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UK Family Calls For Thailand Drug Smuggler Michael Connell To Be Released


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Family calls for Thailand drug smuggler to be released

Michael Connell has served eight years at the notorious "Bangkok Hilton" jail

The family of a man with learning difficulties jailed for smuggling ecstasy into Thailand are campaigning for him to be released from custody.

Michael Connell, of Bury in Greater Manchester, was stopped at Bangkok airport in November 2003 with 3,400 pills hidden in facial cream jars.

He pleaded guilty in 2004 and was sentenced to 99 years, reduced to 20.

He has returned to the UK to serve the rest of his sentence. He served eight years in Bangkok's Bang Kwang prison.

The notorious jail is often referred to as the "Bangkok Hilton". [more...]

Full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk...hester-16677116


-- BBC 2012-01-24

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He should be so lucky. A Thai would of got life or death for that huge quantity of drugs.

Dont convicted drug traffickers have to do the same prison stretch at home as they do in Thailand as per prison exchange laws ?

Just another example of going soft on poor little misguided westerners.

Normally when a convict is returned to his home country and allowed to serve his sentence there, he appears again before a judge in his home country to recieve a sentence according to the laws and standerds of his home country.

That is also the reaason that often a convist is only returned to his home country after having done a minimum number of years in a Thai jail, so they are sure that he has at least served some time in jail.

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He should be so lucky. A Thai would of got life or death for that huge quantity of drugs.

Dont convicted drug traffickers have to do the same prison stretch at home as they do in Thailand as per prison exchange laws ?

Connell has learning difficulties ? Didnt seem to be impeding his ability to pack pills into cream jars.

Just another example of going soft on poor little misguided westerners.

20 years for 3000 odd e's isn't going soft by any stretch and that isn't a 'huge quantity' of drugs either, quite small in fact... they would have been only worth about 1500-2000 pounds to buy in the uk in that quantity.

as his dad said in that article, 8 years in the hilton is enough punishment for the crime.

tho i think his sentence is reduced by half so he 'only' has another six years.

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Michael Connell was stoppedwith 3,400 pills hidden in facial cream jars.

This demonstrates;

1. He was a trafficer of a dangerous product.

2. 3400 tablets wasn't for personal use, but for personal profit.

I don't understand the logic of people demanding clemency. If this man had taken a similar amount of chemicals and dumped it, people would be calling for his head because of his spreading of toxic carcinogens. Here we have a man that instead took the toxic chemicals and was going to sell it to people, many of whom did not possess the mental capacity to understand the dangerous nature of the product. Would people be so understanding if he was selling dangerous chemicals to officially designated intellectually challenged people?

What would be the reaction of a major pharmaceutical company if that company sold unsafe products to the general product? How is this man different? Hee was trafficing in chemicals that had no quality assurance and that were dangerous.

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You guys are hardcore. The stupid kid has done 8 years in a god awful place that tends to turn people into a mess of silly. Let him serve out his time in his home country where some real rehabilitation can take place. Good luck stupid, don't do it again.lock.gif

How do you rehabilitate someone that sells toxic chemicals? What happened to the concept of making the polluter pay for the intentional damage caused? If someone dumped dioxin on your lawn, and then when caught said, ooops I have Attention Deficit Disorder, it's not my fault.

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If he was a European/Canadian/American/Australian he would have been allowed to return to his home country to serve the remainder of his time after 8 years that is the issue. He did the crime and has done the time in BKK now let him return to the UK and serve time. He was a kid when he committed this crime, I am not making excuses for his actions but 8 years is ample in a Thai prison IMHO.

Here are links to the BBC documentary it is in two parts and Michael appears often,

Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFo8P7RG5Fw

Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIbJ0-JiO1w

Edited by WilliaminBKK
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If it was a European/Canadian/American/Australian he would have been allowed to return to his home country to serve the remainder of his time after 8 years that is the issue. He did the crime and has done the time in BKK now let him return to the UK and serve time. He was a kid when he committed this crime, I am not making excuses for his actions but 8 years is ample in a Thai prison IMHO.

I suggest you read the OP once again,but this time with your reading glasses on.

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Michael Connell was stoppedwith 3,400 pills hidden in facial cream jars.

This demonstrates;

1. He was a trafficer of a dangerous product.

2. 3400 tablets wasn't for personal use, but for personal profit.

I don't understand the logic of people demanding clemency. If this man had taken a similar amount of chemicals and dumped it, people would be calling for his head because of his spreading of toxic carcinogens. Here we have a man that instead took the toxic chemicals and was going to sell it to people, many of whom did not possess the mental capacity to understand the dangerous nature of the product. Would people be so understanding if he was selling dangerous chemicals to officially designated intellectually challenged people?

What would be the reaction of a major pharmaceutical company if that company sold unsafe products to the general product? How is this man different? Hee was trafficing in chemicals that had no quality assurance and that were dangerous.

the difference is that mdma is a not an extremely dangerous chemical... the user to death ratio is vast, and of the relatively small amount of deaths recorded, a lot are due to cocktailing drugs.

the difference between a major pharmaceutical company that sold unsafe products to the general public and a guy bringing 3400 pills to thailand is an obvious one,

a pharmaceutical company selling unsafe products to the general public is worse because of a: the amount of people it would affect and b: the fact that people buying the pharmaceuticals are completely innocent, people buying ecstasy are not.

20 years for the crime is extreme... how many deaths due to ecstasy in thailand are you aware of seeing as it's such a dangerous chemical?

Unfortunately for you you cannot provide any argument founded in science that supports your position that the chemical is "safe". This man was selling a chemical that was not manufactured under a setting where there was quality control, and where the actual chemical contents were known to the consumer. We won't allow companies to sell a candy bar without declaring the ingredients, but you believe it is acceptable to sell a chemical concoction cooked up by Mel the Meth head without any semblance of respect for common safety standards.

Don't take up epidemiology as one does not measure risk only by fatalities. It's all about contributing factors and it's all about what is termed "load". Chemicals such as MDMA increase the pressure on the body's ability to cope with stress factors, particularly chemicals. It's why the liver, the body's key filter system component eventually breaks down. It's why 20 years after exposure, dopamine and serotonin receptors just start going haywire. One doesn't need an immediate injury to have an impact.

Your logic on the selling of the product fails. Do you deny that many of the people that purchase these products do not have the mental capacity to make an informed decision? If we allow a minor to rescind a purchase based upon an inability to show good judgement, how then can you expect a minor to exercise good judgement when buying chemicals? What about those with organic disturbances? Is it appropriate for someone to exploit drug addicts or those with a physiological or emotional dependency? We put people in jail for exploitation of the mentally ill, of minors and the aged, so why is it ok to exploit druggies?

I have a suggestion: Let's check out your hypohesis. We'll feed the chemicals to this man for a decade and study the long term effect, ok?

If its harmless, he should get a pardon and compensation. If he develops Parkinsons or a neuromotor illness, we'll just dump him in the street ok?

One thing you seem to be forgetting as that these 'druggies' who took mdma on a regualr basis are now the lawyers, policemen, doctors, nurses etc. of today. All getting with on thier lives and doing good for soceity, not dead or in rehab. There is a huge difference between drugs like heroin and mdma.

And, the long tests on mdma and similar recreational drugs have mainly proved how harmless they are. This even ended up with the UK's top drug specilaist resigning due to the goverment not wating to release the details or update the laws and numerous experts following in protest.

Although I agree with you on the issues of who made them and whats in them - this just shows there is more reason not to push recreational drug issues underground further and allow testing of drugs rather than just throwng everyone in jail.

Edited by theseahorse
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Michael Connell was stoppedwith 3,400 pills hidden in facial cream jars.

This demonstrates;

1. He was a trafficer of a dangerous product.

2. 3400 tablets wasn't for personal use, but for personal profit.

I don't understand the logic of people demanding clemency. If this man had taken a similar amount of chemicals and dumped it, people would be calling for his head because of his spreading of toxic carcinogens. Here we have a man that instead took the toxic chemicals and was going to sell it to people, many of whom did not possess the mental capacity to understand the dangerous nature of the product. Would people be so understanding if he was selling dangerous chemicals to officially designated intellectually challenged people?

What would be the reaction of a major pharmaceutical company if that company sold unsafe products to the general product? How is this man different? Hee was trafficing in chemicals that had no quality assurance and that were dangerous.

the difference is that mdma is a not an extremely dangerous chemical... the user to death ratio is vast, and of the relatively small amount of deaths recorded, a lot are due to cocktailing drugs.

the difference between a major pharmaceutical company that sold unsafe products to the general public and a guy bringing 3400 pills to thailand is an obvious one,

a pharmaceutical company selling unsafe products to the general public is worse because of a: the amount of people it would affect and b: the fact that people buying the pharmaceuticals are completely innocent, people buying ecstasy are not.

20 years for the crime is extreme... how many deaths due to ecstasy in thailand are you aware of seeing as it's such a dangerous chemical?

Unfortunately for you you cannot provide any argument founded in science that supports your position that the chemical is "safe". This man was selling a chemical that was not manufactured udner a setting where there was quality control, and where the actual chemical contents were known to the consumer. We won't allow companies to sellow a candy bar without declaring the ingredients, but you believe it is acceptable to sell a chemical concoction cooked up by Mel the Meth head without any semblance of respect for common safety standards.

Don't take up epidemiology as one does not measure risk only by fatalities. It's all about contributing factors and it's all about what is termed "load". Chemicals such as MDMA increase the pressure on a the human physiology to cope with stress factors, particularly chemicals. It's why the liver, the body's key filter system component eventually vreaks down. It's why 20 years after exposure, dopamine and serotonin receptors just start going haywire. One doesn't need an immediate impact to have an impact.

Your logic on the selling of the product fails. Do you deny that many of the people that purchase these products do not have the mental capacity to make an informed decision? If we allow a minor to rescind a purchase based upon an inability to effetc good judgement, how then can you expect a minor to exercise good judgement when buying chemcials? What about those with organic disturbances? Is it appropriate that someone exploit drug addicts or those with a physiological or emotional dependency? We put people in jail for exploitation of the mentally ill, of minors and the aged, so why is it ok to exploit druggies?

I have a suggestion: Let's check out your hypohesis. We'll feed the chemicals to this man for a decade and study the long term effect, ok?

If its harmless, he should get a pardon and compensation. If he develops Parkinsons or a neuromotor illness, we'll just dump him in the street ok?

you should try out debating without attempting to condescend, anyway.

"Unfortunately for you you cannot provide any argument founded in science that supports your position that the chemical is "safe""

i didn't say simply it was "safe", i said relatively safe... relative to the amount of users.

"but you believe it is acceptable to sell a chemical...."

no... i don't

"if its harmless"

i don't know where you got me saying "it's harmless" from

"Your logic on the selling of the product fails"

no, i think a pharmaceutical company selling unsafe product is worse than a drug dealer doing it... we'll have to agree to disagree on that.

"I have a suggestion: Let's check out your hypohesis. We'll feed the chemicals to this man for a decade and study the long term effect, ok?"

where in my hypothesis did i say that would be an ok thing to do? i mean really.

i'm well informed, so you don't need to explain the possible long term effects.

"Don't take up epidemiology as one does not measure risk only by fatalities"

without taking up epidemiology, i was aware of this... score.

caution is needed just like with any mind altering substance...

but is ecstasy especially dangerous in comparision to plenty of legal drugs? nah.

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You guys are hardcore. The stupid kid has done 8 years in a god awful place that tends to turn people into a mess of silly. Let him serve out his time in his home country where some real rehabilitation can take place. Good luck stupid, don't do it again.lock.gif

How do you rehabilitate someone that sells toxic chemicals? What happened to the concept of making the polluter pay for the intentional damage caused? If someone dumped dioxin on your lawn, and then when caught said, ooops I have Attention Deficit Disorder, it's not my fault.

There are specialist in this exact field GK! They are called chemical dependency specialists. He was also not smuggling Dioxin into this country to sell as a horny pill. They do two completely different things. Try the mdma, first, then try the Dioxin and get back to me. As for not understanding the request for clemency? I spent 5 hours in a local pokey from a wrong identification and i had my clemeny letter, royal pardon notarized and my cub scout badge ready for all to consider, your most excellencyjap.gif

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Connell has learning difficulties ? Didnt seem to be impeding his ability to pack pills into cream jars.

How would it impede him? Is packing pills into jars something which requires a high level of intellect?

???? No, but having a condition that means he's not able to make decsions on whether something is right or wrong to the extent of a normal sound minded person should come into consideration in a fair legal trial.

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If it was a European/Canadian/American/Australian he would have been allowed to return to his home country to serve the remainder of his time after 8 years that is the issue. He did the crime and has done the time in BKK now let him return to the UK and serve time. He was a kid when he committed this crime, I am not making excuses for his actions but 8 years is ample in a Thai prison IMHO.

I suggest you read the OP once again,but this time with your reading glasses on.

You are right, I do need new glasses- I thought he was still banged up abroad and that made me angry. He is back in the UK after 8 years in BKK let the UK justice system deal with the issue. the time served issue.

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I wonder if his supposed learning difficulties will impede him when he writes his book? I doubt it. I also suggest that he should not profit from his drug smuggling in any way, including news articles and TV.

Further, i think think that a representative from the Thai Government should upon his leaving the Kingdom apply one final whack in the nuts. "On your way!"

Ghost writers can do wonders and even write the whole thing. Seems strange that on of the top ten best ghost written books of all time is called

Ecstasy and Me: My Life As a Woman.

After 8 years at the Bangkok Hilton i suppose he could use the same title.whistling.gif

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He should be so lucky. A Thai would of got life or death for that huge quantity of drugs.

Dont convicted drug traffickers have to do the same prison stretch at home as they do in Thailand as per prison exchange laws ?

Connell has learning difficulties ? Didnt seem to be impeding his ability to pack pills into cream jars.

Just another example of going soft on poor little misguided westerners.

There's been a number of videos with him, eg. Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand, that don't support the notion he has a mental deficiency, but I can understand family members wishing to use that as a means of portraying him as a hapless victim.


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He should be so lucky. A Thai would of got life or death for that huge quantity of drugs.

Dont convicted drug traffickers have to do the same prison stretch at home as they do in Thailand as per prison exchange laws ?

Connell has learning difficulties ? Didnt seem to be impeding his ability to pack pills into cream jars.

Just another example of going soft on poor little misguided westerners.

20 years for 3000 odd e's isn't going soft by any stretch and that isn't a 'huge quantity' of drugs either, quite small in fact... they would have been only worth about 1500-2000 pounds to buy in the uk in that quantity.

Ecstasy was relatively new in Thailand in 2004.

His 3,500 pills then were valued at 3.4 Million Baht at the time.

While 20 years may not seem like going soft, jalansanitwong makes a valid point it that it could very easily have been ascribed a lengthier prison sentence to other defendants in Thailand, which has occurred.


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He should be so lucky. A Thai would of got life or death for that huge quantity of drugs.

Dont convicted drug traffickers have to do the same prison stretch at home as they do in Thailand as per prison exchange laws ?

Connell has learning difficulties ? Didnt seem to be impeding his ability to pack pills into cream jars.

Just another example of going soft on poor little misguided westerners.

20 years for 3000 odd e's isn't going soft by any stretch and that isn't a 'huge quantity' of drugs either, quite small in fact... they would have been only worth about 1500-2000 pounds to buy in the uk in that quantity.

Ecstasy was relatively new in Thailand in 2004.

His 3,500 pills then were valued at 3.4 Million Baht at the time.

While 20 years may not seem like going soft, jalansanitwong makes a valid point it that it could very easily have been ascribed a lengthier prison sentence to other defendants in Thailand, which has occurred.


oh i know the ridiculous sentences for drug offences in thailand and i wouldn't dispute for a second that by thai standards he did get off soft..

i just meant for the punishment fitting the crime, 20 years is severe.

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Connell has learning difficulties ? Didnt seem to be impeding his ability to pack pills into cream jars.

How would it impede him? Is packing pills into jars something which requires a high level of intellect?

???? No, but having a condition that means he's not able to make decsions on whether something is right or wrong to the extent of a normal sound minded person should come into consideration in a fair legal trial.

The ability to differentiate between what is right or wrong is a major impairment, that indicates severe dysfunction, usually psychosis.

It's why psychotic people are generally not held responsible for their actions.

Michael Connell is not psychotic and was justifiably held responsible for his actions (the severity of his sentence is another matter).

When adjudicating sentences, if someone is dyslexic, it's insignificant and has no bearing.


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