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I Saw Some Local Women Gambling. Shall I Report Them?


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I thought I would toady up to the self righteous bigots here. I saw some local women gambling at the hotel where I stay. They do it on a regualar basis. I understand that gambling is illegal in Thailand. Should I report the women to the police?

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I think it is very important that when you see people enjoying their lives, living in a place that does not constantly discipline and disable them into docile, submissive beings, you should immediately try to put a stop to it.

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Please do, and set-up a video camera. Most Thai's want to be corrected by a Farang and I am sure the video will show us how they extend their arms in a display of thanks. Pick a good location the 7th floor dive has been overdone.

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I think it is very important that when you see people enjoying their lives, living in a place that does not constantly discipline and disable them into docile, submissive beings, you should immediately try to put a stop to it.

That is precisely why I enjoy leaving North America for the winter. I don' t like living in a Nanny State that Canada has become. Actually, know and like the women who work where I live in Thailand. All of them are friendly and respectful. And, we all keep our personal lives to ourselves.

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I think it is very important that when you see people enjoying their lives, living in a place that does not constantly discipline and disable them into docile, submissive beings, you should immediately try to put a stop to it.

That is precisely why I enjoy leaving North America for the winter. I don' t like living in a Nanny State that Canada has become. Actually, know and like the women who work where I live in Thailand. All of them are friendly and respectful. And, we all keep our personal lives to ourselves.

A Nanny State might be a diplomatic manner in which to describe most contemporary Anglo-American cultures.

Police State would be more realistic.

Personally, I could easily enjoy more everyday freedom, independence, and liberty in Thailand than I could ever find throughout the said suppressive and controlled existence of the beloved English-speaking countries.

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my wife and her friends often have card games on the go on our back terrace...I like to appear in my underwear and appreciate their giggling response...as I scratch my crotch suggestively: 'hey, you look like you got some good winnin's over there and I need beer money...'...the wife keeps her eyes on her cards and sez: 'get outta here tutsi, we got a card game goin' over here...'

...they should all be down the market sellin' vegetables but our rear terrace card games and my underwear displays are irresistible...I better watch out or I could get arrested for 'falang disruption of thai commerce...' in gaol in me underwear...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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OP is digging own grave here.

I'm more or less close to that anyway. If you can't see that I was just polking a little fun at all the do-gooders here you are fairly blind to what is going on around you.

right on, Ian...the above poster is probably a lot closer to early eternity than you are...watch out fer them banana peels...('one foot in the grave and the other onna...')

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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my wife and her friends often have card games on the go on our back terrace...I like to appear in my underwear and appreciate their giggling response...as I scratch my crotch suggestively: 'hey, you look like you got some good winnin's over there and I need beer money...'...the wife keeps her eyes on her cards and sez: 'get outta here tutsi, we got a card game goin' over here...'

...they should all be down the market sellin' vegetables but our rear terrace card games and my underwear displays are irresistible...I better watch out or I could get arrested for 'falang disruption of thai commerce...' in gaol in me underwear...

Your underwear ???


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my wife and her friends often have card games on the go on our back terrace...I like to appear in my underwear and appreciate their giggling response...as I scratch my crotch suggestively: 'hey, you look like you got some good winnin's over there and I need beer money...'...the wife keeps her eyes on her cards and sez: 'get outta here tutsi, we got a card game goin' over here...'

...they should all be down the market sellin' vegetables but our rear terrace card games and my underwear displays are irresistible...I better watch out or I could get arrested for 'falang disruption of thai commerce...' in gaol in me underwear...

Your underwear ???


I stand in awe...

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