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Public Displays Of Affection In Thailand


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I'm curious on what TV(s) members limits are on what is deemed acceptable form of affection for them and others. What is the least amount of affection you will show in public. Does it differ on what you show elsewhere in the world and if so why?

Personally light snogging is what I am most comfy with! :o

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I'm curious on what TV(s) members limits are on what is deemed acceptable form of affection for them and others. What is the least amount of affection you will show in public. Does it differ on what you show elsewhere in the world and if so why?

Personally light snogging is what I am most comfy with! :o

Sorry, but if you explain what 'snogging' means to us Americans perhaps I can give an informed answer. :D

Edited by tywais
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I'm curious on what TV(s) members limits are on what is deemed acceptable form of affection for them and others. What is the least amount of affection you will show in public. Does it differ on what you show elsewhere in the world and if so why?

Personally light snogging is what I am most comfy with! :o

Don't you mean "The most amount of affection?" Least, after all, would be nothing :D

Added "nothing" on to your poll as well

Snogging: making out, kissing

My husband doesn't even hold my hand in public--so, no PDA's at all. I don't mind since he shows his affection in private most satisfactorily :D

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I'm curious on what TV(s) members limits are on what is deemed acceptable form of affection for them and others. What is the least amount of affection you will show in public. Does it differ on what you show elsewhere in the world and if so why?

Personally light snogging is what I am most comfy with! :D

Sorry, but if you explain what 'snogging' means to us Americans perhaps I can give an informed answer. :D

Deep Tongue kissing!!! :D

SBK - yes what is the most you will do in public - sorry didnt word that correctly! :o

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Snogging: making out, kissing

Making out to me is the same as petting+kissing. :D I suspect it means the same as snuggling or cuddling which fits in between.

See you said it meant "deep mouth kiss" so that is definitely out for me and my wife. :o

In my case I'm uncomfortable in any of the poll selections in public, my wife though tries to hold my hand sometimes. This applies to both Thailand and back in the US. Just introverted I guess. :D So I guess the most I would do is hand hold.

Edited by tywais
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When I first visited Thailand I took the lead from what you see round about, hardly any show of affection. I also asked a Thai Girl whom we met and she said 'Thais don't show any, but we think it's okay for farang - but not too much!' So my wife and I are happy to hold hands as we always do.

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I voted for a kiss on the lips. I personally wouldn't object to anyone I seen 'snogging' (do people still say that?) :o .or 'petting'. A kiss on the lips is all I feel necessary whilst in public with a partner, never really had the sudden urge to rip my girl's clothes off an shag, well, not in public any way. So, for me kissing on the lips will suffice.

And I believe the Americans are more familiar with 'French kissing' as opposed to 'snogging' ?

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Long snog - but I guess that was in a club.

Having voted I now think I wouldn't do that in public around a shopping centre or on the street...there's a time and a place...

Yeah, if in a club snogging is fine, my answer was based on just walking around the highstreet shopping or something.

I agree too, there is certainly a time and a place.

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I voted holding hands.

Having said that, there were some exceptions.

In a town that was far away from where my extgf and I used to live, for example we would take a weekend trip down to Cha´am and there we would be a little bit more affectionate, but only a little.. like a light kiss...

We wouldn´t have any qualms about evening strolls and snogs on the uncrowded beach in the dark and things..

Back in her neighbourhood though (at the time, Bangkok) never. Even holding hands was a mostly no-no for the first six months, until people got used to seeing us together.

One night, we´d had a few drinks in gullivers and were walking back up towards Thewet, we stpoped in an abandoned car park off the road, behind a wall... We were feeling a bit horny, and we started making out , out of view... All of a sudden, six or seven motorcycle taxi drivers came into the parking, from the other end (the entrance was about a hundred meters from the exit on the same road) and all they did was shine their headlights upon us.

We decided to walk on our way, and nothing further happened. That was pretty spooky.

When we went out to Kanchanburi, and hung out with the friends from this town I was about to move to, we could be far more relaxed. She´d sit on my lap, or after winning a game of pool, she´d give me a big hug and a kiss.

Sometimes miss that lying cheating b.... :o

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unlike what other girls have said about their thai men mine will hold hands & kiss on the lips in public but neither of us are particually demonstrative anyway so I wouldn't feel comfortable with anything more than peck on the lips in public anyway. At his mums is a different story but she does let us sleep in the same bed together (in the same room as everyone else so no nookie) :o

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