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Pedal To The Metal


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I drove my motorbike down to town yesterday and knowing all the trickey spots on this road slowed dawn for them but just before I hit the main road a motorbike came out of a factory gate and turned right into my lane , I hit the brakes and avoided a collision but the other driver just continued along, he never saw me and never knew how narrowly he missed a visit to the hospital

Not long after I passed a guy on a motorbike talking on his mobile phone.

My wife came home last night and told me that she had stopped at a red light in the Rangsit area and a motorbike went straight through the red light and was hit by a pick up truck, she things one of the two people onboard was dead.

If this is a “my pen rai” attitude or “live fast die young be a good looking corpse” thing.

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...If this is a “my pen rai” attitude or “live fast die young be a good looking corpse” thing.

I recently posted about two separate moto-cy accidents that I saw right in front of me in Phuket last week. And then a couple of days ago I saw a woman turn left in front of a car that was pulling away from some traffic lights and was going straight on. The car braked and missed her. I don't think I would've reacted that quickly.

Back to your original question... I think it's neither a case of “my pen rai” nor “live fast die young”. It's more a case of not being able to predict what will happen more than 1 second into the future.

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I dont think that the countdown on the traffic lights is a good thing.

I have seen so many near misees at traffic lights because everyone waiting 120 seconds (A lifetime for a Thai) wants to get off on 119 seconds. Those with a green light counting down to zero dont want to wait 120 seconds till the next green light. Result.... BANG

I dont know if they have these types of lights in BK but they are now very common in Chaingmai

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I dont think that the countdown on the traffic lights is a good thing.

I have seen so many near misees at traffic lights because everyone waiting 120 seconds (A lifetime for a Thai) wants to get off on 119 seconds. Those with a green light counting down to zero dont want to wait 120 seconds till the next green light.  Result.... BANG

I dont know if they have these types of lights in BK but they are now very common in Chaingmai

Yes, they're in Bangkok - at the top of Wireless Road near the express way entrance/exit and elsewhere. They're also in Phuket at the major traffic lights.

I actually think they're a good idea because you can see from a long way back if you've got enough time to get through on green. So you can judge whether there's any purpose in speeding up a little to get through. And you can also give up trying to get through if you're a long way from the lights and there's only a few seconds left.

But the best aspect is, when they are red you can see how long you have to wait. So there's no point in sitting there, drumming your fingers on the steering wheel thinking "when are the dammed lights going to change". Just sit back and relax.

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It is a rare day driving when a motorcyclist doesn't place his life in my hands through total carelessness or obliviousness. One of the most frequent idiot moves I see is to pass on the right or left when I am turning. Several motorcyclists are probably still alive because I looked in my side mirrors before turning. Another favorite tactic I have seen on more than one ocassion is for a motorcyclist to drive the wrong way up a street, at night, without any lights on. Just missed two morons once late at night doing just that as I was turning into a hospital entrance from a dark street.

My take is that the basis for the high accident rate is the belief that events are predetermined, with the result that little or no thought is given to the possible consequences of driving like an idiot. This applies to many other fields as well...

One of the most appropriate comments about driving in Thailand (can't recall where I read it) was from someone who said that he felt that not only did he have to drive, but he had to drive for everyone else on the road as well. Or words to that effect.

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A few weeks ago a woman on a scooter pulled out into the traffic without looking. She missed me by inches. I jumped on the horn and then she cursed me for scaring her...

Nice Avarta, Tizme. Are you calling us stupid ( batsop )?


I love the avatar too -- nice, TizME! What is she saying/ singing in the clip? How to share that?



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