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What Rights Has My Son


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I am not married but I have a son with my Thai girlfriend. He has two passports, a Thai and a Dutch passport.

Has he now all the rights of a Thai person who's father and mother are both Thai, yes or no?

Someone told me that he has to go to the army but is not allowed to vote.

Thanks for your help.


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If if has a Thai passport, that means he has Thai nationality and has all the rights of a Thai citizen.

All my kids have duel nationality and can do whatever they please in Thailand.

I have duel US and UK nationality, but unfortunately as far as the Thai Government is concerned, in Thailand I can get stuffed and have virtually no rights whatsoever.

As for being drafted into the armed services, I believe it`s pot luck whether a Thai male is choosen or not. Luckily my 2 sons somehow eluded the little man from the draftboard, something like a lottery draw.

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coffee1.gif Absolutely. He has a Thai passport...he wouldn't have been given that without the recognition he is a Thai citizen. Therefore he has the right to vote as any Thai citixen.

His Dutch passport simply means he is a dual national, and gives him some rights as decided by the government of the Netherlands. That however, doesn't mean he has to give up any off his rights as a Thai...unless later he decides to voluntarily.

The fact his mother is Thai makes him a legal Thai citizen.

One thing though, since he is a male, he will be eligable and required to participate in the national military lottery...which means he could be required to go into the Thai military.

But that's another topic.

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