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So much for your- less then half price-This I got yesterday by mail,so it is the price.

Private lessons are taught in 6 week-chunks -once weekly- for 300 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 6 hours)

Group lessons are taught in 6 week chunks - twice weekly - for 150 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 12 hours)

I teach out of Prataap Jai (in Sankhongnoi, Chiangrai city)

Then you got the advance if you need the ED-visa,at Walen.

I think you are giving this school a very cold; welcome to Chiang Rai--why are you so afraid of new things-or are you share holders, in that Prataap Jai thing?



So much for your- less then half price-This I got yesterday by mail,so it is the price.

Private lessons are taught in 6 week-chunks -once weekly- for 300 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 6 hours)

Group lessons are taught in 6 week chunks - twice weekly - for 150 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 12 hours)

I teach out of Prataap Jai (in Sankhongnoi, Chiangrai city)

Then you got the advance if you need the ED-visa,at Walen.

I think you are giving this school a very cold; welcome to Chiang Rai--why are you so afraid of new things-or are you share holders, in that Prataap Jai thing?

Actually I have nothing to do with it but I do know the very nice lady that runs it. I also know many people who have leaned Thai from her and are well satisfied. If you do your calculations again you will see that individual rates are less than half the rate.

300 baht as against 750 baht. Thats half the rate, at least by my calculations.


Ok. I will try again,as my post is gone.

Dindong,that is NOT the truth about they are half price of the Walen-Got this mail yesterday and it say:

Private lessons are taught in 6 week-chunks -once weekly- for 300 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 6 hours)

Group lessons are taught in 6 week chunks - twice weekly - for 150 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 12 hours)

I teach out of Prataap Jai (in Sankhongnoi, Chiangrai city)

So yes, they are cheaper but just a litle bit-and they dont offer the ED visa eather-talk about this place,like you are share holder.

Think Walen is being given a bad welcome to this town,by some reason I dont know.

Why are you people so dam_n afraid of new people and things in this town.?

No matter how hard the old gang try,things will change-also here in Chiang Rai,and hopefully to the better for us all.


Brian is right about the poor welcome Walen are being given here.

Whether you agree with the way they teach or not, or whether you think some other school is cheaper and or better or the lady that runs it is nicer, that is your personal opinion. Even if you were able to provide a link to an official test whereby other schools ranked higher, that still wouldn't be conclusive in this case as clearly some of Walen's student base are "learning" Thai purely to get an educational visa which of course would distort results.

I think it is good that Walen plan to open a school here.

None of the existing schools have made me consider learning Thai, in fact I hadn't even heard of some of them so let's not attack Walen for being better at marketing than their competitors.


I have a problem with your attitude MacWalen.

I can second that. For instance to write that Your visa is the best in Thailand... are there less good visa?

  • Like 1

I have a problem with your attitude MacWalen.

Dear sir, we will provide a valuable service for many residents of Chiang Rai. I am as you can see being attacked by some for no good reason so just responding. It is always easy to criticize but much harder to do something that is of benefit to others. Sure, we are not perfect but we certainly are trying to do our best and I am sure residents of Chiang Rai will be better off having a choice.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.



I dont know whats going on here-have posted this 3 times now-when I return it is gone.


That is NOT true that Prataap Jai is half peice of Walen-I got this mail from them yesterday and her it is:

Private lessons are taught in 6 week-chunks -once weekly- for 300 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 6 hours)

Group lessons are taught in 6 week chunks - twice weekly - for 150 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 12 hours)

I teach out of Prataap Jai (in Sankhongnoi, Chiangrai city)

So yes, it is cheaper but not very much,and dont have the ED-visa opportunity as Walen.

You talk about that place like you are a share holder there.

I think there is being given the Walen,a very bad welcome to town-not very kind.

Why are some people so afraid of new things coming to this town-time change-also for Chiang Rai,no matter how hard the old brigade try to fight it.

By the way-it is not all bad,even it is new.



I dont know whats going on here-have posted this 3 times now-when I return it is gone.


That is NOT true that Prataap Jai is half peice of Walen-I got this mail from them yesterday and her it is:

Private lessons are taught in 6 week-chunks -once weekly- for 300 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 6 hours)

Group lessons are taught in 6 week chunks - twice weekly - for 150 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 12 hours)

I teach out of Prataap Jai (in Sankhongnoi, Chiangrai city)

So yes, it is cheaper but not very much,and dont have the ED-visa opportunity as Walen.

You talk about that place like you are a share holder there.

I think there is being given the Walen,a very bad welcome to town-not very kind.

Why are some people so afraid of new things coming to this town-time change-also for Chiang Rai,no matter how hard the old brigade try to fight it.

By the way-it is not all bad,even it is new.

Brian, post nr 34, 36 and 42. I can see them :)



I dont know whats going on here-have posted this 3 times now-when I return it is gone.


That is NOT true that Prataap Jai is half peice of Walen-I got this mail from them yesterday and her it is:

Private lessons are taught in 6 week-chunks -once weekly- for 300 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 6 hours)

Group lessons are taught in 6 week chunks - twice weekly - for 150 Baht an hour (1800 Baht for 12 hours)

I teach out of Prataap Jai (in Sankhongnoi, Chiangrai city)

So yes, it is cheaper but not very much,and dont have the ED-visa opportunity as Walen.

You talk about that place like you are a share holder there.

I think there is being given the Walen,a very bad welcome to town-not very kind.

Why are some people so afraid of new things coming to this town-time change-also for Chiang Rai,no matter how hard the old brigade try to fight it.

By the way-it is not all bad,even it is new.

Brian, maybe you should post again. Maybe it will make sense this time.giggle.gif

Walen, like everyone else is welcome to Chiang Rai.but like other posters comment, he will need to lose the attitude..

+ 7

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Brian is right about the poor welcome Walen are being given here.

"Poor" is subjective. Would deserved be a bit more on point?

Why should someone who barges in and tells everyone how wonderful he is get a cordial welcome. Sounds like another arrogant carpetbagger telling us mortals how things need to be.

Doesn't the forum already have enough arrogance?

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None of the existing schools have made me consider learning Thai, in fact I hadn't even heard of some of them so let's not attack Walen for being better at marketing than their competitors.

If it takes a school to make you consider learning Thai, you may want to reconsider your priorities.

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So yes, it is cheaper but not very much,and dont have the ED-visa opportunity as Walen.

Okay, Brian. Maybe you or someone else can explain how Walen has cornered the market on ED visas.

1 - How is it that Walen can guarantee an ED visa?

2 - If programs are essentially equal, why can't someone pursuing the same studies in a non-Walen program qualify for an ED visa?

3 - Is it fact or is it advertising?

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Not everyone agrees with their method


maybe the exception, were the two members who just happened to join thaivisa the very same day. whistling.gif

also trumping your chest and knocking the competition is not a great way to do business.

Also you refer to a very old post. We are making progress all the time and improving things that need improving. We will as with other Walen schools offer free demonstration lessons so you can come and see for yourself.

Get to know us and you might like us.

Very new post.


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I don't see Walen saying only his program qualifies for ED Visas, just that his school helps gain them. As they are a large school with many offices (campuses?) around the country, one should see the advantage in gaining said visa this implies - i.e. official contacts, relevent authorities are aware of the school and its business (that is, known not to be just a visa mill), and staff knowlegable in the nuances of the process and the right paperwork needed etc. It also helps, I guess, that they will take along a bundle of applications together for the coming class, saving time and effort by immigration as one school check suffices.

Walen went through a thread exactly like this when he came to CM; he even opened just around the corner to YMCA who run transliteration and Thai script courses for much cheaper, but he does very good business there. This must say something, both in his worry of competition (even cheaper competition), and his ability to appeal to students.

As to methodology: we are all different, and some people learn with a book and a CD, others in local YMCA type classes, some one to one, some by osmosis (it seems - otherwise known as 'the deep end') and some via other methods such as Callan. If it appeals and works, then fine - if one method doesn't, then try another (if you want to learn) - the guy has offered free lessons for a taster, what more can you ask?


I think that Walen has a very big problem if all the 'students' were attending classroom. A very big part of them are just their customer because of the visa.

I am not telling something new, this has been written already a few times.

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Doesn't the forum already have enough arrogance?

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black Klikster. You crack me up.

If it takes a school to make you consider learning Thai, you may want to reconsider your priorities.

I don't know who you think you are, but if I ever need your opinion on my priorities I will ask for it, ok sweetie? But don't hold your breath, I haven't been that impressed by your wisdom hitherto.


Not everyone agrees with their method


maybe the exception, were the two members who just happened to join thaivisa the very same day. whistling.gif

also trumping your chest and knocking the competition is not a great way to do business.

Also you refer to a very old post. We are making progress all the time and improving things that need improving. We will as with other Walen schools offer free demonstration lessons so you can come and see for yourself.

Get to know us and you might like us.

Very new post.


Read it carefully and you will see that what they write is nonsense. Covered also in other parts of this forum, but good try, keep searching.

Regarding being arrogant, not sure what is the definition then. We offer a solid quality service. That is stating facts.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


Don't tell me it is only because we are good at marketing

Why not? Afraid of the truth?

I really have to question your understanding of the business as you must be saying that the mister market is wrong and you are right and that is simply not possible, market is always right.

What nonsense. Have you never heard of Nova? Biggest english school in Japan goes bust, laying off thousands of employees. They had the best marketing, and best business out there for some time. Due to the superb marketing machine, it took a long time, but enough of the masses of students figured out that the results were terrible, and started canceling classes like crazy. The company started refusing to hold some classes, due to cut income, and the issue got worse. Finally they went under. I feel sorry for all those students and teachers who didn't get paid, but good riddance to a school that valued cash so much that they neglected their teaching.

Now this kind of thing happens a lot. A company moves in with some cash, starts a strong advertising campaign, and captures a share of the market. It does not mean that the product is good. It has nothing to do with the product at all. It amazes me you are trying to convince everyone it does - how dumb do you think people are?

However, I don't deny that your company appears to be doing well financially. And I believe that people can successfully get visas through you, as with just about any other school out there. But I don't care about those things. I care about the quality of your education. The facts are that your students don't pass the Thai proficiency test. And if they have no other background in Thai, they don't speak well. You don't teach conversation in your school. Talking about how great your business is, how pretty your teachers are, how well you process a visa, etc, doesn't erase these facts.

When my staff will read your not so nice comments I am sure they will get even more determined to get better at what we do.

I doubt it. I already offered to tell you what some of the other schools do for conversation, but you chose not to take me up on it. That tells me you aren't interested in improving.

For those who are new to this forum, for years we had attempts by competitors and supporters of other schools

More nonsense. I'm not affiliated in any way with any school. I would recommend just about any other school over yours due to the shortcomings of your teaching method.

Walen School - striving to be the next Nova


leosmith, thank you for your opinion. If we are so bad how come we are the largest and most successful Thai school? Don't tell me it is only because we are good at marketing and the teachers are pretty. Right now I am in the Philippines in Angeles City and our school here is also constantly growing here. Again just marketing? I really have to question your understanding of the business as you must be saying that the mister market is wrong and you are right and that is simply not possible, market is always right. So if we sell successfully what we offer for more than 10 year who are you to question that? That means it at least good for most of the potential students.

Anyway leosmith, good try. I am afraid however your discouraging techniques will not work, no offense. We are really good at what we do. When my staff will read your not so nice comments I am sure they will get even more determined to get better at what we do.

For those who are new to this forum, for years we had attempts by competitors and supporters of other schools to discredit Walen with little or not success so even what leosmith is doing now can only result in more students wanting to try our system of teaching, after all we offer demo lesson for free so nothing to lose.

Walen School - try for yourself

You write in Flip English. I notice about 12 errors in your opening post. Perhaps you moved closer to the border so your teachers can renew their 15 day visas more easily.

Please ask the CMU Language Schools about their CANCELLED PROGRAMS. It also appears that Walen is involved in multi-level marketing.


You don't teach conversation in your school.

Is this statement really true? Seriously?

The descriptions he has given of how he teaches conversation are basically students answering questions that are in their books when prompted by the teacher. Imo, this is not teaching conversation.


The notoriously arrogant sceadugenga who has just noticed this thread.... (I'm arrogant, not observant cool.png ) congratulates Walen School on the three pages of free advertising they have achieved here.

Obviously it has not been noticed by George.

Sceadugenga is also available for any well paid teaching positions going in Angeles City, having wiled away a pleasant hour or two in the bars there in the past. (For the uninitiated, it makes Pattaya seem almost religious by comparision).


Give him a go.

There are other schools that are probaly worse.

No school is perfect.

Thought i would put me bit in.

Before George or a moderator shuts the topic down.


I don't know walen from a bag of beans...but...unless i missed something he runs a business and his potential customers are free to buy his services or not......or as they say in LOS....UP TO YOU...ultimately the customers will decide which business will survive and/or thrive and which won't...I suspect that if he has somehow scammed a bunch of people that Thai visa would have a few hundred pages of "scam reports"?

It appears that he does offer a "free trial" that allows you to sample the menu before you place an order?

So again...UP TO YOU.

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