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WSJ: U.S. military seeks more powerful bomb against Iran


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WSJ: U.S. military seeks more powerful bomb against Iran

2012-01-28 18:09:45 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- The U.S. military has made a secret request for additional funding to upgrade its largest conventional bomb because it is not yet capable of destroying Iran's most heavily fortified underground facilities, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday.

The 30,000-pounds (13,600-kilograms) Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) is the deepest penetrating 'bunker buster' currently in the U.S. arsenal, specifically designed to take out the hardened fortifications built by Iran and North Korea to cloak their alleged nuclear weapons programs.

But experts at the U.S. Department of Defense no longer believe the weapon is capable of destroying some of Iran's key facilities, most notably the Fordow fuel enrichment plant near the city of Qom. The facility is buried in a mountain complex and is surrounded by anti-aircraft batteries, making it a difficult target.

The U.S. military spent about $330 million to develop about 20 MOPs, but the U.S. Department of Defense has now submitted a secret request to U.S. Congress for another $82 million to enhance the bomb's ability to penetrate deeper into rock, concrete and steel before exploding, according to U.S. officials who spoke to the Wall Street Journal.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, in an interview with the newspaper, said the bomb could cause "a lot of damage" to Iran's underground nuclear facilities, but confirmed that it would not necessarily destroy them outright. "We're developing it. I think we're pretty close, let's put it that way," he said. "I'm confident, frankly, that we're going to have that capability and have it soon."

It was not immediately clear if U.S. Congress approved the additional funding, but the fact that the request was made outside the normal budget request process suggests the U.S. government deems the upgrade to be a matter of urgency as tensions between Iran and the West continue to rise. U.S. officials have previously said no option would be taken off the table to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

The mountain above the Iranian enrichment site at Fordow is estimated to be at least 200 feet (61 meters) tall. The MOP is designed to penetrate up to 200 feet underground before exploding, but factors such as soil density and the types of stone and rock could decrease this dramatically. Some experts believe a tactical nuclear weapon may be the only option to completely take out the facility.

International concerns regarding Iran's nuclear activities have been increasing for decades. And while Iran has repeatedly stated that its nuclear program is for the peaceful purpose of providing energy, many countries contend it is seeking to develop nuclear weapons and may be close to obtain them.

On Monday, the Council of the European Union (EU) announced broadened restrictive measures against Iran by banning crude-oil imports and a freeze on Iran's central bank assets. As part of the toughest sanctions yet against Iran, the EU also banned imports of petrochemical products from Iran into the EU as well as the export of key equipment and technology for this sector to Iran.

During U.S. President Barack Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week, Obama said the world now 'stands as one' to deal with Iran's nuclear program. "The regime is more isolated than ever before; its leaders are faced with crippling sanctions, and as long as they shirk their responsibilities, this pressure will not relent," he said.

Obama added: "Let there be no doubt: America is determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and I will take no options off the table to achieve that goal. But a peaceful resolution of this issue is still possible, and far better, and if Iran changes course and meets its obligations, it can rejoin the community of nations."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-01-28

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Hope it doesnt kill to many innocent people or those russian guys that are in one of the nuclear plants.

The US are the only country in the history of the planet to use a atom bomb (twice of course) Whats stopping them this time?

Blowback, obviously. (Regarding these stronger non-nuke bombs.)

The topic isn't about the US using nukes, but you couldn't help yourself, could you?

It now seems the US is becoming more serious that Iran having nukes is not going to be tolerated. So will the tougher sanctions work, or not?

If it does come to bombing, the idea of course is to further damage Iran's nuclear program. Having bombs capable of doing that sounds like good idea if it comes to bombing. Bombing with no result would mean massive blowback with no benefit. Now that would be stupid.

BTW, let's keep this real here. Iran isn't Iraq. No credible person seriously thinks Iran isn't going for either ready-to-use nukes, or one quick step short of that. For those that think that is OK, that is a defensible point of view especially if you are a partisan of Iran and/or hate Israel and/or USA. A war mentality has been brewing and its natural to take sides. No, I am not saying that if Iran gets the weapons potential they want, that they will necessarily use them. I am saying if they do get them they will have significantly changed the balance of power in the middle east and possibly globally. Don't be surprised if the USA and its allies are not cool with that.

Edited by Jingthing
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Hope it doesnt kill to many innocent people or those russian guys that are in one of the nuclear plants.

The US are the only country in the history of the planet to use a atom bomb (twice of course) Whats stopping them this time?

Blowback, obviously.

The topic isn't about the US using nukes, but you couldn't help yourself, could you?

It now seems the US is becoming more serious that Iran having nukes is not going to be tolerated. So will the tougher sanctions work, or not?

Sure but the topic is also about using bigger bombs.

Who knows what else unfolds once the attack iran for "alledegly" trying to make a nucleur weapon.

We all know about iraq and the "alleged" weapons of mass destruction which was found to be a lie even when rumsfeflt said he knew where they were then only to backtrack and say he never said that he knew where they were lol.

This is a discussion about them wanting a bigger bomb which obviously will get people thinking about what other weapons they might possibly use in the future on them.

Lets just hope there is no war but if the usa/israel/uk have there way that bigger bomb will be heading towards iran very shortly.

Im english btw and im not happy about this situation at all.

Edited by maiphedmaiaroi
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Hope it doesnt kill to many innocent people or those russian guys that are in one of the nuclear plants.

The US are the only country in the history of the planet to use a atom bomb (twice of course) Whats stopping them this time?

There is nothing stopping them except a few buttons and a code, which needs more than one person to activate. They would not likely be used unless it was to defend the country and only if they had to. There is no practical reason to use a nuclear bomb where a conventional weapon will do the trick.

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Some people think Iran is a benign force in the world. I don't and my government and many allies don't. I hope the sanctions work. Would the world be better off if North Korea and Pakistan never got nukes? Of course it would! Even more so -- Iran. Sometimes countries need to grow a pair. I think Bush was wrong about Iraq but that doesn't mean using American power is always wrong.

Edited by Jingthing
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Hope it doesnt kill to many innocent people or those russian guys that are in one of the nuclear plants.

The US are the only country in the history of the planet to use a atom bomb (twice of course) Whats stopping them this time?

There is nothing stopping them except a few buttons and a code, which needs more than one person to activate. They would not likely be used unless it was to defend the country and only if they had to. There is no practical reason to use a nuclear bomb where a conventional weapon will do the trick.

There might be if china and russia get involved. Then it will be who can press the fastest.

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Some people think Iran is a benign force in the world. I don't and my government and many allies don't. I hope the sanctions work. Would the world be better off if North Korea and Pakistan never got nukes? Of course it would! Even more so -- Iran.

Sure but are they trying to make nukes, many people say they cant? what happens in 2 years time when they find out they didnt have the capabilities?

What are the sanctions going to do apart from hurt the normal people of iran? until they get the war they (us) are after?

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I very much doubt that China and Russia are going to run to the aid of Iran very quickly. Neither country shows any close friendship with Iran; their relationship is one of economics (mixed with a distrust of the West).

Anytime there is the use of military force, the possibility exists of others getting involved. I would assume that would be figured in the equation of any attack, regardless of the weapon to be used.

Both China and Russia could easily supply Iran with all the nuclear weapons they desire. The fact that they probably haven't says a great deal.

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I recently read China has been buying a lot less Iranian oil lately, not to support the sanctions, but because Iran wouldn't agree to the payment terms that China demanded. There is a real crisis now in the Iranian currency. You can see it now in Pattaya, the many Iranian places are almost completely empty. Of course the dream scenario for the west would be for the Iranian people to revolt against their horrible regime.

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Who knows what else unfolds once the attack iran for "alledegly" trying to make a nucleur weapon.

We all know about iraq and the "alleged" weapons of mass destruction

Well, Iraq was not putting footage of their nuclear plant on international TV. jerk.gif

Can you post the link. Im interested to see.


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It is likely the only support Iran will actually receive is from the likes of Syria, Venezuela, etc. China and Russia have too much to lose to get involved over Iran. Anybody that studied the situation would realize this.

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Who knows what else unfolds once the attack iran for "alledegly" trying to make a nucleur weapon.

We all know about iraq and the "alleged" weapons of mass destruction

Well, Iraq was not putting footage of their nuclear plant on international TV. jerk.gif

Can you post the link. Im interested to see.


You want to see a link of Iraq NOT putting footage on international TV?

Where's Baghdad Bob when we need him? :cheesy:

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Who knows what else unfolds once the attack iran for "alledegly" trying to make a nucleur weapon.

We all know about iraq and the "alleged" weapons of mass destruction

Well, Iraq was not putting footage of their nuclear plant on international TV. jerk.gif

Can you post the link. Im interested to see.


You want to see a link of Iraq NOT putting footage on international TV?

Where's Baghdad Bob when we need him? cheesy.gif

I think he wants to see a link of IRAN putting footage on international TV which is what UG's post would seem to imply happened.

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Some people think Iran is a benign force in the world. I don't and my government and many allies don't. I hope the sanctions work. Would the world be better off if North Korea and Pakistan never got nukes? Of course it would! Even more so -- Iran. Sometimes countries need to grow a pair. I think Bush was wrong about Iraq but that doesn't mean using American power is always wrong.

Might be a safer place if usa , uk and the others did not have them either, would you not agree ?

You hope the sanctions work ??

Can you indicate a situation where sanctions have ever worked ??

All that happens is the poor suffer and the elite stays the same.

Engagement is the solution, not further hardship and tyranny.

Applies equally to israel and the arabs by the way.

PS : Who has ever indicated on this forum that Iran is a benign force ???

Edited by philw
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Some people think Iran is a benign force in the world. I don't and my government and many allies don't. I hope the sanctions work. Would the world be better off if North Korea and Pakistan never got nukes? Of course it would! Even more so -- Iran. Sometimes countries need to grow a pair. I think Bush was wrong about Iraq but that doesn't mean using American power is always wrong.

Might be a safer place if usa , uk and the others did not have them either, would you not agree ?

You hope the sanctions work ??

Can you indicate a situation where sanctions have ever worked ??

All that happens is the poor suffer and the elite stays the same.

Engagement is the solution, not further hardship and tyranny.

Applies equally to israel and the arabs by the way.

PS : Who has ever indicated on this forum that Iran is a benign force ???

Engagement with Iran's regime? That's basically impossible. They use that as a stall. Have sanctions ever worked? I don't actually know but certainly some action needs to be taken short of war as long as that is possible. Edited by Jingthing
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Thanks Endure, I was wondering about it. How do you post a link to something that didn't happen?

I am wondering why the link of Iran showing their nuclear plant hasn't been posted yet.

You sound like an impatient customer at a sandwich shop! Do you seriously think Iran isn't working on a nuclear program? Come on now ...


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Thanks Endure, I was wondering about it. How do you post a link to something that didn't happen?

I am wondering why the link of Iran showing their nuclear plant hasn't been posted yet.

You sound like an impatient customer at a sandwich shop! Do you seriously think Iran isn't working on a nuclear program? Come on now ...

I don't THINK about these things and also don't listen to what is believed to be propaganda of the most ******** nation in the world.

I look at facts presented.

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Thanks Endure, I was wondering about it. How do you post a link to something that didn't happen?

I am wondering why the link of Iran showing their nuclear plant hasn't been posted yet.

So its not very secrative then is it?,..... there nuclear energy plant.

This is the trouble people believe everything they see on tv and never question anything instead of researching themselves. TV, media. Gospel lol

Truth always comes out in the end, of course to late.

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