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Thai Bride Reject Threatens To Kill Herself At British Embassy In Bangkok


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"stop to judge thai people as outsiders"

Sadly for the young ( being polite ) Lady, this quote of hers may sum up her feelings of the big bad world, but it's clear she has little or no clue of that big bad world nor how it works.

Agree 100%. If the dismally poor standardized exam results werent damning enough to their educational system, this womans ignorance of how it's done to motivate Great Britain to act is more alarming. Even my friends in third world Latin countries learned about Mahatma Ghandi's hunger strike technique. I greatly admire Ghandi.

If the husbaand is that wealthy and she has a good chance to win a big judgement surely there'd be lawyers in the UK eager to take the case on contingency? Guess there not a whole lot of love for an adulterous woman that may be trying to get money from the husband.

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In English law a couple may divorce by post. All it takes is to go down to the local library and spend an hour or two in the Reference section to swot up on the procedure. My wife and I took this route and saved ourselves a tidy sum rather than shell out to lawyers. We agreed we would both be better off ending the relationship and our children would be saved the pain of watching their parents quarrel and bicker. We decided between ourselves who would get what and how much I could pay up to support our kids - but then we were adults and acted as such. There is little point or profit in malice entering into the matter.

Scotland has its own legal system and DIY divorce may not be possible. Many think the Scottish legal system is better than that which applies in England and Wales.

It used to be the case in the UK that individual Immigration Oficers had the power to make a decision whether to admit foreigners or not and did not have to refer the matter to higher authority. I do not know whether this situation still obtains.

If this woman (read spoilt child) had 100K UKP to spend chasing around in circles I wonder how much more she hopes to extract. I expect that if she continues in her vainglorious efforts she will disappear up her own fundamental orifice thus saving unnecessary bloodshed.

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Seems like this woman is really only interested in a "Pay Out" from the UKBA for infringing her Human Rights.

I think the UKBA was correct to deny her entry to the UK,we have enough Gold Diggers already,maybe she should try a human rights application in Thailand.

Ridiculous women,trying to play the system!

Great,let's say you are married with a thai lady,lets say she want you out of Thailand,lets say you are in UK and you go to thai embassy and try to obtain a Non O visa ,lets say the embassy refuse to give you a visa without any reason,on top you get knowledge of how your wife went to immigration in thailand and told them to put you on a blacklist,,you think thats the right way?If the UK refuse to give a her visa because her legal husband not happy with it,then I would say UK is takatukaland same thailand

So do you have a transcript of what the husband said to the UKBA?

As I previously stated on other Posts on this thread,the Husband/Sponsor must report to the UKBA when the marriage has failed and the couple are no longer living together.

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In ten years I haven't been cheated and conned here and it sounds like you don't even live here, are you just banging a drum in support of the wasters who show up in every trashy article you've ever read about Thailand, goodness me!

Msybe you'rejust one of the lucky ones or you have plenty left for them to milk... wait till that runs out you'll see true THAI love... It was 13 years until I found out she had a Thai husband before our marriage, kept sending money to her "brother" throught our marriage until I caught her out sleeping with her "brother" in my bed... by a surprise return coincidently on Valentines Day. Ithought I would surprise her by flying in un-announced but boy did I get the surprise!!!!

THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!!!! Gold Diggers... three times enough!!!!

Fool me once.. shame on you.. but 3 times? dam_n bro! In any case.. just cause you have been repeatedly fooled doesn't mean they are all bad nor that others don't have positive experiences. I've been happily married for over 7 years and none of her brothers are ex lovers. If you are really in doubt you can look at their tambien ban or even just their ID cards. Doesn't take a sherlock to get to the bottom of what's really going on.

Not 100% for sure, but the reality is that an exceedingly high % of Thai females in the market for foreign husbands are indeed parasites. A westerner I know that speaks, reads, writes Thai and is slim, trim, decent looking and educated seems to magically scare away that type of woman. Why; I believe because they feel they cannot manipulate him. Those women are just an offshoot of a society that has cheating and corruption at every level. They are to be expected. Thailand is not the panacea that some may believe it is. So called university graduates are a dime a dozen and with dime like salaries.

Could the Kiltmaker not have made a fortune in Thailand? Are kilts but not skirts for men?

The food is truly great, get some hobbies, stay busy, the internet helps greatly.

Lifes not so bad. Go see the new movie "The Lady" about Aung San Su Kyi. It will make you forget Thai women and want to give Su Kyi a big hug.

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She clearly has a case, as the European Court has ruled. It is therefore a matter of time and a long judicial process for her divorce to be heard and settled. Added to that she would be wise to appeal the UKBA's decision and gain re-entry.

Stating that she wished to return to the marital home, seek reconciliation with her husband and enter into marriage mediation would all help.

Contrast this with the supporting rent a mob baying in the back ground and her own confrontational style. Clearly she learned littleof Englsih culture during her time here.

Despite my fair minded and cool headed approach I am tempted to say that she has the smell of sterling in her nostrills and is clearly in it for the money.

There's quite a bit to be had.

As for Scot's Jimmy or the man in a skirt ..................... if he had anything about him he would have drip fed her payments to stay away [ in Thailand ] have had his marriage annulled and be free of all this unwanted publicity.

But then we have to look at what he was in it for. To cut to the chase marrying a woman young enough to be his grandaughter indicaates it wasn't companionship at his age or a meeting of the minds.

What you sow you reap and in his case it's a Thai whirlwind.

He'd be wise to cross Bangkok off his 'must do' destinations.


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She clearly has a case, as the European Court has ruled. It is therefore a matter of time and a long judicial process for her divorce to be heard and settled. Added to that she would be wise to appeal the UKBA's decision and gain re-entry.

Stating that she wished to return to the marital home, seek reconciliation with her husband and enter into marriage mediation would all help.

Contrast this with the supporting rent a mob baying in the back ground and her own confrontational style. Clearly she learned littleof Englsih culture during her time here.

Despite my fair minded and cool headed approach I am tempted to say that she has the smell of sterling in her nostrills and is clearly in it for the money.

There's quite a bit to be had.

As for Scot's Jimmy or the man in a skirt ..................... if he had anything about him he would have drip fed her payments to stay away [ in Thailand ] have had his marriage annulled and be free of all this unwanted publicity.

But then we have to look at what he was in it for. To cut to the chase marrying a woman young enough to be his grandaughter indicaates it wasn't companionship at his age or a meeting of the minds.

What you sow you reap and in his case it's a Thai whirlwind.

He'd be wise to cross Bangkok off his 'must do' destinations.


"She clearly has a case,as the European Court has ruled"

And that's the problem with European Courts,tens of thousands of cases yet to be heard,and everybody in the World has a case,or a European Lawyer can soon manufacture one, tailor made for you!

And then later you can go down the "Human Rights Path,which is very fruitful for a good payout,which the Taxpayers can pick up the Bill for the usual nothing much complaint,but a good earner,for thieves and their Lawyers.

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"stop to judge thai people as outsiders"

For someone who doesnt want her husband or to live in the UK she sure does want to stay married and travel there.

Yours was my WRONG impression B4 [reading] the details. She wants to go to UK for the divorce. Now, she is forced to stay married to him??? He's probably declaring her a spouse Deduction on Income tax, while he's at it. Why should he get off Scott-free?

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Obviously a fraudulent marriage from the start and she has already stolen more than she deserves.

The courts around the world should take a dim view of these types of women and give them nothing.

Maybe then women will only enter into a marriage relationship they are prepared to HONOR and not defraud.

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She clearly has a case, as the European Court has ruled. It is therefore a matter of time and a long judicial process for her divorce to be heard and settled. Added to that she would be wise to appeal the UKBA's decision and gain re-entry.

Stating that she wished to return to the marital home, seek reconciliation with her husband and enter into marriage mediation would all help.

Contrast this with the supporting rent a mob baying in the back ground and her own confrontational style. Clearly she learned littleof Englsih culture during her time here.

Despite my fair minded and cool headed approach I am tempted to say that she has the smell of sterling in her nostrills and is clearly in it for the money.

There's quite a bit to be had.

As for Scot's Jimmy or the man in a skirt ..................... if he had anything about him he would have drip fed her payments to stay away [ in Thailand ] have had his marriage annulled and be free of all this unwanted publicity.

But then we have to look at what he was in it for. To cut to the chase marrying a woman young enough to be his grandaughter indicaates it wasn't companionship at his age or a meeting of the minds.

What you sow you reap and in his case it's a Thai whirlwind.

He'd be wise to cross Bangkok off his 'must do' destinations.


He is lucky he was not returned to Scotland in a BOX.

British man murdered by his Thai bride and her lover ... just weeks after he predicted his own violent death


Ian Beeston, a 69-year-old retired design engineer, was beaten and stabbed to death at his home in a village in the north-eastern Thai province of Roi-Et.

Trouble started just four months ago when Beeston, married nine years to his 42-year-old Thai wife Wacheerawan, nicknamed 'Wanna', discovered that she had cashed in all the property he had bought in Thailand at a local bank.

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"stop to judge thai people as outsiders"

For someone who doesnt want her husband or to live in the UK she sure does want to stay married and travel there.

Yours was my WRONG impression B4 [reading] the details. She wants to go to UK for the divorce. Now, she is forced to stay married to him??? He's probably declaring her a spouse Deduction on Income tax, while he's at it. Why should he get off Scott-free?

Did you actually read this thread?

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Very good point!!

Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Very good point!!

No, not a good point, as other have already pointed out, many of us are treated very well by Thai Immigration, I for one haven't had a problem with them in over ten years. But there again I take a shower and shave and dress smartly before going to see them, I'm polite and don't reek of last nights booze.

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When I get as bitter and angry as most people on this thread I'll be looking to kill myself. I'd say there are many old men on here who have been burned by bar girls and the like.

If you are in your 60'6-70's and with a girl 30 years younger than you then yes she is only interested in the money. At the end when she tries to get the money out of you then put it down to the bill for years of services rendered.

This thread brings in the perfect confluence of discontents: the bitter divorcees who have since had a relationship with a nut bar issan princess and the anti immigrant immigrants who complain about foreigners 'back home' from their computer screens somewhere in Thailand...

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Posts containing derogatory generalizations about Thais have been removed. Another post advocating suicide by immolation has been removed despite having been removed earlier with a public notice posted that any more posts advocating suicide would be met with a long time out. A suspension has issued, think again before posting.

Edit: Another post with an inflammatory derogatory generalization about Thais has been removed.

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And to those claiming majority of thai women are gold diggers - question: how many of the millions of thai women do you know?

If your answer is anything less than 30 million, or even close to 15 million? Discounting the kids and the old. I suggest you need to study and understand the word majority a lot better

And until you have had personal experience of anything close to 15 million thai women have tried to scam men, then I suggest you also stop posting such false negative allegations against the entire population.

Maybe it is just "The Majority" that they have experienced! How many million Thai women or other women have you experienced?

So unless you have experienced 30 million or 15 million excluding kids - then you too cannot provide an accurate statistical picture.

If I had been with 10 Thai women (which I haven't) and found 6 to be gold diggers then the assumption is correct.


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So do you have a transcript of what the husband said to the UKBA?

As I previously stated on other Posts on this thread,the Husband/Sponsor must report to the UKBA when the marriage has failed and the couple are no longer living together.

Agreed. The law says he must and he did and the results were she was detained for a couple of nights before being sent packing.

Now, why didn't he tell HER beforehand that he considered the marriage was over and was filing for divorce?

Why did he send her the ticket that brought her to Glasgow knowing that he had already reported to the UKBA that the visa should be invalidated?

Why did he have to retract the initial adultery charge from his divorce petition?

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And to those claiming majority of thai women are gold diggers - question: how many of the millions of thai women do you know?

If your answer is anything less than 30 million, or even close to 15 million? Discounting the kids and the old. I suggest you need to study and understand the word majority a lot better

And until you have had personal experience of anything close to 15 million thai women have tried to scam men, then I suggest you also stop posting such false negative allegations against the entire population.

Maybe it is just "The Majority" that they have experienced! How many million Thai women or other women have you experienced?

So unless you have experienced 30 million or 15 million excluding kids - then you too cannot provide an accurate statistical picture.

If I had been with 10 Thai women (which I haven't) and found 6 to be gold diggers then the assumption is correct.


A newbie challenges a lady moderator on a issue heavily prejudiced against women with a reference to stickman.... this should be good.

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And to those claiming majority of thai women are gold diggers - question: how many of the millions of thai women do you know?

If your answer is anything less than 30 million, or even close to 15 million? Discounting the kids and the old. I suggest you need to study and understand the word majority a lot better

And until you have had personal experience of anything close to 15 million thai women have tried to scam men, then I suggest you also stop posting such false negative allegations against the entire population.

Maybe it is just "The Majority" that they have experienced! How many million Thai women or other women have you experienced?

So unless you have experienced 30 million or 15 million excluding kids - then you too cannot provide an accurate statistical picture.

If I had been with 10 Thai women (which I haven't) and found 6 to be gold diggers then the assumption is correct.


Who needs an ivy league education when you get riveting 4th grade analysis like that???

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omg another gold digger looking te get her kilt money, that guy must be broke already

UK is still panicking after terrorist attacks that happened a while ago, I understand the panic

she just wants money i guess

she will be seen chanting my precious, my precious outside the embassy on valentine day

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And to those claiming majority of thai women are gold diggers - question: how many of the millions of thai women do you know?

If your answer is anything less than 30 million, or even close to 15 million? Discounting the kids and the old. I suggest you need to study and understand the word majority a lot better

And until you have had personal experience of anything close to 15 million thai women have tried to scam men, then I suggest you also stop posting such false negative allegations against the entire population.

Maybe it is just "The Majority" that they have experienced! How many million Thai women or other women have you experienced?

So unless you have experienced 30 million or 15 million excluding kids - then you too cannot provide an accurate statistical picture.

If I had been with 10 Thai women (which I haven't) and found 6 to be gold diggers then the assumption is correct.


A newbie challenges a lady moderator on a issue heavily prejudiced against women with a reference to stickman.... this should be good.

No I can't claim to know 15 million women or men for that matter

But the difference is I'm not the one claiming across the board generalizations against an entire gender in one country based on the limited experiences I have had in life - negative or positive

Unlike many on this thread

Sure we all learn from our own experiences, and sure use lessons learnt to be cautious about future dealings. But using them to form prejudices? Or to paint a nasty image of an entire population? That I cannot accept and will always defend against. Moderator or not.

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Chr**t are we nuts in Europe,,,,this rag gets to the UK Immigration board and the European Human rights court?? Are we for real??? Guess who pays for all of this?

She has deserted her husband , has no intention of living with him and she has rights???? The mind boggles and blood boils.

A foreigner trying to stay in Thailand??

Fraudently stripped of his assets, usually by a Thai partner/"wife"...(see A Drummonds other well informed articles)

Thrown into jail


We have absolutely no rights at all here. This is just so unbalanced and so unjust for all of the foreigners cheated and conned and defrauded in Thailand..



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Chr**t are we nuts in Europe,,,,this rag gets to the UK Immigration board and the European Human rights court?? Are we for real??? Guess who pays for all of this?

She has deserted her husband , has no intention of living with him and she has rights???? The mind boggles and blood boils.

A foreigner trying to stay in Thailand??

Fraudently stripped of his assets, usually by a Thai partner/"wife"...(see A Drummonds other well informed articles)

Thrown into jail


We have absolutely no rights at all here. This is just so unbalanced and so unjust for all of the foreigners cheated and conned and defrauded in Thailand..

Yes, it is sad that some of the posters here blame the victim(the guy) and side with the perpetrator of the fraud.

Even worse when the courts and human rights organizations also side with the perpetrator of the fraud.

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I totally agree with what you are saying, but most people will make a judgement on their experiences.

Like I said in the first place rightly or wrongly - if you met ten people from any country and the majority of the ones you met were no good, then it would give you an opinion based on that in itself.

I am not for one minute saying that Thais are bad people - On the contrary, in my experience of the Thais I have met they are pretty much OK.(yes they can be a bit "odd" at times - e.g. threatening to kill yourself if you can't have your own way)

But going by my own standards, of the number of French people I have met, I judge them as arrogant dislikeable people - it doesn't mean the entire country is bad (but I suspect it could be) Same with Americans - they are generally overweight obnoxious loudmouthed fools - but that is an opinion based on the ones I have met - thankfully I haven't had the opportunity to meet all of them.

It is simply the way people arrive at an opinion. Doesn't mean it is right.

If you were a tourist that had only been to Pattaya, you may well go home with an opinion that Thailand is a filthy sleazy prostitute ridden country, but if you went to Mae Hong Son, you would probably have a very different opinion.

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