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Moto Gp & Wsb, 2012.


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Lorenzo on pole Pedrosa 2nd and conditions tricky. If a dry track you couldn't bet against Jorge. Vale 14th again a big disappointment, Hayden 3rd. Supercal 4th and Casye 5th. Not much track time. That would be Casey's excuse I imagine but a good bag of points will see him in a better position than last year at this race when he got no points. Albeit Yamaha seems a much better proposition at the 1litre level. Better effort from the CRT bikes to upstage a couple of the big boys.

Moto3 starts today 4pm thai time

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I watched the whole of practice last night.

There is something very ominous about Jorge Lorenzo, even when he was way way down the order, and it looked like it was about to seriously piss down, he was just sitting calmly in the pitts with his ipod in.

The look in his eye means business this year. Then he calmly went out and set pole in difficult conditions.

Casey Stoner never really looked comfortable. Nearly came off, changed tryes, and wheel base. Still never looked comfortable.

I really hope Casey can win it again, but Jorge is looking very very good.

The move to 1000 had definately made the Yamaha as fast, if not faster than the HRC I reckon.

can't wait to see the race tonight

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I watched the whole of practice last night.

There is something very ominous about Jorge Lorenzo, even when he was way way down the order, and it looked like it was about to seriously piss down, he was just sitting calmly in the pitts with his ipod in.

The look in his eye means business this year. Then he calmly went out and set pole in difficult conditions.

Casey Stoner never really looked comfortable. Nearly came off, changed tryes, and wheel base. Still never looked comfortable.

I really hope Casey can win it again, but Jorge is looking very very good.

The move to 1000 had definately made the Yamaha as fast, if not faster than the HRC I reckon.

can't wait to see the race tonight

Stoner didn't even set a time just now in warm up.

4hours to go, will it be wet or dry?

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What a great race, I really thought Jorge had Casey with 3 laps to go.

Looks like fantastic season ahead. bring on the close racing.

Yeh I really enjoyed all 3 races and I'm especially impressed with Cal Crutchlow.


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What a great race, I really thought Jorge had Casey with 3 laps to go.

Looks like fantastic season ahead. bring on the close racing.

Yeh I really enjoyed all 3 races and I'm especially impressed with Cal Crutchlow.


Yes for sure, Ben Spies a bit disappointing i thought, being an ex superbike champ, but the cream certainly does use to the top in Motogp.

I almost had money on Lorenzo winning that race, so sure was I.

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Yes all three were verygood races. Casey had something up his sleeve and it wasn't arm pump. Lorenzo definitely got close enough to have a go, I think he was waiting for the last couple of laps, but Stoner was too. As the season settles in we'll see whether it's just a 2 horse race. Cal has certainly stepped up, Spies stepped down, Pedrosa?

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Yes all three were verygood races. Casey had something up his sleeve and it wasn't arm pump. Lorenzo definitely got close enough to have a go, I think he was waiting for the last couple of laps, but Stoner was too. As the season settles in we'll see whether it's just a 2 horse race. Cal has certainly stepped up, Spies stepped down, Pedrosa?

For sure, he managed to slip that fast 2nd last lap in.

To me, like last season Pedrosa seems able to go out, and if all the planets line up, win the odd GP here and there!

But he lacks the ability like Stone,r and Lorenzo to do it consistently.

It was interesting watching last night to see the Kentucky kid going for it on the new Duke.

Rossi, seems far more reserved in his riding style.

No one can doubt has talent and he has nothing to prove, but he must seriously wish his arse was back on a factory Yamaha.

I was hoping Edwards on the suiter BMW would have faired better this season as well.

It just shows how it takes to develop a GP bike.

Lorenzo leads the championship, but for how long we will see!

Go Casey

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Great races indeed.

I was really impressed by Cal's performance.

It looks as if its going to be a two horse race all season though, which maybe a bit boring at times.

I wish Rossi could pull a white rabbit out of the hat and be right up there too, but it ain't going to happen,,,,is it??

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Great races indeed.

I was really impressed by Cal's performance.

It looks as if its going to be a two horse race all season though, which maybe a bit boring at times.

I wish Rossi could pull a white rabbit out of the hat and be right up there too, but it ain't going to happen,,,,is it??

We live in hope :)

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Great races indeed.

I was really impressed by Cal's performance.

It looks as if its going to be a two horse race all season though, which maybe a bit boring at times.

I wish Rossi could pull a white rabbit out of the hat and be right up there too, but it ain't going to happen,,,,is it??

as the band said

"feed your head"

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Great races indeed.

I was really impressed by Cal's performance.

It looks as if its going to be a two horse race all season though, which maybe a bit boring at times.

I wish Rossi could pull a white rabbit out of the hat and be right up there too, but it ain't going to happen,,,,is it??

No disrespect to Rossi here, I mean that.

But he is NOT a Ducati rider, and it's hard to see he ever will be. That must kill the Italians I'm sure.

Troy Corser was a Ducati rider, Foggy, and Yes Casey Stoner!

Even the Kid is making him look ordinary.

Rossi will not win a GP this year, and I am going to stick my neck out and say he will not even grace the podium.

Big call I know.

When he was on the Fiat Yamaha, different story.

He needs to get a ride back on a HRC or Factory Yamaha, to be competitive again.

And even then, It's hard to believe he can recreate the Halcyon days of the past.

The big R word may be looming in the not too distant future.

I mean look at Schumacher, he like Rossi, is a legend, and he could never make the magic happen again.

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Great races indeed.

I was really impressed by Cal's performance.

It looks as if its going to be a two horse race all season though, which maybe a bit boring at times.

I wish Rossi could pull a white rabbit out of the hat and be right up there too, but it ain't going to happen,,,,is it??

as the band said

"feed your head"

Moto3 was good to watch 34 riders and only 17 finished, you could feel the young enthusiasm, most went down on the same corner, the Rossi here was going well for a while biggrin.png I was impressed with Fenati & Rins, riders of the future to keep an eye on.

Just downloading Moto2 now.smile.png

MotoGP !! well a great ride from Stoner & Jorge, Dani manage to block Cal even though Cal try hard and out of the seat nearly a couple of times, even so he didn't show any sign of giving up, well done Cal.

Nicky 3rd on grid finished 6 secs ahead of Rossi in 8th. sad.png

Me's thinks if I was in charge I'd swap Dovi for Rossi or maybe Ben ? dunno what's going on with Ben he was going great last season, now he seems to like coming 11th.biggrin.png

I'm going for Jorge this year, I like the way he took a look at Stoners front tyre then his own, as much to say, Oh !! that's why. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Kwasaki
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Very good racing, seems as though ive got to move my loyalties to my countryman Cal, i dont think VR has given up yet, although it seems that way, somebody on Eurosport said he is doing it on purpose to make Ducati listen to him, ??

Best of both worlds this weekend, WSB & Moto GP, if they are on at the same time 109 108 channels, i will go for WSB, although there are plenty of repeats,

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Very good racing, seems as though ive got to move my loyalties to my countryman Cal, i dont think VR has given up yet, although it seems that way, somebody on Eurosport said he is doing it on purpose to make Ducati listen to him, ??

Best of both worlds this weekend, WSB & Moto GP, if they are on at the same time 109 108 channels, i will go for WSB, although there are plenty of repeats,

Very impressed with Moto2 will download it in future enjoyed Spain just downloading Qatar, Scott Redding was good to watch.

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Cal on the front row, as is Tom Sykes in WSB, as a brit, i hope they get busy with the fizzy today,

i think Edwards is out iof it after that nasty looking collision, nobodys fault, a racing incident, Save of the day must go to Silva, wow, how he held onto that ????

Rat Willy is coming from behind, would think he is due for a replacement soon, shouldnt be to hard to find looking at the boys and [specially] the girls round here.....

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Great qualifying. Looks as if everyone was in evreyones way in Motogp, really impressed with Cal and if he keeps it up he will surely win a full factory contract next year with Spies contract up at the end of this year. I can't work out whats going on with Spies, well couldn't until the last minutes when he got a good time in.

Nasty fall for Colin Edwards wasn't it? Slammed bang onto the shoulder.....ouch.

Moto2 - great to see Scott Redding right up there and I'm anticipating a podium. If only he can make it stick.

Not seen any WSBK qualifying, only one race is being shown here in Singapore, for some reason.

Will be flicking channels later, much to delight of my wife.

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Yes poor Colin Edwards, cleaned up from behind by Randy.

hit his shoulder hard, hopefully not the same one as the had broken collar bone with last year about this time.

He was stretchered off.

Well Done Cal, nice to see you put some distance between Casey and Jorge.

Hopefully Casey can get off to a flier, and it'll be Jorge chasing him.

different schedule tonight, moto2, motoGP, moto3.


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Tommy got the Kwaka up to 339.5 a new record. Got the telly on now and Monza is looking dry for first race. Race 2 apparently is not being shown, all these channels and they cant show it, disappointing but we have got 18 premier league games.

Casey and Jorge to battle it out again. Go Casey.

At least Rat Willy is beating Westy. Maybe if Colin is injured Westy could crack a MotoGP ride

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God I'm out of breath after that Moto2 race.

That final lap duel was great, they overtook each other 4 times wow!


1 Marquez

2 Esparago

3. Luthi

Edited by NormanW
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Missed the Moto 2 race, was out with mrs and thai friends and they got into "grazing" mode, same as a buffalo, chewing grass all day, but did see the GP and 3,

Seems like moaner is getting more confident nowadays, before if anyone threatend his position [specially Vale} he would fall off, decent points for Cal again, 5th, and Rossi 7th, hopefully hes getting more confidence with the Duke now..

WSB, Monza, bit of a washout, Tom won the 2nd race and is within 6 points of Max and 4 from Careless, so Toms on Home soil next weekend, Donnington, a lot of pressure for him and i really hope he does it,

WSB is on today, or should be what racing there was, at 5pm thai time till 7pm, 109,true visions..

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This is a great article on the whole Rossi Ducati saga.

Well worth the read if your an avid fan, and explains a lot of the challenges he faces.

Personally I think once he comes off contract end of season, he'll either retire, of maybe get a ride on a factory Yamaha.

Honda wouldn't have him back I think.


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Interesting write up on what / where the problems exists.

As it appears to have been written last year, it would be interesting to read a follow up regarding the continuing embarrasment.

As the writer says, which is more important for Ducati?

To dump the L-4 shaped motor, or to deal with Rossi's demise.

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Interesting write up on what / where the problems exists.

As it appears to have been written last year, it would be interesting to read a follow up regarding the continuing embarrasment.

As the writer says, which is more important for Ducati?

To dump the L-4 shaped motor, or to deal with Rossi's demise.

Written in August, last year but little has changed I think, from then until now.

It's interesting I think Ducati and Rossi will part company end of season for sure one way or another.

That won't solve Ducati's design problem.

I would like to see Rossi back on a factory Yamaha on Spies current ride.

Lorenzo and Rossi, no team orders,

A final hurrah for Rossi, to see if he can still mix it with Stoner and Lorenzo.

That'd make for some interesting racing.

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I can't see Ducati redesigning the (Ducati) wheel just for Rossi, imagine if they rolled out an in line 4?

It ain't going to happen is it......

Looking at the picture, it does make you realise how talented Casey Stoner is......he has a real good chance to have a run of championships, ala Rossi / Doohan.

I don't think we will see the Doctor battling at the front with the likes of Lorenzo / Stoner / Pedrosa and even Cal Cruthlow (with all due respect to Cal). But really do hope I'm wrong.

Looking forward to the end of the year and Vale's departure from Ducati.....I can't see him going back to Yamaha unless he really thinks he has something to proove. Afterall, he has stated that his ambition is to win world championship number 10. A Honda ride, as you say, won't happen either. WSBK?, can't see Rossi going there either.

I think he will plough into the World Rally Championship, unless the Yamaha ride is a bowl of pride, small enough for him to swallow.

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Yes Casey seems the consummate professional on a GP bike.

He seems to have the innate ability to just be able to do enough to win.

He mentioned how badly the Honda was chattering and handling badly for most of the race.

And yet he still managed to hang on by just over a second.

Now IF that's true, that would be sending a chill up Yamaha's spine, because when they get it right, it will be considerably faster than the Yamaha, you would think.

Just like last season.

I would like to see some real dices this season and am still hopeful for that.

As far as Rossi goes, all his career he has never been in the position he is in now, and for sure he is not looking like even getting on the podium this season.

So as you say he has a choice, it all depends how he wants to finish his career.

9 is not really a round number. I could never see him go to WSB, he would have nothing to gain and everything to lose by that.

And it's hard to see him go out of MotoGP without a real red hot last go.

I tip him to get Ben Spies ride, next season... maybe lol!

Interesting times ahead, a fascinating season the first one at 1000cc.

Sad to see the demise of the two stroke out of GP racing in all classes now, but that's progress.

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You're spot on regarding the chatter problems with the Honda, he'll be off and away once they sort it out.

If he were to stay in MotoGP, and lets face it, it's difficult seeing him staying at Ducati, a switch back to Yam would probably the best move... Back with his mate Jorge.

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