 4 years of age? That's when Santa, the Tooth Fairy and Mickey Mouse are all as real as anything else.

Teaching Buddhism is mostly about teaching morals, so hard to exclude anyone from that who's attending a school in Thailand. It's a moral frame of reference.

exactly!!! sounds like he is brain washing at a very early age to me - typical Christian (you will go to hell) technique. Why not let the boy decide for himself later in life? 4 years old and already taught Christians are 'superior' to 'Buddhists'. Anyway Buddhism is NOT a religion.

Edited by udonguy
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The difference is that Buddhist's DON'T go around trying to convert people who just want to be left alone in peace in their dwelling place! for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant.

Why don't they go to Iraq or another fierce Muslim country and try the same technique? won't be many of the infidels left after a few knocking on doors/tents or whatever tongue.png

Actually there have been cases where Christian missionaries have been imprisoned in Muslim countries for proselytizing. Do you consider that to be a good thing?

well they are not welcomed there - never heard of a Buddhist door knocker yet! look - they can believe what they want Santa, Elvis or whatever but WHY do they insist on trying to rope others into their delusion? only Christians have the arrogance to do it:

Buddhists don't do it

Muslims don't do it (they often have 'other' techniques to bring us to 'Heaven')

Jews don't do it

Rastas don't do it (too stoned)

Hindus don't do it

ONLY political parties, brush salesman and Christians

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for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant.

Huh? What are you saying? Many of them are Thais. They were here to begin with.

I would not label them "arrogant" at all .... There have been missionaries in SEA for literally 100's of years and they don't seem to be very persuasive if you look at the population. In fact, it seems that missionaries are most effective in areas with a marginalized population (hill-tribes for example) and even then they do not seem to be making any real changes in beliefs ... as animism etc are still the standard beliefs of even those that claim a conversion. Why it would bother someone that there are missionaries about simply boggles my mind.

It's door-to-door uninvited spam!

The simply solution is to answer the door naked. That usually gets rid of them quickly.

Who else would it get rid off? Your 65 old Thai lady neighbor knocking on your door telling you your bike is being stolen? 10 year old girl scout asking for donations? A group of middle aged men asking for money for the local temple? Immigration officers doing a random check on visas?

Your actions would probably elevate your status in the community to .....................

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How can you be anything at 4 years of age? That's when Santa, the Tooth Fairy and Mickey Mouse are all as real as anything else.

Teaching Buddhism is mostly about teaching morals, so hard to exclude anyone from that who's attending a school in Thailand. It's a moral frame of reference.

It's a nice theory that Buddhism is mostly about teaching morals but in Thailand there are gaps between theory and practice. On the one hand, it is deeply intertwined with animism and shaman in Thailand.

Absolutely. Mostly in practise though, not in what you learn in school. But either way I think no lower of animism than I do of any other religion.

And on the other, Thai parents inflict more guilt on their children than even the most devote Catholics.

Hmm... I'm married to a Thai parent, and I'm not seeing that.

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@ Winnie sounded like at first something from a Monty Python movie what has happened at the place of the birth of Jesus.

When I was staying in Chiang Mai and had security, it was funny every week to get a booklet from the JoJo's ( Jehovah's Wittness) never actually get to meet them.

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What if you got a knock on your door twice a day from different reliqious groups?

I say, 'save yourself'.

What if you got a knock on your door twice a day from a sales person, someone asking for donations, someone publishing a community announcement, someone doing a survey? Someone doing direct marketing for Thai Love Links? What would you say then?

I very much doubt anyone, anywhere gets many people knocking on their doors twice a day. huh.png

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Many people here seem to confuse JW's with other religious groups. They do not necessarily wear long skirts (especially the men!!! lol). The miserable looking western women in their long skirts and hanky on their heads you see near Hang Dong belong to another repressive religious group from the Christian multitudes. JWs are another thing altogether. They are not allowed by their own rules to enter people's homes on the first visit. This rarely happens. I know a lot about this religion because I was bought up as one until I broke free at the age of 12, which meant I was estranged from my family for many years. But we're all talking again! I just hate the concept of "you will be a ................ because you were born into a family of ............". In the missing space enter Jew, Muslim, JW or whatever. How can kids choose? If they do make a choice at a tender age it is only because of family pressure, brainwashing etc. Or in the case of extreme muslims, because they are forced into it. People don't like JWs or others banging on their doors because they feel threatened by it. You can just tell them politely to go away. Or in my case I say I was disfellowshipped (their term) at the age of 12 and I have no intention of repenting, thank you! But it is a crazy religion that is all-controlling and actually pretty nasty. They've changed their beliefs over the years as predicted events don't happen or as they try and keep up with a changing world. Personally, I absolutely hate this religion, but then I hate all religious/politicos who believe they have a monopoly on truth. Best to be a free spirit.

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bloody arrogant I'd call it

Why would that be? Would it be arrogant of a Buddhists to express their faith in say Europe or America?

I am with you.... nothing arrogant about it. I simply am not interested and tell them so. They politely smile and leave.

Read post 44 the point is only they do it which underlies the arrogance as most posters agree and they were farang not Thai (which I could slightly underrstand more).

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Many people here seem to confuse JW's with other religious groups. They do not necessarily wear long skirts (especially the men!!! lol). The miserable looking western women in their long skirts and hanky on their heads you see near Hang Dong belong to another repressive religious group from the Christian multitudes. JWs are another thing altogether. They are not allowed by their own rules to enter people's homes on the first visit. This rarely happens. I know a lot about this religion because I was bought up as one until I broke free at the age of 12, which meant I was estranged from my family for many years. But we're all talking again! I just hate the concept of "you will be a ................ because you were born into a family of ............". In the missing space enter Jew, Muslim, JW or whatever. How can kids choose? If they do make a choice at a tender age it is only because of family pressure, brainwashing etc. Or in the case of extreme muslims, because they are forced into it. People don't like JWs or others banging on their doors because they feel threatened by it. You can just tell them politely to go away. Or in my case I say I was disfellowshipped (their term) at the age of 12 and I have no intention of repenting, thank you! But it is a crazy religion that is all-controlling and actually pretty nasty. They've changed their beliefs over the years as predicted events don't happen or as they try and keep up with a changing world. Personally, I absolutely hate this religion, but then I hate all religious/politicos who believe they have a monopoly on truth. Best to be a free spirit.

+1 , thank you.

So who are the hanky-head women in Hang Dong, and why are they here?

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Someone told me that they were member's of the Quakers or another religion similar but could be wrong.

I asked while I was in Chiang Mai last year and someone from Hiil Side 4 said that they Quakers and jst another farang religous group coming to cause trouble in Thailand.

cannot wait to come back see

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Another good reason to live outside Chiangmai. Not bragging at all but I've kicked my share of biffer to the curb, but these people had the power to keep me on the doorsteep for, what felt like a lifetime..... In the UK........In my underwere,,,sick, they didn't bolt once at the sight of me in my boxers....respect for that! But lost course mate, I was sold to the dark side long before the "Ding...Dong" of the door bell.

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Many people here seem to confuse JW's with other religious groups. They do not necessarily wear long skirts (especially the men!!! lol). The miserable looking western women in their long skirts and hanky on their heads you see near Hang Dong belong to another repressive religious group from the Christian multitudes. JWs are another thing altogether. They are not allowed by their own rules to enter people's homes on the first visit. This rarely happens. I know a lot about this religion because I was bought up as one until I broke free at the age of 12, which meant I was estranged from my family for many years. But we're all talking again! I just hate the concept of "you will be a ................ because you were born into a family of ............". In the missing space enter Jew, Muslim, JW or whatever. How can kids choose? If they do make a choice at a tender age it is only because of family pressure, brainwashing etc. Or in the case of extreme muslims, because they are forced into it. People don't like JWs or others banging on their doors because they feel threatened by it. You can just tell them politely to go away. Or in my case I say I was disfellowshipped (their term) at the age of 12 and I have no intention of repenting, thank you! But it is a crazy religion that is all-controlling and actually pretty nasty. They've changed their beliefs over the years as predicted events don't happen or as they try and keep up with a changing world. Personally, I absolutely hate this religion, but then I hate all religious/politicos who believe they have a monopoly on truth. Best to be a free spirit.

+1 , thank you.

So who are the hanky-head women in Hang Dong, and why are they here?

They are not only in Hang Dong. I see them all over Sansai too. And many of them hang out at Suan Dok Hospital, volunteering to help with sick children and so forth. I don't know what religious group they are from but they apparently have money as I often see them stocking up at Rimping and dining at Miguels. Most of them sound like they are Americans but I have heard a few of them speaking Dutch.

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