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Thai PM's Office Minister Nalinee Denies Business Deals With Mugabe Regime


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"Thai PM's Office Minister Nalinee Denies Business Deals With Mugabe Regime"

That's her story and she is sticking to it.

Having any connections to criminals, murderers, terrorists, corrupt politicians, etc etc etc, should be reason enough to get rid of her. Blacklisted is now a black mark on Thailand and the PM, but then the PM thaksin's proxy/clone yingluck does not care about any of that, they are of the same mindset as their good buddy mugabe or mug me. nalinee and yingluck are merely parroting what thaksin tells them to say.

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....they are of the same mindset as their good buddy mugabe....

c'mon now

"Human Rights Watch has branded ousted Thai prime minister 'a human rights abuser of the worst kind' "

Thaksin’s human rights violations.

Thaksin presided over extrajudicial killings during the notorious “war on drugs”. HRW says 2,500 people were killed during one three-month period at the start of 2003.

Thaksin told the Thai military to employ any means to suppress an insurgency in the south of Thailand.

Thaksin Suppressed the Thai media.

Edited by wxyz
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....they are of the same mindset as their good buddy mugabe....

c'mon now

"Human Rights Watch has branded ousted Thai prime minister 'a human rights abuser of the worst kind' "

Thaksin’s human rights violations.

Thaksin presided over extrajudicial killings during the notorious “war on drugs”. HRW says 2,500 people were killed during one three-month period at the start of 2003.

Thaksin told the Thai military to employ any means to suppress an insurgency in the south of Thailand.

Thaksin Suppressed the Thai media.

im not getting into it, but you included yingluck in your 'same mindset as mugabe' quote.

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Why? Why? Why would PM Yingluck want Ms Nalinee as a cabinet member when this questionable business woman has connections with a thug? If anyone knows anything about world affairs, Mugabe is ranked among the top 10 list of the world's WORSE leaders. Mugabe is listed among "has beens" such as Kaddafi, Kim Jong, and Ayatollah Khamenei. Zimbabwe which once enjoyed being the food basket of African and a success is now rated as a poor depressed state due to this evil self-centered leader.

So Ms Nalinee states that she knows him only socially. Well, my mother always said you can judge a person by the friends they hang out with. If this saying is correct, Ms Nalinee's friends are not the best.

Maybe because......................

The current premier dismissed allegations launched by the Democrat Party the naming of Malinee as minister attached to the Prime Minister's Ofice had been primarily meant to quietly use her as a business dealer on behalf of the former premier.

''Thaksin and Nalinee definitely have had no business connections with each other. The accusations have not been proved as yet and the accused still needs some time to prove otherwise,'' said Yingluck.


The opposition Democratic Party has suggested that Nalinee was appointed to her position so she could use her close ties with African leaders such as Mugabe to assist former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s jewellery business in Africa.

Thaksin reportedly has a stake in the Global PS Telecom Investment Co, which held a 34.99-per-cent share in the Johannesburg-listed Miranda-Mineral


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....they are of the same mindset as their good buddy mugabe....

c'mon now

"Human Rights Watch has branded ousted Thai prime minister 'a human rights abuser of the worst kind' "

Thaksin’s human rights violations.

Thaksin presided over extrajudicial killings during the notorious “war on drugs”. HRW says 2,500 people were killed during one three-month period at the start of 2003.

Thaksin told the Thai military to employ any means to suppress an insurgency in the south of Thailand.

Thaksin Suppressed the Thai media.

im not getting into it, but you included yingluck in your 'same mindset as mugabe' quote.

thaksin says she is his clone, like minded, and yingluck agreed.

yingluck said in an interview she would restart the thanksin so called war on drugs, so we can expect more blood in the streets

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Why? Why? Why would PM Yingluck want Ms Nalinee as a cabinet member when this questionable business woman has connections with a thug? If anyone knows anything about world affairs, Mugabe is ranked among the top 10 list of the world's WORSE leaders. Mugabe is listed among "has beens" such as Kaddafi, Kim Jong, and Ayatollah Khamenei. Zimbabwe which once enjoyed being the food basket of African and a success is now rated as a poor depressed state due to this evil self-centered leader.

So Ms Nalinee states that she knows him only socially. Well, my mother always said you can judge a person by the friends they hang out with. If this saying is correct, Ms Nalinee's friends are not the best.

Maybe because......................

The current premier dismissed allegations launched by the Democrat Party the naming of Malinee as minister attached to the Prime Minister's Ofice had been primarily meant to quietly use her as a business dealer on behalf of the former premier.

The Democrats claim makes no sense (and I am sure they know it). If the intent is to quietly use her as a business dealer on behalf of the former premier, the very last thing the PTP would want to do is name her as a minister. That is the least quiet thing you can do. It is politics.

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Whether "Mugabe" refers to Mr or Mrs is irrelevant.

Having social connections with the Mugabes is just as bad as (or worse than) having business connections.

I see...............As such has the US also blacklisted this lady?

In fact I am not up on news in this area but did this lady not also bestow knighthood on this man?

If I recall correctly she later stripped it but that does not as you say remove the fact that at one time she had social connections eh?

Anyway as I have said in a few of these threads........The US should mind its own business.

They have literally tons of skeletons in their own closet & have courted tyrants when it suited their agenda.

Many or most times later deciding on a reason to kill that tyrant that no longer offered them any value.

The whole thing reeks of the usual watch the right hand while the left does a cavity search elsewhere


No daft moral equivalence argument is too much for you, even Mugabe. cheesy.gif

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No daft moral equivalence argument is too much for you, even Mugabe. cheesy.gif

Actually if you read the whole thread before replying you would not embarrass yourself

Also I do not know how you comprehend but my post you quoted was in response to the previous post that said...

Having social connections with the Mugabes is just as bad as (or worse than) having business connections.

No mention of morals in his or my post as it was about Social connections.....

Try again ;)

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Why? Why? Why would PM Yingluck want Ms Nalinee as a cabinet member when this questionable business woman has connections with a thug? If anyone knows anything about world affairs, Mugabe is ranked among the top 10 list of the world's WORSE leaders. Mugabe is listed among "has beens" such as Kaddafi, Kim Jong, and Ayatollah Khamenei. Zimbabwe which once enjoyed being the food basket of African and a success is now rated as a poor depressed state due to this evil self-centered leader.

So Ms Nalinee states that she knows him only socially. Well, my mother always said you can judge a person by the friends they hang out with. If this saying is correct, Ms Nalinee's friends are not the best.

Maybe because......................

The current premier dismissed allegations launched by the Democrat Party the naming of Malinee as minister attached to the Prime Minister's Ofice had been primarily meant to quietly use her as a business dealer on behalf of the former premier.

''Thaksin and Nalinee definitely have had no business connections with each other. The accusations have not been proved as yet and the accused still needs some time to prove otherwise,'' said Yingluck.


The opposition Democratic Party has suggested that Nalinee was appointed to her position so she could use her close ties with African leaders such as Mugabe to assist former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s jewellery business in Africa.

Thaksin reportedly has a stake in the Global PS Telecom Investment Co, which held a 34.99-per-cent share in the Johannesburg-listed Miranda-Mineral


"But Nalinee, who says she was first introduced to Mugabe and his wife in 2002 when they visited Thailand, denied any business dealings with the Zimbabwe’s first family, adding that their relationship was purely social and commercial."

Commercial is business dealings, way to go nalinee, apparently yingluck wants thailand to be sanctioned by those countries as well, not only are they dealing in blood gems, but terrorist tourism as well, not a good sign yingluck, not a good sign at all.

"the yingluck govt, like the thaksin govt, has demonstrated time and time again it is corrupt from the top to the bottom."

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I would imagine that the US government would not blacklist people unless they have compelling evidence. If Khun Nalinee pushes too hard, that may come back in her face.

Any self-respecting politician would recuse.

If I may,

Any politician with integrity would recuse until the matter was cleared. Failing that voluntary personal decision, it would then be the responsibility of the governing party to withold appointments of that person.

The Prime Minister has dropped the ball on this one and she has to act fast or she will find others doing it for her.

I don't think we can blame Yingluck for this fumble.

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Miranda Minerals secures R98,2m investment from Dubai firm JSE-listed Miranda Minerals has secured an investment of R98,2-million from a Dubai investment firm chaired by former Thailand Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra. 1st October 2010

Miranda continues to oppose business rescue application – chair The board of JSE-listed Miranda Minerals and two major shareholders, Global PS and Yakani, would continue to “vigorously” oppose an application to start a business rescue process, chairperson Lulama Mokhobo told Mining Weekly Online on... 3rd August 2011

Former CEO Nel suspended as Miranda director JSE-listed Miranda Minerals announced on Monday that its former CEO Ron Nel had been suspended as a director, pending his permanent removal from the board. The board had been opposing Nel’s quest to put the company under a business rescue... 5th September 2011

Miranda requests trading suspension Embattled junior Miranda Minerals has requested the suspension of trading in its shares on the JSE, while the board considers its options. Earlier this week, the North Gauteng High Court interdicted Miranda from proceeding with a proposed... 12th January 2012

Miranda chairperson, two more directors quit Beleaguered exploration junior Miranda Minerals on Friday endured a further setback when chairperson Lulama Mokhobo and two nonexecutive directors Gilbert Phalafala and Moses Tshitangano resigned with immediate effect. Miranda CEO Andrew Johnson... 13th January 2012

Looks like another business success for Thaskin, no wonder he needs help from Nalinee's comercial connections to Mugabe for investment opportunities to help save more of his billions.

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Miranda Minerals secures R98,2m investment from Dubai firm JSE-listed Miranda Minerals has secured an investment of R98,2-million from a Dubai investment firm chaired by former Thailand Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra. 1st October 2010

Miranda continues to oppose business rescue application – chair The board of JSE-listed Miranda Minerals and two major shareholders, Global PS and Yakani, would continue to “vigorously” oppose an application to start a business rescue process, chairperson Lulama Mokhobo told Mining Weekly Online on... 3rd August 2011

Former CEO Nel suspended as Miranda director JSE-listed Miranda Minerals announced on Monday that its former CEO Ron Nel had been suspended as a director, pending his permanent removal from the board. The board had been opposing Nel’s quest to put the company under a business rescue... 5th September 2011

Miranda requests trading suspension Embattled junior Miranda Minerals has requested the suspension of trading in its shares on the JSE, while the board considers its options. Earlier this week, the North Gauteng High Court interdicted Miranda from proceeding with a proposed... 12th January 2012

Miranda chairperson, two more directors quit Beleaguered exploration junior Miranda Minerals on Friday endured a further setback when chairperson Lulama Mokhobo and two nonexecutive directors Gilbert Phalafala and Moses Tshitangano resigned with immediate effect. Miranda CEO Andrew Johnson... 13th January 2012

Looks like another business success for Thaskin, no wonder he needs help from Nalinee's comercial connections to Mugabe for investment opportunities to help save more of his billions.

Obviously Miranda Mineral not much of a player anyway in the mining industry anyway - our friend in Dubai payed just over $11.5 million dollars for 35% of the company, this doesnt buy you very much in the mining game, exploration or otherwise, have a look at the sort of money BHP Billiton, Anglo-American or De Beers play with every day....

The Registered office is not even in JHB CBD, where the real players sit.....seems to me to be bit of a mickey mouse outfit...

Edited by Soutpeel
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Friend of Robert Mugabe appointed Thai government minister

Questions raised over Thai prime minister's appointment of Nalinee Taveesin, who counts Zimbabwe's president as a friend

For most politicians, any association with Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe – let alone a friendship – would be damaging to their career. Not so in Thailand, where it won't stop you getting an office in the Thai cabinet, as businesswoman Nalinee Taveesin found recently.

The Harvard graduate has raised eyebrows both at home and abroad not only for her "strictly social" ties with Mugabe, but for this week being appointed one of the first Red Shirts to government in this politically divided nation of 69 million.



The Guardian (UK) - January 24, 2012


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Thai 'crony' of Mugabe to promote national image

BANGKOK - A Thai Cabinet member who was the target of U.S. sanctions for alleged business deals with Zimbabwe strongman Robert Mugabe is now in charge of promoting Thailand's national image.

Nalinee Taveesin, previously Thailand's trade representative, was named a Cabinet minister during last week's reshuffle of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's government.

On Tuesday, Yingluck's office announced that Nalinee's duties would include overseeing the National Identity Office, which is responsible for promoting the "unique and noble values that distinguish Thailand."




-- (c) Associated Press 11 minutes ago

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I thought The Guardian's opening paragraph was ace. However it's just been completely trumped by that AP headline.

An clearly inept Prime Minister, Chalerm (and son) with their undeniably dubious mafia-riddled history, Nattawut who publicly stated he would take the blame for the later burning of Bangkok, and now the lovely "crony" Nalinee who has been given the job of promoting the image of the country!

I'm almost starting to feel sorry for those on this forum who are tasked with defending Team Thaksin. Almost.

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