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Thai Neignbors; Fireworks


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After about 4 years of annoying me with constant construction noise and debri, the neighbor had his first party last night. Joy.

I got to have small fireworks fired either above or at times , directly at my hay filled stable. When I asked for it to stop , the music was turned up to the standard Thai unbearable level.

I put the freaking out horses in the lower field as far from the danger and noise as possible and prayed tose neignbors would start up, too.

Finally when a mother of one of the the offending children , a guest caught on the festivities were actually endangering a person, and her property, she instructed the brats to stop.

Then the lanterns were made ready. Two landed on their own roof, thankfully the wind was blowing away from my hay filled stable.

Than I saw what was the stupidest, most utterly careless act yet- affixed to the lanterns were dripping sparklers.

The added weight prevented any altitude and about ten were set off dripping sparks across several other neighbor properties.

For the culmination at midnight, several guest emptied their guns into the air about 20 feet from where I was situated guarding from fire.

It is like living in a zoo, except in a zoo , the animals are actually far more considerate and would be far more preferable neigbors.

Today I get to spend time collecting the debri strewn all over my property.

Do not ever plan to live in a Thai neigborhood if trash, noise, rudeness and utter inconsideration are annoying to you. Actually you may find your self in an isolated place at first -as was in my case, then have neigbors build closely, ignoring of course any set back rules.

If you can't afford a hundred rai to prevent this , rent and rent cheaply !!

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Had plenty of local and foreign neighbors doing similar last night.

Child's play as to what we were doing with our hundred $ hauls of fireworks (especially those grade A rockets from China that they don't see to export anywhere else but the US) from Mr. W's Fireworks in Texas though.


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^ .. with both fingers..

"Bah Humbug," isn't that for that superior male religion icon thing ?

Yeah, Chinese New Year..

Hopefully I can be moved into the new property by that horror , oh, but wait having two builders jerk me around and the stable delayed , not even started, and now having to make a visa run this week...

How can I reciprocate, what do Thais hate most ?

At least we can post these annoyances for the consideration of potential ex pats, if only it were allowed 6 7 years ago when I first investigated moving here. I would have never considered it if I'd read what I and many others post now..

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^ Thanks for that. I am just working on about 4 hours sleep because of it all and the cock fighters are now getting wound up and remnant fireworks are going off.

The yonfger horses are farting turds, " scared shitless"

My sanctuary over the last 2 years has descended into noise filled, stress zone because of the neighbors. How wish upon them the worst luck.


I often think Thais actually do revel in obtuseness.They certainly are naturals at it.

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Unlikely that there is anything you can do about it - you are a 'guest' here.

Know what you mean though, last night was a nightmare! Loud bangs all night (or at least it seemed like it). I don't mind at all every now and again but 2 of my dogs were terrified sad.png .

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It's new year you got to expect it. Back in the UK there's plenty of Chavs too.

Last night I had to tell the coach drivers to stop letting fireworks off in the petrol station, they stood they with fireworks in hand saying they hadn't. Dear god. Do these San Song pickled brained morons think people are actually stupider than them. I wasn't polite to say the least after some idiot missed driving his car into my babies pram by about 2 inches parking his car after I had already had to pull the pram out the way. He'd already seen there was a pram there when he drove the wrong way past us looking and had to turn around to be able to get in the space, then ignored all the other empty spaces because he had to have the closest one. Looking at how wobbly his girlfriends legs were it's not the first time. How can people be that thin but their legs wobble with with fat, is it because they do absolutely F all ?

On top of having no regard for a babies safety he couldn't be bothered to put his phone down and was trying to park with one hand so badly he stalled the car. Hey don't worry about a baby you selfish moron. Surprisingly he decided to carry on his phone call rather sheepishly and stay in his car when he saw me waiting for him.

Anyway into Mcdonalds (yep I know but I couldn't be bothered doing anything else with a crying 2 month old on NYE) standing in the queue and then in comes jelly legs straight to the front ignoring the queue. Screw this I had a few words to say to her. I don't know how much she understood while pretending she couldn't hear me even though I was standing right next to her keeping her head 90 degrees to me the whole time and still trying to get served ignoring everyone in the queue. She soon left in a spoilt child sulky tantram.

Happy new year everyone.

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My wifes family have several hundred rai of land but we won't build on it due to this and security. We're only going to build/buy in a housing estate that unfortunately isn't cheap and not close to anything that is to prevent this happening. After 3 years of looking we may have found somewhere, but the land is at the edge of the estate so god knows what could be built behind it.

Investing money in this country really isn't desirable.

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Sounds like a good party - where do you live?

Maybe Thailand is not for you TW, if you want lots of rules and a nanny state try the UK.

I personally had a great night throwing bangers at all and sundry, including the police, who then gave me a drink of their whiskey in appreciation...

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^ .. with both fingers..

"Bah Humbug," isn't that for that superior male religion icon thing ?

Yeah, Chinese New Year..

Hopefully I can be moved into the new property by that horror , oh, but wait having two builders jerk me around and the stable delayed , not even started, and now having to make a visa run this week...

How can I reciprocate, what do Thais hate most ?

At least we can post these annoyances for the consideration of potential ex pats, if only it were allowed 6 7 years ago when I first investigated moving here. I would have never considered it if I'd read what I and many others post now..

Had noisy neighbours in a condo once, what you need is a ghost.

I glued up their door locks when they were IN, this means when they go out they cant lock their door, then every so often Id open their door and leave it open when they were away, Then get the girlfriend to say she heard crying in the room all night and let the maid see the open door. Wife suggests ghost to maid, maid tells whole building, tenant leaves.

Someone else suggested if you have a small child get it to say why is the girl crying in the upstairs window every night or similar crap

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^ .. with both fingers..

"Bah Humbug," isn't that for that superior male religion icon thing ?

Yeah, Chinese New Year..

Hopefully I can be moved into the new property by that horror , oh, but wait having two builders jerk me around and the stable delayed , not even started, and now having to make a visa run this week...

How can I reciprocate, what do Thais hate most ?

At least we can post these annoyances for the consideration of potential ex pats, if only it were allowed 6 7 years ago when I first investigated moving here. I would have never considered it if I'd read what I and many others post now..

Had noisy neighbours in a condo once, what you need is a ghost.

I glued up their door locks when they were IN, this means when they go out they cant lock their door, then every so often Id open their door and leave it open when they were away, Then get the girlfriend to say she heard crying in the room all night and let the maid see the open door. Wife suggests ghost to maid, maid tells whole building, tenant leaves.

Someone else suggested if you have a small child get it to say why is the girl crying in the upstairs window every night or similar crap



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you ask what do thais hate most?? they hate it when you complain about something that you have nothing to do about it, but they really hate it when you move back to your country, so they dont have to listen to your complaints,

Maybe thats what you should do, that will show them,

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Had noisy neighbours in a condo once, what you need is a ghost.

I glued up their door locks when they were IN, this means when they go out they cant lock their door, then every so often Id open their door and leave it open when they were away, Then get the girlfriend to say she heard crying in the room all night and let the maid see the open door. Wife suggests ghost to maid, maid tells whole building, tenant leaves.

Someone else suggested if you have a small child get it to say why is the girl crying in the upstairs window every night or similar crap

Thank you for making my New Year smile.png

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Had noisy neighbours in a condo once, what you need is a ghost.

I glued up their door locks when they were IN, this means when they go out they cant lock their door, then every so often Id open their door and leave it open when they were away, Then get the girlfriend to say she heard crying in the room all night and let the maid see the open door. Wife suggests ghost to maid, maid tells whole building, tenant leaves.

Someone else suggested if you have a small child get it to say why is the girl crying in the upstairs window every night or similar crap

Good idea , I buried a horse a few years ago, maybe he should be resurrected- maybe wiht a headless rider?? This morning the kids were doing it again, and so I started watering them with a hose, Yep they hate water, like they are going to melt or something. "Whoops- sorry, did I soak your fireworks? ." Brats !!

you ask what do thais hate most?? they hate it when you complain about something that you have nothing to do about it, but they really hate it when you move back to your country, so they dont have to listen to your complaints,

Maybe thats what you should do, that will show them,

Actually setting off fireworks aimed at my property certainly concerns me, in every way and I don't adhere to any Nationality's notions of common rudeness as a desirable trait and way of life. You really defend people with no respect for private property? Or safety? Or common courtesy? I'm not that much of an ass- kisser, thankfully.

Besides, asshol_e neighbors exist everywhere, just in Thailand is it acceptable to shoot dangerous flaming objects at another person and her 30,000 baht baht worth of highly flammable hay-if she is a " whitey," that is.

I think a real good old fashioned Celtic style curse is needed- on the entire Nation. Need to go bleed a chicken.wai.gif Wait ..., never mind it already is cursed- with its people !!.

Sorry, I have no respect whatsoever for the culture as a whole and only for a very, very few individuals.

I think I need to finish that book started 6 months after I moved here, Lie-Land I will call it because it certainly is just that-subtitled, The Real Thailand; When Cheap Sex is not a Consideration.

Edited by TigerWan
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My Thai neighbors New Years Eve party started in the late afternoon with fireworks, loud talking and raucous laughing. The party ended about 2:00 in the afternoon on the 1st. It ended with blood curdling screams and fighting.

My wife was plainly irritated too and said that this only happens a couple times a year so we have to just live with it. I was impressed with their staying power. Nearly 24 hours of nonstop drinking.

The best advice I ever got made me really angry at the time but over the years I learned that it was good advice and I have always remembered it. The advice was to NOT concern yourself with things you have no control over.

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Unlikely that there is anything you can do about it - you are a 'guest' here.

Know what you mean though, last night was a nightmare! Loud bangs all night (or at least it seemed like it). I don't mind at all every now and again but 2 of my dogs were terrified sad.png .

"Guest"? Guests don't pay taxes or have business or foundations.

I had one neighbor 5 years ago, now I have 5 within 50 meters of the south corner of the property and they all are inconsiderate, make a lot of noise and fireworks are common. But they have never fired into the barn like these jack- asses were doing.

The horses are used to loud bangs from neighbors ( making up for the small penis issues? ) so I thought they were OK but then I heard panicked horse bodies banging up against the rails. They were throwing firecrackers into the area just adjacent to the stalls where the horses have a small free area and giggling with delight that the horses were injuring themselves and it was dangerous for me to get them into the lower field as far as possible .

Oh those charming Thais....

"A dish served ice, ice cold "

Edited by TigerWan
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Had noisy neighbours in a condo once, what you need is a ghost.

I glued up their door locks when they were IN, this means when they go out they cant lock their door, then every so often Id open their door and leave it open when they were away, Then get the girlfriend to say she heard crying in the room all night and let the maid see the open door. Wife suggests ghost to maid, maid tells whole building, tenant leaves.

Someone else suggested if you have a small child get it to say why is the girl crying in the upstairs window every night or similar crap

Good idea , I buried a horse a few years ago, maybe he should be resurrected- maybe wiht a headless rider?? This morning the kids were doing it again, and so I started watering them with a hose, Yep they hate water, like they are going to melt or something. "Whoops- sorry, did I soak your fireworks? ." Brats !!

you ask what do thais hate most?? they hate it when you complain about something that you have nothing to do about it, but they really hate it when you move back to your country, so they dont have to listen to your complaints,

Maybe thats what you should do, that will show them,

Actually setting off fireworks aimed at my property certainly concerns me, in every way and I don't adhere to any Nationality's notions of common rudeness as a desirable trait and way of life. You really defend people with no respect for private property? Or safety? Or common courtesy? I'm not that much of an ass- kisser, thankfully.

Besides, asshol_e neighbors exist everywhere, just in Thailand is it acceptable to shoot dangerous flaming objects at another person and her 30,000 baht baht worth of highly flammable hay-if she is a " whitey," that is.

I think a real good old fashioned Celtic style curse is needed- on the entire Nation. Need to go bleed a chicken.wai.gif Wait ..., never mind it already is cursed- with its people !!.

Sorry, I have no respect whatsoever for the culture as a whole and only for a very, very few individuals.

I think I need to finish that book started 6 months after I moved here, Lie-Land I will call it because it certainly is just that-subtitled, The Real Thailand; When Cheap Sex is not a Consideration.

you have obviously built up a good head of venom.

one might ask why you persist if you hate the place an people so.

certainly if you were my neighbor i would make little effort to placate you and your precious hay.

i fiind it very difficult to believe your neighbors would throw firecrackers at your horses. I think you are just embellishing for effect the long the thread goes on.

by the way is your signature intended to be ironic?

Edited by nocturn
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My Thai neighbors New Years Eve party started in the late afternoon with fireworks, loud talking and raucous laughing. The party ended about 2:00 in the afternoon on the 1st. It ended with blood curdling screams and fighting.

My wife was plainly irritated too and said that this only happens a couple times a year so we have to just live with it. I was impressed with their staying power. Nearly 24 hours of nonstop drinking.

The best advice I ever got made me really angry at the time but over the years I learned that it was good advice and I have always remembered it. The advice was to NOT concern yourself with things you have no control over.

I agree with your wife.

Yes, it is annoying when a party goes on all night (keeping everyone else awake), but unless it is a regular occurrence or, you have to get up for work in the morning, it is just 'one of those things'.

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My Thai neighbors New Years Eve party started in the late afternoon with fireworks, loud talking and raucous laughing. The party ended about 2:00 in the afternoon on the 1st. It ended with blood curdling screams and fighting.

My wife was plainly irritated too and said that this only happens a couple times a year so we have to just live with it. I was impressed with their staying power. Nearly 24 hours of nonstop drinking.

The best advice I ever got made me really angry at the time but over the years I learned that it was good advice and I have always remembered it. The advice was to NOT concern yourself with things you have no control over.

I agree with your wife.

Yes, it is annoying when a party goes on all night (keeping everyone else awake), but unless it is a regular occurrence or, you have to get up for work in the morning, it is just 'one of those things'.

Why weren't you invited to the party ?? Man, the Thais can surely drink. The worst you can do is to complain to the other villagers. I've had a party that lasted for days and noone complained about the all night bumping music and it went on till the following day followed by another full day of live music and Legendary drinking. The fourth day was clean-up followed by yes - way too much drinking. I even had the tee-totaling wives doing shots. Ah, yeah - good times.

If their way of life bothers TW so much - perhaps it's time to re-locate to a more urban setting. I can't wait to return.

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You can win in these situations, but the 'loud ranting farang/farang who calls the cops three times a day' thing doesn't usually work unless you are indeed 'bigger' in the social hierarchy. Reminds me of one neighborhood situation... standard inconsiderate 'drunk locals blocking someone else's driveway.... offended party blows his top without thinking,' type situation. The guys having the party were low ranked drunk retired Navy and while it didn't end in bloodshed, there was a threat of a grenade being thrown into the neighbor's house, and yes, the guy happened to have some grenades with him (apparently simple firearms aren't threatening enough I guess). No one moved, life went on as usual... but complainer apparently hasn't had a single complaint since. To their credit, whenever I've visited that neighborhood during party season, drunk Navy guys don't appear to block complainer's driveway either though, unless there is really nowhere else to park.


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