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Which visa?

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Hello, I really like the site, thanks for all the helpful information.

My information:

I'm planning to move to Thailand within the next few weeks.  I want to take a vacation with my Thai girlfriend for two and a half months.

After our vacation, I will take a TEFL course to learn about the Thai classroom.  I teach in the states, but have never abroad.  The TEFL class training will last 1 month.

Afterwards, I plan to live and work in BKK.

I am a US citizen, living in the US currently.  I am planning to move to Thailand, within the next 2-3 weeks.

My questions:

What visa should/could I get?

During my vacation and schooling, would I just use a tourist visa (even though I'm a student)?  If so, can I get a double entry tourist visa?  Would I get it here in the US or in Thailand?

From reading the site, it seems more likely I would get a 1 year B-visa if I went back to the US after I found a job, and applied at the Thai consulate in the United States.  However, I would rather not take this route.  Any idea on what the chances of getting a multi. 1 year B-visa from Malaysia?  This seems to be the best place for applying for one.

Thank you.

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Try to get a Non-O multiple entry straight away. Speak with the consulate and explain the situation. The Houston Thai consul seems to be very reasonable issuing multiples with less paper hassle.

If they don't give you a NON-B, your best option is a Double entry Tourist visa which you will obtain without any problems.

That'll give you 60 days + 30 days extension. After that 90 days a border run will give you an additional 60+30 days. In total 180 days.

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