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Clothes Dye (Or Dyeing Service)....Where?


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I would like to dye some clothes I own......dark.

I need to know where to buy the dye, or is there anyone knows of someone will do it?

One pants has lost colour and feels like pure cotton. Some others feel like man made fibre but good for cycling as it wicks very well.

Will the latter take dye well?

Does one still have to boil these days that might be difficult no extra big pan?

Is the colour fast or do I have to separate forever in future?

Thanks Cheeryble

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If you live in a mooban, there will certainly be a guy on a bicycle/motorbike passing every week, who will do this for you. You can hear him coming by the sound he makes, kalong kalong kalong. Can't miss him. He will dye your clothes, however only in black. smile.png

Edit. Maybe the sound is more like galong galong. biggrin.png

Edited by Semper
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This is an easy one, at the bottom end of Moon Muang there is a Wat over the moat just before the road turns left, in the Soi directly behind the Wat is a 2 level house right nest to a decrepit garage workshop with lots of clothes drying off the front verandah, very old esteemed couple run this place & do excellent dying work, a shirt or shorts is about 80 baht, T Shirts 50 baht & the Black is Jet black and it lasts - I have been using them for 18 months - cant beat em !

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This is an easy one, at the bottom end of Moon Muang there is a Wat over the moat just before the road turns left, in the Soi directly behind the Wat is a 2 level house right nest to a decrepit garage workshop with lots of clothes drying off the front verandah, very old esteemed couple run this place & do excellent dying work, a shirt or shorts is about 80 baht, T Shirts 50 baht & the Black is Jet black and it lasts - I have been using them for 18 months - cant beat em !

As complete as these directions seem, I cannot understand them. I know Chiang Mai well, and for that matter I also understand directions well as a rule. North, east, west, and south I can follow; and though I am familiar with Moon Muang Road, I do not know where the "bottom end of Moon Muang" is. Are you referring to this neighborhood? :http://www.mapjack.com/?qPXyUkaeacTC The wat in that scene is Wat Puak Chang. Is your esteemed couple near this wat? Maybe I'm way off. Thanks.

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if you want to buy the dye wororot market is the place as always.cm plastic has it and there is a little soi ,not sure about the name but coming from navarat bridge going west,take the third right and the first left is a little soi that turns right after 50 m.at the turn on the left side is a store that has a lot of sewing stuff and dyes.take the pants and they will give you the right ones for the particular material.

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I am lost too... So, opposite Moon Muang soi 9 would be on Chayapoom Road? (outer road East side of the moat)

It does sound very much like the wat on the other side of the moat on Chayapum, I know many people call that side of the road Moon Muang too, so maybe a wander behind there will prove successful.

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Oh my buddha! It's not difficult to get there but your directions are very confusing mak mak! Song san OP! Thais don't use road names and usually refer to gates and landmarks. Much ngai gwar!

To get to the dyeing shop, go around the outside of Sriphrum corner (as if your going from Chang Puak to Tha Pae gate) then take the first left, after the temple. Then take the next left after that. The shop is on the right after the guesthouse. Mai yak!

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Oh my buddha! It's not difficult to get there but your directions are very confusing mak mak! Song san OP! Thais don't use road names and usually refer to gates and landmarks. Much ngai gwar!

To get to the dyeing shop, go around the outside of Sriphrum corner (as if your going from Chang Puak to Tha Pae gate) then take the first left, after the temple. Then take the next left after that. The shop is on the right after the guesthouse. Mai yak!

Now this I can understand. Across from Joe's Guesthouse on this map:http://www.wikimapia.org/#lat=18.7938323&lon=98.9943507&z=19&l=0&m=b Thanks.

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Now we're talking... Thanks, MrBrad and Expatmakmak...

And for heaven's sake, Expatmakmak, why would we not use streetnames, unlike Thais? And why would we post half Thai-ish text on a English forum...? I guess you just started a Thai course...? You also started eating insects, liver, animal's tongue, chicken's eyeballs as well? ;-)

Anyway, thanks guys.

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