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Tony Blair's Friendly Chat Wows Thai Kids

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Tony Blair's friendly chat wows Thai kids

Wannapa Khaopa

The Nation


Meeting former British prime minister Tony Blair in person yesterday was an exciting and inspiring moment for a number of Thai students.

"We were really excited that we had a chance to meet him in person," a group of 10 secondary students from Potisarn Pittayakorn School in Bangkok told The Nation after they met and learned from Blair how to greet people in English.

Arisa Sittichokkananon, a Prathom 4 student (fourth grader) from Bangkok Bilingual School said she was impressed with his English language teaching. "I like [the way] he taught us to greet in English. He was friendly."

Arisa was the luckiest student as she was the only one among 80 students from eight schools in Bangkok brave enough to ask for and receive Blair's autograph.

The former British PM visited Education Minister Woravat Auapinyakul at the Education Ministry and received a warm welcome from the students. Upon his arrival, Blair taught them to greet in English: "Hello. Thank you, it is wonderful to be with you today."

Blair praised the ministry's English Speaking Year 2012 policy that is encouraging teachers and students to speak English the whole day at least once a week.

"It is really a brave decision for Thailand's education system to do this. It is a very sensible decision. It is a very great idea. Thailand is a wonderful nation. It's got huge potential and a great future. Speaking English is going to be a help to people in Thailand. We are very proud that you in Thailand are learning to speak our language," he said.

A secondary student asked him if English should be the main language among Asean nations.

"It is an easy common language for people to have. For Asean, it makes sense. The world today is more and more one community so how you communicate with people is very important. For that reason, English is important. It's also important for English people to learn other languages," Blair told the student.

He also answered a question from a six-year-old student named Nicky: "Do you like Thailand?"

The former premier answered: "Yes, I do. I like Thailand for many reasons. When I got married, we had a honeymoon in Thailand."

Although it was hot and humid yesterday, the students were enthusiastic to learn and practise English with him.

However, Panisa Supatadarut, 14, Nawindaran Sakityanyong, 15, and Thananya Panyasin, 14, from Potisarn Pittayakorn School said they had many questions to ask Blair, but as it was so crowded and they were far from him, they did not have a chance to talk with him.

Woravat said after he met Blair, his foundation - Faith Foundation - would help Thailand to develop English among Thai students. A committee would be set up to discuss how to work with them. The foundation would also pass on other knowledge and give other assistance to Thailand.

"It was a good opportunity for Thai students to meet Blair. His visit would encourage them to learn English after we set the English Speaking Year 2012 mission," Woravat added.


-- The Nation 2012-01-17

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Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

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I like the idea that Thai students and teachers will be encouraged to speak only English for one day a week, but I think they will struggle to do this. I'm not a fan of Tony Blair, but it seems a little rude of the reporter to refer to him continually as "Blair", while using the Thai Education ministers' first name throughout the article, surely it should be Mr Blair.

The kids all look cute though. biggrin.png

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Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

I agree, It made the Thai kids happy and is nice to see them welcoming him without prejudice.

Yes it's very easy for people to judge after the event, I was for the war and then a bit doubtful when all the Iraqi officials turn out to only be talking propergander.

They say no weapons of mass destruction were found so what would people call " poison gas " soap bubbles, what Churchill did against the Iraqi Kurdish people was to gas them, he didn't get called a war criminal.

Saddam had gas and was accused of the same but at the time Iranian forces were in occupation of that part of Iraq. blink.png


I bet a typical Thai Mor 6 (US Grade 12 or UK Year 13) student can beat Mr. Blair in English grammar (multiple choice) test.

However, sadly he/she cannot utter a resonable sentence verbally.

With the 1 day a week Speak English Campaign, things will change in Thai school. In 3 years, Thai student will get pass the Malaysian, and in 5, pass the Philippinos, and hopefully in 7 years out speak thoses who speak Singlish.

Are you actually ON or OFF your medicine?

I am not joking. Thai student must memorise all the grammar rules by hard, and they are trainned to do mulitply choice test to perfection (in grammar).

However, please don't try to get them to write an essay, or do a comprehension test.


A decent and honourable man? I think not but we all have our own opinions. He has somehow managed to acquire a fortune estimated by accounts to be worth £30m-£40m I dont think he got that by saving up from being PM for GB PLC.

It was at best a good photo opportunity for all, the kids will have forgotten tomorrow and the "English one day a week" will also always be tomorrow.

There was interesting article in the Telegraph on line last weekend about Tony, I think he would be embarrased to read it.

Not my number man, he fooled a lot for a long time, I think history will not be kind to him.

  • Like 2

A decent and honourable man? I think not but we all have our own opinions. He has somehow managed to acquire a fortune estimated by accounts to be worth £30m-£40m I dont think he got that by saving up from being PM for GB PLC.

It was at best a good photo opportunity for all, the kids will have forgotten tomorrow and the "English one day a week" will also always be tomorrow.

There was interesting article in the Telegraph on line last weekend about Tony, I think he would be embarrased to read it.

Not my number man, he fooled a lot for a long time, I think history will not be kind to him.

Tony is a good man. However I wonder if the Thai govt invitation for him to come to Thailand has a dress code pre-requisit. RED neck tie only.


Tony is a good man. However I wonder if the Thai govt invitation for him to come to Thailand has a dress code pre-requisit. RED neck tie only.

Red = Prosperity, good fortune.

Happy Chinese New Year.


I bet a typical Thai Mor 6 (US Grade 12 or UK Year 13) student can beat Mr. Blair in English grammar (multiple choice) test.

However, sadly he/she cannot utter a resonable sentence verbally.

With the 1 day a week Speak English Campaign, things will change in Thai school. In 3 years, Thai student will get pass the Malaysian, and in 5, pass the Philippinos, and hopefully in 7 years out speak thoses who speak Singlish.

Are you actually ON or OFF your medicine?

I am not joking. Thai student must memorise all the grammar rules by hard, and they are trainned to do mulitply choice test to perfection (in grammar).

However, please don't try to get them to write an essay, or do a comprehension test.

What a sad waste of time when they could learn to speak English, that should come first.

I have met teachers who think teaching gammer is a good idea, total idiots IMO.

The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.


Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

Blair is Mrs Thatcher in trousers... and as for a decent guy, Thaksin is in the same league as Blair... Megalomaniacs together ... !


Thai students happy to see Blair..........Thats because they probably know nothing about him and are just being polite. biggrin.png

  • Like 1

Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

Blair is Mrs Thatcher in trousers... and as for a decent guy, Thaksin is in the same league as Blair... Megalomaniacs together ... !

Mrs Thatcher absolutely adore her, Maggie in power enabled me to make money to be able to retire to Thailand, so smile.png.


Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man....

This is far and away the silliest thing I have read on here for quite some time.

Blair is a self-serving hypocrite and liar who is only interested in himself and his wallet. He is totally devoid of any merit and hopefully he will be next on the list of dead evil politicians.

By far the silliest !! I don't think so, self opinionated remarks that are unproven does it for me.coffee1.gif


Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

Blair is Mrs Thatcher in trousers... and as for a decent guy, Thaksin is in the same league as Blair... Megalomaniacs together ... !

Mrs Thatcher absolutely adore her, Maggie in power enabled me to make money to be able to retire to Thailand, so smile.png.

Unfortunately Kwasaki,more people hated Thatcher than adored her.

That's the reason she never ever polled more than 44% of the peoples Votes!

But do try to keep the Thatcher Myth going.


A decent and honourable man? I think not but we all have our own opinions. He has somehow managed to acquire a fortune estimated by accounts to be worth £30m-£40m I dont think he got that by saving up from being PM for GB PLC.

Blair's crime was to be a war criminal, not to be corrupt as you suggest. Since he left office, he has been on the public speaking circuit at very high appearance rates, and that is surely how he has acquired his current wealth.

He did a terrible thing for Britain by joining the invasion of Iraq, but you are terribly wrong to tar him with the brush of the typical Thai politician, who is only in it for the kickbacks. At least it can be said for every British prime minister of modern times that it is highly unlikely that they have engaged in anything that could seriously be called corruption.

  • Like 2

I bet a typical Thai Mor 6 (US Grade 12 or UK Year 13) student can beat Mr. Blair in English grammar (multiple choice) test.

However, sadly he/she cannot utter a resonable sentence verbally.

With the 1 day a week Speak English Campaign, things will change in Thai school. In 3 years, Thai student will get pass the Malaysian, and in 5, pass the Philippinos, and hopefully in 7 years out speak thoses who speak Singlish.

Are you actually ON or OFF your medicine?

I am not joking. Thai student must memorise all the grammar rules by hard, and they are trainned to do mulitply choice test to perfection (in grammar).

However, please don't try to get them to write an essay, or do a comprehension test.

What a sad waste of time when they could learn to speak English, that should come first.

I have met teachers who think teaching gammer is a good idea, total idiots IMO.

The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.

What's the point of very good in speaking broken English (with incorrect grammar)?

For example, Singlish of Singapore.


By far the silliest !! I don't think so, self opinionated remarks that are unproven does it for me.

The proof is there, if you would only see. Blair never did a single thing that wasn't in his own interest, and he didn't give a hoot about destroying the UK in the process. The war in Iraq was the least of his crimes.

Any politician who purports to have suddenly discovered God cannot possibly have a shred of honesty in him.

  • Like 1

Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

Decent and honourable. Hmm, tell that to hundreds of thousands of iraqi people missing one or more family members who were killed by the decisions made by blair and bush. And all the others missing limbs or eyes or other such catastrophic injuries that have ruined their lives.

Honestly, it's this ability by the common citizen to just forget about such political crimes that allows american presidents and british prime ministers to continue getting away with their warmongering. These two countries, through their greed dressed up as 'concern' for the freedoms of people in nations full of oil and gas, blow the lives of ordinary citizens up to pieces and destroy their infrastructure.

Then they get awarded nobel prizes for peace.

Then they become global 'statesmen'.

Then they go to other countries smiling and 'doing good'. Gee, any bad man can do some good, but why should that excuse their crimes against humanity?

It's just sickening how easy it is for an american president or british prime minister to hoodwink citizens that they are decent and honourable men. They are bloody killers, smiling assassins if you like.

We'll never get rid of wars while this kind of thinking continues.

Smiling thai kids, yes. Dead and destroyed iraqi kids yes. Same man, yes. Oh, what does that say about us as a species??

This is one of the best summaries I have ever read of the case for keeping people like Blair at arm's length. He who sups with the devil must have a long spoon....


By far the silliest !! I don't think so, self opinionated remarks that are unproven does it for me.

The proof is there, if you would only see. Blair never did a single thing that wasn't in his own interest, and he didn't give a hoot about destroying the UK in the process. The war in Iraq was the least of his crimes.

Any politician who purports to have suddenly discovered God cannot possibly have a shred of honesty in him.

But Tony Bliar's discovering God got him an entrée with the Pope. It meant he could kiss His Holiness's ring..or a*s or whatever...


Great man,nice to see him doing so well,I can only see the positive in his visit,not forgetting his fabulous wife Cherie who has done so much for Human Right's also.

Sent from Stoney's iPad using ThaiVisa app

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A decent and honourable man? I think not but we all have our own opinions. He has somehow managed to acquire a fortune estimated by accounts to be worth £30m-£40m I dont think he got that by saving up from being PM for GB PLC.

Blair's crime was to be a war criminal, not to be corrupt as you suggest. Since he left office, he has been on the public speaking circuit at very high appearance rates, and that is surely how he has acquired his current wealth.

He did a terrible thing for Britain by joining the invasion of Iraq, but you are terribly wrong to tar him with the brush of the typical Thai politician, who is only in it for the kickbacks. At least it can be said for every British prime minister of modern times that it is highly unlikely that they have engaged in anything that could seriously be called corruption.

Are you saying that a war criminal can't be corrupt? Joining with Bush was his way of providing for his future. He knew he would be made for future US nominated appointments & speeches. This is why he is corrupt & unfortunately reaping the benefit of his lies & war crimes.


What a sad waste of time when they could learn to speak English, that should come first.

I have met teachers who think teaching gammer is a good idea, total idiots IMO.

The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.

How can you learn and understand a language properly if you don't know how the grammar works?


A decent and honourable man? I think not but we all have our own opinions. He has somehow managed to acquire a fortune estimated by accounts to be worth £30m-£40m I dont think he got that by saving up from being PM for GB PLC.

Blair's crime was to be a war criminal, not to be corrupt as you suggest. Since he left office, he has been on the public speaking circuit at very high appearance rates, and that is surely how he has acquired his current wealth.

He did a terrible thing for Britain by joining the invasion of Iraq, but you are terribly wrong to tar him with the brush of the typical Thai politician, who is only in it for the kickbacks. At least it can be said for every British prime minister of modern times that it is highly unlikely that they have engaged in anything that could seriously be called corruption.

I do not tar with kick backs or corruption, I just state he seems to have amassed a small fortune in record time, you dont get that amount of money from public speaking we are talking 10's of millions of £ here. He has used his position (ex) to feather his nest, just the same as lots of people who claim to represent the people do, they cant retire gracefully, they have to hit the gravy train.

Personnel wealth.

In January 2008, it was confirmed that Blair would be joining investment bank JPMorgan Chase in a "senior advisory capacity" and that he would advise Zurich Financial Services on climate change. Some sources have claimed that his role at JP Morgan will pay more than $1m a year. This additional salary will contribute to annual earnings of over £7m.

Blair also gives lectures and earns up to US$250,000 for a 90-minute speech. Yale University announced on 7 March 2008 that Blair will teach a course on issues of faith and globalisation at the Yale Schools of Management and Divinity as a Howland distinguished fellow during the 2008–09 academic year.

Blair's links with, and receipt of an undisclosed sum from, UI Energy Corporation, a Korean company with oil interests in northern Iraq, have also been subject to media comment in the UK.

Speculation places his personal wealth at £60 million, mostly earned since his tenure as Prime Minister, and owns nine properties around the world.

War crimes finding.

On 22 November 2011, a mock war-crimes tribunal put together by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission reached a unanimous verdict that Tony Blair and George W. Bush are guilty of crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and genocide as a result of their roles in the 2003 Iraq War. The trial, which lasted 4 days, consisting of 5 judges of judicial and academic backgrounds, a court-appointed defense team in lieu of the defendants or representatives, and a prosecution team including international law professor Francis Boyle, does not have powers to apprehend the pair, but issued an order for the findings to be reported to the International Criminal Court. The court's finding received mixed responses, being labeled a "circus" by former UN Special Reporter Param Cumaraswamy, and supported as "necessary work" by former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.



And Blair taught the children a simple chant" What do we want? Oil, When do we want it? Now!", then Blair played a game on the white board. The a-z of countries with oil, a bonus point to the team who could spell terrorist correctly and finally hangman the winning team guessed Saddam Hussein and got an extra point noting that the surname of Saddam was the same as the lebonese suspect arrested last week as a terrorist threat looms in Thailand. The winning team received a pin cussion in the shape of the flag of Iran and a free trip to a B.P oil refinery.

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I bet a typical Thai Mor 6 (US Grade 12 or UK Year 13) student can beat Mr. Blair in English grammar (multiple choice) test.

However, sadly he/she cannot utter a resonable sentence verbally.

With the 1 day a week Speak English Campaign, things will change in Thai school. In 3 years, Thai student will get pass the Malaysian, and in 5, pass the Philippinos, and hopefully in 7 years out speak thoses who speak Singlish.

but you don't actually speak English

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