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Diamond Or Gold ?


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Yes looks like soon I'll be buying the gf a ring, as shes coming to stay in the UK

for a while after which I can vaguely remembering promising some kind of jewelery.

My question is this though, she isn't interested in gold she wants a diamond

with white gold I think.

Now is this a bigger scam than the gold scenario, yes I do want her to have

some security if I ever left her but no I don't want her to just sting me for

a ring which is just a worthless piece of glass.

Also, I'm no gem dealer but how do you tell a real diamond from a duff diamond

or is this just possible by years of experience and expert knowledge ?

Cheers !

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Can you elaborate on that, she is talking of 20,000 Bht ring.

An she already has the money for it sort of left overs from a cheap

holiday !

So your saying she wont get much of a diamond for 20,000BHT is

that right - and if she does get a big diamond then obviously it is

fake yeah ?

How big is a carat, oh sod it i'll dig out my argos catalogue.

How are the chicks in vietnam, same as thais ? :o

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It does not sound like your very sure about this , so I would sugest a smaller diamond. I just bought my wife a new diamond ring and I think I got a good deal .

Paid $3300.00 for a carat. I have seen them for alot more. It has lasered on numbers on it that you can only see with a jeweler's glass. Not sure if Thailand does the same. I dont like the white gold, looks to much like silver. A diamond with nice yellow Thai gold really stands out.


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I am going through the same process right now, and have been doing quite a bit of homework. Here are some suggestions:

- Educate yourself about diamonds first. For example, do you want size or quality or both? A 0.5 carat flawless diamond is going to cost a lot more than a 1.0 carat yellow with a lot of flaws. The former will be around $3,000 USD just for the rock, while the latter could be as little as a few hundred USD. For comparison, a 1.0 carat investment quality diamond is going to be well over $10,000 USD, again just for the stone.

- Suggest looking at a bunch of online websites to get educated:


www.e-diamonds.com (mervis diamonds)


My personal preference would be to get the best quality diamond that you feel you can afford. This is the route that I am taking (e.g., buying the very highest quality stone that for the money that I have to spend).

On the other hand, if your GF is only interested in size and not necessarily quality, then you also have many other options to consider.

If you want to surprise your GF, then you're just going to have to take your best shot. If she already has told you what she likes, then you can be more specific.

Good luck ...


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A clean white carat is 5K and up. I don't follow baht/dollar lately.

You should NEVER buy a stone online. Even if it has GIA papers, who do you know that what you're buying is what the piece of paper ( oh I'm sorry, I mean certification hahaha) says? Rare coins are tough enough for civilians to buy online ( and mostly a rip off). Diamonds are impossible.

But for 20K bht, you won't get much at all. Your original post implied that she was asking you to buy her a stone. Now it would appear she is buying the stone with her money?

And you're asking me about "chicks" in Vietnam?

No comprende

Mr Vietnam :o

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And you're asking me about "chicks" in Vietnam?

No comprende

Mr Vietnam  :o

Often times chicks have long hair and a pectoral area much larger than that of the male species. They are known to wear skirts and high heels, most likely in an attempt to attract attention, ultimatley resulting in the capture of a life long mate. They are often extremely jealous and will react with great outrage should a mate show interest in another chick or even multiple chicks. It is at this time that a chick is at her most dangerous. And it is at this time that the buying of a diamond ring or other such ornament would be most prudent.

While research indicates that the above holds true in the vast majority of cases, it seems that in many countries, especially in the South East Asian region of the world, chicks are not always chicks. For this reason, it is suggested that you proceed with caution when pursuing chicks in these areas.

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Seems like Chiang mai Thai has it about right,,I her dick is bigger than yours,,Do not buy her no ###### diamond.

But if she wants a diamond,I guess you should buy her one,,after we were married and the trip to amphur,I went to a gold shop,and bought for a little over 50K a very nice certified diamond solitare in yellow gold,But diamonds are not a real good investment,same with Rolex watches,if you ever need or want to convert them to cash,then you have to find someone that wants exactly what you have or it is a money loseing deal. You can never get back what you payed for them,no matter what the appraised value.But with gold you get what you pay for if bought on the per gram weight on the daily spot market value.

I have bought diamonds and other precious stone jewelery all over the world and got my best deals in Saudi and at Dubai,and Bahrain,and I prefer white gold to yellow anyday.You do have to be careful as they are growing carbon crystal now that is almost impossible to tell from natural diamond,even by most jewelers.

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Here in Bangkok the Chinese diamond jewelry store price a couple of months ago for a .91 grade A center diamond with two side Grade A stones of .425 was 246,000 baht. Diamonds aren't cheap. :o

These merchants will normally buy back at 10-15% less than selling price (unless market price has gone way down when it could reach 20%).

You can start with a small stone and as the money rolls in upgrade to next years model. :D

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Mock ye not, MuayThai!

Argos has some good bargains for diamond jewellery. Mrs Eye of Sauron always goes there when we are in Exeter.

Okay - maybe they are not museum quality stones - but who cares about that - your girlfriend wants a diamond that's superior to industrial quality - and Argos' stones are fine.

And if you're buying it - there's no chance of a cubic zirconia switcheroo!

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