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Chalerm Calls For Delay In Charter Amendment


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Deputy PM Calls for Delay in Charter Amendment

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamroong wants the charter amendment to be delayed by eight months so the government can make more achievements in economic recovery and drug eradication.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamroong has echoed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s statement that the government will not lead the charter amendment process.

Chalerm said it can be left to the public or the House of Representatives.

However, Chalerm advised that the process be delayed by another eight months to give the government more time to attain achievements in economic stimulation and narcotics crackdown.

The minister said it has not been decided how the charter amendment process will be carried out, but he believes the charter drafting committee should be represented by one elected member from each of the 77 provinces.

Then, the 77 individuals should select 22 additional qualified experts to make up a 99-member panel.

He added that the charter amendment process will not touch on Article 112 of the Criminal Procedure Code which is on lese majeste.

He said there has been an attempt to mislead the public into thinking the two issues are the same, and he assured that he will oppose any move to amend Article 112.


-- Tan Network 2012-01-04


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Complete U-Turn by Chalerm who only a couple of months ago was promising to ramrod constitutional amendments through.

A change of plans by the Montenegrin results in a change of plans by his political party.

Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Acts

is alive and flourishing.


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Thaksin has said he can not return to Thailand as long as someone he named ^^^ lives. I think that's probably true. In the meantime I think he's come up with the sweetest deal of all from his perspective. He can frontrun every single government or trade initiative. He can act as "facilitator" or "counselor" and be outside the bounds of government scrutiny, weak as it is. It might be what he was angling for all the time, but clearly he's in the sweet spot now.

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He needs a bicycle with 10 speeds in reverse

and 3 forwards. To fit his political lifestyle.

I don't understand why they can't test the winds more discretely, rather than just throw out these ideas grandly and LOUDLY, and when the shit-storm hits quickly backpedal for port. Maybe because no one dares contradict them to their face, so they only hear the truth as blowback from their gigantic pronouncements?

Pretty much shows the goodwill and power accumulated by the election win was dissipated totally with each cubic meter of flood flowing through the country. They can and do try to say it's still there, but their actions and backtracking prove those words to be bluster.

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The backing-down on royal amnesty for Thaksin, the refusal to change the lese majeste laws and now a delay to charter amendments.

Looking at it on the surface, it seems that keeping the Thai army sweet is more of a priority for PTP than getting Thaksin back.

Thai democracy is working as well as ever. I just hope that those who control the army are good, upstanding moral men. And woman.

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Thaksin's probably figured out that Chelerm would be worth more to him if he joined the Dems. As part of the preparatory work, Chalerm is now changing his views to mirror the policies of Aphisit and friends. It is expected that next week he will unveil exactly who shot JR Ewing and Cock Robin.

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From Chalerm:

The minister said it has not been decided how the charter amendment process will be carried out, but he believes the charter drafting committee should be represented by one elected member from each of the 77 provinces.

Well I wonder why:

  • There must be at least one elected pt member in every province, so one possibility is that a pt member will just automatically get selected, no other selection criteria. (Hey 15M votes, so they have the right, or so they would claim).


  • Perhaps those selected will be based on some equation of the numbers from each party, but the equation nicely constructed so that those provinces with more than say 20% pt members, will automatically mean a pt politician.

He also wants to wait 8 months to get more scores on the board. What does this mean? It certainly doesn't sound like going for policy and decisions based on ethics and what is morally right. .

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"Pheu Thai Party MP of Nonthaburi Province Udomdetch Rattanasathien, as the Government Chief Whip, responded to Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung's comment that it was not the time to amend the Constitution.Udomdetch said Chalerm's opinion is not to be taken seriously."

Mister Chalerm, are you going to take this lying down?

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"Pheu Thai Party MP of Nonthaburi Province Udomdetch Rattanasathien, as the Government Chief Whip, responded to Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung's comment that it was not the time to amend the Constitution.Udomdetch said Chalerm's opinion is not to be taken seriously."

Mister Chalerm, are you going to take this lying down?

I didn't realise anyone took Chalerm seriously?

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I think that Chalerm is a master of doublespeak. Meaning the (exonerate Thaksin) charter amendment won't be done in public but behind closed doors - again. As even some of his own party don't trust him we can look forward to more leaks.

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"The minister said it has not been decided how the charter amendment process will be carried out, but he believes the charter drafting committee should be represented by one elected member from each of the 77 provinces."

"Then, the 77 individuals should select 22 additional qualified experts to make up a 99-member panel."

sounds like stacking the deck

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  • 1 month later...
Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamroong wants the charter amendment to be delayed by eight months so the government can make more achievements in economic recovery and drug eradication.

Pheu Thai to Submit Charter Amendment Request This Week

The Pheu Thai Party spokesman says the party should submit a request for the establishment of a charter drafting assembly to the House of Representatives this week.

The assembly would consist of 99 members, with 77 coming from an election at the provincial level and 22 who are legal experts.

Pheu Thai Spokesman Prompong Nopparit said the Pheu Thai Party has concluded the details for the establishment of a charter drafting assembly which is to be made up of 99 members, 77 of which will come from an election at the provincial level.

The rest will be made up of legal experts.

The issue will be presented to the Government Whip today after which the party will meet again to finalize it and present an amendment to the Constitution’s Article 291, which will lead to the setting up of the charter drafting assembly, to the House of Representatives within this week.

The issue should be put on the agenda of this House session.

Prompong insisted the charter amendment is a campaign policy of Pheu Thai and reiterated it has nothing to do with the changes proposed by the pro-lese majeste amendment Nitirat Group as claimed by the Democrat Party.

Prompong slammed the Democrats for trying to link everything to politics while ignoring its duties of checking the usage of the budget or the government’s policies.

Government Chief Whip Udomdej Ratanasatien said tomorrow’s whip meeting will have all government coalition partners submit a list of MPs who will speak on the charter amendment so a final list can be completed by Wednesday.

The amendment request should be submitted to the House by Friday.

He sees no complications on the issue as all coalition partners agree with the charter change.

Udomdej said the 22 legal experts will have to be selected by Parliament while the actual changes to the charter will be drafted by the 99-member assembly.


-- Tan Network 2012-02-06


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Complete U-Turn by Chalerm who only a couple of months ago was promising to ramrod constitutional amendments through.

A change of plans by the Montenegrin results in a change of plans by his political party.

Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Acts

is alive and flourishing.

and yet ANOTHER turning into the U-Turn lane..... blink.png

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamroong wants the charter amendment to be delayed by eight months .

Pheu Thai to Submit Charter Amendment Request This Week

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Prompong insisted the charter amendment is a campaign policy of Pheu Thai and reiterated it has nothing to do with the changes proposed by the pro-lese majeste amendment Nitirat Group as claimed by the Democrat Party.

Prompong slammed the Democrats for trying to link everything to politics while ignoring its duties of checking the usage of the budget or the government’s policies.


Does Prompong mean that the charter amendment is not politics or part of the government policies?

Those nasty Democrats are checking everything the government does but they shouldn't really as it upsets Prompong.

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The backing-down on royal amnesty for Thaksin, the refusal to change the lese majeste laws and now a delay to charter amendments.

Looking at it on the surface, it seems that keeping the Thai army sweet is more of a priority for PTP than getting Thaksin back.

Thai democracy is working as well as ever. I just hope that those who control the army are good, upstanding moral men. And woman.

You've been talking with dear Pheu Thai party list MP and UDD Jatuporn I think. The end of the world is near and a coup coming. Maybe Pheu Thai needs to keep their red-shirtUDD supporters in check, maybe Dept. PM Chalerm is actually right when he advises that the process be delayed by another eight months to give the government more time to attain achievements in economic stimulation and narcotics crackdown. Maybe more time is needed to spent the THB 400 billion rice-pledging scheme budget or the THB 350 billion Water Management Plan budget. I just hope that those who try to control the corrupt are upstanding moral men and womanwomen.

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The problem with the whole amendment process is that it is a powder keg waiting to explode. I have no problem with any charter amendments, but they need to have broad support from the public. 51% just isn't enough. That will simply enrage half the country and facilitate civil war.

If Chalerm really wants to do something good, rather than this 77+22 nonsense, the CDA should consist of approximately equal numbers of Thaksin and anti Thaksin participants. Further, the charter for the CDA should demand a super majority approve of any amendments they might submit.

This would ensure broad support across the issues, and make certain that everything proposed is truly in the best interests of the Thai people, and not simply in the best interests of the chief puppeteer in Dubai.

The fact that the current government is not willing to accept a solution like this tells you what they have in mind for these amendments, and why Chalerm is being forced to delay. He knows this is going to inflame the situation, and they don't yet have the support they need for victory when the bullets start flying.

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Red-shirt leader Thida will be submitting the group's charter amendment draft to the Parliament tomorrow/TAN_Network

It seems the red shirts aren't listening to Chalerm ... but then, neither is the rest of the PTP.

What will happen with two charter amendment drafts before parliament?

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