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1.2 Million Thais Are Addicted To Drugs


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This can't be correct, I guess what they considered as a 'drug addict' are

users of hard drugs, especially metamphetamines, while alcohol addicts,

pharmaceutical addicts, nonsubstance addicts (gambling addicts, game

addicts etc) were not at all counted in.

If they were, the percentage would probably be much closer to 30%, but of course

no one would want to hear, admit (or deal with) that…

Add sex addicts and you would be closer to 80%. biggrin.png

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Apparently there were 2.8m addicts in the UK, 1 year ago. http://www.guardian....drug-users-fall That was, in fact, an improvement. The UK has a similar population to Thailand.

Not addicts. It's the total number of people who used an illegal drug (including marijuana) once within the year. Smoke a single joint and you are part of that figure.

Thailand has a huge drug problem, you hear about drug problems in the UK or US but how many you personally know? one maybe two.. pay attention here and it's astonishing how many people smoke yabaa. I'm not talking only bar girls and taxi drivers, went on a night out with doctors recently they smoked, landlord smokes, lived a few months in a village up north all on yabaa.... supplier was the school principal.

I am far from being a prude when it comes to drugs but methamphetamine is eating away at Thai society.

Edited by firestar
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The only Drug Rehab program I know of with a 70%+ success rate (stays off drugs after the program) is Narconon. There are not enough of these centers around. If there were, the root cause of the problem could get adressed after the natural detox program is complete.

How idealistic is that now...?
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Isn't there an ongoing study being undertaken to examine the question why there are so may Thais get addicted to amphetamines. IIRC they are looking to see if there is a genetic link to these addictions.

I don't think genetics has anything to do with it. When you are using meths, Ya-ba being the drug of choice, for any length of time, the user has little chance of not being addicted.

It would be interesting to see which class the addicted belong to. The majority will be working class, but how far into the middle and upper class has the problem gone. Also figures as to which type of drugs that are being abused.

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The real numbers are much higher than that, everybody who is an insider in thai society knows that.

Most of those 1,2 million drug addicted are addicted BECAUSE drugs are illegal AND expensive.

Liberalise drugs, price will drop dramatically and so will the number of drug addicted.

May be the ones who try to solve the problem ARE the problem... ( too many interests involved?...).

2% of the Thai population are drug addicts. speaks volumes

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I have personally seen drug use in Holland and used myself (xtc) and most of us were casual users with a normal life and work next to it. Some people however can't handle it. But many can. Must be a factor like meom is talking about.

Just like you get people who get addicted to alcohol

There is a vast difference between Xtc and crystal meths.

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For Friends in recovery in Thailand,

My name is Vince Cullen. I live in the UK but I have been associated with Wat Thamkrabok in Thailand since 1998. I shall be paying my annual visit to Thamkrabok and it's Drug Treatment Center in March this year. Afterwards, I am travelling up to a new International Recovery Community in Chiang Rai to facilitate a 3-day residential retreat exploring ‘Buddhist’ practices for people in recovery from addictions.

‘Hungry Ghost Retreat - Healing the Heart and Mind in Recovery’

A 3-day residential retreat exploring ‘Buddhist’ practices for recovery from addictions.


Dates: Thursday 22nd March - Sunday 25th March 2012 Venue: New Life Foundation - Chiang Rai, Thailand.

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All of this hullabalu,

“The Interior Ministry and the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) yesterday urged stricter and more integrated anti-drug measures …”

“Interior Ministry officials, police, provincial and local administration organisation representatives in 17 northern provinces attended the meeting at Chiang Mai Phukham Hotel to receive the "Power of the Land to Win Over Illicit Drugs" policy and guidelines for 2012.”

And not even one single mention of the following:

The 5th Thailand Regional (Narcotics Anonymous) Convention, themed "MIRACLES HAPPEN" is taking place in Pattaya, 17th to 19th February 2012.

More details can be found on NA-THAILAND.ORG , NAWS website event listing, APF website, and Facebook page.

We hope you will consider coming, or at least help publicize the event amongst your friends and local area meetings.


GARY F (hotel and hospitality chair)

NA is of course the 'narcotics' version on AA. Same everything and often the same members.

I've been to a couple of these conventions back in the states -they were great fun and gives hope to all addicts and alcoholics.

This was my response:

Dear friend and comrade forever,

The “5th Thailand Regional Convention, themed "MIRACLES HAPPEN"” sounds like a wonderful occasion. I congratulate NA and I wish the very best of experiences for all of the foreigners who will attend to promote the NA values and traditions they represent.

Without a doubt in my mind, I must say that NA certainly helped me pull myself out of an ugly future of jail and certain death by overdose or suicide.

At first, I was repulsed at the idea of the convention being held in Pattaya as the city has a terrible reputation for its decadence, drug use, crime and immoral activities – but then I thought… it is probably one of the best choice locations for such a gathering.

Pattaya in general is well known for its ‘sleazy-ness’. Other than the capitol of Bangkok, it is well known to be a location for “whatever you want”.

Many ex-patriots go there as “sex-patriots”. It is the capitol for underage boys and girls, M&S, transvestites, “Lady Boys”, the drugs and other such filth.

There is a large part of the city known as “Boys Town”. The ‘dormitories’ are not managed by an Irish Catholic priest called Father Flannigan!

But then I thought “Gosh, What a better place that “Sin City” itself!

Keep your faith and do whatever you do to keep yourself clean and free of drugs.

I do hope that these "Interior Ministry officials, police, provincial and local administration organization representatives” do not miss this opportunity as positive proof that some rehabilitation efforts really do work. I challenge them to go see for themselves!

…and not just make the meeting at Chiang Mai Phukham Hotel just another ‘SongSam Convention’.

Wake up and “Walk the Walk”!

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2% of the Thai population are drug addicts. speaks volumes

This is tiny compared to the number of addicts in the USA.

Australia and New Zealand have the highest rates of habitual marijuana use in the world, doesnt seem to affect our society too much. I believe that drugs are a medical problem not a legal one and should all be treated like alcohol and caffeine and nicotine.

And is habitual marijuana use legal in Australia and New Zealand then? Have you taken a look at your society - preferably without the marijuana?

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The Important comparison is the percentage , and the agreed definition of a Drug Addict ??? 2% ..Good or Bad , Im really not sure ..

However the one thing it possibly does show is that Zero tollerance does not work that well ..you cant just keeo filling Jails .

There are many closet addicts in the West , Ive never had anything to do with Drugs but I did loose a friend who was actually an Atelete ..

many professionals also ..better to work on Education and decriminalisation to stop the money flowing into the Black market .

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Apparently there were 2.8m addicts in the UK, 1 year ago. http://www.guardian....drug-users-fall That was, in fact, an improvement. The UK has a similar population to Thailand.

Not addicts. It's the total number of people who used an illegal drug (including marijuana) once within the year. Smoke a single joint and you are part of that figure.

Thailand has a huge drug problem, you hear about drug problems in the UK or US but how many you personally know? one maybe two.. pay attention here and it's astonishing how many people smoke yabaa. I'm not talking only bar girls and taxi drivers, went on a night out with doctors recently they smoked, landlord smokes, lived a few months in a village up north all on yabaa.... supplier was the school principal.

I am far from being a prude when it comes to drugs but methamphetamine is eating away at Thai society.

Would strongly question that they are all smoking "yabaa", given that this is generally used in describing meths. I suppose if you translate literally to crazy medicine, then you would be correct.

But are they addicted, or is it a socal usage? Bit scary when the doctors need their fix!

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Isn't there an ongoing study being undertaken to examine the question why there are so may Thais get addicted to amphetamines. IIRC they are looking to see if there is a genetic link to these addictions.

The unusual high affection of Thais for “energy drinks” like Lipo etc. and all kinds of “speed” may have a simple reason. Here is something all doctors in Thailand are well aware of:

Mediterranean Beta thalassemia

Several larger population groups also have high carrier rates for beta thalassemia. The estimated carrier rate is up to 14% in Thailand, and 3 to 8% in people from India, China, the Mediterranean (Greek or Italian), and the Middle East.

Beta thalassemia major is characterized by severe anemia that can begin months after birth. In the United States and other developed countries beta thalassemia is identified and treated early and effectively. Therefore, the following discussion of symptoms applies primarily to affected individuals in the past and unfortunately in some underdeveloped countries now. If untreated, beta thalassemia major can lead to severe lethargy, paleness, and delays in growth and development.

According to the given figures:

Sorry, but after all these given numbers (Thai-Math & Statistics) by the country’s authorities from “official” population in Bangkok to unrealistic increase of tourist arrivals, I estimate the number of drug addicts at least double.

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Isn't there an ongoing study being undertaken to examine the question why there are so may Thais get addicted to amphetamines. IIRC they are looking to see if there is a genetic link to these addictions.

The unusual high affection of Thais for “energy drinks” like Lipo etc. and all kinds of “speed” may have a simple reason. Here is something all doctors in Thailand are well aware of:

Mediterranean Beta thalassemia

Several larger population groups also have high carrier rates for beta thalassemia. The estimated carrier rate is up to 14% in Thailand, and 3 to 8% in people from India, China, the Mediterranean (Greek or Italian), and the Middle East.

Beta thalassemia major is characterized by severe anemia that can begin months after birth. In the United States and other developed countries beta thalassemia is identified and treated early and effectively. Therefore, the following discussion of symptoms applies primarily to affected individuals in the past and unfortunately in some underdeveloped countries now. If untreated, beta thalassemia major can lead to severe lethargy, paleness, and delays in growth and development.

According to the given figures:

Sorry, but after all these given numbers (Thai-Math & Statistics) by the country’s authorities from “official” population in Bangkok to unrealistic increase of tourist arrivals, I estimate the number of drug addicts at least double.

you have any references for these figures and symptoms? quick google search (wikipedia and webmd for starters) does not support these numbers or even the symptoms....

Wikipedia says thais have 1% and webmd does not state lethargy as a symptom...

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Apparently there were 2.8m addicts in the UK, 1 year ago. http://www.guardian....drug-users-fall That was, in fact, an improvement. The UK has a similar population to Thailand.

You are not comparing like with like. The vast majority of the people in UK can actually count - without the need for a calculator. Furthermore the vast majority of Civil Servants are honest, and some are even conscientious. Can't say that about the politicians though. Same same the US?

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I don't think genetics have as much influence on the level of stimulant abuse as do cultural changes. It seems every society that makes the transition to a modern industrial model produces a lot of fatigued people looking for a bump up.

If the actual number of drug users was honestly stated by any government, the percentages would be far higher than the ones we see reported in the media. Thailand has its share of stoned people, but I'd be willing to bet the US has a far greater drug problem than any other country in the world. I routinely encounter Thai attitudes toward medication that are far more conservative than the common practices of my countrymen. If a US citizen feels the least bit out of sorts, it's no problem to get legally sanctioned medications that aren't even in the medical repertoire for Thais.

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The real numbers are much higher than that, everybody who is an insider in thai society knows that.

Most of those 1,2 million drug addicted are addicted BECAUSE drugs are illegal AND expensive.

Liberalise drugs, price will drop dramatically and so will the number of drug addicted.

May be the ones who try to solve the problem ARE the problem... ( too many interests involved?...).

2% of the Thai population are drug addicts. speaks volumes

Half the Thai population are old and kids, leaving approx 25 million in the age bracket of most users, so would I be right in thinking that 1 in 20 is an addict, my god!!!.........alarming..........70% are low paid farmers amazing---and the cigarettes--and laos khow..... no wonder most plead hard up, as the saying goes NO HAB. That is if the figures are correct, and if they are like TAT (tingtong-average-Thai) anybody's guess. Wassa said 2%... figures said about 1%.

Edited by ginjag
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Apparently there were 2.8m addicts in the UK, 1 year ago. http://www.guardian....drug-users-fall That was, in fact, an improvement. The UK has a similar population to Thailand.

Not addicts. It's the total number of people who used an illegal drug (including marijuana) once within the year. Smoke a single joint and you are part of that figure.

Thailand has a huge drug problem, you hear about drug problems in the UK or US but how many you personally know? one maybe two.. pay attention here and it's astonishing how many people smoke yabaa. I'm not talking only bar girls and taxi drivers, went on a night out with doctors recently they smoked, landlord smokes, lived a few months in a village up north all on yabaa.... supplier was the school principal.

I am far from being a prude when it comes to drugs but methamphetamine is eating away at Thai society.

Would strongly question that they are all smoking "yabaa", given that this is generally used in describing meths. I suppose if you translate literally to crazy medicine, then you would be correct.

But are they addicted, or is it a socal usage? Bit scary when the doctors need their fix!

yabaa is a meth mixture, ice is crystal meth... i used the word yabaa loosely like often the Thais do, to encompass the whole meth family.

social usage or addiction? i dont know, problem with meth addiction is that it's very psychologically addictive, the lines between addict and recreational user quickly get blurred.

Edited by firestar
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If you can't afford a few beers a day, you look for a cheaper alternative. White spirit maybe or a joint, you need something if there is nothing in your life, It all comes back to economics.

I tend to the notion that stupidity and lack of education are at fault. Surely booze and drugs do nothing to improve anybody's quality of life and anybody with an ounce of common sense recognises this. Addicts are similar to people in a hole, and they keep on digging. More fool them.

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"Deputy permanent secretary for Interior Pracha Terat said civil servants involving in drug dealing must be fired." Does it include members of the RTA or RTP?

I would hope that Pracha was misquoted and that what he actually said was that Civil Servants involved in drug dealing must be fired at.

Edited by Bagwan
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Isn't there an ongoing study being undertaken to examine the question why there are so may Thais get addicted to amphetamines. IIRC they are looking to see if there is a genetic link to these addictions.

The unusual high affection of Thais for “energy drinks” like Lipo etc. and all kinds of “speed” may have a simple reason. Here is something all doctors in Thailand are well aware of:

Mediterranean Beta thalassemia

Several larger population groups also have high carrier rates for beta thalassemia. The estimated carrier rate is up to 14% in Thailand, and 3 to 8% in people from India, China, the Mediterranean (Greek or Italian), and the Middle East.

Beta thalassemia major is characterized by severe anemia that can begin months after birth. In the United States and other developed countries beta thalassemia is identified and treated early and effectively. Therefore, the following discussion of symptoms applies primarily to affected individuals in the past and unfortunately in some underdeveloped countries now. If untreated, beta thalassemia major can lead to severe lethargy, paleness, and delays in growth and development.

According to the given figures:

Sorry, but after all these given numbers (Thai-Math & Statistics) by the country’s authorities from “official” population in Bangkok to unrealistic increase of tourist arrivals, I estimate the number of drug addicts at least double.

you have any references for these figures and symptoms? quick google search (wikipedia and webmd for starters) does not support these numbers or even the symptoms....

Wikipedia says thais have 1% and webmd does not state lethargy as a symptom...

Check these out:



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Apparently there were 2.8m addicts in the UK, 1 year ago. http://www.guardian....drug-users-fall That was, in fact, an improvement. The UK has a similar population to Thailand.

You are not comparing like with like. The vast majority of the people in UK can actually count - without the need for a calculator. Furthermore the vast majority of Civil Servants are honest, and some are even conscientious. Can't say that about the politicians though. Same same the US?

...and in polls and surveys which have been proven over and over again - it is also the #1 most hated nationality on this planet.

Look it up.

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Apparently there were 2.8m addicts in the UK, 1 year ago. http://www.guardian....drug-users-fall That was, in fact, an improvement. The UK has a similar population to Thailand.

Not addicts. It's the total number of people who used an illegal drug (including marijuana) once within the year. Smoke a single joint and you are part of that figure.

Thailand has a huge drug problem, you hear about drug problems in the UK or US but how many you personally know? one maybe two.. pay attention here and it's astonishing how many people smoke yabaa. I'm not talking only bar girls and taxi drivers, went on a night out with doctors recently they smoked, landlord smokes, lived a few months in a village up north all on yabaa.... supplier was the school principal.

I am far from being a prude when it comes to drugs but methamphetamine is eating away at Thai society.

Would strongly question that they are all smoking "yabaa", given that this is generally used in describing meths. I suppose if you translate literally to crazy medicine, then you would be correct.

But are they addicted, or is it a socal usage? Bit scary when the doctors need their fix!

yabaa is a meth mixture, ice is crystal meth... i used the word yabaa loosely like often the Thais do, to encompass the whole meth family.

social usage or addiction? i dont know, problem with meth addiction is that it's very psychologically addictive, the lines between addict and recreational user quickly get blurred.

Still scary that the doctors are on meths! I could understand a normal joint here and there but meths? Strange way to injest as well.

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The Important comparison is the percentage , and the agreed definition of a Drug Addict ??? 2% ..Good or Bad , Im really not sure ..

However the one thing it possibly does show is that Zero tollerance does not work that well ..you cant just keeo filling Jails .

There are many closet addicts in the West , Ive never had anything to do with Drugs but I did loose a friend who was actually an Atelete ..

many professionals also ..better to work on Education and decriminalisation to stop the money flowing into the Black market .

This hits the nail. Asked my wife to day how many seminars they have in Thai schools about drug ussage. she said she had never heard about any. Shes a teacher btw

Edited by Redr0m
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I have personally seen drug use in Holland and used myself (xtc) and most of us were casual users with a normal life and work next to it. Some people however can't handle it. But many can. Must be a factor like meom is talking about.

Just like you get people who get addicted to alcohol

as young as Prathom 6, and that police arrested 200,000 drug-related cases per year.

They arrested cases? I don't know what the whole story is all about. Never had problems with drugs, only without....... jap.gif

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I have personally seen drug use in Holland and used myself (xtc) and most of us were casual users with a normal life and work next to it. Some people however can't handle it. But many can. Must be a factor like meom is talking about.

Just like you get people who get addicted to alcohol

Yes the Dutch seem to be able to handle their drug use pretty well.

Drugs and music often go hand in hand which might explain why some of the best club dj’s / music producers are coming from Holland as well. Armin van Buuren, Sander van Doorn, Tiesto, Laidback Luke, Ferry Corsten, Dash Berlin, Don Diablo, DJ Chuckie, Afrojack etc. to name a few.

Not sure if there is a genetic link thoughintheclub.gif

Excellent!! Bragging and sycophancy about how well some people, a particular country's nationals, can 'handle' their drugs.. Nice one lads!! . - How many E's can you knock back?

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