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[Preface: Yeah, I've searched the forum, but would like some fresh info. 2 year+ old threads are too old. Things change quicker than that in Chiang Mai]


I want to find a good TCM practitioner in Chiang Mai - any recommendations welcome!

Feel free to skip the story...

On a recent visa run to Singapore, I got sick - that turned out to be fortunate as I got really sick in China Town, and within a stone's throw from a Traditional Chinese doctor. I'd gone before to Munkgala - with mixed success, but that Doc in China Town was something else.

I had flu symptoms and a bad stomach, and high temperature, and a bad headache. The Doc decided it was all due to bad stomach and he'd "make me better right away". I had my doubts. But 10 minutes later, I felt way better - not 100%, but about 60%. Whereas before, I was dragging myself around trying not to pass out... even better, the next day, I felt just great. Better than I've felt in months.

I was treated with some balm rubbed into my back; then fire cupping. That takes only a few minutes and I felt way, way better already. Pretty incredible how fast this works. Then I had acupuncture for 15 (?) minutes + was sent away with custom assembled teabags. The Doc definitely knew what he was doing.

I already know Mungkala in the old town - we went to the lady doctor there. She helped my wife a lot with her first pregnancy. But for flu like symptoms the teas didn't work all that well. Often times I'd end up taking antibiotics eventually (after a week or two), and got better.

Maybe the guy Doctor is better? The lady is very nice but she never suggested to me any kind of acupuncture - maybe you have to ask for it? Or Fire cupping, for that matter.


Sounds like a rough one there Nikster. While I have no personal experience Dr. Wan Piyapanyanont got a good recommendation for TCM.

Kasira Clinic at 1/1 Soi 2 between Phachasamphan and Changklan Rds not far from the Shangrila 053-276493 choke dee


There's a thai-chinese traditional medical clinic near the airport, called by the doctor's name, Naruedee Clinic. You'll find it on the net, they have a site. They include treatments such as cupping, acupuncture, and moxibustion, whatever that last one is! Also thai herbal remedies.

It sounds rather good to me, and i've been meaning to pop along myself for my occasional back and muscle problems. I may even get there this week to try it all out. So i've no idea how good they are, whether they are true in saying if they can treat you or not, or prefer to take your money. I picked up their leaflet in ban suan pak, a very decent health food shop, so that's at least a reason to be positive about them!

If you do get down there, i'll be interested to get your feedback.


accupuncture is awesome, and now comes the fun part, with accupressure on the the surrounding area you get almost as good as with the needle injection, i ll recommend you get some reading of some good accupuncture books

the ones i read and can truly recommend are those:

ECIWO is very good, and can be done self very easy via accupressure


Ear Accupuncture is awesome, since you can literally fix very fast everything, without knowledge of the meridian system, a toothpicker does great work



I was getting acupuncture back in the 60s, in LA and SFO areas....for various aches and pains. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not. By the 70's, anytime i got acupuncture (from chinese old men, in back rooms in chinatown), i went into seizures. Admittedly, i always felt a LOT better after the session, but something about flopping around like a tuna out of water, just did not sit right with me.

I laid off the acupuncture until about 10 yrs ago, seeking relief from arthritis in neck/shoulders/feet. I went to a chinese M.D., in SFO, who was also acupunturist... at $150 USD per visit, i committed to 20 visits and at the end of it all, nothing had changed...

all i mean to say is, your mileage may vary... depending on a whole bunch of things...


There's a thai-chinese traditional medical clinic near the airport, called by the doctor's name, Naruedee Clinic. You'll find it on the net, they have a site. They include treatments such as cupping, acupuncture, and moxibustion, whatever that last one is! Also thai herbal remedies.

It sounds rather good to me, and i've been meaning to pop along myself for my occasional back and muscle problems. I may even get there this week to try it all out. So i've no idea how good they are, whether they are true in saying if they can treat you or not, or prefer to take your money. I picked up their leaflet in ban suan pak, a very decent health food shop, so that's at least a reason to be positive about them!

If you do get down there, i'll be interested to get your feedback.

Any idea of where they are located?


moxibustion is when they burn an herb (mugwort?) either directly on the skin or insert accupuncture needles and then burn the herb on the top of the needle that protrudes from the insertion point.

it can also be when they use a large stick made from the herb and pass that over accupuncture points and let it heat the designated point.

I also used to find gwa-sa (spelling?) helpful... where they use the edge of a jar top, lightly oil an area and then rub briskly over the area... produces terrible looking black/blue/red marks, which look like bruises, but go away in 24 hrs or so... supposedly the repeated brisk rubbing over the area pulls stagnant chi and blood to the surface and improves circulation... i got a lot of benefit from it

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