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Bangkok's Counterfeit Gold Production Den Raided


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'Some twenty years ago my wife once took some Thai gold chain to a Chinese gold shop here in the US and the owner gave her a first hand demonstration of why he would not buy Thai gold and even replated the chain for free. The real Hi-So Thais, not the wanna-bes who who allow their daughters to marry white guys, buy their gold in Hong Kong'

so you married a tramp and bought fake gold, no need to tar us with your low standards

Glad to see that you have begun your partial assimilation towards the Bangkok Sino-Thai mentality where all women who are not from the upper-middle class and above, including school teachers like my wife, are seen as tramps, And of course one must never question the "face" presented in public by another: fake Thai gold or plated gold, wealth earned through enterprise or corruption. Just ask no questions; just bury your head in the sand. But this is Thai Visa and I have seen lower standards, but you are getting there grasshopper.

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'Some twenty years ago my wife once took some Thai gold chain to a Chinese gold shop here in the US and the owner gave her a first hand demonstration of why he would not buy Thai gold and even replated the chain for free. The real Hi-So Thais, not the wanna-bes who who allow their daughters to marry white guys, buy their gold in Hong Kong'

so you married a tramp and bought fake gold, no need to tar us with your low standards

I think that is a real red card post! Disgusting in fact. Just what right have you got to say someone else married a tramp because of a story over Gold? Would it be equally out of order to call you a foul mouthed retard? I hope so then the Mods will delete this post and YOUR post. There must be something in the retard bit as you seem unable to use the quote facility correctly and you are sat with over 600 posts.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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'Some twenty years ago my wife once took some Thai gold chain to a Chinese gold shop here in the US and the owner gave her a first hand demonstration of why he would not buy Thai gold and even replated the chain for free. The real Hi-So Thais, not the wanna-bes who who allow their daughters to marry white guys, buy their gold in Hong Kong'

so you married a tramp and bought fake gold, no need to tar us with your low standards

I think that is a real red card post! Disgusting in fact. Just what right have you got to say someone else married a tramp because of a story over Gold? Would it be equally out of order to call you a foul mouthed retard? I hope so then the Mods will delete this post and YOUR post. There must be something in the retard bit as you seem unable to use the quote facility correctly and you are sat with over 600 posts.

What can I say? I'm shocked, appalled even, to read such comments on the honorable TV club board. I thought this place was for gentlemen only. Oh, and ladies of course, fake or otherwise.

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Wouldn't it be reasonably easy to test the gold? Especially with gold bars, the weight and the size (volume) should give you the gold content?

I don't know much about buying gold, but if you put a gold bar in a carefully calculated amount of water, the displacement should give you an idea of the density of the material and thus it's purity.

The weight of the displaced volume of water will tell you its weight IF it floats, but only the volume of an irregular shaped object if it sinks. The object would then have to be weighed very accurarely and the density (ratio of weight to volume) calculated. But shouldn't be too hard to pick as gold's density is 19.3 and silver 10.5 g/cc.

Jewellers pick alloyed gold by heating to red hot. The silver will oxidize and appear as black spots.

Their method seems a little dull really. A heavy gold plated tungsten bar is almost indistinguishable to the real thing without sophisticated equipment. Gold has a weight of 19300kg per Cubic Meter and Tungsten 19250 Kg. Any density test or regular test done in a gold shop or pawn shop would pass straight away. There is a rumour that a very large central bank does in fact hold what should be billions of dollars of gold bars but is in fact Tungsten with heavy Gold plate. WARNING Do not try this at home, failure or detection may result in the loss of your equipment and ....10 years in jail :)

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