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Poipet Cambodia Border Police "100 Baht Or Stay Overnight Scam"

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The "100 baht or stay overnight scam" is the scam where they tell you that their is a fee of 100 baht that needs to be paid before you can get your departure stamp on your passport (when exiting Cambodia). If you do not pay it, then you will need to stay overnight in Cambodia. Ofcourse, this is not true. There is no fee. They are just making this up. The whole "stay overnight" thing is just a way to get you to surrender and give them the 100 baht.

Does anyone have a solution for dealing with this?

I would like to hear from other foreigners who have faced this scam and successfully received his or her departure stamp and not paid the fee. Please do not copy and paste your answer from the internet. I want to hear from people who have faced the "100 baht or stay overnight scam".

Posting replies that go on and on about avoiding pick pocketers and on and on about avoiding the how to avoid the scam bus and the fake Cambodia visa offices located near the border will not help me. Also, posting replies going on and on about how you never experience this problem and it only happens to me is not going to help either. Please read the question and stay on topic. My question is very specific. I am looking for a solution to dealing with the "100 baht or stay overnight scam".

Lastly, telling me to "ask for a receipt" is not a solution. It does not work. Not saying it hasn't worked for some in the past, but it didn't work for me on this particular incident.

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I am afraid that there is no solution.

I tried at 3 occasions.

I even laughed at their silly Thaksin jokes ("next time more cheap because Thaksin back")

I complemented one of the thieves with his "excellent" french.

Nowadays I use the services of a thai scammer, same price, but saves the walk to the kampuchean scammers.

But what can you do if the thief holds your passport in his claws?

Also I am surprised that you did not mention the 20US dollar (official visa price) equals 1.000 baht scam.

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Get a proper visa to Thailand?

I have a non im for being married, i do visa runs.

My visa is not proper?

AFAIR if you have a married or retirement extension on your 1 year Non Imm O visa you do not have to do a visa run, at least in the 5 or so years I have had visa extensions I never did one.

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Do you have the same attitude when you go through Poipet as you express in this post?

100 baht, that's about 3 bucks....

PM me, and i will send you the number of my bank account.

Only 3 dollars.

Or more, if you like.

Other posters with the same mindset as you can do the same.

Thanks in advance.

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Get a proper visa to Thailand?

I have a non im for being married, i do visa runs.

My visa is not proper?

AFAIR if you have a married or retirement extension on your 1 year Non Imm O visa you do not have to do a visa run, at least in the 5 or so years I have had visa extensions I never did one.

I think that apart from missing the point, you also did not read my reply to the OP.

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The cheap charlies are out. rolleyes.gif

Of course and the OP will tell you for THB 100 he can get 3 square meals a day in Thailand, so why should he pay immigration this backhander and the his next post will be how to steal toilet paper from the malls so he doesnt need to buy any..

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The cheap charlies are out. rolleyes.gif

Of course and the OP will tell you for THB 100 he can get 3 square meals a day in Thailand, so why should he pay immigration this backhander and the his next post will be how to steal toilet paper from the malls so he doesnt need to buy any..

Are your previous 6262 posts troll posts too?

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Got the perfect solution to your problems, which is sure to never fail and will deprive these scum bag immigration guys of their illegally aquired gains...

i have a multi entry non immagrent o visa, it is a proper visa, but i still have to do visa runs every 90 days, 48 years old, so why is this not a proper visa.

Get a proper visa for Thailand

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These guys work together to facilitate your border runs! Why gripe at 100 Baht??

You got a problem with border extortion then get a proper visa!

These border crossings are not really there for Farangs that have no business going to Poipet.. Best of luck to them!

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I just got back from yet another border run on the 16th. I paid nothing nor have I ever been asked by a Thai offical or any immigration persons for money. The days of being asked for cash at the visa window are over as well.

You just have to know how to deal with what comes up, deflect the interaction and move on.

Sorry many of you are taking as saps - obviously they seem to be asking the right people for free money becasuse you are giving it to them.


"Farangs that have no business going to Poipet" - Speechless

Edited by bangkokburning
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John: I have made this run I dare say dozens of times as well as coming up solo to Bahn Laem and that other Chantaburi xing taht puts you off to Pailin. I have never, ever paid any more than the visa. Ever.

You people are just taken for sheep and act accordingly. They size you up and that is that.

As for this "scam":

the 20US dollar (official visa price) equals 1.000 baht scam.

I will gladly give you US20 for B1000 all day and night long. I think yo uhave that in reverse (!).

But this is not a scam. The Cambodian govt has a right to accept any currency it chooses. Its not as though US dollars are Zimbabwean dollars. If you are not carrying at least US20 on you and consider yourself a "traveler" you would be quite wrong. The complaint is very shallow and self serving. Myopic if you will.

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The cheap charlies are out. rolleyes.gif

Of course and the OP will tell you for THB 100 he can get 3 square meals a day in Thailand, so why should he pay immigration this backhander and the his next post will be how to steal toilet paper from the malls so he doesnt need to buy any..

Are your previous 6262 posts troll posts too?

Ah nice to see you have read the book..."how to win friends and influence people" since you made your first post....rolleyes.gif

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John: I have made this run I dare say dozens of times as well as coming up solo to Bahn Laem and that other Chantaburi xing taht puts you off to Pailin. I have never, ever paid any more than the visa. Ever.

And what do you think is the price for a visa? Please tell.

You people are just taken for sheep and act accordingly. They size you up and that is that.

As for this "scam":

the 20US dollar (official visa price) equals 1.000 baht scam.

I will gladly give you US20 for B1000 all day and night long. I think yo uhave that in reverse (!).

??? official price is 20 US, they charge B1.000 and refuse dollars, yet write in visa: 20 US

??? I have that in reverse???

But this is not a scam. The Cambodian govt has a right to accept any currency it chooses. Its not as though US dollars are Zimbabwean dollars. If you are not carrying at least US20 on you and consider yourself a "traveler" you would be quite wrong. The complaint is very shallow and self serving. Myopic if you will.

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The price for a Cambodian visa is US20. It states as such right above the glass window in large bold letters.

If you are (habitually) charged B1000 for visa when it states US20 you are being played - and you play into the scam. I have only twice been asked not for B1000 but for something...once the officier was just mumbling for something to which I pointed to the sign and stated those days are over. Another time my friend screwed up and forgot a photo so we had to pay the photo fee fine (US5).

I don't know you so can't really comment on why you are taken as such an easy mark.

I will state though if you do not have US20 - then can offer you B1500/US20 what are you going to do? In the end, you need to get hold of a US20 bill, front up and do the deal. Until then stop crying about what immigration officers are kind enough to change money for you becasue you continually go to this xing without proper means for crossing.

I think you are missing the point with the Khmer officers. The nation wants USD, they no more want your Thai Baht than they do Lao Kip. In fact, I would not be at all surprised if they dd not even take Riel! Its USD. try it. You don't bring it - so this is an opportunity for them to help you and make money in the process. Win-Win.

For what it is worth - the Indonesian Embassy in BANGKOK also demands USD.

Edited by bangkokburning
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Get a proper visa to Thailand?

I have a non im for being married, i do visa runs.

My visa is not proper?

AFAIR if you have a married or retirement extension on your 1 year Non Imm O visa you do not have to do a visa run, at least in the 5 or so years I have had visa extensions I never did one.

I think that apart from missing the point, you also did not read my reply to the OP.

Yes I did read your reply to the OP.

The bit I cannot understand is that you say that even though you have a non Imm visa for being married you still do visa runs.

That is my point.

When I had my Non Imm O visa extension for being married there was and still is no reason to do a visa run as the extension is valid for 12 months at a time just the same as a retirement extension.

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I just got back from yet another border run on the 16th. I paid nothing nor have I ever been asked by a Thai offical or any immigration persons for money. The days of being asked for cash at the visa window are over as well.

You just have to know how to deal with what comes up, deflect the interaction and move on.

Sorry many of you are taking as saps - obviously they seem to be asking the right people for free money becasuse you are giving it to them.


"Farangs that have no business going to Poipet" - Speechless

I have made this run dozens of times and have dodging all the extras down to a fine art and I always buy an evisa online.

Still last time I went, approx 6 weeks ago I was stung for 100B as described in the op and no I could not get out of it.

I did try asking them to show me this charge in righting, refusing to move away from the window to "go wait over there" ect, after a couple of minutes arguing and with two boarder police about to forceably move me to "go wait over there" I tossed over 100B and was on my way. My guess is that if you have a few hours to kill they would probably eventually let you go if you made enough of a scene who knows, much as I begrudge paying I am not going to try to push it any further.

Satcommiee Thanks for your helpful comments BTW non immigrant "O" visa is a proper visa!

Unless you think you know better that the Thai Consulate that issued it!!!

Edited by kevkev1888
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Get a proper visa to Thailand?

I have a non im for being married, i do visa runs.

My visa is not proper?

AFAIR if you have a married or retirement extension on your 1 year Non Imm O visa you do not have to do a visa run, at least in the 5 or so years I have had visa extensions I never did one.

I think that apart from missing the point, you also did not read my reply to the OP.

Yes I did read your reply to the OP.

The bit I cannot understand is that you say that even though you have a non Imm visa for being married you still do visa runs.

That is my point.

When I had my Non Imm O visa extension for being married there was and still is no reason to do a visa run as the extension is valid for 12 months at a time just the same as a retirement extension.

I believe a multi-entry non-"O" with a 1 year validity would be a proper visa, and the "correct" visa for this person to have (for you visa snobs). That type would allow entries with permission to stay for 90-days, so it would require visa-runs every 90 days. I'm pretty sure this is a proper visa. Just because its not common, doesn't mean its not "proper".

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Thanks kevkev1888 for your reply. I appreciiate you sharing your experience so others can benefit from it. I also put up some resistance by refusing to pay initially. It was just 2 officers when I first approached the window for my departure stamp. I never once raised my voice or threatened anyone. I was polite and courteous, but at the same time, I was refusing to pay. The primary officer summoned another officer, so it became 3 officers. The primary officer I was communicating with said I was being disruptive (which is true as I was disrupting the flow of traffic, but what else was I supposed to do). I reached in and grabbed my passport from him. At this point, there was no communications between me and them. I realized there was nothing I could do, I eventually gave him back my passport and 100 baht. It is not the money, it is the principle. What they are doing is wrong. I refuse to look the other way. The reason it is probably only 100 baht is because they think if they extort a small amount, most people will just pay it because it is not worth fighting. However, if you allow corruption of immigration officers to exist, even at this level, you are allowing an atmosphere to exit which will invevitably lead to more corruption on a higher level. The country of Cambodia should take action to prevent this from happening. I have never experienced this problem with Thai immigratioin police or Malaysian immigration police, so it is a country specific problem.

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The price for a Cambodian visa is US20. It states as such right above the glass window in large bold letters.

If you are (habitually) charged B1000 for visa when it states US20 you are being played - and you play into the scam. I have only twice been asked not for B1000 but for something...once the officier was just mumbling for something to which I pointed to the sign and stated those days are over. Another time my friend screwed up and forgot a photo so we had to pay the photo fee fine (US5).

I don't know you so can't really comment on why you are taken as such an easy mark.

I will state though if you do not have US20 - then can offer you B1500/US20 what are you going to do? In the end, you need to get hold of a US20 bill, front up and do the deal. Until then stop crying about what immigration officers are kind enough to change money for you becasue you continually go to this xing without proper means for crossing.

I think you are missing the point with the Khmer officers. The nation wants USD, they no more want your Thai Baht than they do Lao Kip. In fact, I would not be at all surprised if they dd not even take Riel! Its USD. try it. You don't bring it - so this is an opportunity for them to help you and make money in the process. Win-Win.

For what it is worth - the Indonesian Embassy in BANGKOK also demands USD.

Now please tell me where in my post i said i did not bring 20US???

I did bring it. I put it in front of me. They refused it.

Yes you are right, Kampuchea wants dollars, not baht.

But their stealing officers want baht.

Extra baht.

So they can change them to dollars, give their government the 20US, and keep the rest.

Is all this clear to you now?

And as for your trolling suggestion that i am an easy victim (because of my looks or what?), why not organise a poll and find out what visa runners pay.

Personally, i do not need a poll, since i know the answer.

But since you seem to be a little slow to understand things,..... go for it.

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Thanks kevkev1888 for your reply. I appreciiate you sharing your experience so others can benefit from it. I also put up some resistance by refusing to pay initially. It was just 2 officers when I first approached the window for my departure stamp. I never once raised my voice or threatened anyone. I was polite and courteous, but at the same time, I was refusing to pay. The primary officer summoned another officer, so it became 3 officers. The primary officer I was communicating with said I was being disruptive (which is true as I was disrupting the flow of traffic, but what else was I supposed to do). I reached in and grabbed my passport from him. At this point, there was no communications between me and them. I realized there was nothing I could do, I eventually gave him back my passport and 100 baht. It is not the money, it is the principle. What they are doing is wrong. I refuse to look the other way. The reason it is probably only 100 baht is because they think if they extort a small amount, most people will just pay it because it is not worth fighting. However, if you allow corruption of immigration officers to exist, even at this level, you are allowing an atmosphere to exit which will invevitably lead to more corruption on a higher level. The country of Cambodia should take action to prevent this from happening. I have never experienced this problem with Thai immigratioin police or Malaysian immigration police, so it is a country specific problem.

A word of warning don't ever think about going to Indonesia

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Amazing tread.

Some say complaining about 100 baht is for cheap charlies.

Others say you do not need to pay 100 baht.

Others just troll.

Some reply to posts witout reading them.

Just like a bar.

I quit going to bars a long time ago.

Maybe i should quit this forum.

But yes sometimes it is a fun break, when working in the garden.

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kropotkin is right, they want the Thai baht so they can keep the difference. Unless an authority figure from the Cambodia immigration office headquarters in Phnom Penh steps up do so something about this, you really don't have any justice locally in Poipet. They commit these crimes in clear view of others. They obviously have no fear of reprimand because they are confident know one is going to do anything about it. This is why they keep the crime to petty amounts. They know if they started demanding large amounts, it would create enough resistance that something would get done. The overcharging for the visa and the 100 baht fees is where they keep it, so they can make money, but not too much. They know if they get creedy, it can bring the house of cards down on them. All it takes is one person saying enough is enough to put an end to this.

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kropotkin is right, they want the Thai baht so they can keep the difference. Unless an authority figure from the Cambodia immigration office headquarters in Phnom Penh steps up do so something about this, you really don't have any justice locally in Poipet. They commit these crimes in clear view of others. They obviously have no fear of reprimand because they are confident know one is going to do anything about it. This is why they keep the crime to petty amounts. They know if they started demanding large amounts, it would create enough resistance that something would get done. The overcharging for the visa and the 100 baht fees is where they keep it, so they can make money, but not too much. They know if they get creedy, it can bring the house of cards down on them. All it takes is one person saying enough is enough to put an end to this.

Good lord,how long have you been in Asia?

Are you offering to (pointlessly) martyr yourself for something that might cost you $20 a year? On a cost analysis you've spent more than that in these posts.

A practice that in other circumstances you would happily go along with no doubt.


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