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Marrying Bar Girls

the gentleman

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Whenever I am in Thailand, or anywhere in the world for that matter, my wife commands great respect from all she meets.

I agree with you mate; I think all that stuff what you wrote is right and I think you're probably quite an intelligent bloke.

My little whore also gets a lot of respect when we travel - especially when she covers up all her tattoos and stops talking about how big her ex-boyfriend's dick was.

And I think that Mr Gentleman bloke is just jealous of people like us cos our wives've been done by more men than what his has.

Don't get me wrong or nothing Mr Gentelman, but I reckon your wife is probably one of those women who thinks a facial is something you get down at the local cosmetic store.

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Mr. Moron, I don't usually like to discuss business on this web-site, but let's say that you have aroused my interest. How much would a facial cost, considering your wife is retired, and all :o .

No mate, I never said she was retired; she just don't go with blokes as often as what she used to. Nowadays, most of her work is just short time stuff when we ain't got enough money to pay the 'phone bill.

As for facials, she gave all that up a while ago cos one of her mates told her it might rust some of her piercings.

I suppose I could go an' ask her about the cost an' all that, but she's upstairs at the moment havin' a dump an' I don't wanna disturb her.

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If you want to read real, anti-bar girl posts then read the Bkk2nite forum.

Jeez, those characters hate bar girls.  :D

Nice Irony there Mark , missed by all but Nokna........... :D

Thanks Chonners.

Locally i am known as the prince of irony. Is that a good thing?? :o

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I agree that to marry a bar girl is something of interest only to the couple. They are the ones who live together and the ones who will love an fight at home, far away from the eyes of any visitor. Thus, the opinion others may should have little to ANY importance to them.

However, IMHO discrimination in Thai society towards bar girls is enormous. By bar-girls I mean Go-go/Beer Bar/Massage Parlor/Gent's Clubs chicks. All these women know where their place in the normal society is. Sorry to say this, but this is my personal feeling.

Have you asked them why they don't take a bus and prefer always a taxi?

What's their supreme goal in life?

What they can do with 10 million Baht?

These bar girl chicks are usually betrayed by their way of speaking. Locals easily identify the way they speak and could catch in most of the cases who is a potential bar girl or not. I mean when the bar girls are not holding hands with a farang, which in such a case the "bar-girl" alarm is enabled....

This is sad because eventhough Thai society accepts different kind of people i.e. gays, lesbians, transexuals, etc. all of them got a tag while in public. Thai people usually do not react instantly but just think more than twice to return to a public place where bar girls were found. All my Thai colleagues are married and come from good families. We share improtant view every single daily lunch together and what I found is simply incredible. Just my two cents.

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If you want to read real, anti-bar girl posts then read the Bkk2nite forum.

Jeez, those characters hate bar girls.  :D

Nice Irony there Mark , missed by all but Nokna........... :D

Thanks Chonners.

Locally i am known as the prince of irony. Is that a good thing?? :o

Better than the Queen of Irony me old bean.....

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Gentleman :o

You started this thread "Marrying bar girls why?"

Then you respond half way through:

"In all honesty I couldnt care why and who would marry a bar girl - totally "up to you" :D

Then why did you start the thread??

Oh, you state that you are not married to a bar girl. Nor am I.

Are you trying to claim the moral high ground?

IMHO its not a good idea to marry a bar girl. But that's not to say it can't work and best wishes to all those that are willing to give it a go. Chok dee.

There are no statistics as to the success/failure rate. As your not, according to you, personally involved (or interested???) why do you want to chew up other guys who only want to live a happy life?

I realise that you have been quoted out of context but IMHO you appear as if you want to gloat at other peoples life decisions. That is truly sad.

Really liked/admired the posts from Martin and Chonabot. :D

Mai pen rai.

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I would say I have 20 mates with bar girl wives and 18 of them have nothing but trouble - so the 2 or 3 of you having a go at me are obviously lucky or it hasnt happened yet.

Well, I would say I have 20 mates with the so-called nice girl wives and 18 of them have nothing but trouble - so you are obviously lucky or it hasnt happened yet.

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Mr gentleman,(or Mr Saint)

Have you ever paid for sex? Please be honest!

Yes I have!, but I didnt marry her!

Top Cat - no I am not taking moral high ground as all the men in LOS has the same opportunty as me and a lot of others... I just think a lot of guys pick that way of life here, where in there own country they wouldnt have, I also think its the language barrier with the nicer girls that puts these guys off.

Yes I can see some of these relationships do work, but they are rare, If youve got one that does great.

I think its funny from all of these responses, If I posted this question in any other country outside of SE Asia, I would have the absolute opposite reactions!.

So yes I have been both sides of the fences and I think the side of the fence I am now, is a lot differnet and nicer, than that side.

Last night my mate went out with the a few mates, went home and found his girlfriend with another one of his mates - another day in a life of a farang/bargirl relationship....

Top Cat you asked why I started this thread - It is a forum of discussion and it intrigues me as to why?

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A sad statistic is that around 95% of ex-prostitutes will return to the trade, after their so-called retirement... You can take a girl out of the bar, but, in most cases, you cannot take the bar out of the girl...

Diaw... :o

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A sad statistic is that around 95% of ex-prostitutes will return to the trade, after their so-called retirement... You can take a girl out of the bar, but, in most cases, you cannot take the bar out of the girl...

Diaw...  :o

Are people really not intelligent enough to know that MEN are also responsible for the success of relationships?

But still, I doubt the reliability of the so called statistics!

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Dogs have good hearts to, but I wouldnt marry one :o , My experience/advice to all, live here for a while, get out of the bars and get a real life!

You wouldn't marry a dog, but you would pay to ######k one?

Did you tell everyone about that? Including your wife? :D:D:D

If your in business or trying to establish yourself in one, do not deal with Thai people (unless its a bar business), as they will look down on you too - as that does mean a lot in Thai culture.

Well, at least, thanks for the honesty!

Regards :D

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To speak the truth, I am ok with the existence of narrow-minded people. They don't bother me much. I am strong and lucky enough to live my own life. But the problem is it saddens me that it is the narrow-minded people who creates most of the sufferings on earth to the unlucky ones. They bully people who are weaker and less fortunate and yet they think they are doing the right thing! And FGS they call themselves gentlemen!

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One thing I would like to say is, I think most of the people who got ripped off by their bargirl or whatever wives bear certain responsibility! For the lady in question chose the money instead of the person! Think about it, guys! (not saying that there are no bad girls!)

For me, I have never come across any bargirl, NOT ANY, who had tried to rip me off! Am I that HANDSOME? :o Well, I would say they are numb on that!

What they did try to cherish was the respect and genuineness for them. Afterall there are so many guys who have nothing but money to rip off from, why choose me?

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I agree with you mate; I think all that stuff what you wrote is right and I think you're probably quite an intelligent bloke.

Tks Johnny - I reckon you're pretty cool as well. Your wife sounds really cute - perhaps we could get together for a foursome sometime?

I like it when my wife turns up at business meetings - always late and there's no chair for her, it doesn't matter tho' 'cos she'll sit on some old fat guy's lap. She's really good at customer profiles - in no time she finds where he's from, his name and how long he's been in Bkk etc.

We only serve coffee at the mtgs but she only drinks Perrier. The customer always insists on getting her one. She then finds out his marital status, kids, sexual preferences, etc.

We then put a few thousand baht on the client account under business services/refreshments - nobody's complained yet!

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meemiathai - yes I did tell my wife as I have an honest relationship with her, it was also over 5 years ago in the early stages of being here - I soon grew out of it though. There is a good chance is was your wife - you deal with that. :o

Your words only make me laugh, you were probably out of favour in your own country and grabbed yourself a trophy wife "for only 2000 Baht long time" congratualtions.

You can sling the <deleted> boy, well its a boomerang -duck!

You have never came across a bar girl that has ripped you off, did you marry the first one you came across? - Real world, not fantasy mate!


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Hello Mr Meemiathai. I ain't very good at countin' but I see you've done eight postings to this thread already today so I guess you like whores as much as what I do.

What I can't say for sure though is whether you're really into this scene or whether you're just an ugly bastard like me who can't get nothing better.

One thing's for sure, that Mr Gentleman bloke is starting to annoy me a bit. I get the impression he's married to one of them boring "normal" women who thinks that John Holmes is a real estate agency. Seriously, I reckon if you talked to his wife about shaven pussies she'd probably think you were talking about kittens who've just had a haircut. What a loser!

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[meemiathai] The threadz started on a note of Farang meeting Thai bar girls and financial matters, Not to be confused with lesbians And big red MEN.

Mr starter of the thread, I would stay out of the bars if you intend to find a suitable thai lady. Ask around a few long stay people. They get to know the right people for contact, suitable education, culture and upbringing count, possibly with good career.

You lot go on about thai this and that. What do you know about the past few years and financial suffering they went through.

Good for some of you. You got dosh in your pockets and so do thai men, now

Why the ###### do you think this country is rated the first in the world for its sex industry. Would you like your son or daughter to enter the trade they enter. Its one of the easy way's they can support the child or children they have in another province. They dont get handouts from the govt here like our countries, medical care, etc.

Why dont you try to get a thai job appointment with the other ten thousand that also apply.

Switch on man... if your pissed, in a bar, in Thailand, WHAT YOU GONNA MEET ?

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Hello Mr Meemiathai. I ain't very good at countin' but I see you've done eight postings to this thread already today so I guess you like whores as much as what I do.

What I can't say for sure though is whether you're really into this scene or whether you're just an ugly bastard like me who can't get nothing better.

One thing's for sure, that Mr Gentleman bloke is starting to annoy me a bit. I get the impression he's married to one of them boring "normal" women who thinks that John Holmes is a real estate agency. Seriously, I reckon if you talked to his wife about shaven pussies she'd probably think you were talking about kittens who've just had a haircut. What a loser!


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I agree with you mate; I think all that stuff what you wrote is right and I think you're probably quite an intelligent bloke.

Tks Johnny - I reckon you're pretty cool as well. Your wife sounds really cute - perhaps we could get together for a foursome sometime?

I like it when my wife turns up at business meetings - always late and there's no chair for her, it doesn't matter tho' 'cos she'll sit on some old fat guy's lap. She's really good at customer profiles - in no time she finds where he's from, his name and how long he's been in Bkk etc.

We only serve coffee at the mtgs but she only drinks Perrier. The customer always insists on getting her one. She then finds out his marital status, kids, sexual preferences, etc.

We then put a few thousand baht on the client account under business services/refreshments - nobody's complained yet!

Now I know who you really are, its only the quality blokes that are disturbed by my thread :o

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meemiathai - yes I did tell my wife as I have an honest relationship with her, it was also over 5 years ago in the early stages of being here - I soon grew out of it though. There is a good chance is was your wife - you deal with that.

I think you're being a bit rude there Mr Gentleman.

You see, if that whore what you went with all them years ago decided to leave you and is now Mr Meemiathai's wife, then it's probably cos you didn't take care of her properly.

Don't get me wrong or nothing, but a lot of whores ain't too bothered about going with decent blokes like you and would prefer to shack up with people like me in shitty little one room apartments. If the truth must be told, a lot of whores are more interested in blokes like me and Mr Meemiathia who've got a good heart.

You're just jealous cos she left you.

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