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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to host TV show


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You don't need to frame him. He openly admits to engaging a treasonous American soldier in international espionage. He stole the secrets of a sovereign state and published them for personal profit. It's no accident that all five major world newspapers who initially backed him, renegged when they saw the information he was trying to publish. We seem to forget that he only posted to WikiLeaks with the appeal for paypal after his original buyers backed out. We will never know how many people were killed as a result. People who just dissapear do just that. We may never know what heppened to them. This man is a spy. What is worse is he didn't spy to advance a national ethos. He spied in unapologetic attempt at self promotion. There is nothing to fall for. He has established himself as an enemy combatant, in a declared war. He is not an A-Hole...I am an A-hole...Assange is a terrorist.

Hmm, so would you mind educating me?

What secrets did Assange steal? I didn't know Assange was in the US military and had access to secrets and then stole them and published them. I do hope you call the US govt and give them your inside information about how he stole them because they are just jumping at the bit to charge him with something.

I think it is pretty much settled that he didn't actually steal them, Manning stole them. Now, about this publishing bit. I'm sure you are also wanting to cut off the heads of all the newspaper editors and online editors that published the material.

The rest of your rant isn't even worth commenting on. Perhaps you should give the sherry a miss for a few days.

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A former computer hacker turned self-serving self-publicist. Even, EVEN, The Guardian appears to believe there is a case to answer in Sweden. Perhaps he should deal with that first.

I don't like the idea of a newspaper giving opinions, I prefer they just state the facts and leave it to the public to decide. I know it's a bit hard to do that as everyone likes to have a conclusion to an opinion piece. But I have just never liked newspapers or tv media giving opinions and their reasons for their conclusions when a matter is before the court. The court of public opinion is used way too much by journalists.

I'm no fan of Assange but I have no problem with what he did with Wikileaks. I don't care if he is an asshol_e or a mother Theresa clone, matters nothing to me. It isn't the person that should be judged but more on whether what he did with Wikileaks was the right thing. I do think it was the right thing.

I don't think he should be going anywhere near a tv given his current circumstances. He should be keeping a very low profile. I would probably be interested in viewing the show if he had some decent guests but other than that I wouldn't be minded to watch. Certainly wouldn't watch it just because of him.

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I would be interested in knowing what people's opinion of him as a talk show host would be? I haven't got a lot of interest in him, but what little I've seen, he seems to not fit the usual profile of someone who would provide a stimulating show.

perhaps passive aggressive. he does not seem a people person. There is no doubt that the world needs transparency and I think he is going about that the best way he can. If the US military don't like him he must be doing something right.

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Thanks for the replies about his hosting. I saw him being interviewed on television once (I don't recall the program/channel etc.) and he got upset and walked out.

I've seen him a few other times on television, but nothing in enough detail to form an accurate opinion. What I've seen so far, however, is that being a tv personality isn't one of his strengths.

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Thanks for the replies about his hosting. I saw him being interviewed on television once (I don't recall the program/channel etc.) and he got upset and walked out.

I've seen him a few other times on television, but nothing in enough detail to form an accurate opinion. What I've seen so far, however, is that being a tv personality isn't one of his strengths.

fully agree with that. he should keep on doing what he did best, namely exposing shitty activities our governments and their agencies (hardly any exceptions!) are carrying out behind our, the citizens, back. and if people get killed because they are carrying out shitty jobs, so be it. anybody who accepts these kind of jobs knows about the potential dangers. bleeding hearts... gimme a break please!

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I would be interested in knowing what people's opinion of him as a talk show host would be? I haven't got a lot of interest in him, but what little I've seen, he seems to not fit the usual profile of someone who would provide a stimulating show.

i think the content and outside contributors will make it "stimulating ".

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Hopefully he will pay for his sins in a big way.

Well they have already tried to "frame" him with dirty tricks.

Funnily enough sheeple like yourself fall for it EVERYTIME.

You don't need to frame him. He openly admits to engaging a treasonous American soldier in international espionage. He stole the secrets of a sovereign state and published them for personal profit. It's no accident that all five major world newspapers who initially backed him, renegged when they saw the information he was trying to publish. We seem to forget that he only posted to WikiLeaks with the appeal for paypal after his original buyers backed out. We will never know how many people were killed as a result. People who just dissapear do just that. We may never know what heppened to them. This man is a spy. What is worse is he didn't spy to advance a national ethos. He spied in unapologetic attempt at self promotion. There is nothing to fall for. He has established himself as an enemy combatant, in a declared war. He is not an A-Hole...I am an A-hole...Assange is a terrorist.

stole secrets the USA regime would prefer the rest of the world not to know...

well done i say !

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stole secrets the USA regime would prefer the rest of the world not to know...

well done i say !

Those diplomatic cables he stole made the USA look pretty good. Other countries not so much.

I'd watch the Assange show - at least once to see if its any good. I'll download it over the Internet for FREE though like all the stolen material he posts for download. I'm sure he'd support that 100%. Fight the power!

I don't think Assange will be able to start out slow and keep an audience. He'll have to hit the road running because like me, there will be people interested in tuning in just out of curiosity driven by the media circus he has fomented. I wouldn't tune in next week if he bombed the first. Usually a new show takes time to build an audience and the producers know this so they give it time. With a celebrity, the expectations are higher. A show hosted by a celebrity should have a bigger audience in the beginning so he'll be judged by a higher standard. His whole self-promotion and freak-show feel shtick got him this gig, To keep it he'll need to maintain an audience. It will be a test to see if his minions of online supporters and defenders really want to sit in front of the TV and watch him for 30-60 minutes or if he can attract - and keep - enough regular TV viewers who may not know much if anything about him. Time will tell - unless the Swedes get hold of him first. :)

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This man is responsible for the deaths of who knows how many people. He is an enemy combatant in the war on terror, not a hero.

Hopefully he will pay for his sins in a big way.

Is your opinion given in by the brainwashing that the greatest nation on earth can not do anything wrong and should never been touched?

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This man is responsible for the deaths of who knows how many people. He is an enemy combatant in the war on terror, not a hero.

Hopefully he will pay for his sins in a big way.

Is your opinion given in by the brainwashing that the greatest nation on earth can not do anything wrong and should never been touched?

Is your opinion given in by the brainwashing that the greatest nation on earth is the Great Satan and does only bad in the world?

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This man is responsible for the deaths of who knows how many people. He is an enemy combatant in the war on terror, not a hero.

Hopefully he will pay for his sins in a big way.

Is your opinion given in by the brainwashing that the greatest nation on earth can not do anything wrong and should never been touched?

Is your opinion given in by the brainwashing that the greatest nation on earth is the Great Satan and does only bad in the world?

I'm not sure but should for example secret torture prison been seen as a gift of god?

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What I've seen so far, however, is that being a tv personality isn't one of his strengths.

That is an quite the understatement, but maybe he can manage some kind of reality program concerning doing life in a tough military brig. biggrin.png

Even more interesting, so now you reckon he will spend time in a military brig? So he is now under US military law as well is he? It gets stranger by the day.

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Thanks for the replies about his hosting. I saw him being interviewed on television once (I don't recall the program/channel etc.) and he got upset and walked out.

I've seen him a few other times on television, but nothing in enough detail to form an accurate opinion. What I've seen so far, however, is that being a tv personality isn't one of his strengths.

fully agree with that. he should keep on doing what he did best, namely exposing shitty activities our governments and their agencies (hardly any exceptions!) are carrying out behind our, the citizens, back. and if people get killed because they are carrying out shitty jobs, so be it. anybody who accepts these kind of jobs knows about the potential dangers. bleeding hearts... gimme a break please!

So who is the arbitrator of manure? You? People fly around all day long and listen into other people's phone calls. Most of the time they don't find anything; sometimes they do and the anti drug and weapons traffickers are arrested. I think it is not a very good job because the people who listen to the phone calls have to testify in court and then everyone knows who they are. Or today when the US military rescued an American and a Dane from Somali pirates today I bet they would not have wanted their cover blown before the operation. You see what I am saying here? Who decides if secret stuff is good or bad? I would be willing to let the London or NY Times or some such organization go over the information and made a decision. But from what I have seen and read neither you nor Julian pass the same standard of credibility.

I do however think it would be good for him to host a TV show. He makes a very poor public impression with the scarfs and white hair and things. He looks like he belongs in a Rocky Horror late night movie audience. Maybe his brilliance will shine through and counter his funny appearance. Maybe not.

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stole secrets the USA regime would prefer the rest of the world not to know...

well done i say !

Those diplomatic cables he stole made the USA look pretty good. Other countries not so much.

I'd watch the Assange show - at least once to see if its any good. I'll download it over the Internet for FREE though like all the stolen material he posts for download. I'm sure he'd support that 100%. Fight the power!

I don't think Assange will be able to start out slow and keep an audience. He'll have to hit the road running because like me, there will be people interested in tuning in just out of curiosity driven by the media circus he has fomented. I wouldn't tune in next week if he bombed the first. Usually a new show takes time to build an audience and the producers know this so they give it time. With a celebrity, the expectations are higher. A show hosted by a celebrity should have a bigger audience in the beginning so he'll be judged by a higher standard. His whole self-promotion and freak-show feel shtick got him this gig, To keep it he'll need to maintain an audience. It will be a test to see if his minions of online supporters and defenders really want to sit in front of the TV and watch him for 30-60 minutes or if he can attract - and keep - enough regular TV viewers who may not know much if anything about him. Time will tell - unless the Swedes get hold of him first. smile.png

he got the gig because he is not a yes man and the world is waking up to the needless wars and crony capitalism - fascism, and corruption he does his best to expose. Those that oppose him do so because they want the oppression of the developing world because they think that means they will be better off and it makes them feel superior.

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stole secrets the USA regime would prefer the rest of the world not to know...

well done i say !

Those diplomatic cables he stole made the USA look pretty good. Other countries not so much.

I'd watch the Assange show - at least once to see if its any good. I'll download it over the Internet for FREE though like all the stolen material he posts for download. I'm sure he'd support that 100%. Fight the power!

I don't think Assange will be able to start out slow and keep an audience. He'll have to hit the road running because like me, there will be people interested in tuning in just out of curiosity driven by the media circus he has fomented. I wouldn't tune in next week if he bombed the first. Usually a new show takes time to build an audience and the producers know this so they give it time. With a celebrity, the expectations are higher. A show hosted by a celebrity should have a bigger audience in the beginning so he'll be judged by a higher standard. His whole self-promotion and freak-show feel shtick got him this gig, To keep it he'll need to maintain an audience. It will be a test to see if his minions of online supporters and defenders really want to sit in front of the TV and watch him for 30-60 minutes or if he can attract - and keep - enough regular TV viewers who may not know much if anything about him. Time will tell - unless the Swedes get hold of him first. smile.png

he got the gig because he is not a yes man and the world is waking up to the needless wars and crony capitalism - fascism, and corruption he does his best to expose. Those that oppose him do so because they want the oppression of the developing world because they think that means they will be better off and it makes them feel superior.

The way Assange is profiting off all this reminds me of American politicians calling what they do "serving". In both cases they pretend to be serving a higher cause when they are really self-serving.

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stole secrets the USA regime would prefer the rest of the world not to know...

well done i say !

Those diplomatic cables he stole made the USA look pretty good. Other countries not so much.

I'd watch the Assange show - at least once to see if its any good. I'll download it over the Internet for FREE though like all the stolen material he posts for download. I'm sure he'd support that 100%. Fight the power!

I don't think Assange will be able to start out slow and keep an audience. He'll have to hit the road running because like me, there will be people interested in tuning in just out of curiosity driven by the media circus he has fomented. I wouldn't tune in next week if he bombed the first. Usually a new show takes time to build an audience and the producers know this so they give it time. With a celebrity, the expectations are higher. A show hosted by a celebrity should have a bigger audience in the beginning so he'll be judged by a higher standard. His whole self-promotion and freak-show feel shtick got him this gig, To keep it he'll need to maintain an audience. It will be a test to see if his minions of online supporters and defenders really want to sit in front of the TV and watch him for 30-60 minutes or if he can attract - and keep - enough regular TV viewers who may not know much if anything about him. Time will tell - unless the Swedes get hold of him first. smile.png

he got the gig because he is not a yes man and the world is waking up to the needless wars and crony capitalism - fascism, and corruption he does his best to expose. Those that oppose him do so because they want the oppression of the developing world because they think that means they will be better off and it makes them feel superior.

I don't oppose him because I think it means I will be better off and it does not make me feel superior. I don't like him because he looks creepy. He looks like the kind of guy that would try to have sex with a girl if she was asleep. I don't watch TV shows of people who creep me out. Newt creeps me out too. I would watch a Yingluck TV show, especially if she dressed like a gamblers assistant.

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stole secrets the USA regime would prefer the rest of the world not to know...

well done i say !

Those diplomatic cables he stole made the USA look pretty good. Other countries not so much.

I'd watch the Assange show - at least once to see if its any good. I'll download it over the Internet for FREE though like all the stolen material he posts for download. I'm sure he'd support that 100%. Fight the power!

I don't think Assange will be able to start out slow and keep an audience. He'll have to hit the road running because like me, there will be people interested in tuning in just out of curiosity driven by the media circus he has fomented. I wouldn't tune in next week if he bombed the first. Usually a new show takes time to build an audience and the producers know this so they give it time. With a celebrity, the expectations are higher. A show hosted by a celebrity should have a bigger audience in the beginning so he'll be judged by a higher standard. His whole self-promotion and freak-show feel shtick got him this gig, To keep it he'll need to maintain an audience. It will be a test to see if his minions of online supporters and defenders really want to sit in front of the TV and watch him for 30-60 minutes or if he can attract - and keep - enough regular TV viewers who may not know much if anything about him. Time will tell - unless the Swedes get hold of him first. smile.png

he got the gig because he is not a yes man and the world is waking up to the needless wars and crony capitalism - fascism, and corruption he does his best to expose. Those that oppose him do so because they want the oppression of the developing world because they think that means they will be better off and it makes them feel superior.

The way Assange is profiting off all this reminds me of American politicians calling what they do "serving". In both cases they pretend to be serving a higher cause when they are really self-serving.

you could well be right but at least he is trying to change things. However, as they say, power/fame corrupts.

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Thanks for the replies about his hosting. I saw him being interviewed on television once (I don't recall the program/channel etc.) and he got upset and walked out.

I've seen him a few other times on television, but nothing in enough detail to form an accurate opinion. What I've seen so far, however, is that being a tv personality isn't one of his strengths.

fully agree with that. he should keep on doing what he did best, namely exposing shitty activities our governments and their agencies (hardly any exceptions!) are carrying out behind our, the citizens, back. and if people get killed because they are carrying out shitty jobs, so be it. anybody who accepts these kind of jobs knows about the potential dangers. bleeding hearts... gimme a break please!

So who is the arbitrator of manure? You? People fly around all day long and listen into other people's phone calls. Most of the time they don't find anything; sometimes they do and the anti drug and weapons traffickers are arrested. I think it is not a very good job because the people who listen to the phone calls have to testify in court and then everyone knows who they are. Or today when the US military rescued an American and a Dane from Somali pirates today I bet they would not have wanted their cover blown before the operation. You see what I am saying here? Who decides if secret stuff is good or bad? I would be willing to let the London or NY Times or some such organization go over the information and made a decision. But from what I have seen and read neither you nor Julian pass the same standard of credibility.

I do however think it would be good for him to host a TV show. He makes a very poor public impression with the scarfs and white hair and things. He looks like he belongs in a Rocky Horror late night movie audience. Maybe his brilliance will shine through and counter his funny appearance. Maybe not.

don't divert by putting words in my mouth! i never mentioned anything about judging "secret stuff". my reference was

exposing shitty activities our governments and their agencies (hardly any exceptions!) are carrying out behind our, the citizens, back.

if you are not interested in shitty activities of your or any government or powerful corporations, that's fine with me and i respect your position.

but i am interested because these shitty activities might be relevant for me, my loved ones or my friends. quite a number of the exposures, granted not all, will hopefully help to prevent shitty activities in future e.g. soldiers going for a killing spree and shooting innocent civilians for fun or... the list is endless.

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There are countless millions among us who are overjoyed at the status quo.

They 'have' and they see many who 'have not' and are happy with this.

So happy that they fear becoming one of the new 'have nots'

Then go out of their way to support/condone/explain murderous, facist foreign policies.

They love secrets and hate whistleblowers, cos they benefit from the suffering & secrecy.

As such, anything goes when it comes to destroying someone they've never met and only heard about thru their equally one sided media options.

'hes a rapist'


REALLY?? Based on what? media reports... Gimme strength!

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There are countless millions among us who are overjoyed at the status quo.

They 'have' and they see many who 'have not' and are happy with this.

So happy that they fear becoming one of the new 'have nots'

Then go out of their way to support/condone/explain murderous, facist foreign policies.

They love secrets and hate whistleblowers, cos they benefit from the suffering & secrecy.

As such, anything goes when it comes to destroying someone they've never met and only heard about thru their equally one sided media options.

'hes a rapist'


REALLY?? Based on what? media reports... Gimme strength!

He's not a rapist??

Really?? Based on what? Media reports.. Gimme strength!

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There are countless millions among us who are overjoyed at the status quo.

They 'have' and they see many who 'have not' and are happy with this.

So happy that they fear becoming one of the new 'have nots'

Then go out of their way to support/condone/explain murderous, facist foreign policies.

They love secrets and hate whistleblowers, cos they benefit from the suffering & secrecy.

As such, anything goes when it comes to destroying someone they've never met and only heard about thru their equally one sided media options.

'hes a rapist'


REALLY?? Based on what? media reports... Gimme strength!

agreed edgar clap2.gif

and I fully hope the RT program ( which can be hosted by Mickey Mouse as far as I'm concerned )

digs up and fully exposes all the dirt it can on the US regime ( and its ally )which says one thing to the rest of the world

and then practices the opposite itself.........for example " democratic values ".. What a joke?giggle.gif

Edited by midas
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There are countless millions among us who are overjoyed at the status quo.

They 'have' and they see many who 'have not' and are happy with this.

So happy that they fear becoming one of the new 'have nots'

Then go out of their way to support/condone/explain murderous, facist foreign policies.

They love secrets and hate whistleblowers, cos they benefit from the suffering & secrecy.

As such, anything goes when it comes to destroying someone they've never met and only heard about thru their equally one sided media options.

'hes a rapist'


REALLY?? Based on what? media reports... Gimme strength!

He's not a rapist??

Really?? Based on what? Media reports.. Gimme strength!

This not on topic so not sure why your post has stayed.

But in answer....not based on media reports but based on the fact he hasn't been charged with anything. So he isn't a rapist.

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There are countless millions among us who are overjoyed at the status quo.

They 'have' and they see many who 'have not' and are happy with this.

So happy that they fear becoming one of the new 'have nots'

Then go out of their way to support/condone/explain murderous, facist foreign policies.

They love secrets and hate whistleblowers, cos they benefit from the suffering & secrecy.

As such, anything goes when it comes to destroying someone they've never met and only heard about thru their equally one sided media options.

'hes a rapist'


REALLY?? Based on what? media reports... Gimme strength!

He's not a rapist??

Really?? Based on what? Media reports.. Gimme strength!

This not on topic so not sure why your post has stayed.

But in answer....not based on media reports but based on the fact he hasn't been charged with anything. So he isn't a rapist.

He may very well be a rapist. He simply hasn't had his day in court yet because he is fighting extradition.

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He may very well be a rapist. He simply hasn't had his day in court yet because he is fighting extradition.

Yes but one should not be calling him that until he is convicted. There are laws against that as well. So it is hardly the media saying he isn't, he simply isn't. At this point in time anyway.

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