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Davos: Red Carpet For The Thai Delegation


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She doesn't have to utter a word in English.

She can speak Thai and use a translater.

This is no disgrace, as many top world leaders does that.

Why doesn't she do that?

The PM gave her keynote address in her native language.

Yingluck's English is (how can I put it?) as good as her brother's and so she should be advised to speak in her native language through an interpreter where possible. As already mentioned many (major) world leaders do this already. Being able to speak English to a decent standard, whilst a huge plus on any international stage is not essential and some respects not doing so is a sign of independence not necessarily the lack or waste of an expensive education!

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She doesn't have to utter a word in English.

She can speak Thai and use a translater.

This is no disgrace, as many top world leaders does that.

Why doesn't she do that?

The PM gave her keynote address in her native language.

No, she didn't.

She gave brief opening remarks in Thai.

The longer section of panel discussion and Q & A was given in incoherent, disjointed English.


I suggest you go and watch the full video. Her opening remarks were just under 6 minutes. The question on the sex trade come at the 38 minute mark and it is asked along with several others. The PM responds at the 40.45 minute mark and concludes at 43.48 , drawing applause. The applause was noticeable as it was one of the few times the speakers received applause after an answer. She responds to another question at 54.17 concluding at the 56 minute mark.

If you noticed, several other members of the panel were no less coherent than the PM. Bishop Tutu, the arab chap and the German lady also spoke in heavily accented English. Why aren't you condemning the Church of England bishop?

You are making this out to have been something it wasnt. Par for the course with you.

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Of course they love her, Thaksin has always been the choice of globalists and international capitalists and she is just his stand in.

At last the commies show their true colors 1zgarz5.gif


and pushing free trade agreements, ...

Which means one day we may have long term visas and the right to own our properties and businesses clap2.gifthumbsup.gif


Jurgen: I think the hope for enhanced conditions for resident 'farangs' is a pipe dream. There are areas that we cannot explore on TV but there are certain powerful individuals, or individuals that may have a lot more power in the future, who really do not like 'foreigners' and in fact would go the opposite way. But I hope you are correct.

As for referring to posters who point out the threat of globalism as 'communists' - well this takes us back to McCarthy thinking which was basically "if you are not with us, then you are a commie".

Global capitalism is a serious threat to the environment and world populations. It flies in the face of a self-sufficient and sustainable economy which His Majesty the King of Thailand has promoted for so many years - and, in the case of the northern Thai tribes, with remarkable success.

Globalism is a real threat to our very survival as a species because it concentrates wealth and power into the hands of a few. And as we have seen repeated so many times in history that all-consuming power is a dangerous disease. Hitler, the Marcos, Mugabe, Bush (!), Amin, Mao and in Burma, North Korea and so on are recent examples to show just how dangerous concentrated power is. My fear about Thaksin is that he has the potential to go in that direction. Indeed the mass psychology of fascism (and I don't care whether that is left or right wing) needs leaders who are worshipped by the masses in order to be successful. Mussolini's initial success came from the fact that 700,000 hoodwinked folks joined his movement. They didn't join through an intellectual choice but rather through what Hitler suggested in Mein Kampf was emotional manipulation rather than 'argumentation'. The parallel between these historical events and the red movement is quite frankly very frightening indeed. So it would be wise to try and understand the motivation behind these kinds of movement and the way they hijack concepts in order to build their success.

Hitler focussed on the jews; Mao on landlords and the Reds on the 'elites' - disguised as the need for 'democracy'.

I have noted your adulation for Thaksin and his cronies in the past. You are, of course, quite entitled to your views but quite often they are expressed without, in my humble opinion, a real understanding of the body politic.

The way my views are expressed depends very much of the audience.

We are talking about a forum where one of the most recent successful thread was about a lady protesting in her underwear. And the discussion was not about the object of her protest rolleyes.gif

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She doesn't have to utter a word in English.

She can speak Thai and use a translater.

This is no disgrace, as many top world leaders does that.

Why doesn't she do that?

The PM gave her keynote address in her native language.

No, she didn't.

She gave brief opening remarks in Thai.

The longer section of panel discussion and Q & A was given in incoherent, disjointed English.


I suggest you go and watch the full video. Her opening remarks were just under 6 minutes. The question on the sex trade come at the 38 minute mark and it is asked along with several others. The PM responds at the 40.45 minute mark and concludes at 43.48 , drawing applause. The applause was noticeable as it was one of the few times the speakers received applause after an answer. She responds to another question at 54.17 concluding at the 56 minute mark.

If you noticed, several other members of the panel were no less coherent than the PM. Bishop Tutu, the arab chap and the German lady also spoke in heavily accented English. Why aren't you condemning the Church of England bishop?

You are making this out to have been something it wasnt. Par for the course with you.

You expect them to watch a 60'+ video ? They can't even read an article past the headline wink.png

Edited by JurgenG
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I would call the remarks about the PM's appearance complimentary just like saying Abhisit looks great as well, certainly better than most Thai politicians, in his case. Maybe "expressing gratitude and appreciation" is called for, but the article raised up contradictory points and questions apart from their stellar feat to "pull off the event" , whatever that means. Any mistakes made or slip ups, like unattended sessions due to lack of publicizing, would be hard to understand in the Thai press because they are not thorough and analytical. So the point is, that if you take the press "on their word," you would never be sure if they actually pulled it off or not or did a good job since the Thai press never speaks to anyone else nor reports objectively. Just look at the headline "Rolls Out the Red Carpet" and my initial response inquiring as to what this actually means?

I watched the PM's speech and I read the foreign press reports as well as watched some of the interviews on the international newsfeeds. I was actually taken aback by the Nation's praise. The cynic in me says that it is an indirect show of deference to the Thai business groups that invested their time and effort to make this work. As well, it might be an indirect way of say, hey PM , see we told you that if you worked with the boys, things would work out.

How about this; You and the others can still keep your personal animosity for the PM, but at least give recognition to the dozens of Thais from the corporate sector and the ranks of the civil service that were able to work together and pull this off.

You're finally right about One thing. Yingluck looks Hot for her age.

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DAVOS: The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, rolled out the red carpet for the Thai delegation led by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

BANGKOK: PM Yingluck Forced to Speak to Virtually Empty Seminar Room

...and now we all try to read between the head lines coffee1.gif

Edited by TackyToo
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She doesn't have to utter a word in English.

She can speak Thai and use a translater.

This is no disgrace, as many top world leaders does that.

Why doesn't she do that?

The PM gave her keynote address in her native language.

No, she didn't.

She gave brief opening remarks in Thai.

The longer section of panel discussion and Q & A was given in incoherent, disjointed English.


I suggest you go and watch the full video.

You are making this out to have been something it wasnt..

I did watch the whole video.

Actually, I was just correcting you making it out to be something it wasn't ("keynote address").


Edited by Buchholz
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Ahh yes, the nadirs of nasty negativity have headed for this thread. It must be quite distressing for some TVFers when they read a positive report of Thailand's reception at the Davos event. Quick to pile on the abusive statements and to dismiss the effort by the Thai government, what can they say now that the Thai participation is lauded? More abuse and more dismissal? I suppose one should put it in perspective as the nastiest comments are most likely to be made by people that are just not in the same area code of success as the participants.

I for one congratulate the Thai government's effort as it was a much needed opportunity to present Thailand in a positive light and I am pleased to see that the Thai companies that drive Thailand's important profit making sectors worked together and with the government for the common good. A well deserved congratulation is due to all of the members of the Thai delegation for their hard work. clap2.gifclap2.gif Together, they will help Thailand recover from the floods and together they will create the jobs and support the industries that keep the nation strong.

This is a surprisingly naive and patronizing response.

Patronizing? I am expressing gratitude and appreciation of the Thais that worked hard to pull this off. One mistake and the nasty farangs would be pointing and squawking about This incompetence. If giving credit where credit is due is considered naive and patronizing, what would you call the derisive remarks about the PM based upon her looks?

Pull what off, put on a show with a lot of rhetoric that means nothing to the people who are pulling this off.

The PT is having their hands full with trying to live up to their election promises. They have earmarked a huge amount of money for flood prevention and formed a committee to give them guidance. All good talk it impresses you I am sure. The fact is they have a huge amount of money sitting there because they don't have a plan for how to spend it and the committee of so called experts is disgusted with the government and ready to resign.

To top it all off they turned down the Dutch who have a expertise in water management that could well be the best in the world.

Now they have a committee of self appointed experts and a government that is clueless.

You are right they pulled it off. To bad it had nothing to do with Reality.

I repeat if she looked like Thaksin they would not even have had a carpet. These are not stupid people they do their home work. They owe no allegiance to a criminal on the run to escape punishment

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DAVOS: The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, rolled out the red carpet for the Thai delegation led by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

BANGKOK: PM Yingluck Forced to Speak to Virtually Empty Seminar Room

...and now we all try to read between the head lines coffee1.gif



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I did watch the whole video.

Actually, I was just correcting you making it out to be something it wasn't ("keynote address").

If you have a problem with the description, take it up with the Davos organizers as that is how she was described for that session.

Perpetuating a lie doesn't make it any less of a lie.

screen capture of World Economic Forum website :



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Ahh yes, the nadirs of nasty negativity have headed for this thread. It must be quite distressing for some TVFers when they read a positive report of Thailand's reception at the Davos event. Quick to pile on the abusive statements and to dismiss the effort by the Thai government, what can they say now that the Thai participation is lauded? More abuse and more dismissal? I suppose one should put it in perspective as the nastiest comments are most likely to be made by people that are just not in the same area code of success as the participants.

I for one congratulate the Thai government's effort as it was a much needed opportunity to present Thailand in a positive light and I am pleased to see that the Thai companies that drive Thailand's important profit making sectors worked together and with the government for the common good. A well deserved congratulation is due to all of the members of the Thai delegation for their hard work. clap2.gifclap2.gif Together, they will help Thailand recover from the floods and together they will create the jobs and support the industries that keep the nation strong.

This is a surprisingly naive and patronizing response.

Patronizing? I am expressing gratitude and appreciation of the Thais that worked hard to pull this off. One mistake and the nasty farangs would be pointing and squawking about This incompetence. If giving credit where credit is due is considered naive and patronizing, what would you call the derisive remarks about the PM based upon her looks?

Not to mention,

"wealthy, fat cat, dirty old men ... hitting on her".

hmmmmmmm, patronizing ??? whistling.gif

TVF predictability : One writer slams the PM (The TANN "empty room" thread) and everyone gets on the bandwagon. Another says something positive & everyone piles on the PM...

Edited by tlansford
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Of course they love her, Thaksin has always been the choice of globalists and international capitalists and she is just his stand in. This administration has ALREADY lowered corporate income tax from 30% to 23% and are lowering it further next year, and have reneged, changed, or delayed all their other election promises. They are slashing taxes for the rich (when they even bother to collect them in the first place), keeping wages low, and pushing free trade agreements, all while hiding their exploitative capitalist policies behind a false banner of populism.

Communism failed for a reason. And it was good so.

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