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Condo Renovator Identity? (Pics Attached)


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I recently purchased a condo 'shell' (VT6) and in looking at SEVERAL completed ones I found a design I like. (pics attached)

The respective realtors did not know, though, the renovator/contractor of these units.

Can anyone identify which renovator did the work and provide the contact details?

A PM is fine if that works better.

Thank you!





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The beige one is tolerable though not tasteful. But that green and those recessed neon lights in the ceiling,and the white laminate kitchen, and the mass-market paintings. Ouch! bah.gif

If you dont manage to find him (and if no one has shot him by now, as a humanitarian act) there are a couple of yaba addicts on 3rd Rd who are every bit as talented at interior design.

If you told me you had seen those units in another VT then I think I would know exactly who did it, but I dont think that particular heathen has anything in VT6.

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Talk to Eddie at Seaboard Properties (VT7 lobby). He has list of contractors he uses but he himself is little on expensive side. From the pics there appears to be no challenging architectural details so most contractors could do this job.

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You might look at dancewatchers.com website for ideas. They have condos in VT6 that are very nice, and you may get some good ideas as to what you want. Michael at dancewatchers has a construction crew that could do the job. I used a company called Pilom decoration co. Inc they are located in Pattaya and they do fine work. David H

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Talk to Eddie at Seaboard Properties (VT7 lobby). He has list of contractors he uses but he himself is little on expensive side. From the pics there appears to be no challenging architectural details so most contractors could do this job.

Eddie is a technical layman but has exquisite taste. whatever condo. shell he remodelled or home he built is evidence for his taste and the professionality of his contractors. but if the OP likes the horror pictures he posted Eddie might refuse to accept the job.

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when it comes to decor and taste - it is subjective? and there is no need to get into a slagging match...

If the OP plans to rent out the condos he/she will find that minimalism is the key and white / cream walls are the best bet.

I have lived in several dozen units and seen hundreds. I am totally put off by wall hangings and large paintings. Shelves full of ornaments are also a turn off. (Air gun targets I call them) All these things gather dust and have the chance to be damaged when you have to clean up.

White walls also show if a place is actually clean or not. Grubby light fixtures/switches are a no no. I hate ceiling fans. They never direct air where you want it, make a noise and threaten to plummet onto to you and at the very lest scalp you.

Avoid hard harsh colour schemes e.g. the green one listed. I know of a unit where I stay that never gets long term rental because it is...green every where...

Another Thai factor is Pee or Ghost - do not have someone die in your unit, its very inconvenient and inconsiderate of people I know, but no Thai will rent and an expat's wife/GF will never step over the threshold....

Edited by lonewolf99
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..... there is no need to get into a slagging match...


I hate ceiling fans. They never direct air where you want it, make a noise ......

I disagree greatly. I find ceiling fans on the lowest setting, perhaps combined with aircon on a moderate setting, to be ideal. Very quiet and providing a gentle and constant movement of air in all parts of the room, which doesnt give me cramp and muscle pain all the time. I find it very unpleasant having an oscillating blast of fast-moving air on one side of my body, and being sweaty on the other.

I haven't turned my ceiling fan off since I came back from holiday a month ago.

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Thanks for the responses thus far. My interest in the pics was NOT the color schemes used but the 'layout'/design of them.

I thought it easier to have the SAME builder do the work (that I like) versus finding one, showing them pictures, hoping, so on.

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I haven't turned my ceiling fan off since I came back from holiday a month ago.................

Have you no consideration for the planet and Global Warming? which I constantly de-bunk on here at every opportunity...

Again all subjective and personal...I cant stand A.C. - I consider it a necessary evil when it gets baking hot. One hour is enough for me then an upright fan blowing on setting 2 over the bed for the rest of the night... I am lucky my apartment is on the 17th floor so I can get a breeze

but I digress from the topic....

I hope the OP finds the renovator he wants and gets the desired decor for his tastes...though it may not be the choice of the majority...especially if it is green.

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My interest in the pics was NOT the color schemes used but the 'layout'/design of them.

Glad to hear it.

I would have thought that most builders/contractors here could do something along the lines of a photo that has been presented to them.

Having seen numerous units in the process of being fitted out here, my main concern would be for the quality of the finish and materials. This is often just plain appalling.

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Thanks for the responses thus far. My interest in the pics was NOT the color schemes used but the 'layout'/design of them.

I thought it easier to have the SAME builder do the work (that I like) versus finding one, showing them pictures, hoping, so on.

I don't like the layout. Think about it.That precious little frame around the bed looks to me as if it prevents you, if lying on the bed w/ head on the pillow, from seeing out the window or seeing who's walking in the door if it's open. Blocks the view unecessarily and undesirably, I believe.

Looks cheap w/o being functional either.

Edited by JSixpack
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